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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. I've been a poster child for Linux for longer than I want to admit. Unfortunately I have house painters coming in a few minutes so I will reply in more detail later. Nothing wrong with Fedora, nor really with any of the mainstream Linux releases. Fedora is a spin off from RedHat and hence has a good "lineage." You might also look at CentOS which is another good RedHat spin off. Suse is very good - very popular in Europe. Give me until tomorrow and I'll send you answers to your above questions.
  2. Happy birthday Tommyz...way to go
  3. And I'll sing Dylan's words with ya Eight more days...
  4. Wow - you kissed your mother with that kind of mouth? I was very polite and expressed an opinion. Your response was personal insult and dishonest but I've come to expect that when you cross opinions on GSC certain people will fly off the handle and begin to toss nasty verbiage back.. "inexcusable", "condescending snottiness." Oh my... Heck I even gave the benefit of the doubt and said that some of the "discussion" (downtalking really) may be valid. Seems like quite a few couples on here have one out and one half in still. Now if you'd just have left it at..."I was under the impression that we were laughing at the stupidity of the work program/standard/protocol...ie anal behavior that was instilled and disguised as *attention to detail* while in the way corpes... which I thought was the topic of conversation...." well that would have been a fine explanation. Anyway - you have a good day there Rascal. Really.
  5. Some of ya'll might just wanna start a "I hate my man, I got hurt by my man through no fault of my own" thread (who knows likely even be valid to some degree since I sure won't limit my TP usage to 3 squares, nor will I (nor ever have) used a wooden spoon)) (but it seems to be, with some folks, a recurrent theme). I thought this thread was the topic of the idiot work programs of TWI. I didn't know it was about past-now-reaching-current marital issues with alleged Waybrain. Really - a new thread where several can seek truly helpful answers to your questions would be better for you perhaps - especially perhaps in a peer group.
  6. Thanks WG. I confess that I am no connoisseur of roses. I just think that in general they are pretty. I am also into low maintenance plants these days since I had hips replaced. Nonetheless thank you very much for your advice.
  7. Same here. IE is set to open to a blank page. Firefox is set to always restore the previous session(s). A minor nuisance at most. Linux (while it does not run IE unless you are running VMware or something similar) obeys the same rules of a "default browser."
  8. Well now - it tuns out that you gave me excellent advice. They were originally a pair of miniature pinks but it is clear now that at least one of them looks radically different than its predecessor. Thanks for the heads up!
  9. I'll take a shot I guess. I'm really no good at Star Trek so forgive me if I post this and just show up on rare occasions. You may not trust me, but you do need me. You're not prepared for what awaits you. How can we be prepared for that which we do not know? But I do know that we are ready to encounter it.
  10. Whatever were you thinking Belle? That's a live oak not a gumball tree.
  11. I thought it was a little strange. No documented sources for the "historical research" and no mention of how far back in history this research extended. Without documentation I cannot agree with or refute the claims made. Are we talking about 2000 years of history? Well maybe 1.9 or 1.3 is indeed unsustainable when your life expectancy is 40-45. That is no longer the case in Europe and most of NorthAm. As far as a "Muslim" tidal wave - Islam has been the fastest growing religion since I was a teenager...and often the target of xenophobes of varying levels of sanity.
  12. Thanks for the update and correction WW. My apologies for handing out misinformation.
  13. Not to rain on anyone's parade but the last time I passed through Tupelo (admittedly quite some time ago) it didn't even rate as a one horse town. Kinda like if you were looking for an upscale place to stay there you might have to settle for Motel 6...Birmingham would actually rate as OK though.
  14. Yep - you are correct to my old and increasingly vague memory. Kirk asked Scotty how he got arrested - Scotty said something like well they called you a scum sucking Way Corps grad - Kirk says so that's when you hit him? No... - A few more similar questions - finally Kirk is frustrated and asks Scotty what happened - Scotty says something to the effect of - well they called the Enterprise a cheap scow - that's when I hit them... Something like that...George your expertise please? Yech how I hate computers - now I see was correct - my initial post contradicted now I see - sorry for the confusion
  15. You post friend - I don't know enough Star Trek to post anything interesting.
  16. Darned a 50/50 split - actually I think I remember both scenes - the first when Mudd was rescued from a desert planet with three women who took pills to stay young and beautiful - and wasn't the other one that took place on a space station - The trouble with tribbles or something? Wasn't that when McCoy (DeForest Kelley) said Jim - tribbles are born pregnant? and Scotty (James Doohan I think?) got in a bar fight with the Klingons?
  17. Thanks for the clarification George - I am (and have never been) a big TV fan - so I remember those few episodes which had some interesting scenes. I'll endeavor to remember the episodes as well. Of course one of the finest lines in all of Star Trek history is, "Revenge is a dish best served cold" but that one is an easy guess.
  18. Mudd's Women? Android wife comes out - HARRY!!! HARRY! MUDD GET OVER HERE.
  19. Thanks Leafy - I am not a big fan of bougainvillea - so - uhh well while I admire it's growth it isn't going to stay. The roses I am going to give a fighting chance to. Personally I can't say I've ever seen an ugly rose regardless of its root stock.
  20. BTW - just for fun go look up any non-TWI books we used - search for them on Amazon if you'd like - cheaper now than we paid in 1970's dollars. Something sound like price gouging here?
  21. Well "bless your lil ole heart" nandon - maybe hand a pack of Kool shorties out to Tonto per the above post? "That's riiiiiiiight."
  22. A couple of us had the discussion - we estimated about $6 mil during the "banner" years
  23. Come on - one of you GSCers must live close to Toledo. Send us a pic of Rev. Forehead in his orange apron.
  24. Excellent Shellon - thanks for posting it. And...hmmm...oh yeah!!! Happy Mother's Day to you and all of the moms that have their rucks and saddles more together than most people will ever know!!!
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