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Everything posted by tomtuttle1
What have we here, some kind of counterfeit?? LET MAH TREAD GO !!!!!
Sexie is indeed young & firm. Axe "Uncle Harry. Which answers the question of whether scum can be young or firm. You see, this is what we call a Figure of Scum. This particular figure is Condescumsio, attributing to man scum-like charactetistics. Yes, Jar-Dinero, I am most adept at bilinguality. Me gustos los hombres, as I teach my anglo friends how to introduce one's self to a latin. And I am chistoso, comico, guapo, perfecto, intelligente, macho, duro, fuerte y mas...
Just NEVER say that word, Harve, around me. It was and always shall be HARVEY, our BOT of the 9th. Buddy Curry was a great guy, except when you had to sit at the same table at HQ for lunch. Well, not so much HIM in particular, but ANY Way Plumbers. They were food incinerators. And they never looked right for Corps night or Sunday night services, with the coat & tie. Why, I wouldn't have those guys build me a 2 by 4...
So I guess the Corps Chalet is out for Corps Week and ROA next month... Looks like I will be at the Best Western - Botkins. Unless Igotsome invites me to sojourn at the St Mary's Motel. Or maybe I can commute from FL with Ambassador 7. Or maybe stay with Simoneon in the luxurious Corps tents, basking in the open-air sauna, more blessed than I already will be... Speaking of pick pocketting, who is in Bo Reahard's home now??
There are 24 mainfestations of the Scum (12 X 2, Are You Limiting GOD??). I thank my God I speak in Scums more than ye all. Sexie, see what you've started?? Git on back to the 9th Scum tread. Also, I doubt there are any Scum Alum here. Only Dropped From Active Scum. I scum to the Jardinero alone ...
Golly Beav... that IS Mark F in the background. And David Thomas with his smug grin in the foreskin, err, foreground. But that SURELY isn't Jesus in the midst. Thanks again John for the picture. In you dwelleth all the fullness of the 9th corps bodily!!
I went into the corps because I was tired of witnessing to Joe Unbeliever. I wanted an audience more receptive than what I was seeing "on the field". I found I didn't have time to witness in the corps...
Who is this pope that wants to come see me in mah train?? I give to him the keys to this tread that whensoever he will he may come.
I have direct knowledge that He that spared not His own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not also with him FREELY give us ALL things?? I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of VPW, I am of Teek, I am of the Way Fecal Farm ... CK - ever read the bible??? I have forgiven all. God can and does restore to me 100 fold anything others by deceit took from me. If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of VPW. Toodles...
The good The bad The ugly Once on staff, one got a closer look at the MOG, day in and day out. After JP & Sara's wedding at HQ, VPW threw a party. He proclaimed "The two drink rule is in effect, except when I (in capital letter, emphasis on 'I') throw a party!!". So, as being ever the obedient one, I obliged his proclamation, trading pitchers of beer for Simon's slab 'o ribs, or whatever they were cooking up. The moral being, VPW had to be the big-shot. I believe he manifested SDS - Small Penis Syndrome. Always had to be the focal point, always had to do it HIS way. "The request of the commanding general is tantamount to an order" ... I would they were even cut off which trouble you...
Wouldn't it be sumpthin if our Simon was summoned onto the Ophra show and he started witnessing to the camera, hollerin in tongues, swearin like a sailor, telling buddy currie jokes, kickin the hogs, praisin the Lord??
Sowwy for mah LOA, Exie, but the very happiest B-day to you. You will always be the spring chickie I remember... I see snot to give thanks for you...
How do we keep these things fresh?? Where does a man get his strength?? It's the SPIRIT of GOD WITHIN!!! God doesn't have to fetch ole Agabus (pronounced Aggie-Bus) to come all the way from Damascus to tell us these things. Take unto you the WHOLE armour ... you're going to need it.
I have no greater joy than to hear mah children caulk in truth. Way Plumbers motto... Simonion, what's the profit?? Be careful for nothing. Beware of false prophets crept in unawares. For though you have 10,000 lying signs and wonders, yet have ye only ONE mother which hast given thee suck. As Sexie has been taught, how long do I have to suck your corps asses?? Go back to the milk of that Word. Strong drink belongs to those of full age. John. batten down the hatches. Looks like we're in for a shower or two in the next couple of days. Forthtelling, not foretelling...
Thanks John for letting our own Davie speak through you. I would imagine the spirit of God will show up in the uttermost part of Tennessee Joe fairly soon, sos he can speak for hisself... Simon, good to hear from you again. And we thought it should've been you that would redeem the 9th. Where's mah Exie??
Who was the man behind the grassy knoll? Sorry, can't marry you John, as I am planning on going WOW and then the corps & my status cannot change. But we CAN have a wedding excellors session. 2 drink minimum. And Davie is anointed to bring the 3.2 beer and that fiddle of his...
Was the wedding at HQ?? Looks like Way Plumbers remodeled the BRC a tad. Was that downstairs?? Thanks John for the pictures. Maybe we all need to get married again, sos we can git some recent pics ...
Sorry for the absence, but times are a flying. It was only due to the rev that Mr. BayLeaves mentioned that I even tapped into this our tread today. Thanks John for bringing our lost goat of the tribe of the 9th back home.
Where was Clarita mentioned?? Did I miss it?? Rob & Claritta, bitten Neumer-ous times... Sorry about the young lad's hand, sexie. But it will repair back to better and stronger. Here we are surrounded by so great a cloud of winebibbers... They don't need to tell jokes anymore, they and the joke are one, even as we are one.
You've been stickin' up for ole TJ, haven't you Jonny?? Well, may he reap God's rich goodness from this day forth.
My 'puter's been sick... just got eet back. My greetings to all. God has given us richly all things to enjoy. Now therefore, git to enjoying!!!
I've heard it said the reason eagles abound in OK is because lcm was from OK.
Speaking In Tongues With Interpretation "Battles"
tomtuttle1 replied to J0nny Ling0's topic in About The Way
You've been forgetting PLAF lessons, haven't you Jonny?? Ortho from the greek word orthos, meaning straight or right Tomounta from the word temnos, meaning to cut, or a cutting Thereby rendering "a straight or right cut-ting". ... a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of troof... Remembering this WHAT class??? Remembering this FIRST!!! That NO prophecy, none of that which is for-told or forth-told, is of any PRIVATE (IDIOS, what english word would you say we get from this), of one's own, interpretation. For HOLY men of God SPAKE as they were moved (pushed around) by THE pneuma, THE hagion... You wonder what you should say to your people at a time like this... -
Speaking In Tongues With Interpretation "Battles"
tomtuttle1 replied to J0nny Ling0's topic in About The Way
And my thanks as well, Tonto-tomounta. Certainly what a few of us did in residence at times caused a bit of confusion to some, laughter to a small few, and fireworks from several "leaders". But, that was the risk you took, trying to bless others in a humerous way. I also would give hickeys to a few of the sistren from time to time, just sos they knew they were attractive and desirous. And I was married, which was why I could get away with some of the shinanigans. I also miss some of the great times we had, made great by the REAL and tender-hearted believers. If you want to sample some of the humor amongst us, read the 9th corps thread. Start at the big-inning... -
Speaking In Tongues With Interpretation "Battles"
tomtuttle1 replied to J0nny Ling0's topic in About The Way
Yes, great sto-rey, Jonny. I can see it yet ... I don't recall any tongue battles of that nature in OUR perfect corps, but I do remember myself and another exchanging greetings and spiritual salutations by saying, "Oh shanta malacasita, lo shanta, which being interpreted means How the ph uck are you, you sonofabitch??" while walking around campus. Once in a while someone else would hear our blessed greeting and their eyeballs would open just a bit wider, wondering who the hell we were, corps, talking like this. Yes, we brought new light unto our generation of corps ... Just trying not to become too legalized, ya know...