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Everything posted by doojable

  1. doojable


    Spanish for your Nanny:
  2. This from the AKC http://clubs.akc.org/stca/faqs.htm Here's an additional link: http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/s...shterriers.html
  3. I'll bring the dice that are fixed to always roll snake eyes. Seven more days...
  4. Bad decision that Revelation took the rap for... ... LCM as President of twi
  5. It was only an opinion. Martha Stewart is somewhere teaching how to make cute little mouse ornaments out of the dust from under the bed.
  6. Just a note... Please consider how your spouses would feel if they logged in and saw themselves referred to in terms of "vaccuum righteousness" or any other cleaning habit. No one likes to be painted with a broad stroke. Now - that's my opinion. I may have a lot of really nasty things to say about some of the people I've met - but I won't go around posting it in a public forum - unless they purposely made themselves a "public figure." That's why I feel like LoyToy and der Victoid are fair game - along with all the twibots that followed their leader into insanity, abuse and debauchery. Okay - back to the party...
  7. IMNSO the element to 'submission' that is sorely lacking is the love, respect, caring and intense concern on the person that is supposedly 'the leader' towards the 'follower.' Take the parent/child relationship, for example. I give my kids advice, directives and even ultimatives NOT because I need the jolt of being in charge, but because I FREAKIN' LOVE THEM! I want them to be successful FOR THEM - and NOT as a reflection of my ego. I want to keep them alive and healthy and successful. The power struggle over getting 'obeyed' is all out of whack. There needs to be a lot of balance and earned respect. I may not always be right - but I strive to be right when I tell my kids what to do - BECAUSE I expect them to listen and follow my directions. There's a real difference between flinging orders about because it makes one feel powerful and carefully considering how to best help someone. Sometimes the best thing to do is to let a person figure it out on their own. Respect is a two-way relationship.
  8. I'm wondering... Should the goal of GSC (or any 'help site' that tells deals with a cult's activities") be to outlive it's usefulness? In other words, should the evidence of the success of a site like this be that it is no longer needed? Or will the focus shift from help to social interaction? As far as the seminar goes, I'm still dealing with my knee-jerk reaction. TWI was infamous for offering one-more-advance/class/tape/teaching-that-would-change-your-life. I wonder if offering a class *here* is like someone putting a bottle of whiskey in front of an alchoholic. I was in the middle of a bunch of Momentus grads all hawking that weekend class as the answer to my life. I just scratched my head and wondered why ONE class had all the answers AGAIN. NOW - that does not mean that the seminar won't be helpful, nor does it mean that there are bad intentions afoot. It only means that I have a large skeptic living inside me. I hope people those that take the seminar find the help they need and can view it as part of the recovery process. I have to get in line now. The Queen needs food and the drones are about to head out. If only we could find a way out of this narrow space...
  9. doojable

    Cat whispering

    Ummm Twinky... The cats might be going IN the crockpot if they don't start behaving. Everytime I make a stew I say to them, "Be thankful it's not you."
  10. doojable

    Cat whispering

    It's spring. Hormones are in the air. Even if your darlings are spayed, there's a good chance that one or both of them are reacting to some male in the area who has sprayed your yard. You may ask yourself how I know this... as well you should. One of my kitties (the most timid one) has turned psycho and started attacking the others. I brought her to the vet who gave me some kitty hormones to get them through this time. I'm also going to get some Rescue Remedy. If that doesn't work I'm going to look up some crockpot recipes for cat. Keep an eye out in the kitchen forum. ;)
  11. O-o-o-o-o-o Kay... :blink: :huh: So - the title of the thread reads "Romans - let's study this!" The first post was apparently the whole book of Romans. Zoe? I'd say "lets" implies you're going to be involved somehow. What exactly do you mean by "study"? So you want everyone to break out their concordances and interlinears and perhaps the literals according to usage (or mis-usage, as the case may be)? What doctrinal discussion are you wanting to start?
  12. The ghouls and goblins may be hiding in your bible. I am not in favor of blaming anyone - especially Adam and Eve - for the situations that a person can find herself/himself in today. The idea that women and men act a certain way today is because Eve and Adam did something way back right after gawd made dirt, just smacks of blame shifting. (Not to mention that I"m finding the whole Adam, Eve, and serpent scenario a bit far fetched anyway.) This just leads to a victim mentality that does more harm than good. I would rather see personal accountability and honesty in marriage, parenting, and life in general. Then you won't have any one sided affairs.
  13. Rent "The Apostle" with Robert Duvall if you want to see a good depiction of the bad side of TWI
  14. I fixed my typos - thanks Bolshevik. I should know better than to post in a hurry.
  15. Zoe - please add paragraph breaks and some indication of verses to your post. It's incredibly hard to read.
  16. That was Dick Dastardly and Muttley. PS - Dastard.... heh heh heh....
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt3HiNfyb64 PS - is there a mod out there that can fix the typo I made in the title? I meant to say, "Dane Cook makes fun of Oprah"
  18. doojable

    susan boyle

    I thought the eye rolling was kind of the giveaway that she was going to be amazing. Now that does in no way take away from the talent she has. Ultimately TV is NOT about anything more than selling something. I'd go so far to say that for most programmers it's not really about the content - it's about the commercial sponsors. The shows you see are there only because some company is willing to buy commercial time. I hope Susan does well and has a good time.
  19. Here's an appropro song: 'Rusty Halo' by The Script http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOpgGwZaY0A...PL&index=14
  20. Dot - rent yourself "Aliens" and listen to the sound they make. It's almost exactly the sound that is supposedly from that Hellmouth.
  21. Does anyone really believe that Hell exists deep in the earth's core? I think Hell is a cornfield in Ohio...
  22. This thread reminds me of the old cliche, "You can't see the forest for the trees" When you focus on a certain part of life it's easy to forget about other relevant things. One can argue that because mostly men and boys get sent off to war, or that men fill the majority of the jobs as police and firefighters, that they are expendable. Could this be the answer to the "submit doctrine"? (Tongue in cheek here.) Hitler had his ideas, as did Stalin, Lenin, and numerous other conquerors. So- who is expendable? Who is replaceable? Who is inferior? Sadly, for many the answer is, "Anyone who isn't me or like me."
  23. This quote is interestingly familiar: from here: http://www.uia.net/~messiah7/brk_mythof10.htm Oh - and this: I'll stop now. Waysider- I hope I didn't derail the thread.
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