allan w.
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Everything posted by allan w.
Yes, Australia has a 'wine glut' at the moment, the wines you mentioned can be bought for 2 bucks a bottle here. Aussie reds and New Zealand whites, very hard to beat ! ZShot beat me to the 'punch' with Lambruscos, mine and Selinas favorite and winter time every now and then we do a nice hot mulled wine.
I was a fairly 'newie' in the Word back in '88 and through a set of circumstances found myself on two occasions having to walk past a young mans house to get to where I needed to go. This young man was actually known to me as he was dating one of my cousins at the time. Each time I 'felt' a prompting from God to go knock on the door and say "hi"...do a little bit of witnessing etc.. Each time I found an excuse not to. Anyways, why bother, he seemed such a smiley, happy fella. About a month later I heard he had put a gun to his mouth and blown his head off. From that time on I haven't even bothered waiting for a 'prompt'...I just speak up.
So not tithing is a similar sin to adultery and committing criminal offenses ?? Just asking because one who does not tithe is not allowed into mormon temple either.
Well said WTH...but something tells me you better be ducking !!!
Keep her on her leash and it'll be fine.
So in a 'nut' shell Mo, putting all the ex-lsd sites aside and what their ex-mormon posters say...you agree with your churches position that 1/ non-mormons and those within the mormon church who do not tithe are not counted worthy to enter their temples. 2/ the prophets of the church received visits from 'spirit beings' 3/ celestial heaven (mormon heaven) is located near a star called 'Kolob' 4/ the prophets of the church receive 'revelation' from God for doctrine (however, the revelation can change due to governmental laws etc..) Then the revelation is renamed 'opinion' Thanks for the dialogue Mo, (and I agree you are classy !) Belle on the other hand could do worse than to take a 'class' on decorum.
At the end of the day Mo you CANNOT 'defend' against all the numerous ex-lds sites, just like the twi greasespot 'thingy'. Where there is smoke there is fire. (the link I gave for some reason is not working but anyways it is www.mrm.org ) Mormon recovery ministries They actually repudiate a number of your counter claims. As I said a number of times...this is not about an ' I hate mormons fixation' but rather an admonition about 'throwing stones from ones own glasshouse'
Sorry to disappoint you Tom, but this site is also open to those who favor some or all of pfal beliefs. I know that grates you, but hey, get over it. And you might have missed it but Mo is directing people to her temple (which again, I have no problem with, just want people to see the other side of mormonism before going along) It's not like Mo puts links to all these ex-lds sites, ay. I'll try this link again Mo, they did say they could help you. mormon recovery
ditto !!
Also LG, my beliefs line up withh CFF which most twi'ers should know, saves me a lot of time spelling them all out. What most posters don't know is what mormonism is all about, that's where I'm happy to help out ! Mo, I've spoken to a cupla of the people from those ex-lds sites and they're more than happy to debate with you and show you that they were involved for a lot longer than you have been, but the last thing this site needs is more of that kind of thing, for the sake of not driving our mods nuts, I did not tell them where I was from or what site I post on. They did however, strongly urge you to read their articles and also this one here
I left twi because I didn't agree with half the stuff you quoted Mo, I don't take EVERYTHING as 'gospel' even if it comes out of a 'supposed prophets' mouth, that's the differnce with us Mo I guess: I left twi, you just swapped it for another version. In reply to your poll...No.1 False No.2 Possible No.3 False (and twi never taught that either) No.4 False No.5 False No.6 False (or substitute that with...if you don't abs you're not allowed into the (mormon temple) still false ! No.7 False * Note...these are MY beliefs on your questions Mo...I do not belong to twi anymore, so I guess the question is, how long you gonna hang out at the mormon church ?? Do you believe everything that comes out of your churches prophets mouth ??
Don't know if the class was 'annointed' as such, but I believe it (and Bullingers, and Leonards, and Stiles) works were/are 'of God'. I also believe with men like John Shroy@r, Wayne Cl@pp, John Nes$sle, Bob Darn&ll and now Kevin Gigo@ helping to 'steer' CFF, this 'take' on Gods' Word will continue forward for a good time to come.
Sorry TempleLady but I had a couple of mormon boys around my place recently (2 weeks ago) who were ADAMANT we cannot be saved by grace alone...either you need to check your churches doctrine again or stop 'dodging'.. In regards to man becomoing a 'type' of god of his/her own planet ? I think it is quite plausible and there are a cupla scriptures that could infer that ...BUT that kind of speculation should not be TAUGHT AS DOCTRINE...
Yes....and...No; Yes to those who were in twi and can sniff 'cult', 'religion', 'hypocrisy', 'false prophets' etc... a mile off No to someone who is involved and 'blinded' to the reality. Thanks for putting this in the spotlight again Mo and to reiterate my previous point...I DONT CARE what you are doing with your life and whatever church you or anyone else is involved with PERIOD. What grates me is someone like you that was in twi (supposedly) I said supposedly because you posted that you researched mormonism for 35 years ??, what grates me Mo, is the shear hypocrisy of someone like yourself belittling another persons beliefs whilst promoting your own churches elitist and absolutely ridiculous beliefs.
Nice try Mo....just doesn't wash sorry....the true church (imo) is every b/a saint...there IS NO mormon heaven Mo, sorry.
Thanks Vegan...Cupla my posts don't seem to have made it past the mods...one was a reply to TempleLady...oh well, too bad...GS has it's own 'selective' posts...geessshhh and they weren't half as insulting as the stuff that gets thrown at me !!! 'Clicky' groups are alive and well on GS as well...Hey Belle...It's not the sound of crickets chirping you're hearing in your ears...it's God whispering to you..."Clickey, clickey, clickey.." !!
No salvo Mo and you can tell your 'southern Belle' I don't live in New Zealand.??!! But I do think Dot should maybe peruse some of these sites to get a 'balanced view' of mormonism before going along ? here and here and hereand this is good too and herequite sad testimony
Mods have got me on go slow again ( guess I'm not as 'slick' an insulter as a cupla you people !) So I won't reply til I'm 'off probation'...God that sounds so twi.... On mods 'go slow' ones post doesn't get posted for a cupla days which tends to dilute the point one is making. So you'll have to wait for my definition of a 'tiddly winks' Christian...but while you're waiting, heres a clue...grab a mirror and have a good stare into it ...
Bob was ordained by CFF and is now associated with them...very happy to be out of twi !! You can catch some of his teachings on Cff website (audio)
Maybe he did know what would happen...and it's interesting too that gs also is becoming like that as well with it's own 'set' doctrine and what should and shouldn't be believed.
2 Corinthians 10:5 springs to mind..."casting down IMAGINATIONS and every HIGH thing that exalts itself against the NATURE of God"
Glory be, amen, hallelujah ! So Dr. Higgins didn't really have a problem with VP's usage of the work ?
Oh and Vegan, that site hasn't been updated for 4 years, did it fizzle out ?
You mean waysider that posters here have accepted that they are 'spiritually dead' ? Thankyou, that clears it up for me BIGTIME.
And like you know...can you give me some sites where Stiles and Bullinger and Leonards classes or teachings are still going or happening ?? I googled their names and all I got was Juedes harping on about VPs' plagerising (er stealing) their works.