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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Ironic but darned entertaining Waysider. Think of it - no cable fees - no movie tickets and expensive popcorn - etc. White Dove posts some of the most entertaining faulty pseudo-logic on this entire site. And... to make it even better he will always rise to the bait. Tell him the sky is blue - he'll have a correction for you about red sunsets - tell him you think vince hooligan is a tramp and he will tell you how vince is a true believer and carries on the light of justice etc etc etc. White Dove has missed his true calling. He should have been a stand up comedian who pretended to take himself seriously - oh uhh that's right ...that's what he is now... meanwhile I am entertained immensely for free...
  2. Since you are thinking about spending the money for either a monitor, card, or both you might just consider a new computer from Dell's outlet store - usually a returned item - in cars I think they call it scratched and dented. Holds the same warranty as a new computer - whatever was wrong has been fixed - shipping is free and the mark down is anywhere from 30-60 percent. I got a killer machine - about $7K worth for $2600 - you can also find standard home desktops often for as little as $400 - which is only about twice what you would pay for a new - decent - vid card. Then you have all new technology. You need to prowl around a bit but I have routinely purchased from there and have never been dissatisfied. http://www.dell.com/outlet http://outlet.us.dell.com/ARBOnlineSales/t...0540s&s=dfh http://outlet.us.dell.com/ARBOnlineSales/t...ybrid&s=dfh
  3. I hate to sound amorphous to you gc but with garlic it really depends on the average climate where you live as well as soil type and drainage. Garlic tends to like a fairly wide range of soils, however too sandy or too much clay or hard packed earth is not going to give good results. They prefer moderate watering on a daily basis but in soil with good drainage - too little drainage and the bulbs will rot under ground...this applies to pretty much all edible plants whose "fruit" grows underground. In CA where I live there is a type of snail or slug that like hanging onto the cloves...oddly enough they don't eat the garlic - but kids get the yukkies if they see them hanging off a freshly pulled garlic plant. Garlics, essentially being bulbs, can be planted at your last frost. I usually sprout them in the kitchen until the first bit of leaf growth shows and then plant them - takes about 2-3 weeks in the kitchen. Hope that helps.
  4. Just clip the tops of the greens - that'll hold them. If you throw hay on them check for snails on occasions - about halfway up the sides I never use a plant calendar - I'm too used to the soil and the plants to trust a calendar...sorry if that sounds arrogant
  5. That's more than a little harsh...
  6. Whether he was a victim or not does not provide him with any excuse for the damage he caused to so many other lives...
  7. Heya Leafy - don't know how much experience you have with growing garlic - but I have a fair bit. Every time you think they are REALLY REALLY ready - they are not! They require a long growing season to mature. The greens on top will be full long (months) before the bulbs are mature. But the wait is absolutely worth it.
  8. Sung to the ole time tune from TWI - just for Groucho on his birthday -ya'd kinda have to know Groucho for nearly 50 years... Happy happy birthday - May all your doobs roll true Happy happy birthday - We'll miss the Moody Blue(s) Happy happy birthday - Quicksilver tunes with brew Happy happy birthday - It's Grateful Dead in you!
  9. Heh heh heh... well stated Garth - ever thought that the verse "no man cometh unto the father but by me" sounds like - guilty until proven innocent? You're doomed Garth - doomed - you will spend eternity having one 15 minute break per day where you can drink coffee and brandy and smoke a cigar...the other 23:45 you will stand on your head in 2 feet of cr@p...Oh sorry was remembering the corps training...
  10. Took me a while to remember since it has been many years since I read the book. That was Adolf Hitler in Mein Kamf if I recall correctly.
  11. Happy Happy Birthday...oh - forgot - that was from a different nightmare... Happy Birthday dude
  12. Man after my own heart - I can actually get real machaca here in San Diego - oh man I love that type of meat.
  13. Hmmm - Lamb - good idea - thanks - since both of my kids like lamb. Ditto on the serrano's although that is why we use habaneros...
  14. No Leafy I didn't misunderstand your intent - you did just fine by posting another vid about the woman - you did NOT word your posts badly - nor do you need forgiveness from the likes of me... My ribald comments were about the fact that I did not know who this commentator was (I don't watch TV) I just liked the vid and passed it on - and - as is common here - it turned into a political discussion rather than a discussion of the strength of character of this woman
  15. Heh - mole is way to sweet for us. I've tried various concoctions but for better or for worse my kids and I can taste sugar so much that for us eating mole sauce is like eating a chocolate bar. If you put a bowl of olives out on the table along side a bowl of chocolates and turned my kids loose - the chocolates would be there tomorrow - the olives would be gone in 5 minutes or less...
  16. RumRunner


    Actually P-Mosh it goes way farther than that - down to rather excruciating detail. Eg - Inventory and materials managment - your purchasing person cannot also be your receiving person - as in the position of receiving not the recipient of the purchase - and indeed SOX has a rather onerous section of inventory, materials management, etc. Hmm increased cost of business in CA with overhead (100%) of a new employee? About $100K per year. Also your inventory is now managed by accounting - NOT the materials handlers. Moderate increase in cost to accounting for additional task assigned to department. Your sales team doubles their paperwork (for our business) because now they need auditable sales transactions. Missing due dates for proposals? None. Annoyed customers for lack of internal turnaround? Lots. Cost? Increase in long distance and overseas calls - about $10K per month. Project engineers, field engineers, assemblers and technicians - if you are not ISO (which actually has to apply to a whole company not just engineering) then SOX will give you a whole new regimen of document control - including who CANNOT see it before the product ships. We were ISO so I cannot validly conjecture cost estimates to a company who was not. There is also an entire IT component - which is actually impossible to guarantee you can implement it fully. Cost? Unknown but somewhere around the $50K range because of the new servers we needed to get to run some required auditing software. And of course, as you mentioned, a huge section to prevent direct manipulation of liquid, credit, or speculative finances. Cost? Two new employees costing, again with overhead, about $400K per year.
  17. Thanks for posting that recipe! The only difference between your recipe and mine is that all are spicy eaters at my place so I usually use about a whole TBS of red pepper and I use habanero instead of jalapeno chiles and I use about 6 of them. Nothing wrong at'all with a good jalapeno we just like the taste of habaneros more. Oh - I add some fresh cilantro when I can and a dozen or so cloves of garlic - not chopped and sauteed. They will retain their shape and man it spreads like butter - so if we are serving it in bowls I also make French bread - strain out the garlics, then the usual - spread butter and copious garlic on the bread - top with cheese of choice if desired - broil near element for about 4 minutes. You can eat chile verde on all kinds of things! In a bowl - as you described in a burrito - served over roasted cheese stuffed Anaheim chiles, over scrambled eggs, over rice - that stuff pretty much goes with anything but chocolate. edited for spelling
  18. RumRunner


    I don't know if I completely agree with you about the media Groucho...I'm more inclined to agree with ex70s about blood selling. I think they have trained us well so that when we hear the phrase "illegal immigrant" we immediately think "Mexican." How trashed is that? On the news in San Diego they don't even bother mentioning ethnic or national background..."18 illegal immigrants were captured by the Border Patrol today" and no one needs to ask. That is demonizing in my opinion. When you hear about the almost 400 Somali illegals busted at a meat packing plant in Nebraska (about a year or so ago) they are mentioned by national origin. When you hear about the almost 10,000 Haitian illegals in Miami they are mentioned by national origin. When you hear about the almost 1,000,000 illegal Asians along the Pacific coast they are mentioned as either Asian or Asian of mainly Chinese descent. (BTW that number of almost 1,000,000 varies enormously depending on who does the "study." If it is the Center for Chinese-American Justice you will hear numbers like a"a few hundred." If it is the Center for getting rid of anyone non-Caucasian you will hear numbers like 5,000,000 - so take those numbers with a grain or ten of salt). My point is that we have been trained by the media that the term "illegal immigrant" is a code phrase for Mexican. Everyone else is mentioned by origin. I believe that that is disgraceful - especially since of all nationalities mentioned above we only share a border with one...just utterly disgraceful. It is so disgraceful that when I talk with the guys who keep the grounds here at my town home complex even THEY say they don't want to be like the "other Mexicans." Even THEY got trained. Now let me tell you about these guys. No - not illegals - Mexican citizens not holding green cards. They both live in Tijuana - get up at 3:30 AM EVERY Mon-Fri - two hour border crossing to be here at 7:30 AM. Work until 4:30 PM. Three hour drive back (another two hours at the border). That's a fifteen hour day. They work hard, are really friendly and actually quite cool to talk with. Fortunately with the Maquiladoras they get paid a US wage since they are employed by a US company in the US. Oh and just so you know that not everyone has been brainwashed...my complex as a lot of retired folks. They are always ready to hand out some ice water on a hot day, sandwiches often for lunch...not a charity thing...just being pleasant folks. They guys know that they can use my patio and picnic table for lunch without asking. We aren't all brainwashed by the David Duke mentality. It probably also helps that my complex is so multi-cultural that no one really cares where you came from or what you look like - so I suppose in that sense I am most fortunate. - just folks being nice to each other. While I will admit there are escalating drug cartel problems in Mexico, I suspect there are in Cincinnati as well. While I admit that in ANY population you will have the bad ones we seem to make headlines with those - and not the guys who keep the grounds here. I am so tired of hearing the phrase "illegal immigrant" automatically tied to Mexicans that when I hear it I usually mumble things that I cannot post on GSC - or I just leave the conversation. I rarely post on these threads because the concepts are fairly disgusting to me. My $0.02 and worth at least a nickel...
  19. Ayep wash-n-wear exactly to my point. We don't know the demographics of that survey but we DO know that education is driven (or should be driven) by a) parents and b) properly funded and staffed school systems. I've seen way too many parents not bother to educate at home and treat the schools more like a day-care while at work than a place to seriously consider the future of their children.
  20. RumRunner


    I'm not entirely sure of those two points Rocky - HOWEVER I am NOT claiming to be authoritative. My previous company was publicly traded and went through the whole Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and audits. That was enacted after the infamous ENRON case. (You might actually enjoy the documentary movie BTW.) There are specific infractions where individuals can now be prosecuted whereas in the past the company was considered a "person" hence "protecting" the employees. Like I started with - I'm not entirely sure - but I sure am NOT going to go back through all of the SOX compliance stuff just to be sure of a conjecture on GSC - It took us two years to get compliant and we were a fairly small company...however I remember enough of it to consider that since it focused on "controls" that there is a pretty good chance AIG and some of the others were not following strict nor even reasonable internal controls...and that smacks of SOX audit and we ain't talkin' Red Sox here.
  21. Lemme remember Vic for a minute - God is "the Word"; Jesus was "the Word in the flesh"; "The Word takes the place of the absent Christ" But no one knows "the Word" so God tells VPW he will teach him the word like it has not been known since the first century church (remember? no originals...) So now Vic (the drunken debaucherous lech) now has the only score on the "real word" So...if the word takes the place of the absent Christ - and only Vic "knows" the Word - then Vic, by proxy, is now the absent Christ...or sure as hell lived like he was (well maybe NOT) - and he made so much insult of the pope speaking "excathedra" - no insult on the user here
  22. It really was an unfair question in once sense Shaz. I am an applied mathematician and I work with spacecraft of all types. We - with rare exception - use a sidereal year when calculating anything in a heliocentric (orbiting the sun) or geocentric sun-synchronous (orbiting the earth using the earth/sun for time and spatial references). To answer your question I did happen to have that number in my head - but I would not expect most people to have it in theirs. I was just questioning the validity of the survey methodology.
  23. Hmmm - while I won't disagree with the general results - the survey showed zero demographics - how many were inner city? How many were less than high school educated? What is the time it takes the earth to revolve around the sun? A year - hmmm what is a year? 365 days? 365.25 days+leap corrections? A sidereal year of 365.256363004 days + leap second corrections? Sorry; as a scientist I find the survey to be fundamentally flawed...
  24. And Dear Leafy - your mom had HOW MUCH involvement in the holocaust museum? Ever seen the tatoo on the forearm? Ever really seen one? Ever had a discussion? - Please just take your politics to politics and tacs - No doubt you are a nice person; well at least your old man is because he brews his own beer and ale. And... (never begin a sentence with a conjunction) my version of courtesy is not defined by political correctness...it is defined by data - whether from the left/right whatever - It is just DATA - and must be evaluated as such without regard to personal or political belief. BTW - I am NOT coming down on your submission. It was beautiful. I just object to the rampant politicization of every thing posted at GSC. Night hon - thanks for your input. Best on your hubby's beer brewing - I did it for years - and perhaps can offer some advice.
  25. It seems to be a characteristic of GSC more and more these days Doojable. Everything must be politicized. I don't watch TV - haven't in years - I had no idea who this guy was - just got a post from a liberal friend who thought I would like it because both of our mothers have been heavily involved in the Holocaust Museum even prior to inception. Never heard of the guy - whatever his name was - and I don't really care what he is - who he is - or how he votes. The story was great. Seems like once we got another post of the "sanitized" version it became a nice story. Might as well still be reading the blue book for all of that "open mindedness." Oh - and BTW the guy doesn't creep me out - because I don't watch TV and know precisely 0.0 about him. I just appreciated the narrative. But hey - I am the biggest political cynic on the planet - I think they all kinda SUCK APPLES.
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