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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. here is a follow-up report: responding to the invite, one ex-corps proceeded back – and fortunately for her, the fog lifted just in time:
  2. Twinky and Nathan_Jr great posts!!!!!! I shared this hyperlink on the Determinism / Free will thread – and it’s relevant here too…the following excerpts from online articles are within the first hyperlink on how to spot pseudoscience… The first thing we need to understand about pseudoscience is what is actual science. There are multiple definitions of science, but I like the one from the science council: Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. What is important here is that science is not a thing it is a process. Science is the process by which we investigate the world around us and draw conclusions about how the world works. From: https://jamesrubinstein.medium.com/how-to-spot-pseudoscience-on-the-internet-a-case-study-with-masks-5f5dc14e8cfd ~ ~ ~ ~ The empirical literature has shown that compliance and suggestibility are negatively related to intelligence (e.g., Gudjonsson, 1991). In consumer psychology, there is even a technique called ‘disrupt-then-reframe’: bamboozle people first and they’ll be more likely to buy what you’re selling (Davis & Knowles, 1999) From: https://thecritic.co.uk/face-masks-make-you-stupid/ ~ ~ ~ ~ What is the Framing Effect? The framing effect is when our decisions are influenced by the way information is presented. Equivalent information can be more or less attractive depending on what features are highlighted. From: https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/framing-effect
  3. Something is bugging me about your claim that you’ve posted your “chapters-book-theories-thesis” stuff in Facebook discussion groups “for approximately 5 years now, maybe more” and they’ve taken you seriously - and from what I’ve gathered from other things you’ve alluded to – you’ve had mostly positive responses. But the way you’ve been coming down on Grease Spotters for their valid questions, and pointing out contradictions and inconsistencies and challenging you for evidence/data as proof to support your hypotheses - something doesn’t fit with your Facebook claims… So, it makes me wonder that your fanbase on Facebook might have really poor cognitive skills and are unfamiliar with the basics of philosophical theories, neuroscience, the basics of the scientific method (like observation, experimentation), or a general understanding of freewill vs determinism. I mean to say …there’s such big holes, contradictions and nonsense in the “chapters-book-theories-thesis” stuff you’ve posted here – that I can’t imagine how any of this stuff would have passed the smell on Facebook, unless they were incapable of logic, noticing obvious contradictions and inconsistencies… is what you shared on Facebook totally different from what you have shared here on Grease Spot ? But since I mentioned these inconsistencies - and knowing your tactics - you'll probably come up with a "reasonable explanation" that you can retrofit into your original claims.
  4. the above quotes for the sake of "continuity" and here's my contribution > How to spot pseudoscience on the internet — a case study with masks fyi - checkout out the article about masks within the hyperlink - has a fascinating point from consumer psychology: disrupt then reframe
  5. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a man ahead of his time. In his poem Paul Revere's Ride, there was going to be two more signals, but he couldn’t work out the meter and rhyme scheme: One, if by land, and two, if by sea Three, if by helicopter, and four, if by subway
  6. When I’m feeling good about my defense mechanisms, I can be very outgoing
  7. I usually go by actions and leave it at that for instance, if i see signs of someone acting like a troll - I may not have a clue as to what motivates them or the status of their mental health - so I just deal with the obvious and point out signs of trolling...I mean what else can I do?
  8. Man’s free will leads him? How? How is man’s mind observable? Mind = the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought; synonyms: · intelligence · intellect · intellectual capabilities · mental capacity · brainpower · wits · wit · powers of reasoning · powers of comprehension · powers of thought · understanding · reasoning · judgment · sense · mentality · perception · head · imagination · subconscious · psyche · ego · ratiocination · sanity · mental balance · mental faculties · senses · reason · rationality How have you been exploring, analyzing, and explaining the mind? How do you know if there is “spirit” there or not? Please explain how the mind is less complicated than the “spirit”. What is “the more simple situation, which aids the observing scientist”?
  9. Great post, WordWolf! Today we watched one of our daughter’s favorite movies The Miracle Worker. Something in the movie made me think of your post. This brief synopsis will give you an idea of what it’s about – if you’ve never seen the movie: Young Helen Keller (Patty Duke), blind and deaf since infancy due to a severe case of scarlet fever, is frustrated by her inability to communicate and subject to frequent violent and uncontrollable outbursts. Unable to deal with her, her terrified and helpless parents contact the Perkins School for the Blind for assistance. In response, they send Anne Sullivan (Anne Bancroft), a former student, to the Keller home as a tutor. A battle of wills ensues as Anne breaks down Helen's walls of silence and darkness through persistence, love, and sheer stubbornness, starting by teaching Helen to make a connection between her hand signs and the objects in Helen's world for which they stand. The Miracle Worker The sent-home-chef had some cognitive dissonance. Evidently, he couldn’t see that his plate didn’t match his stated goal. There was a mental disconnect between what he had in mind and reality. The judges could see it – but not the sent-home-chef. In The Miracle Worker, Anne Sullivan helped blind and deaf Helen make the cognitive connection between hand signs and the objects the signs represent. It’s a very moving film – one of my favorite movies too. Something to think about - the “blindness” that’s caused by a cult’s mindset. For 12 years I became so indoctrinated, my perception was blind to reality because I trusted wierwille to help me make the cognitive connection to everything. Helen had to totally trust Anne – and it’s a good thing Anne was compassionate, dedicated and didn’t take advantage of Helen. Another thing that resonated with me – was the scene of Anne explaining to Helen’s Parents the reason for her empathy with Helen – drawn from her own traumatic experiences. I thought of Grease Spot and the concern many of us share to help TWI-followers and cult-survivors overcome the blindness of a cult’s mindset.
  10. “Bottoms up” approach = a call to finish one's drink...the last thing she remembers while in the motor coach
  11. Ugh – guilty as charged Thanks for that…my bad - a recovering a$$hole falls off the wagon…sorry - sometimes in these therapy sessions on Grease Spot I will vomit up wierwille-toxins…I guess that’s one way to be released from brainwashing. I wonder if trolls can be deprogrammed and would you submit voluntarily?
  12. Here’s another one of your deceitful tactics – playing stupid “I don't remember what happened to that thread” .Like you don’t know how to look through the first 3 pages of About the Way forum or use the search feature in upper right hand corner – and find the 2nd wave thread > here "WHAT deceit do you mean?" for a detailed listing of your deceitful tactics please see this standard list rsvp I imagine you’re giggling with delight like a little school girl cuz you got someone to look it up for you – even though you have no difficulty looking up duplicitous on the internet. I’m tickled I get to expose your lame tactics to the big world of Grease Spot Café. Bwaa hahahahahahahaha – note the literary structure - hahahahaha
  13. But you don’t face it You avoid answering direct questions. You offer no proof when challenged where is the Scriptural support for your theories. You run away from criticism. Backbones I am familiar with – like familiar spirits familiar? Are you into witchcraft too? Duplicitous = deceitful, treacherous…synonyms: dishonest · untruthful · lying · mendacious · insincere · false · deceiving · dissembling · disingenuous · untrustworthy · unscrupulous · unprincipled While were on the subject of lying – you seem to be incapable of distinguishing a lie from the truth – in what you say to others and in defending your favorite liar wierwille. Why else would you defend him to the hilt and even disparage copyright laws?!?! Could saved yourself some steps if you would just read this A tool is used to carry out a particular function – see standard description of the tool’s function Obviously, your definition of “good” is quite different from how logical, morally upright people would define it
  14. A backbone is a symbol of strength in character - not being duplicitous; an unwillingness to be used as a tool of deception. Starting your own thread would not be any different UNLESS you first ditch the duplicity and stay on topic. the 2nd wave of PFAL has started thread , was a deceitful attempt to once again push your PFAL propaganda! I demolished the validity of PFAL with NUMEROUS detailed and technical posts compared to your flimsy few initial posts that dodged challenges for you to offer proof of your claim. And to burst your bubble of duplicity - on NT canon thread - you were the one who deliberately forwarded untenable and distracting ideas - the bottom-up approach , the asinine ababababab literary structure that says nothing. If you were a person of character…who was ethical…someone with a backbone concerned about truth, facts, what is right…then you wouldn’t act like a troll by dodging, distracting, ignoring evidence, have a dismissive and condescending tone - that would change everything! aren’t you glad you asked
  15. Why not lead an excellent mission - quit acting like an incessant troll - ditch the duplicity - grow a real backbone and YOU start a thread and stay on topic
  16. An excellent point right there! Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16 Which reminds me of something I’ve looked into more since I left TWI. I vaguely remember someone teaching from that passage – all they said about it was a serpent never lets itself get backed into a corner – the point of the teaching was in light of arguing with someone over “The Word.” Having looked into that passage without the wierwille-filter, I think it has more a general idea of being aware of the dangers in this world and how to quickly avoid them and that we don’t get caught up in or develop our own evil machinations. Some food for thought from several commentaries on Bible Hub: As sheep in the midst of wolves.—Nothing can be more striking than the union of this clear foresight of conflict and suffering with the full assurance of victory and sovereignty. The position of the disciples would be as sheep surrounded by a flock of hungry and raging wolves, the wolf being here, as elsewhere in the New Testament, the symbol of the persecutor. Wise as serpents.—The idea of the serpent as symbolising wisdom, seems to have entered into the early parables of most Eastern nations. We find it in Egyptian temples, in the twined serpents of the rod of Æsculapius and of Hermes, in the serpent-worship of the Turanian races, in the history in Genesis 3 of the serpent that was “more subtle than any beast of the field.” For the most part it appears in Scripture as representing an evil wisdom to be fought with and overcome. Here we learn that even the serpent’s sinuous craft presents something which we may well learn to reproduce. When St. Paul “caught men with guile” (2Corinthians 12:16), becoming “all things to all men” (1Corinthians 9:22), he was acting in the spirit of his Master’s counsels. Be ye therefore wise as serpents — On the one hand, be so prudent as not to irritate the wicked, and those who shall oppose you, either by your behaviour or your doctrine, unnecessarily, and avoid all unnecessary dangers: and harmless as doves — On the other hand, let not your prudence degenerate into craft, lest it lead you to betray the truth, or to encourage or countenance men in their evil practices; maintain at all times a holy simplicity of soul; and to your prudence join a harmless and inoffensive behaviour, rendering yourselves remarkable for integrity amid the greatest temptations, and for meekness amid the greatest provocations. Be wise as serpents ... - Serpents have always been an emblem of wisdom and cunning, Genesis 3:1. The Egyptians used the serpent in their hieroglyphics as a symbol of wisdom. Probably the thing in which Christ directed his followers to imitate the serpent was in its caution in avoiding danger. No animal equals them in the rapidity and skill which they evince in escaping danger. So said Christ to his disciples, You need caution and wisdom in the midst of a world that will seek your lives. He directs them, also, to be harmless, not to provoke danger, not to do injury, and thus make their fellow-men justly enraged against them. Doves are, and always have been, a striking emblem of innocence. Most people would foolishly destroy a serpent, be it ever so harmless, yet few are so hard-hearted as to kill a dove. from: Bible Hub: Matthew 10:16 commentaries end of excerpts
  17. Exactly ! Freedom of the mind requires not only, or not even specially, the absence of legal constraints but the presence of alternative thoughts. The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities..... Allan Bloom... The Closing of the American Mind
  18. Big deal… wierwille gave me a WOW pin at ROA ‘76. I rode on a golf cart with him and a couple of fellow corps out to pecan trees and he supervised us picking pecans. I served him at the head table in Rome City…but $hit he never gave me a GSC T-Shirt - wierwille what a cheap ba$tard…Mike, you lucky dawg - you got a GSC T-Shirt!!! Damn you’re special…can’t says I blame yah for thinking you’re so much better than me…I just got a crummy WOW pin. and at least you were accepted by Paw. Man, if wierwille ever found out I was in a cult I bet he’d roll over in his grave. wierwille-worshippers around the fountain of living waters would hear a rumbling sound and say “ what the hell was that? A mini-quake?” do me a big favor just in case the dead are alive now - or you happen to talk to him at your next seance Twig - PLEASE don’t mention anything about me being a cop out and marrying my WOW sister.
  19. In other words, the Intermediate Class was more about fine tuning how to fake TIP, so it sounded polished like a real language being interpreted. I can see that – for me it wasn’t necessary to deal with the fear of embarrassing myself by speaking gibberish since I got past that at session 12 of PFAL…and truth be told – I faked it in session 12 – I used to sound like I was speaking Russian and Chinese kidding around in HS. I mentioned that to a guy who started a thread in doctrinal – and he freaked out and called me an unbeliever… …well he might be right cuz he seemed pretty sharp spiritually – he said while attending some big ministry event he got revelation wierwille was loaded with devil spirits – and went on to say LCM was wrong seed and if that wasn’t terrifying enough – he also knew he had a bunch of wrong seed in his own family…that totally changed my viewpoint of TWI…what a mess – me an unbeliever being taught by a guy loaded with demons and being led by a wrong seed guy… ...uhm not that I’m paranoid or anything – but er…has anyone here made Satan their Lord or used to date Linda Blair?
  20. interesting observation reflecting on my TWI-mindset I held for 12 years - in a weird way there's a certain sense of comfort with black-and-white thinking - one is relieved there's not a whole lot of analyzing to do...rather than sort through multiple viable options, you simply look at two choices - one is right the other is wrong... I accepted the false dilemmas wierwille presented in PFAL...there's only one way to rightly-divide "The Word" all other ways are wrong...when it comes to "The Word" I have no friends...you can either walk by your 5 senses or go by "The Word"...you can either use worldly logic or the logic of "The Word".
  21. oops - yeah totally forgot!!!! In the new PFAL Today class, does "The Word" still take the place of the absent Christ?
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