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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Ummm Zig-Zags and..... Congrats man. Teaching college students is not all that hard. Some want it some don't. I never waste a lot of time on the ones who don't other than to remind them of the hourly cost to their parent for each class of mine they miss or otherwise ignore...that usually helps
  2. Click on your name (ie go to your profile), under the first tab (default) you will see a box called Content - at the bottom a link saying "Edit your signature" Click on that and add what you want. The song above BTW is by The Who with that same title - "Won't get fooled again" Enjoy
  3. Yes bride - it is all the fault of men - at least your wording sounds like that - NOT religion which controls men as much as women via brainwashing but simply leaves them with the upper social hand. As if all the men of all time said, "Hey bro we can do this to women." Keep your misandry on some radical thread and keep your false religious accusations where they belong - like in some place where people do not take accountability for their own actions - but conveniently use race, gender, sexual orientation, and any other excuse to blame someone else for their biases. How sad the long grip of religion, its infatuation with "a" holy spirit (name your drug's flavor) and its drug-like effect on honesty and humanity.
  4. LCM a victim?!?! Isn't that like calling Goebbels, Goering, Mendele, Eichmann victims because Hitler ran the thousand year Reich?!?!?! CRIMINALS - ALL OF THEM! LCM is a criminal too; as are others of the depraved Vic's henchmen - as is most any one else whether in TWI, the local street corner, or on GSC who still follows and propounds the depraved Nazi's "teachings" rather than debunk his debaucherous and nefarious mythologies.
  5. I'm voting for the hawks - not so much the coyotes as they can live on darned near anything that was once even vaguely alive.
  6. LOL Bow reminds me of a cartoon. Anyone remember that 60's cartoon where the dog (I think his name was Snidely but I might be mistaking that up with the RCMP cartoon) would take a big chomp out of the post man's butt with those big white shark teeth and laugh that "Finn" laugh(witness William Gibson - Neuromancer or Mona Lisa Overdrive) and keep those teeth clamped down while the postman fled and screamed? Keep them teeth a chompin' Bow...
  7. Seems to me he should have gone on a date with Rosy Palm and her five sisters or perhaps Palmela Handerson...and just kept his mouth shut, stopped whining, and stopped blaming others for his own physical desires...or is that some twisted act as well?!?!?!
  8. I didn't see any actual attempt at diagnosis, analysis, or, properly called, an assessment, of a RL person in Dot's post - I did see her post a few observations about a RL person but those were not followed by analysis, diagnosis, or assessment - just followed by questions about how far mind/brain "washing" could actually go. You want some fresh milk for those Wheaties Pond? Excuse me I need to run now and go look for hippos in tutus and alligators wearing black and red capes dancing waltzes out in the garage. They sometimes show up when I least expect them to and then the voices coming through the fillings in my teeth get real real loud and I can't think anymore until I return from the Gernsback Continuum. But I do always think that the MMPI-2 (RF) is rather quite entertaining. Oh...if you want to check the veracity of my post check with GrouchoMarxJr - he's seen the hippos and alligators too. Although I never got him to agree to a trip all the way to the Gernsback Continuum he DID get as far as sailing past Saturn. Edited for a couple of typos...
  9. Heh heh heh - we're in the same boat George - along with Groucho and a few other n'er do wells here. Would ya mind passing me another ale?
  10. Try tomato cages - very cool little device - as tomato grows it grows in, up and around the guide wires of the basket. And...the big plus...no work!!!
  11. I was on a blog helping someone remove a nasty app...lo and behold I thought I was at GSC - turns out the blog was run by someone using Invision - and, presumably from my cookies, loaded the skins just like I see them on GSC
  12. I think that oversimplifies things. There are plenty of other cultures / religions that are just as oppressive, if not more so, to women than the Abrahamic religions (loosely Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Historically you have a long and semi-omnipresent history of men brutally oppressing and suppressing women...followed by women, fighting for their survival, finding new ways to escape the oppression, followed by more psycho men figuring it is a rebellion which leads to harder oppression - and the cycle continues to grow. This ain't no bible thing - it happens ALL over the world - and has for thousands of years before paul wrote some of his percoset ramblings in the so called NT. Religion just made this oppression and suppression "OK." God now says it's ok, or Vishnu, or whomever is your god of the moment. Genesis and other scripture "so-called" simply codifies the suppression as a "godly" thing, an "OK" thing, the "will of the lord" - as hence must be followed to guarantee salvation. You will find similar thoughts in the Bhagavad Gita which predates both Christianity and Islam. I think it is a waste to give "credit" to the Abrahamic religions as the inventors of female suppression. They were simply cheap copy cats who wrote their own version of the comic book called the bible wherein they copied or stole from half of the other religions already in existence. oh...with the exception of VPW because god (or was that Stan Lee) made it snow for him....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL - darned I need a hit.
  13. Bingo Bolshevik...all ya gotta do is read to see how correct you really are.
  14. This is the most accurate and, at the same time, succinct comment on this thread. Odd that the usual loquacious ones didn't make any comment on it.
  15. Personally I prefer nice drive down LSD (Lake Shore Drive) while sampling all natural herbal appetizers - beats the heck out of scriptures.
  16. RumRunner

    happy easter

    Wait!! Isn't that what the 75 year old woman said a half hour after her 80 year old husband tried Viagra for the first time?
  17. Awwww come on - where's your sense of humor - The microphone gets lowered just in time for you to hear the devil saying to someone - "Well boy that's where ya really messed up. When you heard that voice telling you it would teach you the word like it hasn't been known since the first century...well that was MY voice. Thaaaat's Riiiiiiiight!!!" Then you hear dead drunk depraved Vic begin to scream...
  18. Dream on Bro' - I own a nice piece of real estate that makes your KJV version(s) of "hell" look like picnic ground(s)...Come little kiddies - I have special treats for you.
  19. Let me clarify a bit. The whole thing is BS. No one has ever dug all the way to where I reign over the dark side. It is not 2000F - it is much toastier - and I might add much more comfortable at 8000F (about the surface of the sun). Now if I could only get rid of that b@st@rd who claims to be god I'd be able to make some real headway into turning the world the way I'd like to see it. Oh - and if you are really an evil sinner - I will not let you in hell - I will consign your eternity to New Knoxville, Ohio
  20. Can you spell Fahrenheit 451? Obsolete? 1984? You have sectarian books!!! You are under arrest for having printed material that does not have the approval of the Ministry of Truth
  21. Just decided that there wasn't enough dark humor here Dmiller - please only take it as that...heh heh
  22. For me it is a multistep process. For me it is that waking sensation when you feel the drool running down the side of your face and onto the wet pillow, eyes stuck shut with eye gunk and mouth feeling like the entire U.T. Austin football team jogged over it. Slowly getting one eye to open to see what time it is. The next real motivator is seeing the whiskey bottle on its side, the bottle of pills (what where they again?) the pipe - loaded for this morning and darn that bit of blow that got spread on the table when I slipped with the razor blade. I always get out of bed gingerly in case I dropped some glass or a razor blade. Stumble into the shower - stumble out - get dressed - then... The final motivator - sweep together enough of that blow to do it - only slightly noticing it is now half dust from the table top, line up another serious line - wham it - then a bowl while I remind my self to be motivated for work. Then after some blow and herb, I look at the whiskey bottle to see if there is any left - put the bottle down and DRIVE TO WORK ALL MOTIVATED
  23. Well I was wondering, (something I often do since I gave up actual thinking for lent) since we started with personal questions from Dorian - got twisted into the usual judge of all posts derailment and have settled into numerous discussions on failed relationships - anybody here have more to say/answer about Dorian's questions? No don't get me wrong - there were plenty of insightful and noteworthy posts about relationships - I just don't want to leave Dorian hanging - this is the second thread he started which ended up derailed or modified or blah blah - but not offering addition answers or advice he is apparently looking for.
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