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Everything posted by Outin88.
Athletes of the Spirit Video (from the '80's)
Outin88. replied to MiniCorpsConscript's topic in About The Way
Why would you want to see that pathetic "show"? Unless your looking for a good laugh! What a wonderful "christian" play that was. Not! They didn't even mention Jesus Christ in it! Seriously, I'm curious, why do you want to get a copy of it? -
Here is a link to Messiah7 website with a brief history of TWI. The author Dr. John Juedes, A lutheran minister and a pfal grad who studies TWI and did a lot of research on this group. He has a lot of fascinating and eye opening information on TWI; http://www.uia.net/~messiah7/rsr_vcchap1-2.htm And as Coolchef mentioned, the Cult that snapped is an excellent read which does give a good history of TWI, including as Polar Bear mentioned the hippies that hooked up with TWI and Wierwilles taking control over the Way West and East. The author Karl Kahler was a graduate of the 14h corps and is now a reporter for a Newspaper in I believe San Jose CA. He interviewed many people including those former hippies as well as many former high ranking leaders such as former trunk coordinator Ralph D. http://www.ex-way.com/ Another execellent source is Wordwolfs thread, "The way living in wonderland". Check the archives here at GS cafe. A brief synopsis, from what I know is that VP Wierwille graduated from seminary in the early 40's, was ordated and pastored a small church for a few years then pastored another for a few more. In 1942 he claims he prayed and God spoke to him audibly then made it snow to show proof it was really God. Wierwille began to rebeliant towards the leaders of his denomonation. They sent him to India to check up on missionaries, shortly after he he came back he resigned as pastor, apparently it was mutual with the leaders of the denomination. He took B.G. Leonards class in Canada and received permission to teach it. Only he called it PFAL and claimed it was his class. He started the vesper chimes youth caravan radio show where he preached. And also started TWI shortly after. Moved back to his family home in Ohio where he held weekly church services and did biblical research. In 1967 he filmed pfal and went to California where he had heard hippies were into the Jesus movement. There he showed his pfal class and invited them to come to Ohio in the summer for biblical summer school. About 50 to 100 showed up that summer of 1968. One Steve Heefner, a radio DJ had a job in NY where he was able to start fellowships run pfal classes and preach the word. Another Jimmy Doop went back to California and started the Way west where he ran pfal classes, fellowships and preached the word to hundreds. Other went to the midwest and the south and ran classes. TWI began growing fast and Wierwille wanted to control it, plus as PB said get the money sent to him in Ohio. Wierwille showed up at Jimmy Doops area and told him he was taking over. He essentially did the same to Heefner. All this is Karl Kahlers book, the Cult that snapped. By the early 70's Wierwille started the way corps program and used those graduates as leaders to control TWI. TWI kept growing and in 1982 Wierwille retired hading the "mantel" to LCM.
Details of the lawsuits...
Outin88. replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
I haven't read all the posts, but noticed exactly 666 views for this thread! Is that a sign? Sorry! I just think it's sad that there's a lawsuit amoungst Christians, really pathetic imo! :( -
Good points Mark, you are a wise man. Some of us were hurt (for a little while) because we did believe it and were emotionally invested in it for a time. Some of us now feel embarassed at being conned and sometimes get a little annoyed at folks that still profess admiration towards those we feel had dupped us, or doctrines that some of us now feel are bogus. Well I know I do at times.
Me too! Yup, I bought into the whole package, drank the cool aid and pretty much believed whatever they taught. I was young when I took the class, and didn't know the Bible at all, so after hearing it explained (what I percieved at the time) logically, I trusted TWI completely. Much to my embarassment now. Well, as I said I was young and naive. Now I will say that I'm still a believer in God, the Bible and Jesus Christ. I do believe that some of what we were taught by TWI is correct, and some of it was cr@p.
You'll be missed JL. I go away for periods too, but as Oak said I always come back. Hope you do too from time to time.
In TWI, we were taught “believing” is some kind of special power, where we could believe for things that we wanted. Name it claim it so to speak. We just had to stay our mind with a “believing image of victory” and we’d get what we believed for. And that it is a law that works for saint or sinner alike. (Chapter and verse please). I have notes from TWI teachings on the subject of believing where it was taught that we should “demand” what we are “believing” for, that it’s God’s law and therefore if we believe big enough He has to bring it to pass. Believing takes place in the mind, and there really is no power of your mind outside your own body. No where in the Bible does say to “believe for things”. I do see in the Bible that we can have faith, (Pistis) which means trust, we can trust in God and His promises. Faith requires an object to trust in, such as God, Jesus Christ or promises by God. But the so called law believing as taught by TWI was nothing more then trusting in our mind power, or believing in our believing, IMO. Our English word “Faith” comes from the Latin word “Fides” which means “trust, confidence, reliance, belief”. Wierwille said believing is a verb it connotes action, and he’s right, but the Greek word Pistis which is often what Wierwille was referring to as Believing is a noun and is better translated faith or trust. The Greek word Pisteuo is the verb form, and it would be translated believe or believing and is an exercise or acting on faith. It’s not our believing as defined by TWI. It’s our trusting God and acting on God’s promise to bring it to pass. An example of faith and acting on it is the story of Elijah in I Kings 17:1-6. God tells Elijah to go to a brook and Ravens will bring him food. Elijah trusts God and acting on that faith in God Elijah goes to the brook. It wasn’t Elijah telling God to feed him, it was God telling Elijah go here and I’ll feed you. Elijah simply trusted that what God said would happen. And it was God’s power that brought it to pass. Faith is such a simple thing for God to require of us, it doesn’t require mental gymnastics to get our believing up, or having believing with teeth, it’s simply trusting God to fulfill His promises. We can have faith in, or believe God to receive the promises of God, (written or verbal). But it’s not our will be done, it’s His will be done. We don’t demand things from Him, but we can ask of Him in prayer (James 4:2, 3). Is fear negative believing in reverse? Not from my study of scripture. The fear in the heart of a mother cannot cause the death of a child, that’s ridicules. Again, no where in scripture does it say this. Wierwille taught this based on one verse in Job. Job feared for his children and Wierwille taught because “it’s a law” it came to pass, causing Job’s children to die. Bologna! Job was simply making a statement. We all have fear at times and most of the time nothing bad happens. II Timothy 3:12 tells us that all those living Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, further it says to rejoice in sufferings or tribulations in Romans 5:3 and that these tribulations or suffering will produce patience or perseverance, Romans 5:4. Looks to me that if your living godly bad stuff will happen based on scripture, but says noting about if you aren’t believing enough or if you have fear. Jesus said there would be wars, earthquakes, famine (Matthew 24:6, 7). One only has to look at Paul’s ministry to see that he dealt with many hardships (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). Did he have fear? Maybe he just wasn’t believing big enough? No, we have an adversary, and we live in a fallen world, and sometimes bad things happen.
I John 3, I admit, I came on a little strong in my posts, but really I think you are taking some of the different viewpoints and questions as attacks when in reality they are not. At least not on my part! Sky said it well, and I thought it was worth repeating.
Amen Dawn Redwood. Here are the verses you were thinking of in James. James 4 NIV 13Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." It's not our will be done, it's His will be done. We ask God not tell God, we have faith in God's promises and it's His power that brings them to pass, not our believing in our believing. Danny stated it well. "The whole teaching was making a little idol or big one putting it before God and saying why do I need you I have believing." dmillers story of the guy believing to win the Harley is a typical example of how we were taught in twi. But again the word says to ask, knowhere in the Bible does it say to "believe for" something. check out these verses also in James 4. "2You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. 3When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."
They overestimate themselves..
Outin88. replied to Ham's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Does CES have any hope? Not sure anyone knows at this point uptown1. Reading dmiller's post reminded me of when they were first starting out back in 87/88 it looked like the makings of a good Christian organization. They had the Dialogue magazine where anyone could write a reseach paper or letter and CES would publish it, then anyone could critique it and write back their thoughts. GSCAFE's own Mark Sanguanetti (SP?) used to contribute articles. letters and papers. Back then Jal, Sue P!er(e, Ralph D and John S would come to your fellowship or area and teach what they had been learning from the Word if requested. And they would hang out with and fellowship with folks. You could even disagree with them and they'd actually listen to people who offered advise and have discussions. You could buy their tapes and books, or not, no pressure, I heard JAL say more then once, if you can't afford their stuff, and if you asked, CES would give it to you. In fact I saw him do just that with some folks one time. Back in 88/89, I remember John S. saying "CES is not going to tell you what to do". What happened? Once they decided to have fellowships only associated with them, have leader training and ordain people, with a heirarchial (SP?) structure, plus got into momentous and pp which appears to have gotten way out of control. It looks to me like CES became another TWI type of organization. Yes Uptown1 they did produce some excellent biblical research and even corrected several doctrinal errors of TWI. But did they ever completely get rid of the cult influence from TWI? I don't know everything going on with them, but based on reading some of these threads/posts, it looks like they have not. Will they make a recovery? I don't know. I just know that I won't participate in a group like that. Their still my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I'll pray for them, but maybe they should disband, find jobs and a good Church to attend. -
I wasn't suggesting you debate the subject of the so called "Law of believing", I was suggesting you read those discussions and maybe learn something from those who have actually taken the time and studied to show themselves approved... When I was in TWI, many times when someone had a problem people would judge them for "lack of believing" or fear. "John is sick again, it's his lack of believing. Jane was fired from her job, it's because she had fear in her heart." What nonsense. $h!t happens and sometimes people get hurt. Look at the twelve disciples, 11 of them were martyred. Where was their belieivng? How about Paul, he was whipped, beaten , ship wrecked, hungry, left for dead and eventually beheaded in Rome. Gee, he must have been a poor believer. He really could have used some believing with teeth! I showed you from my previous post that you mistranslated the word Faith for believing. Have you actually studied the scriptures to see if these things are so? Or are you just parroting what you learned from Mr. Wierwille?
I believe the verse goes "Without FAITH it's impossible to please God" Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." That word faith, is the Greek word pistis. Which anyone who has studied that Greek word will tell, pistis is a noun and it's basic meaning is trust. Mr. Wierwille taught believing is a verb and connotes action, unfortuanely he often would refer to that word "faith" as "believing" which is incorrect. 1 john 3:1, there are several very good discussions in the doctrinal section, or in the archives where this so called "law of believing" has been discussed, you might find them interesting to review.
Hi PL, I've checked out four offshoots including CFF. However it's been nine years since I was last involved in any offshoot! My expiences with CFF was when they were first getting started in 96/97 timeframe. So I'm not current with them. But my experience was that they were the most loving of all the ex-TWI groups I checked out, very friendly, very kind. Thier fellowship was exactly as I remembered from earlier TWI days, same format, same teaching, same manifestations, same songs etc. But as Skyrider said, they were too into VPW for my taste. Constantly talking about what a great MOG VPW was and were teaching some of his erroneous doctrines such as the "Law of believing". A big turnoff to me. Today, I prefer to attend church when I'm in the mood. I really like the praise and worship in this one chucrh I attend. There are some great churches out there. Yeah they teach some erroneous doctrines too, but for the most part they are loving and offer some great programs, like Eagle pointed out, they often have support groups for specific needs such as divorce, drug abuse etc. I wouldn't highly recommend any ex TWI offshoot. Yes some of these groups offer some excellent biblical research, CFF has some very good biblical teachings, so does LMCI and even CES, at least some of their earlier stuff, though with their current mess, I'd be very hesitant to trust their later doctrines. Honestly based on my own biblical study, I haven't found one group that doesn't teach something I disagree with. I forget who wrote it, but someone said something like, that all these ex TWI leaders really need to take time off before starting a new ministry organization so that they can heal, learn to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and allow God to lead them. But they really need to de-waybrain first before leading others. I think that was the jist of what they meant. And I think thats a good point. My advise PL, is seek the Lord Jesus Christ and God, search your heart and allow God to work within you to find the place that best fits your need and where God wants you to be.
Doglover said; Corinthians instructs the Christian believer to give as he purposes in his heart ... no percentages are mentioned or implied. We aren't under the law, so we don't have to give any particular amount ... it is just as we purpose in OUR heart ... not as some organization purposes and then dictates to us. Whatever amount we purpose in our heart to give should be given cheerfully ... not out of fear of what will happen if we don't give. God is not a Mafia boss to whom we pay protection; He is a loving Father.
Whoa, talk about waybrained! Billy Graham has reached millions with the gospel. And maybe some of what he preaches isn't 100% accurate, but at least he teaches a message of Christ which can help people get saved.
Amen. Even Wierwille taught that the Bible was about Jesus Christ from Genesis 3:15 to Revelation 22:21. Jesus Christ is Lord to glory of God, Jesus gave Paul and others revelation, we can and should have fellowship with Jesus Christ who John says is the Word of God; Acts 2:36 36"Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." Galations 1:12 12I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. I John 1:3 3We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
I often refer to VPW as "Mr. Wierwille" because I don't believe he truly earned a doctorate.
Welcome to GSCAFE Mickey. I don't think anyone worshipped VPW or prayed to him. But imo many praised him, and many idolized him imo. Check out these definitions, I highlighted what sadly sounds familiar to me; http://www.allwords.com/word-idolize.html idolize idolise verb idolized, idolizing 1. To love, honour, admire, etc someone or something too much. Thesaurus: worship, adore, reverence, venerate, deify, admire, dote on, exalt, glorify, lionize, love, revere; Antonym: vilify. 2. To make an idol of someone or something. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&oi=...=define:idolize Definitions of idolize on the Web: love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles" http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&oi=...n&q=define:idol Definitions of idol on the Web: a material effigy that is worshipped; "thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"; "money was his god" someone who is adored blindly and excessively paragon: an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept http://www.thefreedictionary.com/idol i·dol (dl) n. 1. a. An image used as an object of worship. b. A false god. 2. One that is adored, often blindly or excessively. 3. Something visible but without substance.
I agree about forgiveness and that Mr. Wierwille did teach some accurate Bible, but he also taught many erroneous doctrines, some I believe he knew better, but twisted for his own benefit. I believe if many of us knew of the crimes committed and the wrong twisted doctrines etc, many would have confronted Mr. Wierwille, just as Ralph D. did on the adultry issue. But we didn't know of this stuff while he was alive! At one time I idolized Mr. Wierwille as the MOG, and bought into everything he taught as "thus saith the Lord" and it wasn't until years after his death that I learned the truth. Jesus Christ said the truth will set you free and I believe wrong doctrines and practices put us in bondage to a certain degree. So today many times when I post here I attempt to share where VP was wrong, in the hope that some who still idolize him might wake up and see the truth, just as I believe many others who post here attempt to do. I know that when I started posting on Waydale, I had different opinions then I do now. Some come to Greasespotcafe and see Wierwille and his doctrines discussed in a way they may disagree with and rather then discuss in a rational manner they stop coming back. But If you think you know all the answers you'll never learn. Heck I'm still learning things by discussing here at the Cafe. Ckmckeon I hope you'll continue to read, discuss and post here.
Hi ckmkeon, Welcome to Greasespotcafe! As Skyrider pointed out there are several forums to choose from here. This forum "About the Way" is where folks discsuss things such as VPW, LCM, ROR etc. You may want to check out the doctrinal section where folks discuss the Bible. What folks who post here have in common is that they were all involved with TWI at one time or maybe still are. But you'll find that there are many different opinions here. Some posters are agnostic or atheists, some here have found different religions and don't believe in the Bible as you might. Many of us still believe the Bible but no longer believe that everything TWI taught was biblically accurate. So don't be surprised when some disagree with your views. Anyway, please take some time to read the various forums and posts and introduction to GSCafe to become familiar with it, then find the forums that best suits your likes. Maybe doctrinal or open. And don't be shy, come on back and join in the convesations.
When I was younger, I never really trusted Churches, yet I had only known the Catholic Church, I never checked out protestant Churches until after leaving TWI. So I really can't say if VPW was correct in his statement; "The Only reason for the existence of The Way is because the churches are not doing their jobs.!!" But given the fact that VPW dupped us in so many other areas, I wouldn't be surprised if decieved us with that statement as well. Irregardless, I agree with you that Churches today are doing a better job then TWI.
Nicely said Belle and very true. Another thing I thought of regarding why some wierwillites won't respond and choose to ignore is fear. Being part of a cult and waybrained, they may have bought into the lie that those who don't buy into their beliefs are possessed!!! Like a little kid they'll put their hands over thier ears and say "I'm not listening, blah blah blah" or like an ostrich sticking it's head in the ground to avoid hearing anything that differs from their belief. Because they may think that if they listen, they might get possessed when in reality, in some cases it could be just the opposite. They could get set free, Jesus Christ taught the truth sets us free, well wrong doctrines can put you in bondage to a certain degree. I'll continue to pray for these folks in the hope they will see the truth and be set free.
Welcome to Greasespotcafe T-Bone. Nice post. Thanks for sharing, I especially like the Matrix analogy.
Okay Oldies, I went back and edited my post stating that some wierwillites idolzie him. That means that I believe not all wierwillites idolize him. Okay? I'll also state for the record that I believe some of the doctrines taught by Mr. Wierwille are correct, and some are erroneous. So no I'm not equating beleiving all VPW's doctrines with idolitry per se. But I have known some hard corp wierwillites to idolize VP as the MOG, I used to be one of them, and some truly believe everything he taught was like it was God's word which is idolitry imo. I know you believe much of what Mr. Wierwille taught to be true, but I've seen you agree at times, though rarely, that Wierwille was wrong in some of his doctrines and practices, so if your wondering I don't believe you idolize him. I think you, Oldies as well as Allan and John I am respects much of what he taught but I don't believe any of you idolize him. I see you three more as apologist towards his doctrines, and as WordWolf pointed out in another thread, thats not a negative word. Okay?
Oakspear, your posts have been hot lately, you really nailed it on this one. Well said. This is something I've noticed as well. One of the hardest things for some people, is to admit they are or were wrong. Plus as Dale Carnegie said "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" What it comes down to is pride, their too proud to admit they are/were wrong. The other side of this as I see it is spiritual, imo, Mr. Wierwille is an idol to some wierwillites, his doctrines are like Gods word to some of them. Eagle, I applaud your efforts to want to share the truth and help people become free. But don't take it personally if they won't listen, remember we do have an adversary, and as Oak said; "Many Wierwillites therefore see a questioning of Wierwille's conclusions as a questioning of their own judgement. If Wierwille is wrong, then they are wrong as well." My wife has voluteered at a battlered womens shelter, and has seen women that have been mentally and physically abused, yet sometimes go back to their abusive husband. We can see clearly that these abused women should leave him, but they have such low self esteem. We try to help them to leave the abuser, but they sometimes go back. They say things like, but he loves me, or he really is a good man, you just don't understand him. They sometimes equate their self worth with this abusive man imo. As for some wierwillites as Oaks said. "What I have seen in some staunch Wierwillites is an equating of Wierwille's doctrine with their own worth." Eagle, I understand your frustration. It gets frustrating seeing abused women go back, just as it does with some of these wierwillites when they won't listen and free themselves from the idol. I just love them up as best as I can and try to help them see the idol, the erroneous doctrines etc. I try to explain the truth as best as I can and I pray for them.