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    Not where I once was, thank God!

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  1. Yea, Nate and Charity...I'll bet you dimes to donuts that someone was praying for you. ...Did someone mention donuts?
  2. This has probably been hashed out here before, but I would say that LCM was having his mass firing party to take the heat off of himself...whether or not he understood what he was doing. Also, I have found that those who are waist-high in sin are usually the biggest finger-pointers. They have a knack for noticing the same sins in others - only in others, the sin seems much more magnified than in their own lives. It is such a shame because I know there were a lot of wounds from the ordeal. We can take heart that God has better plans for those who "got out" by being forced out by LCM. God has his plan for us all, of that I am sure.
  3. Oh, Nato, I knew I wasn't too far off! Thanks for the info - you evil net surfer, you. Um, is your signature aimed at anyone in particular? Or is b**ch like saying "dog" now. Sometimes I'm terribly unhip... What's up, dog? :P
  4. A wrong assumption on my part then - well, mostly.
  5. I've looked for a site for them for years. The internet is probably too evil to be associated with - that's my guess...Haven't members been told to limit their searches about TWI? Knowledge is power, you know.
  6. Hmmmm...I'm curious. what do you think the percentage is of people who got out of the way for doctrinal differences versus social hypocrisy? I hear of more leaving because they disagree with the heirarchy set-up of TWI but hold onto the doctrines taught by such. Me - I left because I thought the doctrines were seive-like in nature - full of holes. :blink:
  7. Thanks Cathy. Your post reminded me of a scripture - I apologize for not putting more references in my post in the first place - but I work well with "stream of conscienceness" or adult ADD. LOL I love the passage in the 2nd chapter of Phillipians: (2:5)Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, (2:6)Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, (2:7)but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men; (2:8) And, being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. (I am quoting from the New Schofield Study Bible - well, because it is the closest one to my computer :D ) As other references come to mind, I'll try to post them. God only has me recalling this for the moment, LOL - that is until I have my second cup of joe. Cathy, the fact that we disagree - and I know there are at least two distinct camps here - is okay. I think healthy debate is grand in its own right, as it encourages digging, thinking, learning, growing. That is something that wasn't allowed in TWI - critical thinking.
  8. Hey, can I butt in? Thanks. Personally, I believe Jesus IS God. Which would mean that he must have all the attributes of God, and I believe the Bible shows that. It is too much to get into here on this thread, but two GREAT books I have read on the subject are , More than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict both by Josh McDowell. The way I see it, if one believes in a Jesus that is of one nature (fully man), and another believes in a Jesus that is of two natures (fully God and fully man), how can both Jesuses save? Also, one more thought - there are many people out in this world who are not nearly as intelligent as the folks posting on this thread (My goodness! y'all have my head hurting with all that Greek! :blink: Just kidding) Do we all think God really holds it against people who haven't delved into research as thoroughly as many of us have? Let's be honest - some folk are never gonna get that far. Some are illiterate, or at least much more childlike with their faith. I think God will honor that just fine, and as long as people keep seeking him and seeking to be closer to him - well that is how he designed us from the beginning - to have a relationship with him. Oh, don't ANYone go reading The DaVinci Code. LOL That will just fuxk with you!!! (Just kidding. I found it fascinating fiction) So there's my take. Not to say that I have a corner on the truth - I would NEVER do THAT again!!!! Learned that lesson the hard way from TWI. Remember, God's promise: "And you shall seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13
  9. Hello, Moony. I see from reading an earlier thread that you are engaged. Congrats! Is your Ted the same one that played on stage at ROA's for years? If so, I saw him when I was a kid. :)
  10. Hey. someone just sent me a list of ways to know you are too old to celebrate Halloween. One of the ways was when someone compliments you on your cool Keith Richards mask - only you aren't wearing one. :P BTW - Hi, I'm new here and have been out of TWI since '88.
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