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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. That is another odd thing to say - since you use a lot of way-speak and spout concepts and doctrinal stuff from wierwille and TWI...maybe it would help if you removed the PFAL-colored glasses...start thinking outside the little box that wierwille / TWI entrapped followers. Perhaps vp still has you locked inside that little box i referred to above...can't speak for the others here but you seem to have that paranoia of the way-mindset - only instead of seeing devil spirits behind every tree - you see us as the enemy trying to hurt you...I'm just trying to show you a way out from all that.
  2. That sure is an odd response! After all, you started this thread and you were the one who made a bunch of assertions. Were you expecting some kind of conditioned response? Like maybe when you were in a wierwille-friendly fellowship? Honestly, I asked you some serious questions – I was not trying to be argumentative. Hey, tell you what…let’s start over…and what say you work on dropping the way-speak…and instead of jumping to a ready-defense of something you’ve derived from wierwille – let’s truly have an open and honest discussion about it all. This way WE can ALL explore ideas TOGETHER…. …I’ve been coming to Grease Spot for a few years – and over time I can tell you of a truth that my beliefs and viewpoint have changed quite a bit – matter fact, though I am still a Christian there’s so much in my head that remains in a state of flux – and I’m ok with that…and once I got used to that, I’ve found a new freedom and comfort in being myself…better in tune with reality…and in general, not feel duty-bound to keep up a false front of that “know-that-you-know-that-you-know-that-you-know” thing. Love & peace…and carry on T-Bone
  3. So how do you get the doctrine straight? What is your process? Can you prove that your walk will naturally line up with correct doctrine? A lifetime of experience in human nature tells me otherwise; due to our fallen nature we often tend to fight things that may be good for us; old habits are hard to break. Regarding your analogy of car (doctrine) pulling the trailer (your walk) and the assumption that it’s correct doctrine leading you – presents another issue. What happens when the doctrine is incorrect? And what if you assumed you had the towing order right but you actually had “the cart before the horse”? So, how do you know if your doctrine is correct? And how do you know if you are doing the right thing in your walk? Can you be more specific on what are the religions and denominations that thrive on warped doctrine? what is warped doctrine? what is "doctrine" and what is "God's Word"?
  4. Or - - John 1 is talking about two divine beings – in the beginning the word was with God (that’s one divine being) and the word was God (that’s ANOTHER divine being). That does make sense to me. Your assertions that it must be a figure of speech because it makes no sense to you or that the word becoming flesh is a figure of speech are groundless. What is the name of the figure of speech? “Nonsense”? you pointing out the clear verses that show God and Jesus are two distinct beings - I don’t have a problem with – because I believe they ARE two separate beings. Perhaps looking at the clear passages that speak of Christ’s divinity – like in Philippians 2 and Colossians 2 might help you understand my viewpoint.
  5. Pehaps that’s a matter of perspective....many Trinitarians and Unitarians have no problem making sense of the Gospel story. But I can’t speak for either group since there’s so many variations and nuances when explaining who Jesus Christ was/is and his connection with God the Father. I do see your point though about how making Jesus and God as one would be confusing and an impossible feat to accomplish. But that’s not what the biblical data suggests. John 1 talks about the Word being in the beginning WITH God. wierwille’s incompetency with biblical Greek is never more evident than in his twisted explanation of the Greek word pros in his study of Who Is the Word – in the Blue Book I believe. To make a long story short (I’ve covered this on many other threads in a longer form) every biblical Greek lexicon and critical Greek text commentary on John 1 and the word pros in every other occurrence state that pros has the idea of close proximity and an intimate relationship. wierwille said the only way that Jesus could have been with God was in his foreknowledge – in the mind of God. So I choose to ignore wierwille’s inept research skills and I go with what real biblical scholars say about defining biblical Greek. Therefore it seems apparent to me John 1 is speaking of the divinity of Jesus Christ…but wait…there’s more ! You might think it’s impossible to combine the human and the divine – but that’s exactly what we find in the first chapter of John - “The Word became flesh”! Perhaps this mindboggling combination – this amazing aspect of Jesus Christ’s uniqueness was never more sublimely expressed than in John 3:16 where it says God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son – the words “only begotten” in Greek is monogenes and can be translated as “the one and only”. Truly Jesus Christ is unique – one of a kind – a hybrid – both human and divine. Anyway that’s how I see it – but that’s only my opinion – just trying to make sense of the biblical data and respect one of the original languages of the Bible.
  6. Discussions in About the Way forum do sometimes get into doctrine - especially how it relates to consequences (I'm using the word "consequences" in a general sense - and don't mean to make it sound negative - a consequence may be good or bad, depending on the action or actions that precede it). Another thing - it's really only when a doctrine is put into practice that an interpretation becomes apparent or fleshed out - something you can see - a visual aide of an idea perhaps - it is a 3 dimensional how-to of a given directive- - that's not to say the interpretation (i.e. practice, or maybe "implementation" would work too) is correct or that only one interpretation is possible....so the ramifications are important to consider - that's asking "what impact will this action have?" I'm sure I'm not telling you anything new here - but let's consider that in regards to the way international - - On a grand scale - Bible doctrine is put into practice by their policies and procedures that are set up; doctrine is also "implemented" or fleshed out in the way any programs are set up and operated. Perhaps even the attitudes and slogans that are encouraged may be considered an interpretation of doctrine as well as citing someone's specific action, behavior or lifestyle as exemplary of the Christian life or of what a man of God is truly like. That brings me back to a line of thought in my previous post - wierwille's double standard; he taught one way publicly - - usually along the lines of the Bible means what it says and says what it means, "it's the word, the word and nothing but the word, " rah, rah, rah!... (Addressing certain subjects that wierwille taught - in print or at the podium and his gross incompetency with biblical Greek, logic, and textual criticism is a whole other can of worms and is not my concern here; Although in light of Matthew 7 that speaks of knowing false prophets by their fruit - I guess one could consider how false prophets implement their erroneous doctrine as the fruit of their labor – by introducing erroneous practices..so it's not a case of good doctrine but poor application - - rather it's a lot of twisted, perverted doctrine put into practice.) But he lived another life when he was "off the stage". As I mentioned in previous post he would bend any moral demands of the Bible around what he wanted to do anyway by claiming he so renewed his mind, he's doing whatever (fill in the blank) in the love of God so it's ok and numerous other demented bits of "logic". Think about the consequences of such actions; especially being looked up to as "the man of God", "the teacher", who's every action...and practically every word we're looked upon with great admiration by the general body of TWI...and think of what this also TEACHES those in the various programs and private settings where he let his guard down and could speak more freely. Wierwille's doctrinal malpractice may become a special contingency in the mind of an observant and admiring follower of HOW to "best" interpret the Bible, or decide on what's truly applicable in a given situation. For example - as a former follower and admirer of wierwille I was very keen on observing his every move and how he handled situations (I've told the story many times on Grease Spot about how wierwille showed his favorite porn video to our family corps - adults AND TEENS and the things he said to justify such inappropriateness) so let's make a hypothetical situation that puts me in a moral dilemma - let's see how a person who has studied intently under wierwille and then when put to the test innocently tries to mimic wierwille's way of handling things: "Well, lets see - the Bible means what it says and says what it means - but what about this temptation to commit adultery - or is it really an opportunity to meet a need....it might be ok if I do it in the love of God - it will bless her after all since she confided in me her husband is no longer standing on the word and has not been very loving to her lately. We both have been studying the word a lot - and been talking a lot about what God has showed us....Well, unto the pure all things are pure...Besides I think her and I are spiritually strong enough to handle it." please don't be naive in thinking wierwille's insidious modeling of the Christian life is no big deal - there are tons of stories here and in published works that testify to how his style of "leadership" and "shining" example have influenced how followers have responded in many moral dilemmas! By that I don’t just mean how someone may choose the wrong path because their moral compass was sabotaged – it also is about the incongruous sideshow incidents that followers…and victims are exposed to – that may be so shocking or upsetting as to leave them in a state of apoplexy – they are not sure how to respond – on this, please see an older thread that was revived recently "I should have bolted when" thread == == == == Anyway - just saying if it involves doctrine and practice of the way international- it's appropriate for this forum... ...of course keeping in mind the practical impact a doctrine might have is a good idea even in the doctrinal forum - so it's not just all theory....and here's something sort of related to keep things real - I've heard a few different versions of it - and think it originated with a general over battle plans - no plan ever survives first contact with reality...which I take it to mean you have to be attentive and flexible when implementing a doctrine - solicit feedback, etc. maybe something needs to change, look at how it affects those involved. ..I think that's where wierwille and top leadership fell short - wierwille's pronouncements, Bible interpretations, program setups , etc. were all set in stone - - and that's what makes for a lot of "holy-crap-how-could-those-bozos-get-away-with-such-madness-for-so-long" reading on Grease Spot.
  7. Yeah....come to think of it....TWI was like a really bad soap opera....."Daze of Our Lives"... The one about the corps was my favorite "the young and the sleepless "
  8. oh snap - you funny girl ! well, a turd to the wise is sufficient...or some proverb like that
  9. Hi again rrobs, I don't think it's really a matter of honest decent folks disagreeing over the application of Romans 2. What's really the issue here is the double standard of wierwille's "ministry". He would openly preach and teach how we all should obey the moral dictates of the Bible. But how he conducted his private life is another matter. Yes - this is one of the greatest secrets in way-world today..... wierwille's double standard. It is the cornerstone of hypocrisy. By his own words in unguarded moments, by his licentious lifestyle and by his predatory tactics - many of which are documented here and in published books - like "Undertow" and "Losing the Way" - it is wierwille who is in stark disagreement with how the Bible says one should conduct their life as a pastor, a husband, a father, a Christian! He lived a life by his own "rules" of wanton abandon. He could easily skirt around any biblical commands by saying it's not applicable to him. It's all in the nifty trick of an easily adaptable attitude of "unto the pure all things are pure" - or quote some other goofy pious platitude or "spiritual" reason - so for example he could plagiarize and justify that it was not lying or stealing because God showed him how to piece together everyone else's work - so it all fits like a hand in a glove. What about wierwille teaching the Bible means what it says and says what it means in PFAL? Doesn't the Bible condemn lying, stealing, adultery, sexually molesting women, raping women? Even most civilized countries have laws against that kind of stuff. But wierwille is above that? Does he have some kind of diplomatic immunity ? Where's the sense of justice if I obey the law and don't commit any of those things but I'm suppose to ignore some joker who's doing all that like it's going out of style? And he's supposedly a man of God? And he's preaching to everyone that we're supposed to obey God and follow his word?!?!?!?!?... ....maybe a tad hypocritical don't you think. Grease Spot shares the same lot as whistleblowers - in that the truth often pi$$es off certain groups of people - those who spin the web of deception and those who want to remain ensnared in that "comfortable" web.
  10. Great point Skyrider - makes me think over a lot of things... If growth of the ministry was truly of God (along the lines of Acts 2:47 - the LORD ADDED to the church daily...) then why the heavy emphasis on PFAL and all things wierwille in the way corps program? Cuz it seems like the main focus of my corps training was to develop good sales reps and marketing wizards for PFAL - yeah a smattering of Bible stuff thrown in the mix - just for maintaining appearances I suppose - but looking back I think we were all pigeonholed into a small handful of categories that actively sold the wierwille myth or served in some capacity that maintained / supported the wierwille myth...I don't believe the Lord would add anything to an abusive predatory cult....not bless it, validate it or encourage people to join it...of course that's just my opinion I could be wrong. if God was truly giving the increase I tend to think there would be more of a need to adequately train qualified people to manage a "supernaturally " booming "business" (to be pastors, administrators, counselors, etc. - ya know - what accredited seminaries do)....looking back I think corps training was more about enshrining wierwille as some great one and reminding folks to keep that money rolling in! == == == == Maybe a little off topic here - but I do get it - with any popular product or service in high demand you've gotta get the word out there that it's your business's mission to provide that to customers...but like house cleaning or yard maintenance - you don't really need to sell a lot of working couples on the idea that they should hire someone to do that for them - just need to persuade them why they should hire YOU to do that.... but with wierwille it was a devious marketing scheme - by "reinventing" God, the Bible and the Christian life - mold it into some marketable product and service - since in his mind there was nothing popular or in high demand that he could make a buck off of at the time. So he settled on something that took little time, intelligence, money or effort - plagiarize or hijack the work of others (I use "hijack" in reference to wierwille seizing control of the Jesus movement). Did wierwille's "reinvention" work? For me it did - or more accurately his con worked on me...my "reconstituted concept" of God, the Bible and the Christian life (courtesy of The Way International's thorough indoctrination process) was a "manageable God" similar to a genie-in-the-lamp who was subject to frequent mood swings....and granted, it was sort of finicky - you had to rub the lamp just right - believe and not just mental assent to it - believe- ya know, just like Luke Skywalker would do in using the Force....make sure you check on what mood wierwille....uhm ...I mean God is in ...yes that's it - check with wierwille on what mood God is in - usually you can gather that by how much the man of God and/or acting prez of TWI berates you over how spiritually deficient you were in handling a particular situation, also have your needs and wants shaped like a parallelogram ....timing is essential too - (begin music for the 5th Dimension's tune "Age of Nefarious" and start singing ) "when the moonshine (or Drambuie - if you can afford it) is in the 7th house" (that's the way corps chalet log cabin in the way woods )....say "Beetlejuice" 3 times and close with the benediction "when it comes to the turd" - I mean "the word " - (wierwille's word on what the Bible says, that is....ok "turd" same thing) I have no friends" ... So let's review how we're going to spread the turd - uhm - I mean "the word" now I'm not being facetious here - over my span of involvement with TWI, leadership taught basic sales tactics - they may have varied a little or were re-packaged differently but they all revolved around PFAL - tell them what PFAL did for you - (so what if you have to fabricate, exaggerate, or embellish a little - or allude to some celebrity who would have taken the class but didn't because they thought it was too good to be true) ; there were suggestions on how to probe a person to smoke out anything you could latch onto in your sales pitch; and we were never encouraged to actually give them any real answers so that they would feel satisfied and - God forbid - walk away.... Nope - but I do recall a lot of reminders that I keep my focus on whetting their appetite for the stuff in PFAL; find a weakness, deficiency, a need, a desire, a goal....anything ! and tell them how the class will help them take care of that; if you're unable to figure out what they need or want - then "create" a problem for them - with some statements like: "Oh so you think you really know God, huh? What if I told you there's a way to know him even better and that you could even receive direct revelation from him." Or "You think you know the Bible pretty good, huh? Well, did you know there were 4 crucified with Jesus? I can tell you how I found that out and a bunch of other startling truths that most Christians today don't know about." or "Tired of not having your prayers answered? Tired of living a life that is not abundant ? You know, they don't teach how to tap into the power of God in seminaries or the churches! Come to my Twig tonight and bring your check book. I'll fill you in on the greatest secret in the world today" (alright - I didn't say the part about "bring you check book" but I was sure "believing" they would bring their check book or cash and be ready to pay for the class that night - and in considering my dismal sales record I guess I wasn't "believing" for most of my career in sales) == == == == So bringing it back to "inflection point".......To start a business you need to find your niche and get the word out about your ability to provide that product or service....i think wierwille's dream WAS that inflection point - to receive the recognition AND money he felt he deserved...and an easy way of going about that was by redirecting any young impressionable folks in search of something ( I think THAT was his niche * ) - he put up a little detour sign - redirecting them right down the road to the intersection of wierwille adulation and their purse strings. * Note on niche - i can only imagine how wierwille figured out his niche if he used a typical find-your-niche checklist: 1. identify your interests and passions: money, sex and power…check ! 2. identify problems you can solve: find ways to exploit impressionable youths…check ! 3. research the competition: plagiarizing material and hijacking a customer base…check ! 4. determine the profitability of your niche - calculate the benefit or return on investment (ROI) by dividing it by the cost of the investment, usually expressed as a percentage or ratio: selling stolen goods is 100 % profitable…check ! 5. test your idea: zero corps failed…if at first the indoctrination process does not succeed, try and try again…check !
  11. yeah - people were exploited, used up and thrown away... Makes me think – what would a Grease Spot adaptation of Soylent Green be like…hmmmmmm The tagline for the movie promo would be “The Way International is made out of disposable people”
  12. That gives me an idea for a re-make of "The Exorcist" adapting a silly old slogan from my days in TWI....have it on the poster promoting the movie: "I'm operated by all nine all the time"
  13. An interesting line of thought…and I’ll tell you what – stepping back – I can say I even learned a few things in my overall cult experience but I’ll narrow it down here to my corps training – suffice it to say there is one thing that I won’t do that I did when I joined a cult - - I will never just chuck something away without some serious – really serious thinking first – like many of us did when we first joined TWI and were encouraged to get rid of anything that reminded us of our “old man” nature…Penworks’ book Undertow resonated with me on so many things she said – especially the part about getting rid of our old identities when we joined TWI. my review of "Undertow" Getting back into the flow of life FAR and AWAY from TWI – I prefer to manage any accumulated knowledge, nonsense, memories, skills, experiences, etc. with a little more wisdom now. Yeah – I own it all – I’m not going to play games and deny something didn’t happen – I’m not going to throw out anything – but I can choose how all that will affect me. There are numerous passages in the Bible that speak to the injured, the hurt, the unfortunate, the deceived… not only to console or enlighten or warn or redirect but in time how those same people can then empathize with others who suffer …and not just empathize but actually lend a helping hand! Maybe that’s what keeps making me address any corps still standing with TWI…..(Now switching to my impression of Darryl Hammond’s impression of Bill Clinton saying) “I feel your pain” (bites lower lip) hey folks, wake up and get out… - - -(switching back to regular T-Bone voice) … Ok….back to previously scheduled programming….corps training – what did I get out of it…. Let’s see…getting into biblical Greek was fun – I’ve held onto the Analytical Greek Lexicon and a few other real reference tools I bought when I was in residence - still refer to them occasionally and I did like participating in the public speaking courses and Way Productions; while all this did give me a taste of public performance – it also helped reaffirm my preference for being in more of a supportive role to whatever is going on. In other words, if it’s about putting a teaching or study together – I would have loved doing the research on it or outlining the main points so that it all flowed logically. I prefer to contribute or collaborate – I have no desire to be the star of the show. If it’s music – I lean more towards being a recording artist or composer - rather than a performing artist (I’m a great bass player in my head but I can’t re-record a stinky live performance like I can a bad bass track in the studio ). You know…I’m a self-taught musician – and they say people who cannot do – teach - - oh my goodness – will the circle be unbroken ? Maybe it’s a survivor’s thing that I can salvage anything – I dunno….generally speaking I think putting up with the corps’ meathead leadership, sleep-deprivation scheduling, constantly berating us over the most nit-pickiest things, and a gazillion other torturous routines produced in me some qualities that help me to survive in the real world – especially if there’s any egotistical shallow inexperienced know-it-alls in the mix who think shortchanging, bull$hitting or some razzle dazzle will fool me. I’ve learned how much I can endure. I’ve learned how to spot bull$hit a mile away. I’ve learned that to survive and yea thrive in any legitimate business environment I have to embrace the mission and truly make it my own. Perhaps the biggest things I’ve learned – (the hard way I might add…which is learning from my mistakes of depending on “the principles” and “keys” that I learned in TWI / the way corps) – is that simple stuff like common sense, logic, humility, and honesty are some of the best components in designing a system, a process, a business, a product, a service – cuz not a whole lot of that was used when wierwille designed the way corps program – and you can see how well that worked! Now I will say this…it may take some re-tooling of the mind – but I think all that stuff about commitment, attention to detail, integrity, accuracy, serving others, physical discipline, etc. that we had drummed into our heads is great if it’s not misplaced…if it’s not so I can be the best sycophant for whoever is prez of TWI…yeah - let ME be the one to decide what MY priorities are. Let ME choose what I want to dedicate MY life to…let ME …oh, you get the idea…God bless and good night… (ok last subliminal message: hey corps still standing with TWI, wake up and get out! )
  14. I agree with you 500% on your statement “…I still found many of the best people in twi were NOT corps”…I firmly believe that the way corps training did a great job of screwing up people – especially in subverting the Lordship of Jesus Christ…the way corps’ indoctrination process for all practical purposes “installed” a subtle or hidden countermanding protocol that worked as a “driver” to whatever wierwille doctrine you had accumulated thus far before going into the corps. Your post made me think of a passage in Romans that warns of deceivers getting Christians off track from serving the Lord Jesus Christ. I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Romans 16: 17, 18 NIV After the reading of passing of a patriarch and the confusion that ensued from its impact – no wonder I had such a difficult time trying to figure out what was the right thing for me to do. I kept trying to troubleshoot the issues using everything I had learned during my 12 years in TWI. For me - I finally was on the road to some kind of spiritual recovery when I quit referring to PFAL and such like – but rather questioned everything TWI and just used my 2-bit brain and plain scripture.
  15. Imagine being a fly on the wall in those meetings… I’ve been around a lot of crap in my day but this $hit really takes the cake !
  16. LOL love it, Bolshevik !!!!!!
  17. My book would be something like… Help ! I’ve Fallen for Lies that I Won’t Give Up by T-Bone == == == == == == Notes on the back cover: The true story of the meandering journey of one man’s search for answers to some of life’s biggest questions and the dead-end detour that waylaid his progress for twelve years. From the opening chapters you’ll meet a quirky, inquisitive, and creative young man, looking into various belief systems and enjoying writing, painting and playing music. It is only when T-Bone gets involved with the insidious cult The Way International, that a pall of dark and stifling ideas spreads over his young and vibrant soul. Like so many other idealistic and impressionable youths that joined the cult, he fell for their lies of redemption...hook, line and sinker…lies that he would not give up because of the tenacious mindset that TWI develops in its followers. However, through a series of unfortunate events, personal research, constantly stubbing his toe on reality and the fearless dialog with other dissatisfied followers, T-Bone was able to break free of the stranglehold of a cult’s lies. == == == == == == What reviewers are saying: I could not put this book down…I read it until I fell asleep. Johnny Jump-Up I think he plagiarized a bunch of stuff from that negative website Grease Spot Café. wierwille admirer who prefers to remain anonymous. The narrative is okay but lacks a coloring book section. Waysider Now that his damn book is published maybe he’ll start tackling the honey do’s list. Tonto
  18. yeah - food, water, medical supplies - think preppers, survivalists...along those lines preppers survivalism == == == == on a related note maybe bugout bag bugout bag when I took a CHL class years ago the instructor was retired law enforcement and was big on being prepared - went into "overtime" one session discussing worst case scenarios, emergencies, and the need for a bugout bag and other things. ****but again i say - we ought to hear from other Grease Spotters on what mal-pack is - cuz most of the time i don't know what i'm talking about....sorry
  19. yoo hoo - oh Waysider could you help us out please I think it's a reference to packaging emergency essentials - usually you would place items on a pallet and then wrap with plastic to secure the goods in place malpack corp. but i may be wrong see also Grease Spot thread below: new and improved mal-pack
  20. From Dot Matrix's first post on this thread - a portion of what Martindale said to the corps regarding his supposedly godly solution to the basic spiritual problem of man vs woman: "The renewed mind in Christ Jesus the Lord delivers a woman from the spiritually savage mindset of terminal bitchiness, thinking the sun rises out of her vagina, and the moon and stars out of her brain. While a man is delivered in the Lord of the constant threat of being neutered; while he whimpers to feed me and .... me every other minute." == == == == == == == == I think Craig's basic spiritual problem was that he was trained by wierwille.....wierwille....ha ! Don't get me started !!!!! He thought it was ok to show Family Corps (adults AND TEENS) porn videos.....part of "way corps training" don't you know. The way corps was such a horrible and insidious "training program" that had sexual predators at the helm !!!! Not only poisoning the minds of way corps but also sexually molesting some of them. After i think about some of the things these predators said or did - it makes me wonder why anyone would give credence to their twisted interpretations of scripture and corps meeting rants. I left in '86 so I can't address what top leadership has done since then - but their maintaining the coverups and perpetuating wierwille's "the word" bull$hit - I don't think anything has gotten any better. I sometimes think of the way corps training program in light of Matthew 23:15 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are." == == == == Hey, any corps still standing with TWI - wake up and get out !!!!!! It's all a big mind-faaaawwkk !!!!!!
  21. Wow, Thomas your Post blew my mind !!!! thanks !!! As a Christian and former TWI follower - I think that is one of the most important things to always remember.
  22. And since I organize everything by association - my MAL-PACKs should be near my packs of Pall Mall and Pack Rats I found at the Mall. Thanks for the reminder !
  23. For Sale: Cult leader with dwindling fan base looking to sell one overworked motor-coach; uniquely designed interior with extra storage space for an exceedingly abundant supply of liquor, Roofies, and MREs (note: these items are sold separately), and includes classic entertainment system (Beta-max Video Tape Player); equipped with luxurious Sofa Fold-Out Bed (hole in mattress has been repaired); sports a vintage rear bumper sticker “If this van’s a-rockin’ don’t come a-knockin’ ”; custom exterior lettering in need of repair, currently reads “Go _ _less _ _ _ Abundantly”; will consider the "best" offer or trade for Volkswagen minibus.
  24. Sorry - a little late for that...since that was part of my "severance package" I had the apple and brawn food bar freeze dried and rolled over to my ROTH 401K Post-Apocalypse Account. now if you are still interested in trading - I might still have some Shepard's Pie or Pizza with chicken gizzards on it - hermetically sealed in space-age ziplock baggies of course - in my way corps memorabilia footlocker....I'll have to check - let me get back with you on that.
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