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Everything posted by Happyasaclam

  1. I did not know about the landfill. Where did you get that info, SOGWAP and what kind of stuff did you have to dispose of? Nevermind, maybe I don't want to know. And I had forgotten about the water fountain in the entryway, Bug. You are right, now that you mention it. I remember filling water bottles at that fountain. I cannot remember any miracles happening as a result, however. I wonder if the current owner can extract a premium on the price, seeing as there has evidently been some extraordinary apparitions there. But will a bank loan on the value of an apparition? Then again, 2 million people a year visiting the Rome City Campus ... now that can generate some income!
  2. This just makes me smile, and offers some sense of resolution. To think that this place might someday be a "shrine" to the religion most often reviled by TWI ... well, what could be more appropriate? "Physical and spiritual healings, attributed to Our Lady of America, have been reported by numerous Rome City pilgrims seeking cures through devotional prayer in either of the two chapels on the property and drinking of the spring waters that flow from the hillside. These events are being documented and will be presented to Church officials to help determine if any miracles have occurred which could hasten the final confirmation process. Based on its central Northeast Indiana location and proximity to major highways, OLTIV estimates the shrine, once completed, could attract more than 2 million American visitors each year." I wonder if the "Church" would like me to document my experiences at this location ... Like the time I was screamed at (top of the lungs screaming) by an ordained minister in the chapel. And, BTW, where is the second chapel? I only remember one. Is there a hidden chapel somewhere? Maybe it was somewhere down "Mystery Hall." And the waters that flow from the hillside never seemed like anything that I would want to drink. I do remember the grounds department taking a great deal of effort to hide evidence of the 12 grottos that once housed the 12 stations of the cross along the hillside. It seems that removing the 12 statues was not enough, they wanted to erase all evidence that the grottos were ever there. Now, the RC Church might have to reestablish the 12 grottos, and the nuns' names over their archway doors, the cross. And OMG - the chapel will have to be completely restored. I wonder if "Bob the Bass" is still in the pond. Clam
  3. Just ran across this info - it seems that there was an "apparition" of "Our Lady of America" in the chapel years ago. Now the RC church wants the property back so millions of people can come and visit. It seems fitting, in a way. Hope this hyperlink works .. http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?SESSIONID=&aId=11942 Clam
  4. Belle - I had a hundred things to do today, but I got distracted and got on the site. I thought I would see what this "radio" thing was all about and WOW! I spent the next couple of hours listening and rewinding the broadcast. You've been on my mind all day. Your story is remarkably like mine, only I wasn't nearly as bold as you. I mostly lurked and did not post - but received the encouragement to find a way out. I, too, stuck with the abuse for a long time (although not nearly as long as you) until I found a way out. I left without my husband - but thank God - he finally was asked to leave too. At one point you described the gradual ramping up of responsibilities on unsuspecting new Way folks. First it is great - a couple of meetings a week. Then, before you know it, you turn around and it literally consumes your life. And it was never enough! I was in 26 years and I cannot once remember any "leadership" telling me how thankful they were for all I was doing and/or giving, and that I had somehow met their expectations. But I was brought into more than one mandatory spit-spewing meeting where I was told that I was not expressing my thankfulness enough to the person(s) doing the spewing. This layering of responsibilities was by design. I was told as much by the WC coordinator at the campus I was at. It was taught, it was deliberate and it was designed to bring a person to the point of failure. Loving ... huh. Clam
  5. I survived many face splitting confrontations - but I think the first was during an early PFAL class I took. I was a grad, but my nose started bleeding right during the tape. (To this day, that Bible has a blood stain in I Corinthians.) Having nothing to use for it, I got up and went to the bathroom. At the break, I was publically humiliated for leaving the class. The class guy didn't explain to me what I should have done considering my options. I guess I should have ripped pages out of my Bible to cover my nose, or better yet, just let it pour down my face onto my clothes!
  6. Jardinero, Randy married a lady named Desiree and they lived in Utah for several years. I believe they ran the Limb there. They had twins. I believe they divorced. This would have been at least 10 years ago. Clam
  7. I have read thru this topic and just had to add this post. Hubby and I were looking for a new rental back shortly after we got married. Our town was a landlord's market - few rentals, expensive. I searched and searched and finally found a home that matched our requirements. We went to look at it and, even though the front picture window looked out onto a lovely cemetary, we decided it would work. The landlady was estatic as she knew we would be great tenants. We signed an agreement and put down a deposit. As we were leaving out the front door, another family came in almost pushing us over with excitement. We didn't say anything, just left. I got a call that evening. The lady was in tears. She was sorry, but she had to void our agreement. The other family insisted. She said she knew we would be the better tenants, but she just couldn't explain it at that moment. They "talked her into it." We could have taken action ... didn't. We figured our TWI leadership would say it was for the best because of the graveyard. Don't know about devil spirits hanging around that place, put that other family had a real NEED to live there.
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