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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. Does canon address the order the books are in? does canon only address whether or not a book is accepted as being inspired of God and has an apostolic source?
  2. If you “DID un-turn” stones does that mean you turned it back to the way it was? what is the “raw KJV” ? Is that before it was put together at the printers? How big was the staging area you had to have to spread out the raw KJV? did you work a regular job for those 10 solid years? How many hours a day for this 10-year span would you say you worked on this project?
  3. How do you know that is God showing you stuff? what if it is just you reading your bias into the Bible?
  4. What are the names of the mentors you think I trust? what specific points of these “mentors” aim at unbelief? And what does that mean? Are they targeting unbelief? Wiping out unbelief is a good thing - right? since it’s not clear what is the aim of the unnamed mentors - it is not clear what you’re saying about the aim of my posts. Please clarify
  5. How do those 2 short epistles initiate the study of the NT canon? what does God say about this canon stuff?
  6. How does the literary structure of 2 Tim and 2 Pet relate to NT canon? how can 2 Tim & 2 Pet that were written before Gospels and other books signify the canonicity of books not yet written?
  7. Why is the NT canon a mystery to you? what writers were unbelievers? how did you know they were unbelievers? how is the integrity of the Bible undermined?
  8. By comparison my long posts interpret themselves right in the post. I put all the poop in one spot so readers don’t have to dive deep into remote poop. I think it’s just the opposite with you scattering the poop all over Grease Spot and expect everyone to clean up after you.
  9. Well… that’s part of the problem - Chris G was wierwille’s “bus driver” and evidently he steered a lot of people wrong. another one rides the bus
  10. How do you come up with this stuff? can one get an unhealthy dose of the spirit? what is the spirit to matter ratio in order for a person to prophesy? if one is extremely overweight and has trouble prophesying - using Mike’s spirit to matter ratio - how much weight would they have to lose to get them into ideal spirit/matter prophesying range? In an emergency situation where an extremely overweight held in abeyance prophesier had to prophesy - is it okay to amputate a limb or two to balance the spirit/ weight ratio for prophesying ?
  11. FYI - just speaking for myself - I made a big mistake absorbing PFAL some 50 years ago…about 36 years ago I changed the process to analyze instead…. It helps keep out the riff raff of cult indoctrination if you know what I mean
  12. “Carefully” implies that YOU deliberately avoided to do harm or make errors. Since you post incoherent nonsense based on PFAL incoherent nonsense - there’s no need to carefully read your posts to avoid doing harm or making errors because you’ve already done that for us.
  13. What on Earth are you talking about? I was referring to the Native American Student Body.
  14. If the word of God is the will of God and it says the whole creation groans and is in pain - then it IS God’s will
  15. Does it involve strapping a tv monitor to your head - up close and personal with “the teacher” Going door to door witnessing about PFAL, as seen on TV
  16. Incredible! They were shoving a NASB in your face but you stood your ground …uhm I meant stood on your little soap box - a PFAL-marked up KJV bravo Mike!
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