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Everything posted by doojable

  1. Actually I DID NOT know this one - but give me some time and I'll post - just to be a good sport - unlike SOME strange people we know.......
  2. Oh Tom, thanks for you input - but really - does it hurt anyone to have one a forum for recipes> sigh.....
  3. There's a second photo of a "Red" and his name is Rob Dibble Pen/ink red/ buttons > red/ dibble/ rob > (REDS?) mister/ shore/ sunset/ beach/ petula/ clark Still don't know Wait! The Incredible Mister.........???? It think I almost got it - but I'm not quite sure....
  4. Tom - I have a real hard time believing that a man of your intelligence didn't get Sheik Cargo and come up with "Chicago" Now answer this next one! Please
  5. I would LOVE to Cool! But I'm not sure where we could put it. Maybe we need to have several threads .. main courses soups desserts parties cheesecake! Subsitutions and various ingredient info If we don't do it that way, only one thread can become so deep that it will be unusable.
  6. Thank you George - you're a gentleman. Tom you scoundrel!
  7. GEEEZE! Is this a game of Pictionary or "Pass the Buck?"
  8. This show was real popular in the early nineties. It starred Dean Stockwell and Scott Bakula a (later on Star Trek - Enterprise)
  9. Thany mings tabout amorrow Si on't eem oo stunderand...... ut BI whoa noo tolds homorow Nand I ho, moo olds Hi mand........
  10. I got in some real trouble for singing a whole song as a spoonerism -
  11. Cool chef I bake strictly by the book and only make minor changes after I've learned how the recipe works. All other cooking is open to improvisation and interpretation! I am known for being able to look at a recipe and tell if its good. I make it once at it is written, then I start changing stuff. Almost went to CIA (Culinary Institute of America) but the kids wanted me to cook for them at home.....which I am still happy to do.
  12. Groucho Hon, The BBQ was an event. Mr Ex10 made some amazing brisket for the evening, but there was a lot more food and a few more meals. I'll post how a native Texan taught me to make the best, melt in your mouth brisket you've ever eaten - hmmmmm that could mean war - maybe I'll just PM it to you instead.
  13. Once again, go ahead and make as many changes to this recipe as you like. Cooking is an art - and each cook brings his or her own intuition to the table. Just be fair to the rest of us and post any winning combinations you might have....
  14. GOOD Gawd Bramble! I'll just bet you're right! Giving out orders that they themselves can't keep.
  15. doojable


    Seems to me there was a legitimate use for Tannerite in dealing with LCM, and CG...
  16. Its in the list already! Thanks.
  17. doojable

    Stupid People

    I'll bet you anything that was some kind of "snoop doggy dog" was to say "toast eeeeeeeed" I'd say the sign belongs to her.
  18. I wonder if we can have a whole forum for recipes...? If not then I'll have to stop posting because no one else from the bbq is putting their recipes in - and I'd like a few of them. Besides, this is too much fun!
  19. Rainbow? Rainbow? Now that would be good! Or is he tripping on some really good acid? Or just tripping up those stairs......
  20. Mo you can just be SOOOOOO evil! Grins......
  21. ONLY if you make MY recipes Bow - If you make RumRunner's well .....grab the bucket! Seriously - I hope you enjoy everything posted - would love feedback.
  22. Why do we criticize TWI doctrine? .......Because we can.....
  23. YOU figured that one out! ] You have it in your first clues Tom
  24. Make sure you have lots of real italian bread on hand let me know how you like it Please read that I added one more ingredient!!!!! the last one on the list...
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