See this is what I am having a problem with, compared to the amount of people here at GS. There are people who actually learned from TWI. How can you explain that, see there are more people who had good yet wonderful experiences at TWI. Then those who say people did this, that, and the other. So trying to wrap my mind around these false accusations. The truth here has been clouded for a very long time. Lets think abou the facts. The last thing I heard of the old days is that TWI blessed over a Million people, but only 1,954 people are here at GS. Lets say out of that 90% didn't like TWI that means about 1,750 didn't like it. To that same million this is a small percentage of people. That means a percentage less than 1 didn't like TWI, we are talking .00175 who didn't like the TWI. So keep telling yourself you are right maybe one day you can get 1 percent.