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Everything posted by Sunnyfla
I hate to be the one that doesn't agree with who won last night :( Taylor definately had the winning personality :) , but he definitealy did NOT have the winning voice IMHO <_< He's a great entertainer to watch in a lounge act with several drinks on board. Now Catherine is nice to watch and listen to, but she doesn't have what Taylor had as far as personality goes. I guess that's what won everyones vote for him :unsure: I admit, I was a little disappointed. Oh Well, Life goes on
NEVER MIND!!!! :blink:
Mexican Food Dancing Good People Seeing my Children Laugh and Play Love my Hubby Reading a good Book Scrapbooking Beaches Margaritas Love Songs Journey Cooking Family Time God
:) (((((Thank you Belle)))))
Belle.. you did mean orthodontic right? :unsure:
:) Hi Belle Sounds like a great place to work. I'm going to my Ortho Wed. to talk about my Plan of care for braces and TMJ issues :( . I'm very excited The group I work with are extremely crazy and can be quite fun at times. Although, I know who I can share with and who I don't. Our boss gets made fun of all the time. In fact, it could be quite a comedy act when they imitate him. It may sound mean to someone who doesn't know him, but once you understand his character, which he loves to screw people over, and lies to no end, then, the jokes are pretty funny I try to stay out of most of that though My job is pretty rewarding. I mainly work in Pediatrics and Pediatric Intensive Care. I meet great parents, and not so great parents, good kids, and not so good kids. But , the majority of the time is spent taking care of athsmatics and kids with pneumonia. I also work all areas of the hospital too. It's great to be able to go just about anywhere there and see and hang out with someone I know and like. I only go back to my dept. when it's time to eat or to give report to the next shift. We do get along pretty well, considering the many different lives and life styles. I'm actually going down to part time next month. 20 hours a week.. YIPPEE I LOVE being at home. I'm actually busier at home than at work lol. It's not even my job description thats the problem. It's the crap that goes on there thats harder to tolorate than it was in my younger days. :unsure: Dunno... I guess I'm just mellowing out in my old age. Just call me Mello Yello Frances
You've got the life Cowgirl!!!!!
I work in a hospital setting. Topics of conversation varies daily. It could be about: 1. God 2. Recent Movies 3. Tons of Gossip 4. How bad management is. 5. Are you a Christain or non-Christian 6. A whole lot of cursing. 7. Anger issues, etc, etc... I personally need to pray daily before work and ask God to get me through each day. The hospital envionment can be a tough place to work. You have to have a good filtering system to get through the junk that comes your way. What is it like where you all work? Do you have people who drive you crazy? :wacko: Do you have good friends who you love to be around? Are there possitive influences around you? :huh: Or are there people who can completely get you down? :( How do you treat the people you work with? :unsure: I'm just curious... I just want to get to know you guys. A majority of our lives is spent at work, and I've notices that no one talks about it here in GS....... Unless no one is interested, then that's cool :) Frances
Congradulations Raf , I quit smoking in 1996. I too did most of the heaviest smoking while being in twi, and drinking as well I've been a Respiratory Therapist for the past 14 yrs. I've seen MANY people die from smoking. Not a good scene Your lungs and heart will thank you Frances
Hint - Hint - What hints did we miss - Hint- Hint
Sunnyfla replied to year2027's topic in About The Way
That's funny Goey!! -
(((((BLISS)))) :)
Why do we continue to hound those who are clearly
Sunnyfla replied to Abigail's topic in About The Way
I personally could care less of what others believe as far as the ministry, just the same as when I was in the ministry, never payed attention to those who hated me for being in. People still believe in the works of VP. Oh well... to each his own. I don't have to live their life anymore. But, of course, if they wanted help, we here on GS would be there right?? :) xoxo -
I was 4 when my parents divorced. I quess my mom thought it was best for us when she married an alcoholic who enjoyed bullying her, slapping, ridiculed,and disrespected her. He didn't want me there either, so he made my life a living hell by forceing me to eat hot sauce , and horse radish sauce in my food. If I didn't eat it, I would get the stick where ever he felt like hitting at his fit of rage. He did all kinds of stuff while my mom was at work from 3-11pm. One day, my father came to pick me up for a weekend visit in L.A. and while he was driving on the highway, he noticed the marks on my hands from a beating I had the night before. I had marks all over my back as well. Needless to say, he made a uturn right on the Pamona freeway and went back to the house, punched Bill in the face and told my mom that I was going to live with him I had a great life with him. I was VERY involved in softball and my father was so supportive of me. I lived in a rough area in L.A. and had to defend myself as needed. I guess I got pretty tough. No one was going to push me around! Friday, Jan 28th 1978. My father died of a heart attack while taking me to dinner. We were in the car together. He was only 58. It was a freightening experience! I was 13 at that time. I had to return to the abusive household I came from. It was ok for about 1 month, then all hell let loose. Bill raised his hand to me and I went bolistic. He never did that again, but life there wasn't good for me at all. I was finishing the 7th grade and made some good friends. One girl in particular was a Christian and used to talk about God a lot. I was very curious. I knew there had to be more to life than what was being handed to me. Bill (my step father) had four children with his 1st marriage. Mike being the youngest was the coolest and cutest guy I've ever seen. He actually protected me a lot when he used to live with us when I was 5. He ended up leaving to live with his mother because Bill was so abusive to him as well. He ended up in the Army, then returned to San diego in 1979. We hadn't talked to each other since I was 5, now I'm 14, he was 22 :blink: He really liked me, he asked my mom if he could get me away from his father and marry me. Of course, once again she gave me up. We got married just 2 weeks shy of my seventeenth b-day. Even though I didn't love him the way a wife should love her husband, I respected the fact that he took me in to basically finish raising me. He did love me very much, but I knew I was still missing something in my life. Ok.. It's 1983.. I'm 19 now, not too happy in my marriage. I thought I would get on a softball team. I was the youngest on the team and I came in right before the end of the season. We ended up doing really well. I played short stop. We were at our coaches house for the victory party. There was pot, and beer being passed around. I did smoke back then and there I was in the middle of a big hit.... The girl sitting kind of behind me, Joyceann, who played second base, I asked her what kind of work she did, she told me" I teach people about God" I was quite surprised at her answer and coughed the smoke in her face, then graciously turned away from her. She started to talked to someone else about the youth fellowship she ran. I guess everyone knew what she did, and someone had asked her about it. I listened entently, then began to asked questions. Next thing I knew, she was at my house inviting me to a trig fellowship. PFAL 1983... Advances Class 1985... 1st ROA 1986... What a MESS that was!!!!! As many of you may remember. Divorced 1987... Partied for about a year.... strenghtened up, moved to Nevada. I became a Black Jack Dealer. I lived with my oldest sister at that time to get back on my feet. I decided to get back in the ministry. Moved in with 9th Corps couple ( I think, it was either 7, 8 or 9th) Anyway, they were great people. They helped me get ready to go WOW. 1988-89 WOW in Bellefontain OH, terrible year 1990 entered the Way Corps 1991 Gunnison... GREAT YEAR!!!! 1992 Staff at HQ's... Found out Craigs secret He didn't want me to expose him, so I was kicked out. Was told to relocate in Maryland, told them to go to hell,..... I'm heading to Florida 2006...I'm now 41, married for 12 years. We have 2 children 8 and 9. I'm a Respiratory Therapist since 1993. We own an Auto Body Shop, just payed our house off last month, and we go to an excellent church. You see, all I ever wanted was to be loved and to have a family. I thought The Way was that, but in turn I got caught up in a horrible cult My story was cut short here, there was so much more. It would take me a few days to write it all down. But, you've got the gist of things. It may look like I didn't go through much pain, but it was very painful!!! I know many of you got it a lot worse!! And I'm so sorry for that I'm so glad I got out when I did. The mid 90's was a horrible experience for many of you. Here's my extended hugs to ALL of you I always thank God for getting me out and giving me a new life that I WAS SUPPOSED TO LIVE Frances :)
Hi JL, I'm not sure about your time zone, but the next Idol show will be next Tues at 8pm eastern time.
:) WN.. Eliott seems to be so humble. Have you seen him cry? Especially when it comes to his mom or when someone leaves. He always smiling too. He looks like he's a real nice person . My husband has said from the beginning that he would be in the top two, and also keeps reminding of that :) We've had fun watching this together
I agree with you WN. I liked Chris a lot, but I really like Catherine. I hope she picks the right songs next week :)
1988-89 I was on the WOW field in Belfountain Ohio. It was a horrible year. My WOW sister who was Corps. got into a terrible car accident. She broke her neck and was in rehab in Minn. at the Mayo Clinic. One day I will sit down and tell the whole story. By May she was back in Ohio with me and finishing up the year. I had to be the Coord. this time because she wasn't totally back to herself. We made it to the Rock, got pinned, went back to Belfountain and prepared to go into the Corps. She had to take a year off then graduated with the 19th Corps. Feels like yesterday :( XOXO Frances
I'm feeling more and more comfortable in the church I'm attending . My husband and I got baptized together and we are now...MEMBERS!!!! Ta Da Da Da!!!! lol We all know what twi said about Membership right? Because we had to give our money to them and them only. Be loyal to them ONLY. They made the churches look so bad to us. The word MEMBERSHIP was a very bad word. In our church, they give back to the community. They believe in helping the poor. That was a no no in LCM's eyes. Do you remember him saying " They LIVE IN THE DESERT, YOU CAN'T PLANT FOOD IN THE DESERT!!! then of course he used Jesus saying how we will always have the poor. I now see with eyes unblinded how we are to follow the examples of Christ and help those in need. :) I've also been learning about the Apostle Paul and his heart for giving in 2Cor. He didn't ask for money in return. He just wanted to teach them. Paul was also defending himself to the church because of the false teachers putting him down. In this next week we will be studying more about false teachers and cults. That should be interesting :) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm looking at the bible in a whole new way. I really never saw any of that in Corinthians, and so much more I've been learning about the true Love of God. So, to answer the question, What's best for me? Being somewhere where there are genuine hearts of love, forgiveness, compassion, and giving and doing it all unselfishly XOXO Frances
(((((RADAR)))))) It's sooo good to see you again. You really helped me out during a diffacult time and to get through the junk back in Waydale. Thank you for your post, much appreciated my friend (((((BLISS)))) You are too cute for words girl and a little crazy too Hiya Mark, I did read your post before I posted the appology. I had a feeling you would say the same thing to me. :) Thanks again for your honest opinion, but you know... sometimes apologies need to be said to mend broken relationships. You ALL are special and I wouldn't want to ruin that. I do enjoy reading your views on things too (((((BELLE))))) I don't know you that well, but looking forward to getting to know you Thank you Cathy for the welcome back.. XOXO
That was me that posted that and I also spelled his name wrong :blink: It's Volta. He was a very good friend of mine in the Corps. If anyone knows of his where abouts, please reply :) Frances
I too would like to apologize for voiceing my opinion a few weeks ago about moving on. I REALLY didn't mean to hurt any hearts or offend anyone, but I obviously did :( . I really thought I was helping. After thinking about it, I saw how heartless that must have sounded. I'm especially sorry for the last post. I was just mad for the responces I got. I'm really not the type to voice my objections to things because it can make others upset, which I don't want to do. I went out on a limb that day hoping I could help someone, instead it backfired on me :( I hope you all can forgive me. Just for the record.... Moving on takes time, as you all have said, and each individual time as needed. XOXO Frances
WOW!!!! I really made you all mad. It brings me back to the day I was kicked out and being in Craigs office hearing him screaming and spitting in my face for exposeing him and his hideous ways back in 91. You all are like VIPERS!!!!! I hope you feel better that you still have the Way International way about yourselves. I know I didn't deserve that!!!! Just like I didn't deserve Craig in my face for something HE did to me. I hope others in hear will see you all for who you really are and not the sugar coated Greasespoters you pretend to be! And by the way... I wasn't a newbe. I just didn't post in hear often, mainly because of what just happened . I hope your all PROUD of yourselves
Coolwaters, I'm sorry if you didn't approve what I just wrote ( or my oppinion that is). You just set the perfect example of what I was talking about. Like I said before, I've met quite a few good people here, but there are those like you who are very bitter and P*ssed off. Of course you wouldn't approve of what I think because your not over it. And I'm very sorry, truly I am :( . Templelady said this is a place where she can express her feelings and a place to be with friends. I totally agree with her. I was expressing my feelings and I don't think I was being mean about it either. Lets not compare our hurts either. You haven't a clue about me and I haven't a clue about you or many of you, but, the same is true for all of us, LIFE GOES ON!!!! By letting those SOB's get the best of us is crazy. You know, it took me personally 6yrs before I even started the healing process. It's been now almost 14 yrs when I left. I think thats long enough don't you? I know someone here in GS that is already going to a church, bought a house,and changing her life after leaving less than a year ago. I wish I had GS back then to help me as well. We all heal differently. Spread the healing. Coolwaters, if you knew me personally, you would know that I would never ever try to hurt people . I think sometimes it's hard to express yourself via e-letters. It just hurts me to see so much hurt in here I guess. Telling people to get over it doesn't work either. My husband ,who met me 1 month after I got out, always told me " just get over it" Of course that didn't help me. I had no one to talk to but God. then I found Waydale and met some great people. I'm just saying that those of us who have been out and recovered could really help those who are hurting and I do believe it is happening here in GS. Goodbye All, and remember that your lives are not just about TWI, it's how your living it now.