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Everything posted by modcat5

  1. 10 Things I Hate About You Only Live Twice Oops. Still logged in as my mod ID.
  2. Moved. I hope everyone agrees that this is not an example of me moderating myself, but if anyone has a problem with it, please let me/us know. Signed, Raf
  3. I signed in under the moderator ID to change the poll responses without affecting the results. I did not add any new poll categories, which would skew the responses, but I removed references to "lying" and removed the accusation that "only liars won't admit it," which was the cause of considerable grief. The substance of each poll response, I think, remains unchanged.
  4. Raf is hereby suspended for 72 seconds for namecalling.
  5. Welcome to Greasespot, LoveOneAnother. Your right to express your views is welcome here. There will be responses. There will be challenges. But we hope you stick around and enjoy the menu. Joining any Internet forum involves some growth as you learn the ropes of how this place works and the rest of us learn the ropes of how you work. We hope and trust it will be a constructive experience for everyone. Enjoy.
  6. This post was trimmed to conform with our fair use policy. Please do not post entire articles from other sources. Thank you for providing the link.
  7. This post was trimmed to conform with our fair use policy. Please do not post entire articles from other sources. Thank you for providing the link.
  8. modcat5

    Fair Use Policy

    Despite the fact that this thread is pinned to the top of open, fair use appears to have been violated more than once. We'll be paying a bit closer attention from this day forward. Appreciate it if you give us nothing to do...
  9. Well, it was rude and we didn't know you well enough to treat it the way you meant it. If you want to verbally spar, respectfully, have at it. Should be fun.
  10. Your opening post contains an explicit threat. If you were to show up at my door or at the door of anyone on Greasespot Cafe because of comments made on this board, I assure you, you will be identified, found, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. How dare you threaten violence on posters here and then have the audacity to demand a respectful discussion?
  11. Who are the moderators? Only our hairdressers and spouses know for sure.
  12. Restored the thread. Apologies for the interruption.
  13. Egad. Guys, if you KNOW we're reviewing the thread for its appropriateness and you KNOW why, is there a reason you had to resurrect the possibly offending material here? Anyway, this thread's gonna vanish and the other will be restored.
  14. Moderators are reviewing that thread. Dooj is correct: names were being spelled out and unflattering comments made about people who are not members of GSC and are not on the BOD. Nothing's been decided permanently.
  15. Larry, WordWolf is right. The general policy of this board is that we do not use full names of people unless they were or are on the board of trustees/directors. There have been some exceptions: usually people who were, by their participation, unusually high profile. Examples include John Lynn, John Schoenheit, Walter Cummins, Chris Geer, Ralph Dubofsky, Vince Finnegan, Donna Martindale, John Linder, Claudette Royale and a bunch of the musicians. But once you start having to explain who the person is, our practice has been to obscure the name (they may not want their association with TWI known to the general public performing a google search). Thus, you might mention Bob Stanley, but if you were to mention anyone else in Acts 29, you would blur the name (B*b S*****y). When in doubt, obscure the name unless it's a member of the BOT/BOD. [Note: Other mods, please correct me if I've misrepresented the policy].
  16. Touche. If you can count your take home pay in negative numbers, however...
  17. You think this is a valid mathematical statement: 0.9x > x
  18. Chatty, I was just about to move this to About the Way and I stopped for two reasons. 1. Paw is active in this thread and can move it if he wants to. 2. You "voted" to keep it here and not move it to About the Way. I can ask Paw privately about the first item. But why not move it to About the Way? It seems to fit there better than here. (P.S. I don't know who the poster is and haven't been able to hear the link). modcat5
  19. As Mike pointed out, his participation on this thread is not derailing it at all. If you're re-evaluating something, you're either going to conclude that it was valuable or that it wasn't. Some people go to one extreme (none of it is valuable), some moderate (some is valuable, some isn't). Mike goes to the other extreme. To him, all of it is valuable and holy, divine, what have you. This thread will only be about Mike if everyone makes it about Mike.
  20. Whether it's funny or not is a matter of taste. It is, however, in the appropriate forum.
  21. modcat5

    You figure it out!

    And yes, I will delete any post you place here that continues to be disrespectful and rude. I've done it once. Don't test me again.
  22. modcat5

    You figure it out!

    By the way, I started your "being politically correct in amerika" thread back in politics so you can have your discussion on the issue of bias in coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Anyone interested in that serious discussion can go there.
  23. modcat5

    You figure it out!

    No, I did not accuse you of inciting incendiary remarks. I accurately stated that you posted an incendiary link to spark a serious discussion, a link that's just fine for its humorous content, but not appropriate for a serious discussion. That matter is settled. As stated before, get over it. Whether I was a product of the Way Corps or not is none of your business. I am not going to be polite with you any longer. You've accused me of censorship and made personal judgments about me, and now you're on this "were you Way Corps" trip that has nothing to do with your rudeness. Knock it off. Now.
  24. modcat5

    You figure it out!

    Bumpy, Your last post to me descended into a personal attack. Please check the forum rules before posting in the future. Another post like that will be promptly deleted without warning.
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