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Everything posted by doojable

  1. I love most Tull! Here's another musician I've re-discovered (new music program!)
  2. Jethro Tull - "Velvet Green" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxpcSKqlies
  3. "I Don't Want to Talk About It" Go ahead Bulwinkl - you at least got the artist
  4. Okay- he was in the Faces. (The main "face" I think.)
  5. I have a few Twinky. I'll have to gather my recipes and I'll post them tomorrow.
  6. Okay... I'll try two other lines from that song: I can tell by your eyes that you've prob'ly been cryin forever, And the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
  7. doojable

    Faith and Works

    Incredibly ignorant and selfish - PERIOD!
  8. I like this song - for some reason Dido - "White Flag" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMB4xtnFlvo
  9. A sweet song: Matt Nathanson "Come on Get Higher" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flAvh1o-s5E
  10. There was that one guy who was really good at making bongs in ceramic class.... Ahhh well, life moved on and we grew up. At least only 3 of us joined a cult.
  11. OMG - where have I been? I just heard this from Chick Corea... "Beneath the Mask" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rI9fevwT2s
  12. I've heard this back and forth a lot. In any group, any crowd, you have the genuine and the posers. (Not singling out your post geisha - but it was the easiest way to refer to the conversation.) I was in a church with an open worship style. There's really no way to tell who is genuine and who is trying to fit in. The bottom line is that NO ONE should be able to dictate what "genuine worship" is. In fact, I found it equally insulting to be judged by how theatrical I was or rather, was not. It's why I've come to dislike any organized religion. People are people. The nature of people is that if you're doing what they do - they like you, and if you're not...they don't. It works conversely too. It's too easy to be untrue to yourself so that you fit in. Give me one or two honest friends who will stand with you no matter what - any day. Someone who isn't afraid to get in and get their hands dirty (in a good way, of course.) Someone who won't p(ss on your leg and try to tell you it's raining. Someone who knows the value of an honest relationship - and welcomes it in return. I guess as with any relationship - you eventually have to get to the place that you're comfortable in your own skin and being who you are. THEN you can be YOU in front of anyone - and do so honestly. I better shut up now...before I really say what I'm thinking...;)
  13. Reminds me of some stuff way back in the day Mark...4 misfit friends sitting in the art room, trying to work out life.
  14. That's one talented kiddo and he's quite the show man as well. He did a great job on the Marine Hymn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdZw8TI_9Bg...feature=related
  15. If I stay here just a little bit longer, If I stay here, wont you listen to my heart, oh-ohhh my heart?
  16. "Smuggler's Blues" by Glenn Frey (From the Eagles)???
  17. doojable

    The Art Thread

    I'm bumping this up because I just framed some amazing pieces - Disney fans might especially enjoy this. The work of Eiydon Earle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyvind_Earle There's a strong oriental influence in his work. Amazing colors! I hope you enjoy these.
  18. U2 - Mysterious Ways http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZLjE_wuRE0...feature=related
  19. Gavin Rossdale - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R8Qvm24dbU
  20. Not to be outdone, I just mixed up a batch of sugar-free (and cyanide-free) Kool-aide. <_<
  21. Absolutely! And you can spend even MORE on it... because we can go far beyond the LAW in this age of grace.
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