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    Spending time with my family. Scrapbooking, reading.

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  1. Just passing through the ol cafe.

    1. bliss


      hey ya!!!!!

  2. Hello, Born and raised in Escondido Calif. moved away 1987. Haven't been back since. Love it there!!!
  3. Thank you Paw for the info. I will check it out ;)
  4. Thank you so much Ralph and Paw!!!! This may not belong on this thread, but it definitly relates to it... for me I was SOOOOO in the dark at that time in 86. I took PFAL in 83 in Southern Cali, and all the belivers were awesome and LOVED the ministry. So, I too followed suit. About 10 of us took a very long journey across the states via plane and bus to the ROA 86. And boy was it a mess when we finally got there!! Not only it was raining so bad when we arrived, several of us didn't get our luggage for 2 days. The sadness was over whelming everywhere we went. I couldn't understand why my twig Coord, and branch Coords, were so upset. They wouldn't discuss it with us and left us high and dry during that week. I thought the Rock was supposed to be FUN and wonderful. Well, to say the least. I was 21 and very confused about what was happening. Things were explained to us later when we got back home, but their explanations were still unclear to many of us, so we just went on continueing to love the ministry in a numb sort of state. I later went WOW in 88,89, then went into the Corps 90,91 (21 st) Those years were weird, but not as weird as when I got to HQ in 91 for my 3rd year. I had been targeted by Craig at Family Camps, and he wanted me at HQ's. So, during Corps week, I was really sick, and my work Coord. befriended me ( which she NEVER does that ) took care of me and then the coworsing started during ROA. She kept me away from everyone who cared for me , including my boyfriend who was desperately trying to get together with me, and never did. She wanted me to meet with her and Craig and she told me things about him that totally repulsed me. I was soooo scared and had no where to turn. He approached me several times, he would put his arm around me while looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was looking and did some small talk, and did so in a creepy way. One of the times he asked me where I was staying, and that he would come by sometime and give me a ride on his motorcycle. THAT FREAKED me out!!! I knew he was up to no good and if I didn't tell someone, things were going to get UGLY FAST!! So, when I did tell one of my friends, who had just graduated from the 19th Corps. All H*ll broke out and I was packing my bags the very next day... oh I forgot.. Craig melted my face, accused me of being a lesbian before I left <_< Then he told the Corps that was why I left He was such a slithering snake. Sorry about that guys... I haven't thought about it for a long time, and after listening to Ralph today, and thought wow, I was in the midst of all that and had no clue how severe it was and that it would directly affect me the way it did. Thank God I got out when I did... And so sorry for those who didn't Hugs
  5. Good afternoon to you hmh. As usual, it's hot and muggy here in South Fla. Thanks for stopping by.. here's a cool one for ya:)

  6. Good morning fellow Floridian. :)

  7. After leaving twi, I felt naked and very lonely. I was not ready to leave, I was booted out of the Corps, then later M & A. So, that's when the lonelyness came in. I stumbled onto Waydale and that's when the healing began :D and like someone else said in an earlier post, I didn't realize how screwed up doctrinally the twi was, but I new the morals of the leadership were very questionable. And questioning their morals is how I got the boot I enjoy coming here and talking to you all because you can relate to me on why I think the way I do when it comes to faith issues etc... No one else out there that hasn't experienced what we have can really understand our thinking and I really like to see how each of us has changed in some wonderful way because of that and are finally becoming normal again....actually, I haven't figured out what normal is yet :blink: I would like to give a special THANKS to Paw for this sight
  8. That was great Bliss, That took care a lot of my issues.
  9. Thank you year2027, I agree with what you said, and of course what the word says about the Holy Spirit teaching us. God has taught and shown me many things since I left the ministry 15 years ago. Although, there are many topics here recently that are popping up in my studies. That's why I come here to see where everyone is at in what they believe now. I am not a biblical scholar as twi taught us to believe, but I do know that God will teach and show us what we need to know just at the right time in our lives. He knows our hearts and He prepares us for understanding. It has taken Him 15 years so far to get me to this point and He has A LOT of work to do in me still..LOL.. A life time of learning is still yet to come :) You have a wonderful heart Roy. Thank you for all you do here at GSC. With Love and a holy kiss blowing back at you
  10. Sorry cman, you misunderstood what I said before. It wasn't the "theif in the night" that was the problem. I know He will come as a theif in the night. It was the gathering part that you said He gets us "individually" that confused me. Please reread what I wrote Again, I thought it says that we were gathered "together". Not trying to mince words really, but it's easy to get misunderstood via webworld. And I truly appreciate you jioning in this and helping to make sence of all this year2027, I'm going to read your post then reply later, I'm heading out to work in a few minutes. I will return :B)
  11. year2027 I am very simple minded. I think like a child most of the time, not to degrate myself in anyway of course, but when I find myself over thinking something, I then look at it in more simpler terms. What cman said of the fact that Jesus comes as a theif for "each individual" in his opinion, is clearly not written in the bible, and to me IMO doesn't make sence. I thought we were gathered together, not individually. Now, here's my thought, When we die, we are dead, dead, until the day of the Return of Christ, but I do believe that our spirit goes back to where it came from..God. But I do not believe those who are dead are "floating around in heaven, as of yet!!" I think of it this way.. when we die there's no rememberance of being dead, and our next waking moment will be the Gathering anyway, so what diference does all this make right? We will all end up with Christ in the end right? I still belive that God is of NO confusion and if I'm totally confused about this subject, then lets try to simplify it to where I won't be so confused P.S. Do I still have WayBrain about this??? If I do RESCUE me!!!lol :o XOXO
  12. Well..... there you have it folks. It took some strange character, although, I thought he was funny, to explain my initial question of Are the Dead Alive Now? So the answer is NO, Not until Jesus comes back to get us..And, I don't think He came back yet, but I am waiting. Thank you year2027 and all those who participated in this quest XOXO
  13. That was the next thing I was going to mention. We had just covered the Tranformation in Mark last week and I too thought to myself what the heck was Moses and Elijah doing there with Jesus. The whole Tranformation thing was a huge discusion and the topic of what the "Kingdom of God" was and how it was completely misunderstood and controversal. I had NO idea about it myself because I can't remember ever being taught about the Tranformation with Jesus, Moses and Elijah. I appreciate all the responses and your individual views, and I'm looking forward to reading more on this topic. You all had great points to make and in the end, like many of you said, we will be together with Christ forever... Amen By the way, I'm not going to split hairs over this with the group leaders, but I do enjoy talking with you all because I feel like I'm at home with you
  14. Hi Everyone, In my bible study in Mark the subject among the Bible Study leaders came up as to where you are after you die. Well....., I know what I've been taught from twi, and for the first time in YEARS it became a little intense. Our Study leader said that all those who are dead are in heaven with Christ, then she quoted Luke 23:43. I shared with the group what I was taught about that verse and all mouths dropped :o She then said oh no, Jesus will come to get our bodies, but the spirit is with God. Now, I know what VP says about this, which is actually all I know at this point. What is your take on the subject now that you've been out and healed from all the BS. Was twi right or were they wrong??? Blessings
  15. Our church is called Community Christian Church, hence serving the community. Several times during the year volunteers from the church goes out and serves the community in way of ..Clean up, giving food, visiting the elderly, dog therapy, and many other different things to about 50 or so places and organizations where a need may be. It is so organized too. They usually video tape the day of service and share it with the congregation the next week. I find that those that are involved are getting so much joy and have a lot of fun as well. All ages, as well as whole families get involved together in serving others. I've yet to experience this. I want to do this with my family, but my husband isn't ready for that. In time I know God will open his heart.
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