Thank you so much Ralph and Paw!!!!
This may not belong on this thread, but it definitly relates to it... for me
I was SOOOOO in the dark at that time in 86. I took PFAL in 83 in Southern Cali, and all the belivers were awesome and LOVED the ministry. So, I too followed suit.
About 10 of us took a very long journey across the states via plane and bus to the ROA 86. And boy was it a mess when we finally got there!! Not only it was raining so bad when we arrived, several of us didn't get our luggage for 2 days. The sadness was over whelming everywhere we went. I couldn't understand why my twig Coord, and branch Coords, were so upset. They wouldn't discuss it with us and left us high and dry during that week. I thought the Rock was supposed to be FUN and wonderful. Well, to say the least. I was 21 and very confused about what was happening.
Things were explained to us later when we got back home, but their explanations were still unclear to many of us, so we just went on continueing to love the ministry in a numb sort of state.
I later went WOW in 88,89, then went into the Corps 90,91 (21 st) Those years were weird, but not as weird as when I got to HQ in 91 for my 3rd year. I had been targeted by Craig at Family Camps, and he wanted me at HQ's. So, during Corps week, I was really sick, and my work Coord. befriended me ( which she NEVER does that ) took care of me and then the coworsing started during ROA. She kept me away from everyone who cared for me , including my boyfriend who was desperately trying to get together with me, and never did. She wanted me to meet with her and Craig and she told me things about him that totally repulsed me. I was soooo scared and had no where to turn.
He approached me several times, he would put his arm around me while looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was looking and did some small talk, and did so in a creepy way. One of the times he asked me where I was staying, and that he would come by sometime and give me a ride on his motorcycle. THAT FREAKED me out!!! I knew he was up to no good and if I didn't tell someone, things were going to get UGLY FAST!! So, when I did tell one of my friends, who had just graduated from the 19th Corps. All H*ll broke out and I was packing my bags the very next day... oh I forgot.. Craig melted my face, accused me of being a lesbian before I left <_< Then he told the Corps that was why I left He was such a slithering snake.
Sorry about that guys... I haven't thought about it for a long time, and after listening to Ralph today, and thought wow, I was in the midst of all that and had no clue how severe it was and that it would directly affect me the way it did.
Thank God I got out when I did... And so sorry for those who didn't