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  • Birthday 05/25/1955

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  1. At Emporia, John Lynn often had us go to bed quite early on Sunday night, at 10 pm. As I recall, we had to be in bed by midnight there, but at Gunnison under Tom Jenkinson, we had to be in bed by 11 pm. However, at Gunnison, because there were fewer in-residence Corps there, you had to get up in the middle of the night for 3.5 hours of Bless Patrol at least once a week. At Emporia, because numbers were higher, your Twig might have Bless Patrol (with 3 hour shifts) only once per block, as I recall. This was during the time the 13th Corps was in-residence. Of course, at HQ, they had Safety and a Doberman to do Bless Patrol duties.
  2. A Facebook friend who has been in the Way for a long time recently posted there is a Regional Duel Meeting. I am wondering if she just misspelled "dual" or whether guns at forty paces will be involved...or perhaps knights in armor on horseback. Has anyone heard about this event?
  3. In the interview VPW had with Elena Whiteside while she was writing a book about The Way (THE WAY LIVING IN LOVE), he told in detail (and she wrote) about God speaking to him audibly. That book was written in the early 1970s.
  4. I am just curious. Does anyone know whether TWI has come out in favor of or against the COVID vaccine?
  5. Yes, Out and About ... It was an excellent album, and the musical tour Joyful Noise did that year was very good. I enjoyed it immensely and played that album for many years, even after I left The Way on January 11, 1996. A couple years ago, I passed on all my Way and other albums to a close friend, along with a combination record player, CD player, etc. I do not know whether he kept them or not.
  6. In my first year in-residence in the 13th Corps, we saw the video called "A Day with the Wierwilles." He stated this in the film. I later read that Don Wierwille did not agree with that statement.
  7. Rocky said: IIRC, she's (Donna Martindale, then Lombardi) mentioned in Undertow as having worked at the NC limb also. That was during her interim year in the 4th Corps, the same year Ralph D, Joel Burke, and Charlene Little, were sent to North Carolina so that Limb Coordinator Doug Emerson his wife, Connie (later Connie Panarello) and their daughter, Krissy (later Kristyne Panarello) could go to HQ for the one-year "Special Corps" program. David Turk was the Limb Coordinator in Doug Emerson's place. Ralph, Joel, and Charlene were Zone Coordinators, each of one-third of the long state of NC. Charlene later married David Turk.
  8. Beguiled: Just to clarify ... coal miners are mostly in Kentucky and West Virginia. There are no coal miners in the Carolinas.
  9. It always made me chuckle when I sat at or near Ralph Dubofsky's table at lunch in the HQ dining hall during my interim year of 1983-84. His wife at the time, Lori, always brought a bowl of raw, cut onions along with their children when she came for lunch. People who knew this made it a habit of sitting at their table so they could have onions on their salad.
  10. When I was at Emporia (13th Corps), the chef was Bob Gassman. The food was good, with few exceptions. I have read online that one reason the food was so bad there in the early years is that Craig, who was in charge of the campus, was trying to save money. Another issue is that it is comparably a very small kitchen. When it was the College of Emporia, it most likely was not used to cook food from scratch, bake homemade "Benny's Wheat" bread, etc, Most likely, it was used to heat up industrial-sized cans of vegetables and the like.
  11. Ira Hearne, his wife Ora, and daughter, Nancy, are all deceased.
  12. I did an online search. Rosalie Rivenbark was born in March 1940, so she is now (in May 2020) 80 years old.
  13. One thing about PFAL 77: the food was great at Ball State University. Every afternoon was yours to nap, play, fellowship, etc. In that regard, it was NOTHING like in-residence Corps training. Honestly, I quite enjoyed it.
  14. Just depended who. VPW said on several occasions that he had no respect for anyone who used the word Christmas because it was not a mass for Christ. It was contempt for the Roman Catholic "Christ mass" that started all the brouhaha about using the word Christmas. Still, many of us Corps at the time (I was 13th) went along with it when we were on campus or at Way-sponsored events, and said and still celebrated Christmas at home with Christmas trees, Christmas cards, Christmas carols, etc. We had a big formal Christmas party at both Way HQ and Emporia, but probably called it something else. It was John Lynn (who coordinated Way Corps 9 through Way Corps 13 at Emporia) who came up with the idea of Ho-Ho Relo instead of Christmas Vacation. We were supposed to not be on vacation during that time, but I suspect everyone was, just another example of being put in a position to do one thing under the watchful eye of the overseers, but another thing in real life. I suspect the few faithful Waybots still do the same ... Happy Household Holidays being the thing now, but I will bet they still have a Christmas tree and exchange gifts.
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