Dawn Redwood
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Everything posted by Dawn Redwood
RE: the death of the child from the mother's fear and the thriving of the children because the father said a simple pray everyday. Both these stories reek of being bogus because in order for either one to be true as told by VPW, there would have to be an eye-witness to corroborate not only the actions taken by the parents, but also be a mind reader to know what these parents were "really" believing....and this would have to take place over a period of years and years and then this person or persons would have to tell these stories and swear that the reasons for any good or bad out comes was due to what was really going on in the hearts and the minds of THOSE parents! Only God could know that....OMG, I just realized, God must have sat VPW down and TOLD him these things!!! I believe now, I believe....not. PFAL...learn the truth by reading and studying The VPW Version of the Bible of Urban Legends
My son, Grant was 22 mos. old when his baby sister was born and he was able to speak quite well. One day as I was changing her diaper he was observing the whole thing and became very concerned. "Mommy, you have to take Lauren to the doctor. You have to take Lauren to the doctor!" I assured him Lauren was fine and didn't need a doctor. But he persisted, insisting I take her to the doctor. I finally asked him why and he answered, "Because her dingle is broked off!"
Thank you WG - that was making me a little nuts too. I never did the cleanse, but I have question. How did it go for you cleansers in the Corps when they began to ration the toilet paper? :unsure:
The class or seminar you hated the most
Dawn Redwood replied to GrouchoMarxJr's topic in About The Way
PFAL. Trying to stay awake during that class and every subsequent one was misery, but I was determined to become a full-fledged cult member come he77 or high water! And I did! Ohhhhhhh, but I loved the perverted CF&S....absolutely LOVED it. Why? Phhff...not because that class was going to teach me anything about sex and it's perversions that I didn't already know, but there was the cutest guy there whom I had this mad crush on........I always had my priorities in order. Advanced Class in Ohio, another miserable class turned beautiful, (no pun intended), because guess who was there? Yup, that cute guy. It's amazing how your classmates can change everything. -
Exactly. People who have a negative attitude towards life very rarely get up off their butts to go out and do something. They seem more content to sit complain, whine and blame others for why they don't have what others have. People with a positive attitude recognize that they actually need to work at things to get somewhere in life. But this is about your ATTITUDE not your 'believing'. Attitude and (biblical)believing are not synonyms. Attitude works for saint and sinner alike - because we all have attitudes regarding everything. "Believing", as used in the Bible, is really about having faith in God and His power. VPW took "biblical faith" and relegated it to the stature of secular "belief" and "attitude" and formed his very own doctrine - well, plagerised his very own doctrine...lol. Biblical faith is NOT for saint and sinner alike. It's for saints. People who, in their lives have chosen (for their own personal reasons whatever they may be) not to look to God for their sustenance have no use of "faith" (in God). They can believe whatever they choose to believe and live their lives accordingly. But their belief is not "biblical belief", aka faith. People who have decided to look to God for their well being, rely on "faith" in God. The majority of people who sat throught PFAL were there because they(we, I) were looking to know God better. They(we, I) were looking for "biblical faith" through that class. But what we got was a substitue, a copy cat counterfeit, feel good till it bites you in the a$$ doctrine. We didn't get the truth about faith, we got some secular facts blended with some religious overtones.
I think these posts have done a great job of wrapping up the BS we were taught by VPW concerning 'his' law of believing. The saddest part about the whole teaching is how it neatly and succinctly edged out 'true faith in God' and relience on His power according to His will. ie - if it's God's will that you move that mountain, then don't doubt that it can and will be done. But if it's your will to move that mountain, the outcome can be pretty iffy at best. Unfortunate also is how it left open so many people's hearts to condemnation when things didn't happen, when people didn't get healed, when things went awry etc., to then allow leadership to blame them and their believing. Truly an evil and hurtful teaching. The exact opposite of what God wants for us. AND this is the foundation teaching of PFAL. If the foundation is wrong, tell me, how can anything built on it be right?
Basically this law of believing (which is no law at all) surmises that we can tell God what He will or will not do. Now that's downright laughable and incredibly egomanical. We can ask, but we can't 'tell'. The Bible even teaches against such thinking in the book of James which I would quote if I had my Bible with me - I don't cause I'm out of town, but it goes along these lines: "Those of you who say tomorow we will go to such and such a place, and buy and sell and make a great profit ought to say, tomorow, IF THE LORD WILLS IT, we will do such and such..." My paraphrasing, but you get the gist - go read it. This teaching of this bogus law, no matter who teaches it, gets people further from the truth, not closer to it. The truth being that God runs the show, not us. People with big arrogant egos find this concept impossible to swallow.
I think it's a real privilege and honor to be able to use the word wonderful with all you wonderful ex-Way folks today under the world's largest Big Top here at the wonderfully tremendous Greasespotcafe, which is the greatest gift Paw has ever given to mankind.
Are you sure they wouldn't just say it (loudly and with an exclamation point) out of pure frustration?
OH OH OOOOOOHHHHHHHH....... gee whiz CW you shudda known it was me just by the way I got off topic so quickly. I "thought" your thread was 'why do people fiddle around in marriages' meaning the spouses. But (there I go again) now I see 'why do people 'fiddle' in marriages' - meaning "why do people stick their noses in and open up their big fat yappers?" I had actually posted my first response just to what you had written in your first post and my second response was based on what I thought your thread title was. I see it belongs in the 'other' thread. I love these epiphanies. Why do people fiddle in marriages? Ditto to what Tom said.
The way I see it is this - cheating can happen for a number of reasons - you gotta be in that person's shoes to understand why and the motivation. People can be hurt so badly that they feel justified in cheating and maybe they are...who knows? BUT, it is the 'continued' willful cheating and still remaining in the marriage that sux big time. You need to fess up to the spouse asap. You need to be brave and if you've done the deed, stand up to your consequences and let the chips fall where they may. But to continue to live in a dishonest secretive realtionship (the marriage)....is cowardess, absolute cowardess. Cheaters, for whom it is a way of life, are scared to be alone and their fear takes everyone else down with them. I wouldn't want to be married to a perpetual coward. A one time cheater with a spotless track record? Well, that's a whole nother story, worthy of being scrutinized and a marriage possibly healed, but the perpetual willful cheater...a slimey coward. Oh Mz. Vicky, who else ever starts their sentences with a great big "but"? LOL it's me, the evasive, WWO.
What is that proverb? In the multitude of counselors there is safety? Something like that. Apparently in the case you state, the opposite seems true. But then again, there is a huge chasm between a counselor and a busy body who fancies themself a 'counselor'. When the marriage goes bad, everyone needs someone to talk to. This is a really good time to choose the very wisest and faithful of all one's acquaintences to unburden yourself to. One who isn't afraid to point out where you may be wrong also. Just as it takes 2 to make a marriage, it usually does take 2 to spoil a marriage. One needs to seek out a faithful friend who lends an impartial ear. That doesn't mean that the marriage will make it, but at least it's being given an honest scrutiny. If a person is keeping company with a gang of people who feel free to do one of these 3 way calling deals and then actually heeds their advice over their own good common sense, then it seems that person got what they were consciously or subconsciously looking for. Y'know, there is such a thing as just "hanging up". It's right up there with saying, "no", drawing a line, setting a boundary. But then again, if a person had grown and matured to the point where they actually could 'hang up', say no, draw a line, set a boundary, then they wouldn't be surrounded by a bunch of busybodies to begin with. Those people would have been rooted out and replaced with a true blue friend or two. So what's my point? I dunno - we're just talkin' here..... BTW - changed my name - like it - it's the same as this great big tree I've got growing in my front yard wreaking havoc with my lawn and driveway, but way too beautiful to cut down.