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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Odd rascal - you can call dooj - whoever he/she is - creepy and disgusting for disagreeing with your opinion - but meanwhile you don't give a damn about my opinion (fair enough but hypocritical at the very least) - hey relax - take it easy don't give a damn about dooj's opinion either - too much anxiety - hell you don't want a damned anxiety attack - end up with short breath and palpitating heart - I had a friend who died from an anxiety attack that morphed into a myocardial infarction..aint worth the worry RELAX rascal - go find some relief for your anxiety - you seem like you have anxiety problems that seriously color your posts - RELAX rascal BTW - Thank you for stopping the animation of that Yoda thing
  2. Gotta be great to be kayaking with your son. Best times of my life are hanging with my kids. Glad you enjoyed it so much. And Morgan Freeman can sure deliver the lines like few others - that soft voice with the unmoving face...
  3. WAIT WAIT dear. I don't think I censured you - heck I thought it was a back-handed compliment - you and I disagree on a lot - but it seems to remain civil. I think you might be mixing up posts as well - I don't recall using the word myopic with you... With regard to you talking a cop out of a ticket...as the Christian songwriter wrote..."I can only Imagine"
  4. Why you poor poor victim - go read my post to Geisha - I made it quite clear that while I don't agree with her on many things I appreciated her posts. Your opinion is typical. Everything is black and white it seems for you rascal - it's rascal's way or you are somehow victimizing rascal. Go smoke something good - you need to relax. Put on some Grateful Dead and get your oil changed. BTW I am glad you don't give a damn about whether or not I agree with you. jesus christmas at least I'm not trying to start my own victim cult here like some unnamed people are.
  5. Thanks for the correction BrainyOne
  6. Geisha dear - While I disagree with you on many if not most doctrinal issues I usually find your posts to be logical and thought through in some detail. However - I have to agree with rascal on something - it seems (note the word seems not pronouncing the sentence of death on you) that you are coming on a little strong with Brainfixed - someone having recently made the break and someone who came here looking for additional insight. You are strong minded and strong willed - no doubt serves you well in your prison outreach - however Brainfixed could use a softer touch I suspect. Uhh and yes - your lack of tact does indeed have a certain charm. And you need to keep working on cynicism for that A grade. Bear in mind that there are those of us who got in as dope smoking teens by our own choice - and now a whole crop of posters who were raised in TWI - not joined by choice. I think the issues may be radically different for those two groups. Thanks, RR
  7. Sorry rascal - that is such a stretch that I started laughing - really. Maybe start a new outreach program call ALL CAPS CALL THE TIME. OUR integrity?!?! Sorry - here we go blasting TWI - which was composed of US hence OUR integrity would mean TWI as a whole had integrity however perverted vic and company were/are. I saw as much, and in some cases more, dishonesty, lack of integrity, petty theft and more when I was TWI as I have seen in the secular world - perhaps because when you try to live on $20.00 a month your personal integrity can be compromised quickly. A lot of TWI people were losers who thought they had a cause - they didn't have integrity. Please don't go off on this OUR integrity thing. OUR honor?!?! WOW families openly banging each other, stealing from each other on the field, Corps who probably thought they really meant well when they told you that you were possessed and don't tell me about this god discerning of spirits dung. Corps banging their WOW twig/branch women and vice versa with the Corps women banging WOW men. All because "they were spiritual enough." OUR striving to serve god?!?! Well OK - I'll give you that one - a little - like thin enough to sharpen a razor. We are the disguise evil hid behind?!?!? Seems like one short step away from being jesus himself. While I understand your intention - your verbiage comes across as self-righteous and super-hero like - not calling you self-righteous per-se...This ain't the Justice League of America. Just a bunch of people all with varying degrees of integrity, honor, and desire to serve god.
  8. Gotta be sneakier my friend - way back in the day Joe Coldter introduced these tape players that skipped blank areas on the tape effectively speeding up the tape. However you could get it running so fast that the tape sounded like Alvin the chipmunk - pretty unintelligible - but HEY SANCTIONED BY THE ALMIGHTY HQ. So rather than listening to the interminably boring SNS tapes and the lunatic ranting corps tapes we just sped the thing up to top end - listened to an hour of SNS in 15 minutes or so - fulfilled our "requirements" then went and had some refreshments.
  9. Thanks Erk - I actually lived in Cleveland (east side) for a couple of years - and uhh I know this makes me weird - but I liked that town. I appreciate the advice on the HOF.
  10. I'm thinking that name has kind of a ring to it. Me thinks it ought to stick to WS
  11. I stand corrected - no need to insult the dogs...thanks for saving me from the thought police!!!
  12. Linda dear - I never implied she excused anyone - I asked for further explanation as I did not understand her post. Dear - lighten up on me - after all these years you on some crusade against the gift of sarcastic cynical evil that god blessed me with since birth? Or perhaps you just like reading things into my posts that a) I NEVER SAID and b) I NEVER IMPLIED. Or perhaps you are just jealous of the levels of evil I am capable of. Be nice to me Linda or the tribe of little trolls that live underground and talk to me late at night will visit you at work. Thanks Geisha - I was never very good with irony - sarcasm and cynicism however are my friends
  13. Dunno Garth - kraut is kind of a nationalistic slur - how about we go with politically correct, gender neutral etc etc - something like Drunken slob, one-eyed cyclops of christendom, woman abuser, vicious pig, rapist, bag of infected fecal matter, left over scum from the pimple on a dogs butt, thief, liar, oh the heck with it - I could just go on forever being politically correct and describing the piece of waste he was.
  14. DHS Goofballs - they grow native out here in southern cal. If the guy wanted to get ricin he could go down to quite a few canyons I've walked through and harvested them by the hundred pound.
  15. And the really disgusting shame is that it isn't singular to TWI - it happens all the time in child abuse cases - one parent (we'll choose the man) is a drug abuser and child beater - or worse - but makes sure the mother never sees it - she is "oblivious" (perhaps) and will later claim that since she didn't see it then it must have never happened - all too often to maintain her own co-dependent relationship at the expense of the children. It also happens in spousal abuse cases. It happens in jails, in courts, even in classrooms. What nice creatures we are....
  16. Perhaps an internet exorcism is in order - that'll clean out those nasty old goons...when done we can all lay avatars on someone...then we can resurrect Marlin Brando and he can repeat his famous line from "Apocalypse Now"...The horror...the horror!!!
  17. Ummmmmmm I'd be careful with castor beans - one of the natural by products is ricin - major poison - don't handle the beans when ripe - don't let them contact food you will eat.
  18. Maybe you can explain what you mean to me in simpler terms. Your first two sentences seem in stark contradiction to the last two. Comments and questions interspersed in blue. Just trying to figure out what your really mean here Geisha
  19. http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/47834127.html Presumably this guy got an undergraduate degree followed by a law degree followed by passing the Ohio bar exams followed by becoming a judge... Maybe he needs drug testing or some testing for irrational thought or behavior. Or maybe he was just trained by Vic the drunk rapist... Holy Crapola!! BTW it is an AP story not just some local gig. By Associated Press POSTED: 02:36 p.m. EDT, Jun 11, 2009 COLUMBUS: An Ohio judge recently ordered two rape victims to appear before their confessed attackers in court, an insensitivity that shows why so many rape victims don't come forward, a victims' rights advocate said. Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Timothy Horton acknowledges that the two cases weren't his finest hours and says he's evolving as a judge after three years on the bench. Often, rape cases are settled in way that protects victims from retelling their stories on the witness stand. But in two recent unrelated cases, Horton said he wanted to hear from the victims — a 19-year-old woman and a 13-year-old boy — to make sure they understood the sentences the defendants were receiving in return for their guilty pleas. When the woman began to break down on the stand in late April, transcripts show the judge threatened to toss out the guilty plea if she didn't compose herself. ''About two minutes here, if you don't gather yourself, I'm about to rip up this guilty plea, and this man in front of you is about to walk. So I would do your very best to gather yourself,'' Horton said, according to court transcripts. Catherine Harper Lee, executive director of the Justice League of Ohio, said 70 percent of rape victims don't report their attacks. ''With that lack of compassion and threat of injustice, it's no wonder,'' she said.
  20. I missed one thing and so did you methinks...my lack of trust in CNN has nothing to do with Fox being ignored - as posted above I despise them all - heck I'm not even biased - I despise them all equally. If I wasn't too lazy I'd tell you about an interesting experiment we did with "big news" and consumers. Just CMA here so you don't think I am somehow a Fox advocate, or some equal time advocate ,or trying to save the gay Foxes from the Carnal News Network.
  21. Hmm ok if we go with beavis and butthead "dick-tater" and we also consider the amount of sexual activity in the upper echelons of TWI (who we throw into a large canvas sack) and we consider how they have fragmented into dick-tating over multiple splinter groups with chips on their shoulders at each other group - do we have a bag of "Lays" dick-tater-chips? Sorry Potato - if you hadn't posted that long NOOOOOOoooooo I wouldn't have allowed the voices that come through the fillings in my teeth to end up here.
  22. Going to disagree on just one point Leafy - a strawman is an argument that is put forth to be deliberately shot at - used commonly in operations as well as research in order to collect disparate ideas and synthesize a solution. A strawman is not a diversion. Now...for the rest of the story - I agree with you about the other nasty things about TWI's manipulations.
  23. Thanks for the more historical info on Muddy Waysider. When I saw him he was still playing harp...most ecellent
  24. That is just nasty...that is worse than picturing Rush Limbaugh in a speedo...That might be a fitting punishment for a convicted pedophile...engage in above described activity with Rosie the Wayviter...Maybe Alfred Hitchcock could do something with that scenario though...
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