I Love Bagpipes
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Here is an excerpt about The Way Corps from the most recent Way Mag. Another thread I started ("duplicity") spins partly from me reading the excerpt below (and reading other stuff from the recent Way Mag). (Excuse any typos please..:) ) Doesn't this motivate you? 'Because planning is a part of believing, the in-residence Way Corps develop skills in good, solid planning as part of their training. All of the students were involved in planning the trip to the Advanced Class at Headquarters this summer, thinking through the itinerary. They planned vehicles, food, finances, routes, and lodging. An overall coordinator was chosen, and then assistants were assigned to coordinate the different groups responsible to plan various aspects of the trip. Organizational meetings with all of the in-residence Way Corps were held periodically. These meetings showed everyone the essential details that each group put into their piece of the plan--the details necessary to successfully carry out such an event from start to finish. One student writes, "In each category of planning, I learned that our plan had many variables within it. We had to consider how each portion of our plan is affected by other aspects of the plan, and how our portion affects other elements as well. We thought through these details and double-checked everything so that, to the best of our ability we did not miss anything. We also consistently sought counsel from one another, which was invaluable to our success."' end excerpt Let me remind you, this is a trip from Colorado to Ohio...you know...a road trip. How many folks involved? I do not know, but the Way Corps is small in numbers...20 people maybe? Good gravy...this is as almost as good as the Advanced Class Candidates letter a few months back! Remind me my next road trip with a group to get the committe together!!
Some rambling here: I received the most recent issue of The Way Mag in the mail this past week. I decided to peruse it. I thought, "Okay. I'm gonna' look at this as if I have never been involved with TWI, know nothing about it...like I just picked up the mag from a coffee table in a waiting room somewhere." Well, of course, that was impossible for me to do. It is difficult for me to reach "neutral" regarding TWI. So what was my response after perusing the mag? Confusion. Some heartache. And something I couldn't quite pinpoint...but it was uncomfortable. "What is it?" I asked myself. Is it the "sanitized" approach to life that TWI offers? Why do I use the word "sanitized?" For me "santized" seems an apt description. Perhaps it describes a surface cleaning without really getting in and cleansing that filthy garbage that lies beneath the surface. Then I read in another thread the word "duplicity." And that hit it on the head (at least for now) for me. At times my experiences in TWI were awe-filled and other times deceitful and twisted. (I used to brush this off and minimize it by saying, "well that is life anywhere.") But to learn (via avenues outside of TWI) of the abuses going on during my awe-filled times by the very people I entrusted my life to, as you all know, hits the heart hard. I am still unable to reconcile these contradictions in my mind...and thus duplicity. Other thoughts that came to me regarding my recent Way Mag perusing: Emotions are not expressed in the articles...what a cold approach to life. Works are emphasized though grace is written about. The household and exclusivism is still the topic. Glory to "the ministry" and what it has to offer is prevelant. Glory to an indiviual's/group's ability to believe to bring answers to pass is the norm. Everyday situations are taken to the extreme, trying to control every possible circumstance that might arise. Thanks again folks of the Cafe....for being here to sort it all out.
"Duplicity." I looked it up to make sure I was correct in my understanding: "treachery, deception." Thesaurus synonyms: "deceit, deceitfulness, fraud, dishonesty, guile, cunning, falseness, deception." What an apt word to describe the confusion I feel at times regarding my relationship/experiences with TWI, and now unraveling whatever needs to be unraveled regarding those experiences. Thanks for the post QT. BTW, I read a little of your story earlier this week in the thread about TWI and broken relationships. Heartfelt compassion to you and thanks for sharing. I remember my hesitancy and fear when I first posted. Yet, the folks of the cafe have been accomodating and generous and understanding. I look forward to reading more from you, most proficient author. :) Welcome to GSC.
That is a wonderful line Oeno. Thanks for the lyrics Dooj. Tears here....and gratitude. Thanks with all my heart!!
Gosh Frances!! I felt the pain reading your story. Dittos to all the responses above...and I applause you too!!!!! And I rejoice that you have a Sunny life now and can enjoy with fullness of joy those sunny beaches. Thanks for your heart and for sharing... ILB
Happy Belated Birthday Dear Geo!!! May your heart's desires be yours!!
Back to T-bone's question here. This happened in 2005 when hubby was coordinating an Intermediate Class. Of course it was not PFAL but was the WAP class. All students were seated and it was 5 minutes before class time was to start. Hubby talks with the teacher and says he is going to go ahead and open the class...ya' know, start early so we can get on with it. Everybody's there and seated and ready. The teacher says (not an exact quote), "No, we can't do that. The new standard from the BOD is that we have to wait until class start time." Hubby was sort of stunned....can't start early? :blink: Of course they waited the 5 minutes. I guess all class instructors needs to have satellite watches.
Happiest of Birthdays Excath!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Cool JL!!! What's her sign?
Had to windex my monitor too!!!!!!!
Birthday dances all around the wise Oak tree!! Happy Birthday Oakspear!!
Golly gee Chas....good questions. I usually avoid posting in doctrinal, but want to chime in here. I have spent my entire adult life striving for healing and wellness. It has come full circle for me after almost 3 decades. I still have some chronic symptoms, but will not give up hope that those too will subside. Funny, most people get on medications as they age; I got off medications as I have aged. LOL I definitely took action in order to receive the healings God has granted. Actions were different at different times and sometimes all mixed together: prayer, bibliotherapy, talk therapy, conventional medicine, alternative medicine, etc. HOPE was always a factor that helped and continues to help. It is never wrong to hope. Another key factor for me has been/is support from professionals, family, and friends..folks who don't judge me yet believe that healing can happen. I would interview any docs before getting into the depth of treatment. I had to trust the docs I worked with, know they listened and respected what I intuitively might understand about my own body. A huge factor for me was/is journaling. As I've stated in other posts, journaling opened doors I never expected to happen. After I began journaling my life began to change profoundly but not immediately. I think journaling has helped me identify causes...at least it got me to thinking "out loud" on paper. I not only journaled the deep valleys and desperate cries for healing; but, I also journaled my dreams and hopes. Slowly, those dreams and hopes have taken concretion. I don't think I will ever stop journaling. Journaling helped open my eyes to the detrimental doctrines and practices of TWI...journaling was a safe place where I could start thinking for myself. Healing and wellness have different connotations to me. More often I think in terms of wellness. Wellness doesn't necessarily mean symptom free, but the ability to love oneself and have empathy for oneself...then to reach out and spread that empathy to others. My dad was a quadriplegic the last 12 years of his life (tears). He never walked again, but he lived a full life of laughter as a quad. He spread cheer and hope to all those around him. In my mind, he lived wellness, though he never was able to manifest full physical healing. Underlying all the actions, I believed/believe that God designed healing into the fabric of life. One day, in the new heavens and earth, there will be no more sickness nor pain. That too brings comfort to my soul.
Real live lawnmowers!!!! With fertilization enhancements!!! And they're cute..... :) :)
Sooooooooo cool Cowgirl!!!!! Nature's trail lights!! What a neat story!!! Cicada are the little insects. Katydids are another one. I've always thought they were the same thing but I'm not edumatcated about it. I just call them all "night sounds." And it can get quite volumous here in NC. Sings me to sleep on the porch. Chiggers are an annoying little parasite-like insect that makes makes one itch and forms an ugly pimple like bump. I think they get under the skin. Ron can maybe educate us more. If I recollect, the little boogers are easy to pick up after sitting on logs. And of course there are the itchy plants around here poison ivy and oak...and stinging nettle. Stinging nettle- one touch and feels like you've been bit by fire ants...and yucko the blisters!!
Where are you in the Smokies AHAT ? Ever hike The Chimneys? :)
True Firefly Story.... It was summer, around the year 1999(?). My kids, mom-in-law, and I had spent a wonder-filled day at Cades Cove, TN, in the Smokies. (Below Gatlinburg...lots of deer and quite a few bears.) We were winding our way up the mountain toward Newfound Gap heading back to NC. Both kids are in the back of the van looking out the rear window and made a comment about the fireflies. I pull over and turn off all the lights. It is pitch black; no other cars are around. And what a sight to behold!!!!! No kidding!!!!! There were 100s of fireflies all around us..literally 100s!!! There were everywhere!!! It was like a nature's Disneyland. Surreal, I do declare!! Later that summer I was relaying the incident to a Smokies Park Ranger. He stated that some insect guys were observing fireflies that year because of something happening with the fireflies mating. Well...I'd say those fireflies were definitely busy at lighting some flames!!!
To one of my BESTEST cyber friends. I love you gal!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!! CYBER FRIENDS If we ever meet face to face along our journey here.. I will embrace you and behold your eyes Your heartbeat I'll take time to hear... Its beauty and its essence. I will relish and I will savor the pleasure of your presence. I will grasp your hand and share with you my treasured places: The woods, The hills, The ripple of the creek; Wild ponies, Rocks and dunes, And dancing in the street.... The welcome breeze upon our faces, Songs of birds and waves... The magnificent majesty And beauty of nature's graces. My friend I trust you, I reverence who you are. Please know full well That you are valued... And at anytime, anyplace, anywhere You hold a special recess and honored seat within my heart. ILBCW HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
Happiest of B-days!!!
Congratulations Raf!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dittos Dooj on the Sean Connery.... Patrick Stewart is at the top of my list these days! It's the roles they act (that I've seen) and how they act them that make them sexy. (Well...the bods count too. hee) Well said "honest" without "soul stripping." I still stick with "sensitivity" for sexy. (But then, perhaps a definition for sensitivity is honesty without soul stripping.) Transparency (which I'm learning LOTS about these days) for me evolves as the relationship grows and I can trust my soul won't be stripped. And like I said, "Sexy isn't what makes me fall in love; that is much more complex." Geo, rofl about the huge butt dress. I appreciate your honesty and candidness. Johnny Lingo...you said it all! (In my best Brit accent. :) )
Thanks everyone for the input and humor too! I'm glad other folks have gone thru this same thought process. I'd like to go with "dysfunctional denomination of chair stringers" (rofl), but don't think anyone would understand that! I like Garth's input regarding the word "cult" as well. I've been through the cult definition so many times in my mind and with other folks. In my experience (in the South anyway) many Christian folk consider any group that beleives JC is not God is a cult. (Hmm...wonder since I'm not a member of a specific group now if I'd be considered a cult. ) I asked my psychologist after I left TWI, "Was I brainwashed? Can anyone be brainwashed?" He prefers the terms abuse and manipulation. As far as, "Was I in a cult?" His opinion is that the word cult can be a loaded term, and the definition seems to be relative. His opinion is that isolation and control are key factors for determining an organization as a cult. Tom Strange thanks for the overview of your personal evolution regarding this topic. That is probably what I am going through. And Rhino (LOL), I think maybe I have that same thought. I guess for now my thoughts are: What am I comfortable saying at this point? Answer: I was part of an abusive religious organization. And I will probably still use the term "cultish." If the discussion continues (which is has quite a few times since I left) we can then talk "cults," if it is pertinent to the person I'm having the conversation with. Do I believe TWI is a cult (according to the current secular (not religious) definition)? Answer: Yes Since I believe that (TWI is a cult), am I being "honest" by not just coming out and saying, "I was in a cult"? Answer: Yes. A cult is an abusive organization. Whoever I am conversing with can come to their own conclusions about what label they want to put on it. So THANKS again :) . The posts and pms have been very helpful. I'm joyed beyond words to be free from the DDCS (see first paragraph).
Good observation Geo. Perhaps "sensitivity" better communicates. Transparency (honesty) comes later in a relationship. I don't think any of us are "completely" honest without first feeling loved and secure. Even then it is difficult. I think what women mean by honesty is without pretense and that his motives are honest (for the most part...nobody's perfect :)). Ladies?
Along with his voice, honesty (sensitivity :) ), kindness, and physique... His hands.... Sweat.... And the way he eats strawberries. (Mr. Pipes .... ^_^) But sexy isn't what makes me fall in love. That is much more complex.
So what do you think? This is what Match.com discovered. :) "What Makes Someone Sexy?" Does sensual appeal come from a glance, a gesture, or a special kissing technique? Find out! Is it a look, a laugh, the nape of his or her neck—or being able to give a really good backrub? We asked Match.com members what they thought, and we certainly got a wide range of answers. But we also heard one theme from an overwhelming number of people, male and female alike—in a word, confidence! Read on for more readers’ thoughts… “When someone can find humor in themselves.” —Kerry, no address given “A mischievous twinkle in his eyes.” —Catherine, Indianapolis, ID “After the initial attraction, the way a man treats his children, family, friends, even strangers, is what really seals the deal. Nothing is sexier than watching a man treat someone with kindness, concern and respect.” —sweeterthan_wine, Parker, CO “Once we have gotten to know each another, letting me know he wants me is an incredible turn-on. Of course, I did say ‘once we have gotten to know each other...’ As a single woman dating on the Internet, I can tell you that a conversation that begins ‘Love your picture. You're so hot. Drool.’ is distinctly un-sexy. Why do guys think women want to hear that?” —wimsey70, Pittsburgh, PA “Not knowing [or not showing you know] that you are gorgeous is very appealing. Give me humility any day.” —venus_redux, Gettysburg, PA “I find a man who explores his understanding of the world without conformist thinking very sexy.” —dayglowOriginal, Arlington, TX “Honesty. I am not talking about ‘honest to a fault’ honesty—I am speaking of ‘from the heart’ honesty.” —dostyla, no address given “A man who opens doors, chews with his mouth shut, and puts the toilet seat and lid back down.” —hereiaminnwa, Fayetteville, AR “A laugh that starts around the eyes and transforms her face into full, uninhibited joy is about as sexy as it gets.” —Mac, no address given “Holding hands, soft kisses, unexpected compliments, and small acts of kindness.” —sweething178, no address given “Sexiness radiates from the eyes. The eyes don't lie.” —princeofen, no address given