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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Rascal I'll answer the above snippet in a minute. First, I have to say that this is a pretty funny thread. It reminds me of the 1960's when women stood up and militantly burned their bras and said to men, "up yours muthaphuka." Granted it was a worthy effort at the time BUT this is the USA and it is 2009 AD (Christian calendar). Times have changed and your (as in women's) lifestyles are under YOUR control as they SHOULD be like never before. If you wish to refute this I have a few countries I've visited that I'd like to recommend to you just for your observation of how cruel women are actually treated in other places. I BY NO MEANS think things are perfect in the US, however. by comparison - enjoy your margarita tonight. Now to your quote above. Limiting this to some judean biblical cultural event is incredibly myopic and smacks of the Christian martyr syndrome. ALL RELIGIONS - ON EVERY CONTINENT I HAVE BEEN ON (six out of seven to be precise) keep women down and I mean down HARD through the use of religion - crushingly hard - slavery hard - where they are routinely mutilated physically for the slightest disobedience often resulting in permanent disfigurement - nothing like the milky pseudo-suppression of TWITS by force of words and a brainwashed belief system - nothing like the phenomenal advances made in Europe and the USA/Canada groups. It is NOT limited to, NOR did it originate in, judeo-christian culture and practice - it is also in Hindu, Buddhism, Shintoism, most African religions and others. In fact in some religions women are not allowed to even practice - religion (god) is between their man and the priest. The one exception I can think of is pure Taoism - and even that has some variants on the original themes. Anyway - y'all have fun with this thread - I just had to expand this crushing of women to something more global and FAR more viscious than the goofball religious kooks from so called seat of man in the middle east - and the myopic incredibly self-centered view of judeo-christianity as somehow some special place for god - helluva a loser THAT god is if he couldn't figure out how to codify the absolute value of women. Women have equal value to men - if you have a doctrine that suggests otherwise then I suggest you toss the entire thing out the window - if you trash or crush 52% of your population you probably got a boatload of other STUPID doctrinal IDIOCIES that need to be DUMPED (along with that IDIOT god of yours) unceremoniously into an already used but not yet flushed toilet. That being said - all of you women on here send me your money and I will save you from eternal damnation and everlasting fires of hell - just repeat after me........... <=== please note humor - well heck y'all can just send me your money anyway - I'll send ya a personalized pink card or something
  2. Well it's a pretty picture but the premise????? I can't go with that premise betting YOUR money let alone mine.
  3. Ayep - hard to beat a fish taco...well unless it is a greasy wonderful chorizo burrito in the morning with peppers from the salsa bar...or a carnitas burrito for lunch with beans and LOTS of peppers from the bar...oh yeah - never mind - musta been rambling again. BTW - only eat at hole in the wall places in San Diego for good Mexican food. All the expensive places or national chains serve mexi-gringo food
  4. Incredimail has a poor track record technically - including making permanent changes to your registry and system folders which are not rolled back when the program is removed. It is weak on letting payloads though disguised as HTML. The only good reviews I found were from Incredimail Ltd and its users. In your case it sounds like Incredimail is not negotiating with the SMTP relay or mail host (usually your ISP unless you are a gmail user) correctly. NOW having said that - it could just as easily be a problem with the SMTP relay - but since the problems started after an Incredimail "upgrade" and since SMTP has been WELL documented and fairly static since the early 1980's I am much more inclined to lay the suspicion on your mailer.
  5. Not at all unlike cleaning out a septic tank with a soda straw...Don't know how those "defenders" can stand the taste of that cr@p any longer
  6. You need to take the view that those types are here strictly for their entertainment value. While I find there words and belief systems deplorable perhaps even despicable - especially toward those genuine victims who they continue to endeavor to discredit...ya just gotta look at them as if in a prison solitary...it's good to poke them with a sharp stick every now and then and sit back and watch the snarling.
  7. I believe the purview for banning, whether temp or perm, from this site is the admin of the site. I think this is as it should be and not up to a community vote. While I have no love for either of those mentioned below - I would not want it to be a community vote. Given the daily hassles that often surface here, if it was a community vote there'd be 20 nominations a day for banning. If you read many of the associated previous posts I think the community has already expressed its displeasure.
  8. Beautiful - I wonder how many soccer moms would be gunned down in the first week under suspicion of being crack dealers or perhaps for aiming a copy of a lethal weapon at the little league team. But to go along with your idea you could revive an old 1960's KODAK commercial...I think it was the KODAK Instamatic..."Just point <pause> and shoot."
  9. RumRunner


    Nice squirm try OM... a little transparent but a nice try. Since DWBH asked the question directly to you then the rest of the group' input on another thread - while perhaps interesting - is irrelevant to YOU giving YOUR answer to DWBH who addressed HIS question directly to YOU.
  10. It's very sad indeed Waysider. Here comes Dorian with serious and legitimate questions about his relationship and the usual lying twisted weriwille apologist comes in and derails this thread just like all others. This place is open for posting and some "generally open" discussion should welcome a certain amount of dissent. Here however all that has happened is that Dorian came with specific questions of a very personal nature and probably has spent more time reading this person's, who defends wierwille's deviancy and debauchery, disgusting and dishonest verbal (or written if you will) treatment of fellow humans rather than get enough answers to help him out at a critical time for him and his relationship.
  11. RumRunner <=== high 5's White Dove - dude I'm gong to sleep soon - but thanks for the entertainment - twas great - especially from someone so admittedly used by TWI
  12. As I said folks - are this guys posts not just the epitome of entertainment? Come on - keep him going - geeze this is - well - minutes - of fun for me
  13. Read my edited response White Room - you need to get something to mellow you down some
  14. Kim dear - the holy Mason Jar contains - ummm never mind - but it ain't iced tea - sun tea is done in gallon jugs
  15. You are a joke White Dune - you have no idea about reading or your posts would be more intelligible - I suspect you are able to read - but you are mostly illiterate - good night sweet pea - dream on in your acid induced dreams of Vic, Vinnie et al With regard to my reading - you have no idea how many pages or how many subjects I read per week - hence you just played the fool into your own hand. No facts - just conjecture - based on personal insult even though most of this place just makes fun of you - OOOPS - I guess that makes you a prophet... Honest and Truly White Dove - I really appreciate the entertainment you provide to sane people - much better than cable TV.
  16. Remind us again White Dune why it is that you believe that the World Trade Towers went down even though you WERE NOT THERE!!! JEEEZUZZ dude - get a marginally functioning brain - and please NEVER enroll in one of my math or logic classes - All wayisms aside, and solely based on your posts, you would no longer pass a HS logic class. But hey - NP - I was never known as an easy math professor.
  17. How's about YOU read it and then YOU provide documentation of quote, page number and chapter?
  18. RumRunner


    Well I think I stated my views on bigotry in the "Mexico" thread - I'll just project similar thoughts over to this thread. I submit though that there are a few differences between ethnicity and religion. Ethnicity just is - you are born Mexican? Then you are Mexican all your life and it has nothing to do with how you behave. Religion (or spiritual beliefs if you prefer) are a choice. The depth of conviction to that belief is also a choice. But as most of us have experienced in TWI - devout followers of ANY religion can (note "can" not "do") get pretty dangerous pretty quickly. Clearly, by your description of the evening, your friend is not a devout follower of Islam LOLOL. Glad you enjoyed some time just hanging with him
  19. Home canning is neither difficult nor expensive however it is time consuming and tedious. The reward is worth the effort. Two extremely important items: sanitization and following the instructions for your particular items to be canned down to the "T's". Non-acidic plants such as beans or asparagus usually will call for some acid to be added, be it vinegar, lemon juice etc. You have to be very careful with beans which can be subject to botulism. Naturally acidic plants such as tomatoes are easy. Ball is of course the corporation that made home canning an industry and they are still the benchmark in safety and quality. The web site below carries all of there canning line - however most of it you can get in your grocery store. I highly recommend that you start with the Ball Blue Book on canning. http://www.goodmans.net/get_dept_597.htm Enjoy
  20. Right on! My kids are grown and I have no use for a lawn. As long as you are growing something might as well grow something(s) you can eat - besides a garden looks much nicer than a lawn. Quinoa should do well in your area - it's origins go back to the high Andes in South Am. It grows well in soil with good drainage at up to 4000 meters in altitude. It is also high in proteins (for a plant) is not technically a grain, grass, or cereal. As noted above it is gluten free - and while it does not have a complete set of aminos it has a set that is very balanced for human consumption. Be aware that when you harvest the seeds they have a VERY VERY bitter hull that needs to be cracked off - you can get this done at your local health food store mechanically if you'd like. Every time I go to South Am I make sure to eat my fill of the stuff.
  21. Why would I enforce my so called polite speak on this bird? It has no idea what those sounds mean? Besides...consider this... You're evil mother in law is coming to visit. You cop a slight buzz to steel your self against her constant onslaughts of verbal insult...maybe a few beers or a small doob...just a slight buzz. The witch walks in the door and is greeted by the screeching parrot calling out "f(ck you! f(ck you!"..."You s(ck! you s(ck!" You shrug your shoulders helplessly (suppressing an urge to burst into hysterical laughter) and explain that it is the "fault" of the previous owner but you took this bird in as an "abused" creature. Your MIL looks at you with complete rage. You "calm" her down and explain to the 75 year old witch - hey it's OK - the bird is only going to live another 60 years or so. Don't worry I'm going to teach it some new and constructive things besides his vocabulary...Next I'm going to teach him to answer the telephone. You calmly set down a glass of warm milk for the witch then walk outside and burst into knee slapping laughter in the driveway... To cop from a MC commercial... You MIL's plane ticket - $475 Her special dietary needs for the week - $847 Watching her face as she gets cussed at by a parrot? Priceless...
  22. RumRunner


    Think they'll be singing some o' dose ole time klan favorites at the advance? Like... There's room on a cross for you What a friend we have in Dave Duke Oh burning cross, oh burning cross, how you light the night sky Onward sheet covered rednecks...
  23. LOLOLOL - I just couldn't resist... some Moody Blues lyrics from many years gone by... Moody Blues – In the Beginning from the open of the album "On the Threshold of a Dream" I think I think I am There for I am I think Of course you are my bright little star I’ve miles and miles of files, pretty files of your forefather’s fruit And now to suit our great computer You’re magnetic ink I’m more than that I know I am At least, I think I must be There you go man, keep as cool as you can Face piles and piles of trials with smiles It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave And keep on thinking free
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