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Throwing stones...where will most of these posters be years from now...still throwing stones at VP? NEWSFLASH: VP never said he was perfect, neither are ANY of you. I wholeheartedly agree with Oldiesman and Johniam, but on this board we appear to be the minority. They must only stay on this board to help people, cause much of the posting here is a bunch of crap, and a waste of time to read. I'm just calling it as I see it. It's hard for me to post lovingly here, because I find it discusting the way some of you bash around a dead man, with accusations. I haven't been a part of twi for 14 years, but I am still thankful for having heard what VP and others taught, regardless of their imperfections. People are full of flaws...and don't kid yourself either, women are very good at saying yes or no. I held on to that which was good in twi, and if others get HONEST, I'm sure they could find some good too. I don't care where he got some info. from, or if he got his doctorate from Pike's peak...HE knew more of the Bible than anyone I have ever known, and made it available for me to understand, where it actually made sense! This board is dominated mostly by the same posters and VP haters. If anyone knows of a board where exwayers aren't wondering if the dead are alive now, and if God's word is his will, :unsure: PLEASE let me know privately.
Thanks, for your posts, It's nice to know I'm not alone. Before I took PFAL, I tried to off myself-thinking inside to God, shouting inside; "if I go to hell for killing myself after searching for you all my life, I don't want your f;n heaven anyway". Two weeks later I was witnessed to in a bar, I was playing pool and the lovely gal bringing my beer had recently taken the class herself. Laura Fitzhugh Dahn if your out there, I love you and thank you. No regrets. I had spent much of my life up until that time trying to find God in Religion. I saw the slain ones, was the only white in an all blk Pentecostal, read the circulars, was told by an old catholic lady I shouldn't take the communion yadda, yadda. I read all the self help books I couldn find, but I didn't find answers I saught. I am not proud of what the twi has become, but I cannot deny, that it changed my life for the better. I feel satisfied in knowing what I know, and I want to know more. I also can't hide from the fact that there are people still out there today, who feel like I did back in 1984. I am glad that there still are twi related tapes out there. Not everyone in the way, had sexual improprieties. Alot of Good men and women, put their hearts into researching the word. I only met VP once in my life, I mostly know of him by hearing YEARS worth of him pouring his heart out to people. Some of you out there know him personally. I only know the word he taught, and the same word he taught others to teach. I spent the last 14 years not looking at any material twi put out! I had my time away, and got out at a good time...but the WORD is still with me and I have been unknowingly sharing it with others all these years. Gods best to you ALL now, in 06, and forever.
I know what your saying morgan...alot of what was taught WASN'T practiced. I was suprised myself to hear VP say some of those things, because I couldn't even take the advanced class without Tithing for a specific amount of time. I often felt info. was hid from me, because I wasn't corps etc...I was just a peon who wasn't priveleged enough to learn certain secret things. I always felt I had to be a twi slave to be considered worth anything to the organization...and it sure seemed like there was a membership, and they did "kick people out". The "holier than thou" leaders, only looked to find fault, and you had to walk on egg shells around them...watch everything you say and such cause it'd be taken the wrong way. I'M OK-with not being a part of twi anymore, but I still enjoy biblical research, and there is still alot of hurt, empty people out there who need to hear God's word.
It's still available to enjoy God's Word being taught, I still love learning about the Bible. It's been healing for me to get excited about the word again, because biblical research is pretty cool. Not all teaching tapes that the Way Ministry put out are "off". I've heard some great tapes from Walter Cummins lately, and Last night at work, I learned about Joseph and how Egypt became so wealthy. (ROA 80 Serving the Nation). Barrel of oil for a loaf of bread sounded good to me. I also heard some other beautiful teachings like; Our Healing Ministry...where VP shared that the Greatest ministry is THE WORD and the healing power of Loving others! He said; "people need confidence in God and his Word, NOT A MAN, The Word-The Word"! I also heard on another tape where VP said "all through the years he's never asked 1 man or 1 woman specifically, to give anything to this ministry". (God's Heart For Wow Ambassadors)...VP also said he "thanks God he doesn't have members in the Way ministry. We just plant and water and hold forth the Word. Those who hire can fire- But in the Way ministry you can't join anything, so nobody can throw you out. Stay as long as you like." On another tape I heard VP cry, when he taught about Jesus Christ going out with all those other lambs. (made me cry) I have a tape; Belief/Truth where VP said something like "you don't go for VP or The Way ministry...and whether anyone gets into the Way Ministry or not is relatively insignificant and un-important". Then, I forced myself to listen to a lcm tape. Ironicly the tape I chose was Opening of the Way Corps/Staff night 9/9/87. HEEE taught about Denominations basicly missing Genuine need of the people, due to hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism. Quote; "Until there is a genuine tenderheartedness to God, needs will not be seen and -go unmet". Towards the end of the tape, coyloy taught about THE WICKED SERVANT. Fellow Greasespots, (His workmanship), God's Word Lives On, and can still be enjoyable to learn. There are so many people out there who don't have a clue, and we can help them, and have fun doing it. We who were once a part of The way minstry still have alot to share with others, and we don't need to shove it down their throats. Y'all have a safe and happy ending to 05, and healthy start to 06. Freeindeed.
Mr. Strange, I have never sold God's word, don't plan to. I am glad I have been able to purchase it myself though. It's been healing for me to get excited about the word again, because biblical research is pretty cool. Last night at work, I learned about Joseph and how Egypt became so wealthy. (ROA 80 Serving the Nation). Barrel of oil for a loaf of bread sounded good to me. I also heard some other beautiful teachings like; Our Healing Ministry...where VP shared that the Greatest ministry is THE WORD! People need confidence in God and his Word, NOT A MAN, The Word-The Word! I also heard on another tape where VP said "all through the years he's never asked 1 man or 1 woman specifically, to give anything to this ministry". (God's Heart For Wow Ambassadors)...VP also said he "thanks God he doesn't have members in the Way ministry. We just plant and water and hold forth the Word. Those who hire can fire- But in the Way ministry you can't join anything, so nobody can throw you out. Stay as long as you like." On another tape I heard VP cry, when he taught about Jesus Christ going out with all those other lambs. (made me cry) I have a tape; Belief/Truth where VP said something like "you don't go for VP or The Way ministry...and whether anyone gets into the Way Ministry or not is relatively insignificant and un-important". Then, I forced myself to listen to a lcm tape. Ironicly the tape I chose was Opening of the Way Corps/Staff night 9/9/87. HEEE taught about Denominations basicly missing Genuine need of the people, due to hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism. Quote; "Until there is a genuine tenderheartedness to God, needs will not be seen and -go unmet". Towards the end of the tape, coyloy taught about THE WICKED SERVANT. Fellow Greasespots, (His workmanship), God's Word Lives On, and can still be enjoyable to learn. There are so many people out there who don't have a clue, and we can help them, and have fun doing it. We who were once a part of The way minstry still have alot to share with others, and we don't need to shove it down their throats. Y'all have a safe and happy ending to 05, and healthy start to 06. Freeindeed.
Hi Everyone, I found this site last week, I am so glad I found my brothers and sisters. I took my 1st PFAL class in 84. I still believe it was the best thing that ever happened to me, no regrets, only thankfulness. My last twig was in 1991. Legalism pushed me away. I knew that I could never live up to what was being expected of me in the new regime. I decided on a beautiful day to build a shed in my back yard, rather than drive for about 3 hours to and from a meeting, in some City I'd never been. I received a phone call the next day. I was told I didn't show enough commitment because of missing that meeting for the reason I did, and before I could go to another twig meeting I would need to speak to the PA Limb leader. I didn't bother. Since 91, I have had NO fellowship, whatsoever, with anyone in or out, of the Way Ministry. I kept the word I knew in my heart, and spoke in tongues regularly. Before I got in the way ministry, I knew in my heart that if nobody on this Earth loved me, God still did. I left the way ministry, but God never left me. I also had many, books and still have about 200 or more cassettes. I started listening to cassettes again in November this year, as a result of trying to help out a co-worker. Most of the cassettes I have are oldies but goodies-in the early days of the ministry, most are taught by VP. (The 200-800s were some of my favorites, and some of the old 70's ROA) I have some obnoxious lcm tapes too, where he shouts the grease spot thing and God won't even spit in your direction. One of those tapes was; "Victorious unity in one God", part one and 2. I got curious about the way again, and headed to the internet...I thank God, I found this site, The Way 2 site was a turn off. I am so glad I got out of the Way ministry when I did, because many of the reasons I left, were reasons why there was a mass exodus. I was single when I left, and now I have a husband and 2 sons ages 5 and almost 10. I am 43. Comming back to these tapes, after 14 years, and hearing them from a different perspective- (older, married-w/kids), was really cool. I can see why lcm doesn't like people having access to computors. I think this board, and some other places I've visited are healing. It's nice to know you are all out there, and not bound to serving an controlling organization anylonger. I will visit this site regularly and contribute what I can. Research Geek I read your top 10 list, thank-you, (big time). Happy Household Holidays everyone, Free Indeed