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Everything posted by tomtuttle1
Sexie, please share with all the incident with our own Martha at lunch one day EARLY in our training.
HCW - did you work in IT at HQ (too many abbreviations!!) ???? Jonny - you sure do seem to gravitate towards fishing. MY bible says, "I go a fishing. We go with thee also." Exie - you are one of the best corps I know. You should start a program for DFAC/DOA/LOA corps... After meal announcements would be fun!!
Mr. Lingowitz may have been asking ME the question, Raf, but thanks for your answer. No, I have not been stalking you. Undershepharding the younger corps maybe. But I get such a tickle out of TJ's comment to you about fishing I cannot cease from this sin, if it be sin!!! Mis ovarios me duele!!
You've been spanglishing, haven't you Jonny??? El gato es muy rojo (for beginners). Estoy delisioso (my favorite Gringo phrase at spanish restaurants).
Good idier, JR. Maybe reopen it as a Dairy Queen... The brown swiss supplying the milk and LCM & company supplying the... well, the QUEENLY side of things.
"That's TUT Tull to you, sir!!", I say, as I pick the imaginary clingons from mah teeth... Jonny, please see TUT Tull and I in my cabin following the meal. And I had bet ter not hear ANY corps refer to my cabin as Uncle Tom's cabin!!
What's the best time you've had skipping out on a TWI function?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
I remember a mural painted on a barn at the Kipp farm. It dipicted a rather cozy gathering of some lewd fellows of the baser sort, drinking all manner of drink, smoking and using their noses as chimneys, and the clock on the wall reading "Corps Meeting Time!!!" ... ... couldn't afford to waste mah time with a little meeting like that. Where's Simonion!!! ??? !!! For time would fail me to share about JP & Sarah's wedding at HQ, hows we manned the beer & brat stations, although legitimately it could not be ruled as PHYSICALLY skipping out. But by the time it was over, there was no skipping to be done. Crawling, maybe ... Sexie, does the car ride out to the rodeo in Gunnison count?? Hows about the pics we took of you on the side of the road?? Remember the sickly-looking deer at the gorge??? I found it was difficult finding a hiding spot during everyday clases at Emporia. Thank God for the snack shop office, where the door had a lock on it... -
You are trying to say that I've sinned, aren't you Jonny? Are YOU the hevenny Father's rep pre sent ta tive, ta tell ME to ask for forgivness? I think that may be a lit tul presumptuous. Harm, please have the blessing and pray for Jonny...
What's the best time you've had skipping out on a TWI function?
tomtuttle1 replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
Corps wedding rehearsals at Emporia - we were in "bottom floor Wierwille" listening to John Lynn's instructions about how to line up for the rehearsal. Then, as everyone walked single file across the bridge of the pond to stand in rehearsal format, to go through the wedding motions, which was to happen the next day, fine fellow G Spicer and I RAN a Godly sprint to the car maintenance bldg, where his car was. We drove down to a licquer store at the mall, bought 2 quarts of beer apiece, and drank them, as the ground was thirsty (condescensio), until we had inbibed the uttermost of each bottle, as we drove back to campus. As we arrived, we saw the rehearsal was disbanding, sos we ran diligently so as to enjoin them. Several corps, walking right on by the Spirit, noticed a familiar smell eminating from our souls. For those who were never in the corps, the leadershi+ at times would not like the fact you left campus like that to have a couple beers, they might even say something to you about it... -
It is a DISGRACE.... for ME ... to have been in this fellowship this morning!!!
Pay no attention to the Socks behind the curtain!! He's been dippin' into the chicory cans in the barn one too many times... Excornholio... don't let that ole socking stuffer rattle your nest of friends. Your friends are my friends, you are welcome at my way, no strangers here, only fiends we haven't met yet... As for your writting style, I am so dam*** blessed with your colorful and elequent use of nouns, and verbs which connote action. You make it "living and real" for our pee-pul ... Did CG ever offer filthy lucre (cash-ola) to eternally reward the blessed subjects of VP's affection?? Or, maybe after the booze money was never an issue (our ABS at work) ...
You've been fee-shing for friendship. haven't you Jonny?? I think Socks had the right curve on this present truth of good corps. Yes, Teek and TJ never exhibited any ill-intent toward me (although I DID see Tic become overly "loving" toward a corps gal once). Also, Ambassador One had many times comforted my rear end. The snack shop at Emporia also met maany needs of mine while in residence. But my all-time favorite was Buck, the old trail horse at Gunnison. He didn't care what ANYONE said, he did what was right in his sight, even falling asleep on a trail ride, rolling down a hill with rider in tow...
I was just skimming thru this tread and BAM!!! (or SHAZZAM, if you like Gomer). It's like being back in a real twig!!! Exie and Socks and Ted and JardinHero and Toadie and Lifted and OrthoTonto and the rest, man, there sure were some great days of excitement and love that I will never forget. What made The Way great were people like you, not the "celebrities". I can only thank each of you for your pure and simple hearts. You are what makes this dull world tolerable, even a joy at times.
Good God, can you imagine growing up in that area with the likes of VP & his heritage?? Talk about dreary environments...
Oh my... I thought Santa was trying his hand at rap ...
As long as we're on the topic, and the Spirit has so moved me, here's another (allos): A policeman was on a police horse in the street downtown when a little boy rides up next to him on a new, fire-engine red tricycle. Policeman: Did Santa bring you that tricycle?? Boy: Yes he did!! Policeman: Well, here's a ticket. Tell Santa to next time bring a license also. Boy: Did Santa bring you that horse?? Policeman: Why, yes he did!! Boy: Well, tell Santa to next time put the dick under the horse instead of on top. Where's Dick DeNenno?
Speaking of grading, it reminded me of a sto-rey: A cute co-ed at a university goes to her professor's office one evening, when everyone else had gone home for the night. She knocked on the door and the professor says "Come in, the door is open.". She opens the door and while walking in, the professor notices her wearing a very low-cut top and a mini skirt. He spins around in his chair and the following ensues: Professor: What can I do for you?? Co-ed: I seems my grades in your class haven't been too great so far, and I REALLY NEED to get a good grade. Professor: What do you suggest we do about it? Co-ed: Well, I'd do just about ANYTHING to get a good grade. Professor: What are you saying? Co-ed: You know, there's NOTHING I wouldn't do in exchange for a good grade. Professor: Are you SURE you'd do ANYTHING for this grade??? Co-ed: Oh, yes sir!!! I will do ANYTHING for it!!!!!!! And right NOW!!!!! Professor: OK, ......................... Study !!!!!!!! Similar to the prostitute in a bar joke: Prostitute: Excuse me sir, but I'd do anything for you for $100. Sir: Anything??? Prostitute: Anything!!!!! So he hands her $100 and says, "Here, paint my house." Sure am glad I don't get PAID for mah sto-rees...
Jar of SpanishMoney (Jar-de-dinero), the rain falleth upon the just AND the unjust, and just, just, michael just, I just thank you lord for that rain, ooopppps, there it goes, shifting gears WITH overlap... What I meant to proclaim is that saint and sinner alike can simply reject the madness, even the same madness our own sexie Exie spoke of when describing the remarkable acumen of CG. Don't you all remember the renewed mind class (is it also in one of the collaterals Mike??), where it was spoken, maybe even written, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still"?? Thank God we know these immutable laws: 1. much learning doth make thee mad 2. he is writting FOR our learning 3. ever learning and never able to come unto the knowledge of the truth What is CG doing ?? Class, if the Bible doesn't tell you, you do not know!!! One can only hope he is studying the collaterals ...
I am speechless. But not songless... Pee Ef A Ell has something just for you It shows you the keys that unlock those doors And how to walk right through Or should this be in the other (historical) tread ??
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What a delicious, hot meal that must have been!!! I can see it yet, the beautee-fully designed bowls from the Indiana campus, chock-full of earthly manna. My, but I would to god to have some now. Even the frozen fruit on a sub-zero morning, to warm the soul ... For everyone's information, Sprocky is NOT DFAC, he is DFAP, dropped from active posting. Must I always expound the word of greasespot more perfectly?? And I presume (presumptious are they, selfwilled, made to be taken and destroyed...) that our own yellowdripper is working on blessing himself with a quiver full, leaving him far too little time to regularily visit his brethren here on the tread. You just quit yakkin' about anything else!! Have not had time yet to call for more info on TJ's dynamic new church class. But I will, the Lord willin' & the crick dont rise...
Thank you, my temptress. My brother, who was lost, is now found... I must leave for the airport now, so I shall schedule a call next week, just to inquire about the class and just maybe HEAR the voice in my vee-sions...
Tom, thou are wanted in the Wayed and found balanced. You've been posting Jonny, haven't you??? I cannot get the Lord Jenkinson outta mah brain cells. I NEED (and want parallel) to hear more TJ stow-rees !!!!!
Please do not post any more letters from CG or any responses from our then-beloved 'leaders' (LCM, DEW, HRA). I get all icky feeling whenever I read comics or soap operas like this. "Thanks Chris for have ears to see and eyes to hear". And may I add, hands to touch, words to condemn, looks to kill, balls to s uck, brains to open, nose to brown. My parents were so right so maany maany years ago ...
You are correct. Our witnessing that year saved the country. From what I am not sure...