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About YIdon'tgotochurch
- Birthday 03/21/1956
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14th Corps, San Antonio, TX
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I've had a few different names in here. I can't remember them. It really doesn't matter now. In fact, it didn't matter at the time I changed my names because no one knew who I was and I rarely made any waves with my posts. Then in 2006, I forgot my password and had problems getting logged on. So, I changed my name to "YIdon'tgotochurch". Few people ever saw my complete name...especially in the chat rooms. So, people just called me "Y" or "YID". I got a kick out of that. After having this name for over a year, I'm going to follow a suggestion someone made and shorten it to 'YID'. I have nothing against people of the Jewish persuasion, but I'm not a Jew. I sure hope none of you think I speak or type Yiddish because your'e going to be sorely disappointed.
Somehow, I got 80% right. Math and science were never my better subjects. I hated most of my classes including English and History until I got into the Army. I remember in my 30's, I had a little carpet cleaning business and a project came up to clean carpet in a church. I had to figure out the area of a choir room. It was round. I hadn't ever used pi in a practical application and had to get help from a friend. The experience suddenly gave me an intense appreciation for math. I found myself enjoying the subject. I purchased a workbook and tried to re-aquaint myself with the subject. In the first few pages, there was a drill to determine the level of expertise. There were 100 addition problems progressively getting more difficult as you progressed through the test. It started with single digits and progressed to 9 digits on several rows. The time allowed was 5 minutes. I failed miserably. Don't expect I'll get any calls from NASA. I guess that's why I enjoyed the Bible so much over the years. Except for 4 crucified, there's not a lot of math to deal with.
ONCE AGAIN, Y I don't go to church..... Lord knows I've tried. I'd like to simply find people with a passion for the Bible that I have. I often quote Psalms 138:2b "For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." To find people with that same goal, "to magnify God's Word above opinion and ego" is the ultimate goal I have learned to look for.
Several songs motivate me. Some motivate me to be a better musician... others just motivate me to stand as a citizen of the U.S. of A. With 4th of July quickly approaching, I'm planning to go to Corpus Christi, TX. Around 7:pm the CC Symphony will be assembled on the deck of the retired naval carrier, the USS Lexington. Thousands will gather at the shoreline of the bay. A barge will be all set up a few hundred yards out in the bay. The symphony will start playing the Stars and Stripes Forever, and one of the radio stations will broadcast it. Thousands of radios on the boardwalk and the Shoreline Drive medium will turn their radios up. The fireworks will start firing off in the distance for the next 20 minutes or so, then everything qets quiet and the overture begins in the softest sweetness imaginable way. As the music begins to build to a crescendo, the fireworks will start again. If I knew how to down load it...............You'd be able to hear the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovosky. I was in the Army and played French Horn in the Army Band. I got involved with TWI in 1975 just as we were practicing music for the bi-centennial. Even today, listening to it and knowing the real work involved in performing it is as moving to me as most of the ministry songs I still sing while working around the house. If you can get a copy of it with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the words will grip your throat. The copy I have doesn't have the Choir on it and I am desparately seeking the production of it. As I recall there is a part where the lyrics say: "Oh Lord God Hear! OUR PRAYER! ! ! ! " It is a gut wrenching plea that I think IMHO our country quit making years ago. And when it is sung in context of the music....I am more motivated and more emotional about the performance of this song than any Christmas songs. In fact, 4th of July has come to mean more to me than Christmas. I would go so far as to say that what Christmas means to most people, the 4th means to me.
Good friends are: Hard to find Harder to bid farwell Impossible to forget! ! ! !
A view on the Gathering Day...
YIdon'tgotochurch replied to DrWearWord's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I'm with WordWolf on this one! ! ! ! ! ! ! Interesting view. I reserve the right to completely disagree, of course. -
As I understand it.........which in of itself is questionable..... The 4 Gospels were included in the New Testament simply because they were written after the events of Jesus Christ life, death and ressurrection, just as you said "Most of the Gospels and epistles were all written around the same time, often by some of the same men." Chronologically, they are still in the right place in the order of the cannon. IMHO the people who cannonized the Bible, simply put the term, "NEW TESTAMENT" in the wrong place. As a unit, they close out the Old Testament and include prophecies to be fulfilled in the time period coverd by the book of Revelation. The time period between Acts and Revelation is an insertion of the age of Grace. Romans is addressed, " To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 1:7) The "beloved of God" would contexturally be considered the believers "born again". Since it wasn't possible to be born again until Acts chapter 2, the Gospels would naturally be for our learning. I should know better than to embark on any doctrinal discussions here. Seems I always step on toes in this topic.
You can tell you are having a TWI wedding because: Your'e drinkin' buddies with the clergy Your wedding party goes to your Bible studies (twig) The ceremony is performed in someone's living room. The reception is in the same living room. The only people invited are people from the area or branch. Your blood relatives are not invited. The only beverage is Kool Aid. The bride and groom are the only ones with champaign. Your honeymoon is back at your apartment or at a root location in a tent. The whole event is done with less than $200.00. I almost forgot! ! ! Another way you can tell you're at a TWI wedding: Everyone is wearing nametags.
Are Sins Remembered in the New Body?
YIdon'tgotochurch replied to JavaJane's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I seem to remember Isaiah 65:17 in this context Isaish 65:17; For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered nor come to mind In this context, Romans 8:1 would be a quick referal regarding our administration. I'm sure there's a lot more. -
What a treat! ! ! ! ! ! ! I would have loved to have been there for that. I was in the 10th Corps when Sxra was graduating from the 8th. She was always as gracious as her mom. I only met Kevin once, he impressed me as being extremely humble. I think we should have a huge reunion in Texas! ! ! A dude ranch would be a blast! ! ! See if JP would like to come out. I have a P.A. system, would could put a little country band together and dance on a Saturday night under the Texas stars. Oh! What a treat that would be. I could help coordinate it if anyone is interested. P.S. At a Dude Ranch, there are cabins and such so no one has to bring a tent.
Mark: Agreed, when women bathe in the stuff it's as bad as cigarette smoke. Combine the 2 and it can be even worse. You said: "Stuff gives me a headache...makes my eyes water and makes me sneeze." But if a woman's wearing the right perfume lightly donned on her wrists and on the pulse areas of her kneck....I get a............different response. Edited for content
Every New Year's Eve, the song "What a Wonderful World" is played with slow-mo's and stills. I have been impressed with that every year I see it. Louie Armstrong sings it. Maybe in the beginning you could do some of those other songs suggested but end with this one. Especially the end of the song when it ends with that "Yeah, yeah". Perfect ending! ! ! ! !
I liked the quote regarding the 2nd hand smoke statistics Now, if they could prove it, I'd be even more impressed. Evidently, the EPA has broken down the elements to discover the cancerous bi-products in smoking. GRANTED! ! ! ! Smoking is caustic and brutal on lungs. I fully agree with that. It would be smart for everyone to stop smoking. I also know the link to smoking and cancer is very obvious. But good grief! ! ! The quote from your post: A study found that nonsmokers exposed to environmental smoke were 25 percent more likely to have coronary heart diseases compared to nonsmokers not exposed to smoke.5 That is about as vague as a horoscope............(You'll have a great day today, but watch out for transportation issues)..................Does this mean the other 11 zodiacial wonders out there don't even have to think about red lights????????????????????........................ What study? Who did the study? How was it controlled? What kind of environmental smoke? Where these bar maids? Factory workers? Miners? How many stay at home moms with smoking husbands were found to have lung diseases? (For this one, I'd love to see the stats) Every year thousands of men die from prostrate cancer and even more women die of breast cancer. My studies in this are conclusive. These cancers are from a low or non-existant sexual activity. Now, watch that be on 20/20 in a few months. I would venture a guess that most of the people yelling about 2nd hand smoke have most everything in their lives going well and this and global warming are the only things they can complain about.
Souix, You must be right! ! ! That's why I chew Skoal Mint. I started smoking somewhere around 7-9 yrs old. Smoked for 20 years. When I finally quit, I started dippin'. I also had started doin' that around 9 yrs old. But quit while in the Army circa 1974 @ 18 yrs old. In the 10th Corps, I smoked like a house-a-fire. Didn't make through the interim year and had to re-apply to go back in for the 14th Corps. Apprentice yr, I quit smoking on a regular basis. Decided I'd become an occassional smoker. Got down to about 2 paks a year. Went back to Copenhagen.... preferred breathing over not. First year in residence, I was the one walking around on campus with a leather pouch attached to my belt to hold the can of Copenhagen (much more easy on the Jeans and suit pants if you don't put that huge can in your pocket; after a while there is a huge ring where you put the can in your pants. During the interim year, got the word no one in the Corps would smoke in residence. That was ok with me. Listened very close to see if Copenhagen was ever mentioned. After the Rock, we were tearing down the ROA equiptment. About a week into it, we had a campfire out in the woods. Some guys wife (she hated the idea that her husband dipped) stood up and asked if there was a 'no smoking' rule, what about Copenhagen? About a dozen of us at the fire almost got up and went over to string her up by her heels.... her husband would have led the way. Can you imagine the first mob riot in the Corps? The ruling came down.... NO TOBACCO of any kind! ! ! ! ! ! So, I became a covert dipper. Got careless a few times, but always managed to avoid detection. While at HQ, I'd run into New Knoxville after SNS, before the after meetings. At Emporia, I'd run accross the street to the pharmacy and grab a can. I remember there was a rotation for each twig to take bless patrol during lunch. I almost always got Emporia Hall so when I saw the first person come out of the dinning hall, I could dart over to the pharmacy before they reached Emporia. The beauty of Skoal or Copenhagen is people don't die from second-hand spittle. I mean really! ! ! When that's in your mouth and a girl knows it, she ain't gonna kiss ya. And even if you are picking a fight, you are aiming for the guy's eyes. So, the only one taking a chance on it, is the individual dipping the stuff I mean 'snuff'.... I admire your concern for your health and well-being of others. But while I was smoking the only thing more rude than a smoker was an arrogant non-smoker dictating my rights. I think that's 'snuff sed
What's a thread? What's a light bulb? Sudo, I think you should be on Letterman.