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Everything posted by modcat5

  1. modcat5

    Billy Graham

    For the record, GoldStar is not the only one whose posts are being hidden (not deleted... moderators tend to leave these posts visible to each other so that if we disagree, we can discuss and decide whether to restore them. This transparency minute brought to you by Saran Wrap). Quite simply, if you're not talking about Billy Graham, your post got hidden, just like I said it would. Socrates: your "Ruffles" post is not exactly called for. We left it up, I think, because it makes a good point. You could have been a little nicer about it. Yeah, like I'm never guilty of THAT. But still. GS: I am talking to one of the other moderators and trying to get up to speed on all that's been taking place here. I want you to feel welcome to speak your mind while remembering that the person receiving your message is a person. Challenging the basis of your opinions is fair game. Attacking you personally is not. Sometimes we need to figure out the difference. (Personally, I think the Ruffles thing was a bit much). We can discuss offline (private messages), but I wanted to say a few things publicly, partly for clarity, partly for transparency, and partly so that I say the same things privately that I say publicly. I'm not any more in charge than any other moderator except Pawtucket, but he's busy usually. Moderators tend to feel better when we know we are like-minded. I feel like showering after I said that. But it's true: we like agreeing with each other, but we're often busy. Now, one more time: THIS THREAD IS ABOUT BILLY GRAHAM. You CAN write a post that doesn't mention him and still be on topic (I recognize that, or more posts would be deleted), but it's VERY easy to get off topic that way. So try not to do it.
  2. modcat5

    Billy Graham

    Gentlepeople: Stick to the topic. COME ON!
  3. modcat5

    Billy Graham

    Next comment that does not mention Billy Graham gets deleted without warning.
  4. modcat5


    This forum is About the Way This topic/question is About Mike. It's About Mike in a way that other topics are already about Mike's thesis. What is Christianity? What is not Christianity? Answer either of those questions and you're in doctrinal, no? Folks. we don't start new threads to call people out. This thread calls Mike out. Mike interprets that as being pushed around. He's got a point. This thread is an offshoot of another thread that doesn't appear to need any more offshoots. Feel free to return to that thread to continue that discussion. Peace.
  5. I am far more guilty of that behavior than you. That's how I recognized it. ;)
  6. Not singling anyone out, but if the shoe fits: There is a specific rule against the following: distorting another poster's name to insult or ridicule I was probably more guilty of this than anyone. Nonetheless, there you have it. It's happening here. It stops now.
  7. I get what you were thinking, and that's cool. The implication in "Questioning Faith" is that a wiseguy like myself would have a green light to say "this is all nonsense invented by charlatans to blah blah blah...." I got the distinct sense that this wasn't the conversation you wanted to have or expected to start, so I moved it. All forum participants are welcome to weigh in on all threads, including this one. But cordoning off the "atheist" threads is a concession to the fact that people sometimes want to discuss doctrine without having to defend the basis for faith. It's delicate, but we can all be gentlepersons about it.
  8. This topic was moved from "Questioning Faith" to the main doctrinal section. While anyone is free to comment on any topic (as long as those comments are on topic), the "Questioning Faith" subforum is explicitly intended to house conversations that call religion and faith into question. We may change the name of it to make that a little more clear in the future. Nonetheless, this topic does not seem to be questioning faith so much as it's exploring faith. Doctrinal's main section is the more appropriate setting. This was a little more challenging than a similar comment I posted on a different (also moved) thread, because I suspect atheists, agnostics and skeptics have a LOT to say about this. Nonetheless, I based my decision to move the thread on the content of the posts, none of which appear to be "questioning faith" as intended by the naming of the subforum. I get that "Questioning Faith" means more than one thing. My attempt to be clear in naming it appears to have fallen a bit short. Such is life.
  9. This topic was moved from "Questioning Faith" to the main doctrinal section. While anyone is free to comment on any topic (as long as those comments are on topic), the "Questioning Faith" subforum is explicitly intended to house conversations that call religion and faith into question. We may change the name of it to make that a little more clear in the future. Nonetheless, this topic does not seem to be questioning faith so much as it's exploring faith. Doctrinal's main section is the more appropriate setting.
  10. Hang in there, George. --Raf
  11. Thank you Jaydee! You'll be hearing privately from Pawtucket!
  12. How much you give is up to you. If you can spare $5, great. $25, better. $100, even better. More? I'm not gonna stop you. I am going to thank you though.
  13. Folks, Last year a bunch of us came together to demonstrate our appreciation for GSC by making a contribution to the cost of maintaining the site. We set a goal of $1,500 to cover the cost of upgrading the server and covering the hosting fees for the year (about $100 a month). We came pretty close, and we are grateful for your support. We're coming back to you, hat in hand, to renew our request. Our goal this year is $1,200. That will cover the majority of the hosting expense for a full year. It is NOT tax deductible. It is NOT a requirement for participation on the forum. You don't get a special badge. You get our thanks, privately. If you'd like to make the fact that you donated public, we will acknowledge it publicly. But that's your call. And to be absolutely clear: I personally do not benefit one red cent from this. If someone came in and dropped a million dollar tip for the GSC wait staff, modcat5 and my alter-ego would not benefit from it at all not even a little. I am not asking for me. I am asking for the site's actual owner, who is not me. $1,200. Let's see if we can do it by April 30. I'll get us started. Will you join me? The donate button is on every page, upper left. Thanks.
  14. I just went in as a moderator and tried to fix the attribution. Unfortunately, the site does not give moderators that option. Anyone who sees my original post can see from the post RIGHT ABOVE IT that you are not the originator of the quote.
  15. Gentlemen, you are off topic, as Mark has accurately pointed out. If you'd like to discuss universalism, please start a new thread. Let's leave this one for anyone who's interested in discussing the Trinity.
  16. Moved from "Questioning Faith" after consultation with original poster. Enjoy.
  17. I deleted references to the year StayQuiet was born in order to make it a little more difficult for The Way to pinpoint who he/she is. If you remember, please don't repeat it. Thx. Later edit: After further consideration, StayQuiet asked me to remove his original post. I've asked him to write a replacement and I've substituted the original post with some generic placeholder stuff. Not that we want to encourage paranoia, but I do believe that those who are still in deserve as much ID protection as we can provide.
  18. Welcome, StayQuiet. Please check your private messages.
  19. Responding publicly to a private message: I suppose one could argue that Bapsy's contribution to this thread was technically "off-topic," as it did not spring from the original post or the subsequent discussion. But I do believe, after reviewing the thread, that we're on related topics that, while not explicitly connected, can be connected without much of a mental stretch. So I'm letting the thread continue as is. Bapsy, Welcome to GSC. Please be advised that you are welcome, entitled and encouraged to start a new thread topic if you don't see a topic already being covered in an existing or recent thread topic. It helps all of us keep track of conversations. As far as newbie errors go, this one was so minor that I won't even bother correcting it. And Brainstormer, as an atheist I am keeping my mouth shut about your questions. I do think the other Christians on this board have provided effective encouragement, and I wish you well. Signed, Raf
  20. That would be "One Her Majesty's Secret Service." How do you determine who wins this round? Raf
  21. I will be reviewing the content of this thread and deleting offending posts. There will be no further action at this time, but guys, come on. Is it that hard to stay on topic? ... I've finished reviewing this thread, and I tried to take as light an approach as I could. Fixed a few obvious grammatical errors (people sow discord, they don't sew it. I suppose they can sew with this cord, but that's not the same thing). But I deleted several posts where the namecalling got out of hand. I tried to be reeeeal flexible about "on topic" v. "off topic" posts. As long as the conversation is flowing naturally and no one objects, I'm not about to go from thread to thread approving or unapproving posts on that basis. I'd be here 24/7. I don't like you guys THAT much. There are a lot of good posts on this thread in which people disagree with johniam vehemently without making the post about HIM (short quips notwithstanding). I made some ease-of-reading edits (John, is it too much to ask you to figure out how the "quote" function works. I mean, you have been here at least, what is it, 4 weeks now? Oh, LONGER? You see my point. If you need a tutorial, PM me). I tried to put notes on the bottom of posts I edited significantly or that I felt required a mod statement. Now, let's make one more thing really clear: Everyone is welcome to post here. If you think VPW was the greatest apostle since Paul, you may post here. If you think VPW was the greatest con man since Prof. Harold Hill, you may post here. If you think someone is too harsh in judging VPW, you may say so. If you think someone is too gullible in praising VPW, you may say so. But anyone can do any of that without resorting to juvenile namecalling. And I will delete, without warning, any post that crosses the line. I tried to do that in a fair manner. I think I did that in a way that does not break up the flow of this thread. The fact that I could do so (if I succeeded) is a strong indication of how off-topic those posts were. Carry on.
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