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Everything posted by tomtuttle1
Why Igotclout, MY bible says "Foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife". Why do YOU think there are no female VP's?? Let me ask you a question... Who did God make first, Adam or Eve?? And who in the bible are "laden with sins..." ??? You tell ME what you think about why there are no female VP's, and I'll tell you how far you're going to go on your next vacation. Do you remember the biblical significance of the number 3?? Do you remember the Checker cab we had at HQ?? What do you think Paul's back looked like???
ThunderShipper is moving his word amongst the aborigines. Imagine, a chickasaw with a tomahawk endeavoring to teach the greatness of the boomerang... Jonny, you've been drinking, haven't you?? Please find a seat up front ... You know, some of our sibling corps are sharp as a tack, spiritually. I move that we do away with the corps number and simply have the corps and the cop-outs ...
Socks, you have brought NEW light to me. I never thought of it from that perspective. Oh, fool that I am, and slow of heart to believe. Gee, or RickyGee, maybe THEY will take the place of the absent Christ. I will be FREE at last, as I will have a V.P. to show me, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, what I shall do. Imagine how much time that will save me from reading the Bible!!! Don't need to - I gots my own VP!!! Don't need no revelation, don't need no meetings, the VP's will direct my paths. The best part is that nobody is EVER more that ONE STEP from the TOP!!!!!! Will these new VP's have special nametags, so's we can iden ti fie (thanks, TJ) them, or will we need to ask a fellow believer to ask HIS VP if the one in question is my personal VP ?? Farther along we'll know all about it Farther along we'll understand why
"... we talk alot about the need to change things, but when THEY do ..." What the "F" (with a capital F) have THEY changed!!!???!!! How's 'bout changing some important things, like apologies, genuine interest in people and their lives, etc, etc, etc ... Oh, maybe a change like "Let's have THREE vice presidents" or "Let's change from Folgers to Maxwell House (for the VIP's only though) will do the trick. Yep, there, you got it, a brand spankin' new Way ministry complete with more tenderness and compassion, more ethical values, less intimidation, less love of money, truely after God's own heart. BAAAA!!!! That's .............NO DEAL!!!! Golly Beaver, look at the time!! We'd better hurry to fellowship, before it changes!!!! I wouldn't buy any toothbrushes from you either!!
I can imagine all of us getting together, sipping a few fig-peps, puffing on a few kool shorties. I would need to have a throw-rug under me to keep all manner of liquids from spoiling the grounds we sit upon. Think we could get Harvey to play background music??
Thank you, RickyGee (any relation to Kenny??), for your iron reproof in love sharpening my iron. I admit, my eyes have been shut up like an old woman's womb, and I have scoffed at the innocent. From henceforth shall I (absolute tense) read AND post ALL posts with a more doulos-like attitude. I'll follow the man of god, wherever he wants to go ...
Happy B-day, Crocky!! And welcome back to the post that flows, not trickles. Heaveny Father, hmmmm, that DOES sound familiar. I have believing images of victory of your feeshing, brother Jonny. Now therefore, go, and depart unto a solitary prace, and there play... Simon, wilt thou and thy brother again this year journey unto south florida to come see me and my family in my train?? If so, I will give you the keys to the bathroom this year (and NEVER has anyone from OUTSIDE my family EVER been given keys to this holy of holies). We all remember your visit last year fondly. We have even kept the sheets you slept and wept on, where were left some god-awful stains. And the garage door your brother plowed through we have replaced. Even my daughter's dog that you maimed has healed up nicely, after the laying on of my hands. Sexie, you also (bullinger) must needs come to this our holiday reunion, where rust doth not corrupt. Maybe Dana can make some deliveries in the area, stopping "along the way" to pick up other 9th corps who want to get more blessed than they already are...
While reading through these incidents, I realized there was ONE time I can remember where the "leaders" blew it with their manipulation. I was in the corps in Emporia, 1st year, and it must have been springtime. Me, 2 other 9th (one was 2life's husband, the other (hereros) was Kipplinger) and a 7th corps went GOLFING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it was a self-destruction Saturday. Or was that self-structured?? In any event, someone UP THERE blew it by not restricting us from golfing. But then again, maybe not, because the golf course in Emporia, which was near the 4-animal zoo & the 1-star airport, looked more like the zoo than a real golf course. I seem to recall I had the lowest score that day... hope Mr. 2Life has been practicing...
You make me cry. You've been feeshing, haven't you Jonny?? You need to be re pent tent and a true rep present ta tive of your corps. Have a talk with my right arm man, Harm. Now leave while I feenish my apple butt ter...
Hi and love... Simon says Apes & peacocks. I say, what does the Word say ?
Socks, you paint one hullava picture!! The mind is a TERRIBLE thing... I've seen these names before .... Let's see, was it ..... uuuummmmmm ..... GAUT EET !!!!! Can you guess which one?? A Clockwork Orange Caligula (non-rated version) A Hard Man is Good To Find Harry Potter Dirty Harry The Way - Living in Lust Gilligan's Island Being There
TwoGreyWow, blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. Because of your inspired utterance to Outtahere, we are not ashamed to call you brother. For you have instructed him more perfectly in the ways of the Lord, as well as the ways of the sons of men. As for HarveY, if you ever need any help with him, or need anything from him, just write me. Just write the Creature, Box 328, New Knoxville, OH 45871. Exie, what was the phone #??? Thou hast learned well, oh wise greyone. Henceforth is laid up for you a three week vacation at the St. Marys Motel and Spa or the Botkins Best Western. Choose you THIS DAY which way you will swerve ...
What's the deal with TJ, the scourge of Gunnison?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
Jonny, you are a man after God's own heart!!! Great sto-rie. I can hear it yet, "You've been fishing, haven't you Jonny???". Such love only a MOTHER could display. Tom Hamhocks, please stand and have the blessing ... -
Did this attach work???
MY bible says, "If any man be stupeed, let him be stupeed". What do you think my back looks like?? Couldn't win any beauty contests, I tell ya. What have YOU done to deserve the gospel of the 9th?? What has it cost YOU??? Very very little. In OUR corps, we learned that you have to EARN the right to speak on a subject. Keep thy seed, with ALL diligence, for as the Bible says, "and I will put emnity between thy seed and her doug & carol seed". Great is Exie of the 9th!!! Great is Exie of the 9th!!! And the 11th part knew not wherefore they were come together ...
What's the deal with TJ, the scourge of Gunnison?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
They were kernels of truth, my dear sistren. You see, God can only teach a man in terms of what that man knows. For VPW, who was accustomed to reaching up into people's wallets and clothing, it was reaching up into a "cookie" lovsteadt jar. In TJ's life, maany had said to him, in a polite way, "Bite Me!!!". TJ had obviously confused a current day figure of speech (chompisensio) with his favorite scripture "...there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth...". But in any case, we were the receivers of this his delight, to feed his flock the kernels truth. There was a lot of truth to be learned if one gazed at and intensly studied those kernels from between his teeth long enough. And just wait until I share on what can be realized when one looks for those kernels underneath ones fingernails, while blowing out hot air from terse, taut lips, making a hissing noise ... -
What's the deal with TJ, the scourge of Gunnison?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
No Exie, you are not an i-d-u-l-t-e-r-e-r. You are a represent-ta-tive of the 9th corps. "Nasty mean little man"... interesting. Anyone ever notice that the guys with the smallest members drive the biggest trucks?? Just throwing it out there (ek ballo - to throw or to throw out). So Mac-Army got a bit burned on a trail ride, and then got ministered to by REVEREND jenks??? Oh, the depth of love and bowels of compassions (plural). Maybe his bowels of compassion had done gushed out. Why, he had more compassion FOR his lil' pinkie than he did for the people in residence who bothered his life so much ... I guess he thought we were there to serve HIM. -
Sexie, as we always have, we are again bringing our babes, the 11th, back up to the top. You see, they hold the truth, but the truth doesn't hold them. And just as the ant, thou sluggard, the safest place for them is 'on the ball'. I suppose that the 9th could be considered "grand-pappies" of the 13th. If you youngin's in the 11th want some metaphysical advise on what you should say to your people. the 13th, at a time like this, here it is: Quit messin' around with ole Bethsheba!!! Does anyone remember what the number 13 was supposed to represent in the B-I-B-L-E, now that's the book for me, I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E ...... flashback to children's fellowship, sorry ... Gotta go, Ms. Jonasas is calling...
What's the deal with TJ, the scourge of Gunnison?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
Thank God for Goodyear (rubber company). And thank God for .... Tough Actin' TINACTIN !!!!! Master Tom made it most clear to all the corps who went to Gunnison that they were not there to see the beautiful high country, this was NOT gonna be a vacation. It was normally the FIRST thing of business he covered, usually the FIRST words most corps heard come from his kissable lips. And thanks to Socks and Get A Tan Caravan... -
How may times did we see this type of thing happen, where the leader(s) go off for vacation (sometimes with an attractive gal to help with "set-up"), go to art classes, ballet, baseball games, have cable TV, a nice car & home, seemingly an endless supply of funds, special "perks", etc etc etc... And all the while, we, as good wayfers, fought with our "renewed blind, err, mind" to not think evil of these special perks and the like, that the leader(s) MUST have some godly reason as to WHY they NEEDED these things, and the lowly us really DIDN'T. That if WE ever moved into a nice home, or bought a NEW car, or signed up for evening billiard tournaments, or spend a few hours at the golf course, etc etc etc, that WE wouldn't just be QUESTIONED about such things, we'd be SCREAMED at, threatened, belittled openly, etc. If we do ANYTHING other than quit jobs to go to corps week/ROA, go to or run some ministry event, go witnessing, etc, we were way off the Word, we were reproved, rebuked and ridiculed. In short, we were effed up. But the leader is right. I'm all effed up and HE is standing in the gap, which is why he's so tired and needs these things, because of me and my petty, selfish, earthly desires. When the eff am I gonna get some "spiritual backbone"??? Here am I!! Send ME!!!!!
Nicely put, LindaZspot. You have judged correctly. And to Sir Bistro, Daddy says "Shut Up!!". I am not free to teach more, probably due to the fact you went DOA. Anyone think that any who had to go LOA STILL have any "I'm not worthy" feelings??? Maybe we ought to count any such status worthy of double honor ...
OutofThere, please come see the 9th corps outside the sonlight room immediately after the meal ...
Thanks Nika. She must have that family strength, same as you ... That is great news from a not-so-far country. May all tumor material be as dead as LCM's compassion !!
What's the deal with TJ, the scourge of Gunnison?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
...Pride goeth before a fall. and a haughty spirit before construction... You have a decent point there, yougotclout. I have yet to hear ANY apologies, any "Geez, I was such an a$$ back then" from ANYONE. Not that I am waiting for any. But I would think anyone with a genuine, pure heart would be anxious to right past wrongs. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, " ", well, I forget what that proverb is, but I can tell you this, it HAS happened unto them!!! -
What's the deal with TJ, the scourge of Gunnison?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
Right-O, Johnny!!! You nailed the hammer on the head!!! The 'without turning his head, not even looking up' attitude and aire was ever-present at Gunnison. But remember, many did far less wrong and received a far greater blasting at his hands. I read somewhere awhile ago that T Jenks had cjanged and is really a good guy today. I hope so. I suppose none of us were without sin, but some sure managed to leave a lasting impression in many people's minds. God I miss my daily exhortations from TJ!!