I Love Bagpipes
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Everything posted by I Love Bagpipes
Happiest of Birthdays dear Rascal....I'm sure you got LOTS of hugs and kisses!!!
Cowgirl...you and i ought to get together sometime!!!! (Except for button down jeans and gardens (unless i don't have to work in them for too long)and country music....:) ) How 'bout bareback (with a blanket pad) in a wide open meadow! In my elementary school years, we used to ride our ponies before heading off to school! That is a sweet memory.
I'll try some of that Tequila rx!!!! Loosely prescribed that is.
I'll try some of that Tequila rx!!!! Loosely prescribed that is.
The "One Body" finger pointing thread. Try on the shoe.
I Love Bagpipes replied to M. D. Vaden's topic in About The Way
I TOAST to that dear RAF!!!! -
What does it take to change your mind?
I Love Bagpipes replied to T-Bone's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
(I sure hope this posts as an additional post and not as part of my last post...) I know this thread was originally started to bring discussion about the "mechanics" of changing the mind. And then it seemed to take a little twist. And then it came back again...and took another twist. And now it seems to have run its course maybe. I read something this am, and thought about this thread again. Don't know if this will resurrect anything. It involves reasoning, resonance, research, memory, and Lord knows what else in this complex process of change. From Cry of the Soul, "Constructive Fear: The Process of Change": "To allow God to transform our fearfulness, we must first acknowledge our fears. This means resisting the impulse to act as if they weren't there, deadening our strong feelings through busyness in distraction activities.... Second, we must struggle with our worry. This is in contrast to the philosophy that advocates, "simply trust Jesus and your worries will disappear." Once you acknowledge your fears, you're in for a real battle. It's only after struggle that you will experience lasting peace (se Psalm 131). Third, through Scripture and prayer, remember God's power and His marvelous acts of past help. Begin with Scripture, where we confront the astonishing nature of God. Time and again the Bible records God's work in history to save His people from incredible dangers..... But most important, remember how God has worked over the years in your own life. He did it in the past; He can do it in the present. Then, finally, with the confidence that you have gained, move out into the world. At first, the process may be slow and painful. You may feel great pressure to retreat to a safe palce where there is no hurt. But keep in mind that the safe places, those with no hurt, are also places with no joy. The fear of God overwhelms the fear of the world." End of excerpt -
The "One Body" finger pointing thread. Try on the shoe.
I Love Bagpipes replied to M. D. Vaden's topic in About The Way
DJS hit me square in the gut. The biggest thing I struggle with is my own hypocrisy while in TWI. I didn't speak up. I saw and chose to turn on the blinders. It still hurts and hits me hard at times. I have discussed this with folks since leaving...sometimes at length. They have gently and kindly helped me see that the emotional/verbal manipulation of TWI produces (at least in part) the hyposcrisy which I ultimately found myself living. It is a subtle, chipping away process. I think of the book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, and other works I've perused on emotional abuse. Physical abuse (which I know went on in TWI in loads as well) is often "easier" to accept; there are physcial signs and scars. Emotional and verbal abuse (rampant in TWI) is much more complex and "murky," easier for most (including myself) to dismiss as an excuse (instead of a reason) for behaviour/choices. What is the set up that caused me to go this route? At what point does one allow another to control choices and decisions? I don't think there is a quick and easy answer. But I have vowed to myself and God, as much as lieth in me, to not go there again. -
What does it take to change your mind?
I Love Bagpipes replied to T-Bone's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Just thinking here.. Lots of rhetorical questions you pose +odd. I do believe only eternity will answer them all...that is if we need to know the answers. I know God is a constant in my life. I believe cellular and engergetic memories are imprinted on every soul. I believe intuition is real and that is part of the biology of the human form and psyche. I used to observe animals and think, "Instinct. Animals seem to know so much by instinct. What happened to humans that we are so out of touch with our instincts? Surely God designed humans with instincts and intuition." Then my TWI brain would try to shut that thought out....that intuition is from the devil spirit realm. As I learned more about cellular memory and energy medicine (and I know very little), I began to see that instinct, intuition, cellular memory, etc., are part of mankind in his natural state..just like the 5 senses. It has nothing to do with spirit, other than God (Spirit) designed mankind that way. These attributes cannot be "measured" definitively (yet) by westeren science, so we call them (intuition, instinct, etc.) spirit. Yet this instinct/intuition isn't being in touch with God as our Father; it is part of that however that stirs man to ask the hard questions. I believe man is born with a sin nature and that only Jesus Christ's sacrifice (in his life and death) brings eternal life with God. God exposes that sin nature, and man recognizes that within himself and by himself he cannot know God. Well, this isn't what I had planned to post. Doggone it! I'll have to post what I initially planned to post in another post. :) -
T-Bone..doesn't your brain ever get tired?!? I think I'd end up in the critical care unit with all the thinkin' on critical thinkin'...snort.....
Hope you had a wonderful, wonderful birthday. :) :)
BEAUTIFUL.....GORGEOUS.....TENDER..... Makes my heart go pitter patter and rejoice! Congratulations!!!
Thank ee everybody for the wonderful congrats!!!! Ya'll know how to make a body feel good. :) Evan, we weren't quite that aggressive (bachelor's upon high school graduation). We do have one claim to fame though: In 1996 our "school" was the lead article in the Moore Report International. I got home one day and on my answering machine was a message from Dorothy Moore asking if I would write an article and send a pic!! My teeth about fell out!! I must have listened to that message 15 times! The article is entitled "Our Backyard Schoolroom." Sarah's pic was on the front page; she was feeding a baby squirrel.
Evan...our girls are so gorgeous...they could get both win beauty grad of the year. (And I'm sure there are more gorgeous grads out there too.) Pirate's son could be handsome grad of the year. Make a calendar! Congratulations all around to the Evan home!!
Here's one more pic of Daughter Pipes and Mr. Pipes. I call it "peace pipes." Woops...didn't mean to post this...I couldn't get the pic to come through...oh well.... :blink:
Mixed with love (of course) it brings back the olfactory mechanics as well.....I do testify!!!!!!
I'm so proud of my Sarah....I just had to share. She is a joy and refreshing to my soul. Sarah homeschooled, and part of that time was enrolled in correspondence schools. Her senior year in high school she included enrollment in the community college (4 classes) and earned a 4.0 average. One of her current passions? 4-H camp where she will be a camp counselor again this summer canoeing, rock climbing, and helping build success for kids and other teens. She is headed off this weekend to the NC mountains to receive her canoe instructor certification. (brrrr!!!!...that water will be co-o-o-old) One of my favorite Sarah quotes: A camp director asked Sarah, "What is your definition of success?" Sarah thought momentarily and answered, "Whenever I go into a situation..when I walk away, if I have learned one thing, I have been successful." (Okay...this is my first time ever posting a pic on the computer. It's a little blurry, but I still think she is beautiful! :) )
What happened to TWI from the fun 70's
I Love Bagpipes replied to RumRunner's topic in About The Way
Dittos Tops! Well said! RR...I never lit up before the ROA main tent. (I actually had dropped my "lighting up" by then. ) Yet I have some very fond and deep memories....and those I will always treasure. Especially the long talks in the wee hours...with friends like you dear Rumrunner...and drives in the Wisconsin country side... (Remember that song: "Milwaukee..Where the Air Smells Like Beer"? or something like that. :) ) -
Double Happy Day to You....special lady!!! May it be filled with big blessings and heartfelt rainbows and sunshine.
What exactly are you wearing right now? Olive green denim pants, long sleeve black tee, and white and green sweat shirt, back socks, berkies, colorful earrings (I LIKE earings!) What is your current problem? Duties backlog overload (paperwork, housecleaning, phone call returns) What makes you most happy? Love without hypocrisy in action If you could go back in time and change something would you? GOSH!! Absolutley YES.... Name something obvious about you: I'm a woman.... :) What's the name of the song that you're listening to? Pacific Coast Party by Smashmouth Any celeb you would marry? Hmmmm….well....Sean Connery or Patrick Stewart or Tom Selleck or Ted Danson or ????? Name someone with the same birthday as you? Ulysses S. Grant Do you have a crush on someone? A few probably...:) but none really count except the one I have with Mr. Pipes Ever sang in front of a large audience? Yes What do you usually order from Starbucks? Borders is where I frequent....Chai Freeze Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Can't remember Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? Not often Do you speak any other languages? Some spanish and hello in quite a few... and yes I still SIT. :) Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo? No Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Yes.... Do you ever watch MTV? No What's something that really annoys you? Drivers that don't merge correctly on the interstate. Chapter 1: Nicknames: None public (hee, hee) Current location: NC Eye color : dark brown Chapter 2: Do you live with your parents: no Do you get along with your parents: Yes...Mom. Dad is deceased Are your parents married/separated/divorced: married..but Dad is deceased Do you have any siblings: 1 bro and 1 sis Chapter 3: Favorites (My favorites vary with my mood...:) ) Ice cream flavor: Usually chocolate with nuts Season: Like 'em all...but if I HAVE to pick one...today...spring... Shampoo/conditioner: Whatever is in the shower Chapter 4: Do You Sing in the shower: definitely...i sing all the time write on your hand: sometimes Call people back: usually always Believe in love: Absolutely...over and over and over again Sleep on a certain side of the bed: both Have any bad habits: Lord yes...but I try not to consider them bad....just are... Chapter 5: Have You Ever Broken a bone: yes Gotten stitches: Yes Taken painkillers: Yes Gone SCUBA diving: No...but snorkeled in the VI...beautiful!!!!!! One of my dreams is to be able to swim under water without any equipment for as long as I want. That is one of my requests for my new body. :) Been stung by a bee: Yes Thrown up in a restaurant: yes Sworn in front of your parents: Yes Had detention: yes Been sent to the principal's office: yes Been called a hoe: Not that i remember Been called a stank-foot mongoloid elf-tit lookin' sonofabitch? doubt it Chaper 6: Who/What was the last Person to text you? If that's the cell phone thing, I've never been texted...does it feel good? What did it say: n/a Person to call you: Mr. Pipes Person you hugged: Mr. Pipes Person you tackled? Son Joshua Thing you ate: Paul Newman's blueberry cereal with fresh strawberries and & (yes) organic milk Thing you drank: bottled water Thing you said: That's a good one!!!
What a month for the Dooj family!!! Awards all around. We are proud with you! Congrats to the original Dooj!!!!!!!! .......beautiful pics..... I thought of "Tiny Dancer" in my hand.
((((White Dove)))).... I never knew Dovey, but have read a little about her. My heart goes out to you today, and to others who had the privilege to embrace her life and allow their lives to be embraced by her. I trust that today you allow yourself to relish the memories and to feel whatever it is you need to feel. God gave us memories to aid us. And I'm sure yours holds sweet and fond memories of your sister, as well as the hurt. Cry hard. Laugh hard. And remember the good times. One day there will be no more tears. Happy Birthday Dovey
The Pipes know ex...and we thinks your take is funny!!
Hilarious Ex!!! BTW....LCM gave the prophecy. YW dear Belle...however, all Mrs. Pipes did was type the letter onto GSC. (Mr. Pipes hunts and pecks... so the Mrs. types a little quicker, but not without typos. :)) He wrote and sent and shared without any prompting from the Mrs..... Just so the record is straight ...
Belle....that's funny and worth repeating!
Happy Birthday Jonny Lingo!!!!!!!!! Hope your day is a pleasure all around... even while hanging sheetrock!! Enjoy the dance and harmony of it all........ (and keep writing them stories!)