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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. RumRunner

    Post Upgrade Issues

    Heh - I was not implying that we are a pristine crowd here Geisha - or that what you described wouldn't happen to someone. I just think it may result in more work for PAW than it is worth. Well hold on a second - I am pristine - as for the rest of you I'll pray. Now Geisha - you know (being a devout Christian) that once the mods change my reputation to -667 you can no longer converse with me since I will be worse than the beast. Only infidels will be allowed to speak with me without fear of a stream of fire pouring out of the heavens onto them. Of course given your post it would seem that WD has the lead on me. And it's WhiteDove in the lead with RumRunner coming up fast on the outside of the backstretch. It's WhiteDove and RumRunner neck and neck, RumRunner pushing hard for the lead. WhiteDove holding onto the first place of evil - oh my what a race ladies and gentlemen. And RumRunner takes the lead for evil!!! It's RumRunner in first. It's WhiteDove in second with Groucho and George Aar coming up a distant third and fourth lagging by 8 or so lengths. It's RumRunner coming around the top of the last curve and into the final straightaway. It's RumRunner, WhiteDove, Groucho and Aar. Here comes the tape!!! And....It's RumRunner with the first place for evil, WhiteDove in second. Groucho and Aar still neck and neck - and IT'S AAR BY A SIN!!! Aar takes third with only a "little X"! Ladies and gentlemen the next race starts in 15 minutes - place your bets now...
  2. RumRunner

    Post Upgrade Issues

    I guess I have my usual DGAS attitude about the reputation buttons. I certainly can see your point about it becoming a popularity contest - in fact when I first saw it I thought of the inanity of running for HS student council presidency.... However - let's take a simple case - newbie comes along - let's use Brainfixed as a recent example. Showed up with a lot of questions - many of which had already been addressed - but hey she doesn't score low for not reading every single bit of the last ten years of threads....Now plenty of respondents disagreed with her but I don't think it turned into a popularity contest, nor do I think it would now. As abrasive as this place can be I don't think people would dis her reputation for being a newbie and asking already answered questions. Now the simpler case. I have no doubt about how abrasive I can be. Plenty of people have openly disagreed with me - sometimes vehemently. I didn't end up with a reputation of -666 or some such however. Seems like we can disagree vehemently and not quite make it a popularity contest. Why is this case simpler? Because if I did end up with a -666 or something I'd a) not really care or b) consider it a compliment. All that said - I don't see where the reputation buttons really add anything to the functionality of GSC - but I don't think they are a show stopper if they stay. The major problem I see is for Pawtucket. He has mentioned on more than one occasion that it can be a real chore to handle the steady stream of complaints about so-and-so, and thus-and-such etc. This just gives certain posters one more way to hassle Paw...PAW!!! PAW!!!! I had a reputation of +256 until the bastage Groucho came along and systematically changed me to -666. I know it was true because I was at +256 until Groucho got on line then 5 minutes later I was -666. Come on PAW - do something about it. This is cyber bullying (BTW now a crime in CA). Then Paw has to run this snot down like trying to sort out a fight between two 4-yr olds...PAW!!! PAW!!! Groucho took my truck away. No I didn't! RumRunner gave it to me. If I were Paw I'd ditch the reputation buttons just to decrease an unneccessary work load once the whining starts. Actually Linda - do me a favor? If you come across any mods today - ask them to make my reputation -667 for me?!?! Thanks. Then I can change my status to something like -667 - two-thirds of negative one thousand or a count more evil than the beast - you decide....
  3. Roy my friend - for any parent who is close with their children (yes I am a sucker for my kids) - that has to be a tear-jerker (in the positive sense). It sure was for me. Thank you for finding that and posting it. Love your thoughts...keep them going...your sense of tenderness mixed with steadfastness is really inspiring.
  4. OK - PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR. Since Waysider brought up fertilizer and ended up with lawns - that is GRASS - we come to the following conclusions. a) All of you must live in Egypt where locust infestation is a daily event. b) Monday - the Southwestern Butt-Licker bugs have destroyed my potatoes c) Tuesday - but the cabbage is fine d) Wednesday - the Midwestern Cornfield bugs have destroyed my flax seeds e) Thursday - but the tomatoes are fine d) Friday - the Central European commie infiltrator bugs got to my tomatoes Woe is me - my garden is gone Now if we consider that there is a crop that WS discussed briefly that grows healthily almost everywhere (a lawn) - one might call it a lawn or one might call it "grass" - but HEY whatever you call your grass/lawn the problem is solved as long as you are growing grass. Heck there are even special serving dishes/utensils for serving grass. Some are glass, some are stainless steel, some are ornate, some are simply functional. Don't forget to heat the grass while serving - and don't forget to share, that is pass it along.
  5. RumRunner

    Post Upgrade Issues

    I don't think it's worth the effort of adding thread closure as a user option. Threads here tend to close themselves down soon after they go too far down bunny trails. There is a repetitive evolution (or perhaps life cycle) of threads here...New Topic->Interesting responses both pro and con->divergence to why the devil controls Pawtucket->Argument against the Pawtucket claim->Vague but earnest attempt at restoring thread back to topic->A few more (but getting tired) on topic replies->More divergence mixed with some animosity (pseudo documentation provided that Pawtucket is a seed boy)->Sometimes a good fight ensues (always entertaining)->Thread is ignored by all but the feuding parties->Thread drops off the list. Since this life cycle (or close variants of it) is/are so common - heck why not just let things keep riding as is? No sense in asking for a feature that really isn't needed. Now if Paw wants to add a feature where I click on the blue button and a good ale is immediately delivered to my desk, opened and poured into a good pint glass...well that would be a worthwhile addition. The other meaning of ICACTOGS is I Certainly Agree Cult Thinking Off of Grease Spot
  6. It makes precisely zero difference - but it was fun being about a sheet and a half to the wind and coming up with something inane like a "word study" It doesn't make a difference how George Carlin died either - or what his last words were - but I sure had fun watching him, and commenting on him, over the years...heck he made about a millions times more contribution to society than the cornfield cyclops. Go watch George Carlin on youtube - "Religion is BS"(spell out BS)
  7. Kudos to you for taking the more moderate road here. I suppose I am just mean. I would concur that many religious movements start out with a senior of some sort trying to explain the bible, Q'ran, etc. But it just seems that they all degenerate into a personal control mechanism by the elite. For all we (with some common experience) complain about TWI, TWI's abuse was amateurish compared to some rather global versions of christianity, islam, and quite a few others. Nonetheless - I admire your moderate comments.
  8. What am I bid for this old stagnant church? One victim? Two? Who'll make it three?
  9. RumRunner

    What a Crock!!!

    That FMLA is a non-issue and serves to confuse this thread. Now for the antagonistic, please note I said the FMLA serves to confuse this thread - not that Krys serves to confuse this thread. That is why I recommended our thread starter check her state laws. The FMLA is a milk-toast law. Some states have much more employee friendly state laws. For the curious; check out California maternity leave law. It is not quite cut and dried but it provides plenty of ways for employees to maintain an income, benefits, and, perhaps most importantly their job not just their place of employment while on paternity/maternity leave. The FMLA was designed by a typically self-serving congress to placate pregnant women and a few men. All it really does is preserve your place of employment - heck it doesn't even guarantee your job - just your place of employment - you could go back from being an administrative assistant at $80K/yr to being a janitor at $25K/yr and the employer is within their federal "rights" under FMLA.
  10. I knew Seth (I was in the 8th) and I don't recall him not completing. To be honest I don't recall him completing either but if memory serves me (and please - I am old and memory does indeed fail from time to time (like every 30 seconds)) the 6th lost pretty much all they were going to lose in their first and interim years. Since I remember Seth from in-rez it means he at least made it into his final year. Still a gap for you Garth - but perhaps a little smaller now.
  11. Someone out there is deadly at Scrabble. (Wait till you see the last one)! DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES: ! When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE : When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE AND FOR THE GRAND FINALE: MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER Yep! Someone with waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands! (Probably a son-in-law)
  12. OK when I was young I tripped on acid a lot - lots of hallucinations - none of it real - all of it bogus - but a lot of fun - music was good - friends were good - times were good Then - round two - I joined TWI - more hallucinations - but mass hallucinations now - witness Way corps and ROA - none of it real - all of it bogus - crappy music, no fun, friends who stabbed friends - times sucked All things considered I gotta vote for the acid
  13. The most hilarious use of the word "just" in TWI was when you'd hear someone "interpret" or "prophecy" and "god" would just use the word just like it was just the last word he ever invented. I am the lord they god, just stand strong upon my word and you will prevail, just believe the word and just act on it. Just know how much I the lord they god loveth you. etc etc etc Don't you think that if it was as the spirit gives utterance then the spirit has a speech impediment?!?!?! WTF is this? A repetitively speaking god?!?!?! OK - I suppose that was off topic since the topic is "just" and prayer... but I JUST had to throw it in here
  14. That's because you were already filled up with Owsley...
  15. Bacon - food of the demi-gods. GARLIC - food of the high gods - especially when served with rare/raw meat
  16. No sweat man - things can fly so fast and furious here sometimes it's hard to tell when someone is being serious or whacked. Consider me rarely serious and usually whacked - often the safest bet. You sure are up late.
  17. Uhh dude - it was supposed to be humor. No speculation on reality whatsoever and no substance either.
  18. Good points Geisha - and the churches wonder why young people are fleeing...
  19. Can't argue with that WG...I like greens - but well fact is I like meat, fish, chicken, pork etc...
  20. I've just been informed that Farrah Fawcett died prior to Jackson. On appearing before God she was told she lead a good life and would be granted one wish. She said she wished only for the safety of children. God immediately struck Jackson dead. Being consumed with the concept of "are the dead alive now" MJ was actually sighted as alive already. The first Jackson sighting was at a Wal-Mart where the sign read "boys pants half off."
  21. Kids still get the short end on that one. One could argue that "others second" includes your kids. Well sorry - a little too general for me. My kids have their own category of priority and it is not generalized by the word "others." I'm down to three sandwiches left, two children and me - then comes a knock at the door - hungry neighbor begging for food - a polite smile followed by "Sorry you're outta luck knocking on this door" Then my kids and I eat the sandwiches. Substitute my "best friend" for hungry neighbor. Same response. Substitute self-centered arrogant self-proclaimed MOG from TWI demanding "his due" and that I should put the MOG above the children...and the response does indeed change a little...something like "F*** you. Go starve twit."
  22. HAH - already in today's news, children, debt, family demanding second autopsy and review of recent visitors (can you say "Who can we blame this on besides Michael's prolific drug use?") I knight thee Skyrider prophet of Jackson
  23. No argument there. As I noted in the earlier post - even the posts I consider repetitive have their validity and the users have the option to post whatever they want within the GSC rules. I doubt he thinks that way of you - he is actually one of the more gentlemanly people on this site when it comes to disagreement...however that "drooling dodo" thing - dammmmmmit Linda - don't put candy in front of a child.......
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