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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Of course it is morbid!!! Then again I don't see any evil daemons forcing your mouse clicks to read this thread. Twelve more days and the partying begins!!! May the bastage rot in extreme agony, twist in horrifying fear and be loathed by all whom he abused.
  2. OK - this post has nothing to do with your gardens - just a marvel at plants. Over two years ago I had some shrubs and bushes removed...previous owners didn't plant them properly nor raise them properly on the lattices and I needed surgery and could not provide them decent care either. For TWO years nothing happens - all ripped out - then - somehow - a couple of sprigs push up from the dirt - this from plants which do NOT replicate from root trailers (Bougainvillea, miniature roses and more). A) Way too cool for my simple head B) I get to raise them from scratch properly While I detest movies, TV etc; and I hate to sound trite; I can't help but remember a line from the first Jurassic Park movie (yes I have children - although all "growed" up now) where the fellow says, "Life will find a way."
  3. There's a soul in my bucket my bucket my bucket There's a soul in my bucket dear Liza a soul Well fix it dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry Well fix it dear Henry - go fix up that soul... Oops - wrong song
  4. A nope - has something to do with the passing of the drunken slob though
  5. Uhhh motorcoach rental by the hour. $200 per hour - four hour maximum.
  6. Identical mistake here - identical results...and the problem is that auto updates wants IE to run.
  7. Fourteen more days till the party!! Party favors include glass eyes for use as shooters in marble games. Drambuie shot glasses available for the small sum of $85.00 each...if you would like three of them to start your own offshoot shell game they are three for $220. Win the door prize of $1000.00 if you win the Uncle Scary look-alike contest. Children's fellowship is NOT available but animal pens are provided for safe keeping; wooden spoons provided free of charge for christian discipline by Mike's Lumber Company. Attendees will be required to arrive two weeks early for setup and burger sales. Trail mix and wheatberries will be handed out upon departure.
  8. That's sounds a little like a cable company scam since IPv6 allows for embedded IPv4 addresses.
  9. My apologies for being late on this post. One thing I "usually" remember to tell guests at someone else's baby shower is "HEY don't give them baby clothes!!!" They will get tons of them from family (you know the type - grandmom monograms the kids initials into the sleeper etc etc etc) and throw them out or give them away because the newborn grows so quickly. Give them PULLUPS and BABY WIPES. Those get used for a long time and cost a lot of money. Go spend 80 bucks on pullups and wipes - don't worry they will be used up and gone in 3 weeks and will be very appreciated. Don't buy baby monitors - they will already have four or five from paranoid relatives. Get some pullups and wipes - really trust me - I have seen the relieved smiles on the faces of parents when they get a gift from me and it is your basic (pick your brand) bag or two of pullups... Parents of newborns are often a tad shocked at what it costs to raise an infant - uhhh you know like a house payment per child...they'll be glad for the "disposables.
  10. Come on!!! post it...we already know what the malignant one (VPW) meant when he said "you eat it." I just want to see your sense of humor get one more twist around the loony pole.
  11. And God looked upon the humans and said - heck - the ant farm was more interesting and cheaper to boot
  12. Good post - but IPv6 is going to take a long time to adopt. While the standard was published over a decade ago we are still selling computers with NIC's that only buffer IPv4 MTUs and only decode IPv4 addresses. It is not just an issue of device drivers but hardware as well - admittedly in most but not all cases. One of the killers is that generally now your NIC is on the motherboard so it cannot be changed out - although you could add a separate NIC on the bus. I'm leaving IPv6 until forced to adopt it...too much local infrastructure to change out.
  13. Heh - all I wanted to do was post the image - but the Invision software wanted some text to go along with it...Credits to smbc-comics.com for this fine piece of art.
  14. If you ever find yourself back in the south again gc - dig your bulbs up in late November and leave in an open basket in a dark and dry place (utility room closet is a good choice). The dark and dry will keep them from trying to re-grow until you plant and water them in the spring.
  15. RumRunner

    Swine Flu

    Tired of the constant coverage?!?! Forget the news then - just another form of the freakin' blue book in secular form. http://www.cdc.gov and http://www.who.org (or http://www.who.int) Simple facts as best they are known - including admission of what is not known - little conjecture other than good epidemiological conjecture...no large mammary gland enhanced blonds in V-cut business tops to fill you in from a bubble headed script.
  16. Welcome to the GSC brainfixed. My thinking has little or nothing to do with California. Hmmm how did I learn to think like this? I am a cynic...about almost everything. Simple eh? As for the TWI bs I guess I am one of the fortunate ones. I guess I never bought much of it at all. (Ask GrouchoMarxJr about the smoking story.) When I walked out in 86 (or perhaps 87) I never looked back. It wasn't until two or three years ago an old friend told me about this place so I occasionally show up and endeavor to cause hate and discontent amongst the masses.
  17. Not too late for chard!!!!! It's a fast grower and if you keep trimming the tops you will get crop through the mid fall - depending on where you live.
  18. I have a better solution for when you leave TWI - works every time. Forget all that crap about god and satan - get a good bottle of whiskey and a bag of herbal solutions. Drink whiskey in double shots while partaking of herbal remedies - not talking about golden seal kiddies. Put on some Jerry Garcia - you know that Grateful Dead - evil acid seed band from the 60's - 70's. When Jerry is done, the whiskey bottle empty, the bag spent - lift your right hand and offer the malignant one (Vic) your best one finger salute and then put on something mellow - like Robert Hunter - Laugh at Vic - laugh at yourself - enjoy the moment (and the nice head) - forget all of that indoctrination. E-Z-Wider - the natural,safe, and herbal replacement for the Blue Book
  19. Shoulda taken the blue pill?! Naw - I took the red one and it's been a far better ride than TWI
  20. I sincerely hope that by RIP you meant Rot In Puke not Rest In Peace...
  21. Harv3y Pl@tig was a piece of pig manure. He endeavored to destroy several marriages by "the usual way." May he rot.
  22. I have no experience with using pure copper (which would seem quite pricey) - however you should be aware that a lot of "so-called" copper for slugs is actually copper arsenate which is highly toxic to humans as well as your pets - chickens etc. It will kill the snails for sure - and leave its "afterglow" in your body. BTW it is not only highly toxic it is a carcinogen as well. Go look at the pressure treated timbers at your lumber store - you know those 6X6's we all think would make our raised gardens look pretty...look closely - you will see warning tags all over them - about every 2 feet on an 8 foot timber. The lumber will NOT be eaten by snails, termites, or anything else - it will last longer than you will - but copper arsenate is leeching into the soil with every rain. This is the same stuff you can buy in pellet form for snails...no thanks. I did get some stuff from a local nursery that worked well and is listed as non-toxic to humans all though there were warnings about small animals.
  23. Herb garden - a MUST MUST MUST - smells gorgeous, about 30-100 times cheaper than buying DRIED herbs in stores, therapeutic to work in the herb garden in the early morning when the herb smells permeate the planting area - I can think of nothing but superlatives about herb gardens. OK OK - ya gotta be careful your rosemary doesn't take over your house and ya gotta plant mint in pots or it will overtake your entire city in 3 days and nights when it rises from the root runners...
  24. Heh - well for better or worse I can't differ with that note. smilez
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