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GreaseSpot Cafe

Orbot Commander Mighty

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Everything posted by Orbot Commander Mighty

  1. sorry about the poor grammer I will work on that ok! thank's guys for your tender hearts you really open my EYES there is alot of love and warmth here. :D I understand now
  2. not to cause emotional anger or discord at this site but I see alot of statements being made here; is there any documention or creditable evidence, or - individuals that can back up these reports. I know about other top individuals within this group but child abuse base {on here say is very evil and dangerous}. Is there any proof to such accusations. The one individual called Dot Matrix,I believe their story is true base on dates, events and staying on the main topic, but others are joting around and spewing quick catch me phases that's geared to attract- the reader's attention. Basically some appear to be made up fables due in part to bitterness and slander cuz of hurt. Is that the case here? Remember this Organization ruined and slandered alot of good and honest people, are we ... and yesss i said we; becoming the thing we hate the most!!? I just want to know so don't bite my head off guys, I hate the sting of killer bees
  3. dot matrix saw your posts and others soooo, much pain u seem like a kind human being. justice where is the justice - is God dead??? is his son coming back??? ... alot of pain here shared; dot thanxs for posts Ive been on this earth and ive seen alot mean and cruel things in various countries - wellll lets just say i am weeeelll traveled, i have never heard nor seen such evil,dark,treacherous,sinister,guile,malice,cover ups, such as these accounts. Dot I wish u the very best. U are a true warrior... you can chew dirt with me anytime. I wont post that much here anymore, I am some one who is just trying to find answers. I will continue to view the threads and read the posts. Mighty Orbots Rules
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