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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. Don't know bridge; but friends in an old Twig taught me hearts and spades - fun card games - but haven't played either one in years - keep telling myself I'm going to get back into it when I retire.
  2. Got it...that's 2 cents for #2...I hope you don't need a receipt - we're all out of toilet paper.
  3. just repeating my question in previous post - in case you missed it... do you think the verses in Isaiah 19 and Jeremiah 32 that you mentioned in your post are referring to the pyramids in Egypt? If so, can you show scriptural data to support that?
  4. Hey, I meant to ask this earlier – but anyway - just to clarify – do you think these verses in Isaiah and Jeremiah are referring to the pyramids in Egypt? If so, can you show scriptural data to support that? This kind of relates to what I say below your other quote. I remember seeing a program on TV a few years ago that speculated and demonstrated in mock-ups how these ancient builders could have moved such massive blocks of stone given the technological limitations of the time. It all seemed quite feasible to me – without having to resort to Extraterrestrial technology or the supposed power of Fallen Angels. sorry - some of Heron's stuff just smacks of sensationalism in my humble opinion. I tend to shy away from dubious or extremely speculative theories as a means of “validating the scriptures and God”. If we’re talking scriptural validation - I’m ok with the subjective experience of knowing a teaching is from God that Jesus talked about in John 7:17… I do realize my viewpoint probably frustrates the hell out of a lot of doctrine wonks. To elaborate on what was said earlier on this thread ("you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say") - - one can also formulate a theory to explain anything.
  5. You've made several references to Patrick H and his work; I just wanted to mention I have his book "The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse " - though I did find it interesting - - a lot of it is speculation. I also noticed in Patrick's bio as a guest on that coast to coast website you mentioned - it says he has a bachelor of theology from The College of Biblical Research, Rome City, Indiana...since I also attended that college I thought it might be of interest to some folks how disappointed and angry I was to find out from a professional resume service working on updating my resume - that particular college was NOT accredited. Accreditation may not a big deal to some folks but in most professional circles it usually is - and perhaps even from an academic standpoint it means certain intellectual standards were met.
  6. Oh I understood your meaning ...I just saw another humorous angle...I also know the Borg Queen had the hots for Data....makes me wonder if Borg Queen types are attracted to certain mindsets - I mean positronic brains - resistance is futile.
  7. What's the difference between the Borg Queen of Star Trek and the TWI "Borg Queen"? One has to do with the hive mind - and the other has to do with an irritant if you don't mind hives. (Sorry this post was due to a rash decision)
  8. Might have to chase that with a Cloud Nine Martini....I guarantee if you have a few of those you might be out until 9 the next morning....best to have a partner who's expertise is raising the dead. ....ya know...that's almost like a "biblical" experience according to abuse of Hebrews 12:1 seeing my mind is surrounded with a great cloud of martinis
  9. T-Bone

    AC 79

    This just in from CNN's website - that's Chris NumbNuts (Chris G33r's alternate universe) "look at the truth behind the facts"
  10. T-Bone

    AC 79

    But according to Ke11yanne Con-way'$ School of Wierwille Apologetics , there's always the alternative facts to consider.
  11. T-Bone

    AC 79

    Let's beef it up for an official press release: "That was the greatest attempt at mass exorcism in hookey-pook history....period !"
  12. T-Bone

    AC 79

    What if wierwille cast out the spirit of the hook shot… and with it seven other spirits more inept than that… let’s see…there was… the spirit of plagiarism the spirit of Drambuie the spirit of roofie the spirit of Elmer Gantry (usually pairs up with spirit of roofie) the spirit of hissy fit the spirit of The Third Reich the spirit of Kool Menthol Cigarettes hmmmm…I was at Advanced Class ’79 – and if those spirits were cast out – I don’t think “the teacher” would have showed up.
  13. When I first joined TWI in '74 - I heard teachings along those lines using that verse - and even remember someone justifying the way corps program from that verse....as if it were like learning at the feet of a modern day Apostle Paul.
  14. Egads man , what a find !!!! The word "clone" came from "twig" - - well, it does make sense - life is in the clone - - I mean , life is in the twig.... And to answer your question - how did cloning ever get implanted as right believing (doctrine) - I imagine one of the contributing factors that fed wierwille's delusional process was the twisted use of I Corinthians 11:1 - be imitators of me (wierwille) as I am of Christ.
  15. Yup - makes sense to me.....I think that's one of the most profound points on this thread - understanding WHY we do the things we do... This hypothetical premise challenged me to really scrutinize my motivations - attempt to strip everything down to bare bones - and for some reason - maybe because I've been out of TWI for a very long time and don't have all those pious-sounding platitudes superimposed on my faculty of reason - I simply answered in the manner of how I live now. That's not to say that in an actual big crisis I would respond like Dudley Dooright - but think about this - the more training scenarios you have under your belt - the more likely you are to succeed when your training is put to the test - military, law enforcement, first-responders like paramedics and fire departments stake their lives and those of others on that ! So my point is - taking it down a few notches from those extreme crises I just mentioned - maybe life's journey is also partly a series of training scenarios, in that the course we choose to take in a particular situation may also serve to reinforce a pattern of kindness...or self-centeredness...or whatever it is that typifies our response.
  16. any more potty mouth stuff like that again and I'm calling a Grease Spot Moderator !
  17. OldSkool, I am blown away by your amazing "network" story - what compassion, persistence, and generosity by everyone involved - especially the young lady donating a kidney - I can't even imagine doing something like that! What a great way to start my morning - reading your inspirational post, thanks OldSkool !
  18. Nice post, InfoAbsorption ! I always enjoy when someone walks me through their thinking process - it often helps me reevaluate my viewpoint. You know what – I’m probably a bit of a preterist myself – or maybe even a mix of the the 4 major eschatological views I won’t even get into all the subdivisions concerning the millennium…oh that reminds me … I do have to mention my “brush with greatness” – years ago I did have the honor of working on the security system at the home of J. Dwight Pentecost author of “Things to Come”…..(quite an interesting read!) Did we meet and discuss all kinds of Revelation stuff? Naw – his staff assistant let me in – but I’m here to tell you his home was absolutely lovely. By the way, tonight I was doing some extra credit work for this thread – and found out there’s a name for combining all four viewpoints - some scholars propose a fifth method of interpretation – the eclectic approach that tries to maximize the strengths of all four views...not sure if that's really possible though...but it sure sounds diplomatic . I read about it here preterist approach personally I don’t think any single one of these views can work out all the kinks – and since I’m not a preacher or teacher or concerned with selling more books – I feel I'm free to work out each “kink” on a kink-by-kink basis…so I’m a little kinky.
  19. I think Waysider has some good suggestions....and I wanted to add a few of my own thoughts about the doctrinal forum in general before I offer an opinion on this particular subject. I think of Grease Spot doctrinal forum as maybe an entry level doctrinal discussion when compared to the many Christian doctrinal discussion boards out there - where one had better be rock solid in their own brand of theology, biblical hermeneutics, and thoroughly familiar with opposing viewpoints....and they still might get "the beating of the week" . ... ...And maybe that's the great thing about Grease Spot - it doesn't matter what your viewpoint is , what credentials or experience you may have - just come here with an inquisitive mind, be honest and courageous enough to once and a while sneak a glimpse outside what bias you may have, and engage the old "brain muscles". And usually Grease Spot is a stimulating and thought-provoking environment - - even when some posters want to adhere to wierwille dogmatics - which for the most part is the bane of critical thinking. Occasionally getting nudged outside our comfort zone can be exciting. == == == == Over the years I have enjoyed studying the book of Revelation (have quite a few commentaries on it - hardback, software, e-Books...and have a few Hugh Ross books too)....i liked InfoAbsorption's post getting into the preterist commentary. I believe there are 4 major views of interpreting Revelation - and I believe they all have merit. On something like this I don't like to put all my eggs in one basket... just in case the world is going to hell in an Easter Basket. I think I might enjoy looking at the topic in bite-size pieces as Waysider put it. For what it's worth I've had a personal experience that kinda relates to this stuff that sort of threw all my dear paradigms into a tizzy. It was after 9/11 happened, I felt like a dark cloud of confusion was spread over my head - even entertained ideas like: the rapture had already happened and I was among those left behind, or the mid-trib folks were right, or there is no God and somehow we're now in the hi-gear-to-annihilation-mode....needless to say I've tempered my viewpoint with some flexibility / adaptability - maybe I'm a little bit of a "philosophical prepper " now to go along with any contingency planning. Regarding this topic, of late I tend to look more at what's going on in the Middle East and also in the rest of the world politically / economically , details of the "third temple" and other stuff in light of scripture alluding to future events like in Daniel 12 and Matthew 24 - - and of course Revelation too - but I don't get hung up in trying to decipher all the symbolism - I try to get a feel for the back drop of unfolding events - how things will come into place politically and economically.. ..folks have always played guessing games on who is the antichrist and what is the mark of the beast, how close are we to the return of Christ...I know Jesus said no one but the Father knows the hour...I mean...all that stuff is interesting but I feel some groups so fixate on these things I tend to think they're disconnected with the here and now - like they're punching a clock and can't wait for quitting time.... you know , considering the fact that the STATE of Israel came into existence in 1948 is enough of a sign of the times for me...and thinking about the trend toward globalism, mounting political tensions, terrorism, environmental issues I think it will all eventually come to a head... and if I find myself stuck in the great tribulation I hope I'll be strong enough to help others get through it. Whew! After all that just want to say I tend to look more at these more conspicuous signs rather than astronomical ones where there could be issues with lining up occurrences with various dating systems, feasts, scriptural significance, etc. Of course this is all just my opinion and I could be wrong.
  20. T-Bone

    Utah Barbies...

    I can imagine them coming out with a First Lady Barbie....her Ken will be a troll with orange hair.
  21. Excellent post, WordWolf ! i always look forward to your take on things
  22. Just an FYI: the same could be said of ZERO when in the company of ones and twos.
  23. I have no idea how you misconstrued what I said.....What I said was - THE word was with God and THE word was God - I did NOT say "A word" . Hopefully that was an honest misunderstanding on your part...or misreading of my post , and not a deliberate misdirection....Let me throw in John 1:14 for good measure - THE word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Also there is a major difference between Jesus' divine nature and what we have: II Peter 1 says we are partakers of the divine nature - "partakers" in Greek as well as English means we take a given portion or share along with others - we participate in something greater than ourselves...we experience undeserved benefits from God at Christ's expense. I don't believe there is any scriptural support to suggest we become God or Gods. Also consider the superlative descriptions of Jesus Christ found in Colossians 2 and Philippians 2 - to just reference one of them ought to be enough for now - in Colossians 2:9 NIV says - for in Christ all the fullness of The Deity lives in bodily form - - that is HIS divine nature - the infinite attributes of God! So contrary to what you said - it looks to me like Jesus Christ's DIVINE nature does indeed make him God.
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