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Why don't they leave? Basically, it boils down to one thing: FEAR 1) Fear of what's outside the ministry after many years of indoctrination on how the world outside TWI is bad. 2) Fear of starting from scratch after many years spent and invested in the ministry. 3) Fear of having the family split apart. 4) Fear of losing friends in the ministry by being M&A. Infinite fears. It's ironic that while the ministry teaches against fear, it is the one that is instilling it on everyone. Me, I left and escaped on my own despite having the fear from all these talks of losing protection from God when leaving the ministry, I didn't f***ing care by then: I felt that I just rather be free in the wilderness than being confined and enslaved in the ministry and I didn't bloody care if I was going to be M&A'd by leaving the ministry: they are not friends if they do that crap.
The most outragious statement in a TWI meeting?
FreeFromCults replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
Working at a Home Depot? So much for his ranting about being qualified to work at a Fortune 500 Company. -
Easy for me to say I guess, but....
FreeFromCults replied to miketheorganist's topic in About The Way
Welcome to GS. Now, let's agree to disagree because I don't exactly agree with your points: First, I am not holding on to anything I got from the Way because I threw them away and did my own Burning the Chaff with TWI materials. Anything good that was taught at the Way was nothing but plagiarism from good ole Vic. I moved on over 10 years ago without anything to do with TWI and its offshoots and I've been better off ever since. Second, I am still angry with the hypocrisy that TWI has done and their flip-flopping of doctrines as well as double standards that have hurt a lot of people. Little to no forgiveness in this forum, what do you expect? A lot of people were and are still deeply hurt by TWI. You can forgive TWI leadership, but like they really give a fly. Also, what is so wrong with criticizing TWI as well as pointing the flaws in their doctrines? You said hurting ourselves??? How about this... we express how hurt and angry we are to... LET IT OUT rather than keep it bottled shut inside of us as this is what exactly will compound and hurt more. Forgive TWI??? Yeah... whatever. -
Were you involved with a cult (TWI)? Like they said: "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..."
More likely, they were never friends to begin with.
You pretty much said it better than I would have. I feel the same way.
In my case, I would not know if they're in or not. Since I left TWI, I pretty much lost contact with anyone related to TWI. There were friends who left TWI before I did and made contact, but couldn't get together as our lives went separate ways. They have their own things and I got mine plus I moved out of the state and then moved across the country. Now speaking hypothetically: If a friend of mine goes back to TWI, I cannot prevent him/her. All can tell the person is "it's your decision. my doors will always be open for you, but I am never going back to TWI so it is up to you if you want to remain friends or not. " and I'll leave it at that.
Did you go out with a bang, or silently into the night?
FreeFromCults replied to JavaJane's topic in About The Way
Since I pretty much escaped, I have to say that I left into the night, but not silently. I just left a letter to the Way Corpse roommate saying I don't want to be part of the ministry anymore, then pack my things when he was not home and left without saying a frigging word. I didn't even let them know where I left to (for what? so I get harassed) nor let them talk to me into coming back (if they M&A'd me, I didn't give a s**t either). I left around the time that the legalistic kangaroo courts of the mid-90's started. I was present in one of those stupid sessions where a friend of mine was being reamed. Inside of me, I thought to myself "you can be next." I just had enough with all that and other BS's at the time that I just pack up and left. Of course, I did not leave that Way Corpse roommate to foot the bill in regards to the apartment rent. I left my part of the rent in advance for the last 3 months of the lease although I was broke: I just did not want anything to do anymore with TWI, I just wanted to move on to be free. Now, over 12 years later, I can safely say I did not become a greasespot as Loy Boy wrongly predicted as always. -
Kill for TWI? No f***ing way. I am glad I did not stay there long (3 years is more than enough) enough to be around people who'll go to that extreme. I bet that ex-CIA guy must feel like a real fool now that Martinfail is defrocked. Now, for those who are willing to kill for TWI, let me ask you a few questions: When you get arrrested, will TWI help you bail out of jail? Will TWI help with your court costs and help you stay out of prison? or What is the possibility TWI will deny ever condoning your actions? EVEN, what is the possibility will just M&A and cut ties with you in order to save their own arses? Kill for TWI? Yeah...Right. They are not worth going to jail for.
60 freaking years old, eh? Well Loy Boy, here's a B'Day song for you: CRAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! CRAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! CRAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG LOSER! CRAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
It still boils down to Same S**t, Different Day.
I threw away all my TWIT material the moment that I left. I also did my own Burning the Chaff, burning all TWIT related items including a photo of the board of trustees at that time (Loy Boy, the Donald and The Allen).
Amen!!! Thank God for all the freedom of choice and freedom of religion that TWI never gave us and wanted to take away from us.
Good Call! More like Good Thought! As we found out, it's a heck of a lot a better outside of it.
Absolutely! They sure live by the saying "Ignorance is Bliss."