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Everything posted by pond

  1. John S has written a book titled "The christian Hope". They do not believe in a heaven. They believe in a recreated EARTH. "The Christian Hope reafirms in a straightforward yet well-documented way that the everlasting home of the saved will be a lush and EDEN-like EARTH." That is a direct quote from the back of the book. I have heard the tape 'paradise regained" a long time ago, he says we will return to this earth in a type of cubicle type thing , it is a very different manner of thinking about a christian living forever. no heaven for them.
  2. pointing in the right direction? omg. hahahahahahahaha she should have kept standing up I guess. you just have no idea of the mind picture I got sitting next to her in a jail cell then... hahaha to funny .
  3. College costs money and that may be loans , debt!!!! I do not know what their problem is. their kids all go to college so I do not know If I even believe the idea they think it is a bad idea. rhino I agree with you , completely, YET , I had to get a degree to see it clearly . without a degree many feel like less thans , it isnt that knowledge is POWER so much as it is possible to learn a great deal of knowledge without college.. what is powerful is the academic degree. It changes your bargining position, a club of sorts. it is pc that we all go through the same misery to learn it was NOT worth as much as we thought ! haha Every person must then prove their own self .. in the doing of it. Study is a club, it is the networking and practice of social norms within the area you chose to work that counts the most I think.
  4. I do not get the fact she didnt leave with her hubby either. Being a faithful loving wife is a standard set in the bible. when vpw left for india the Mrs. went with him left a baby behind to be cared for by her sister to be with her man, she could have styaed behind with reason. does anyone know why she did NOT leave with him?
  5. pond

    Thou Shalt Kill

    At one time america was a rogue state Satori. Actualy i do think Americans approve of murder, look at our nation with a eye for what we do in the examples I cited. You didnt hear the president say it is NOT abut 911 ? Now he says it isnt So what are we in defense of? WE do not like how they live, so kill them.. and they say right back at ya. l I see no difference. yeah in a sense I think the mindset of defeating and war and conquest and the powerfull who decides what is right or wrong is instilled just as deep in america. why does america decide they are wrong and we are right? to save the world from harm , yeah Satori no puffing or posturing IN THAAT thinking > america is not as popular as many think we may be. WE do not agree with them that is my point so why should we force them to agree with the "value of human life" when they chose not to? have you seen the abortion stats? again we are also a country that puts very little value on human life. I have no solutions , and you think that is a shame , so where are yours? just kill all the nay sayers because we are a better people? kind of Ironic isnt that is exactly their position as well.
  6. I do not really understand that both VPW and LCM went to college lcm would talk about his football stuff in college. wwhy would they not want their own to go? Mrs weirwille went to nursing school and had attained her RN status. their kids for the most part attended college I do not get it. i think they thought the empire would last forever, fill all needs of all gods and people everywhere. kind of freaky right?
  7. feudal system is the key wording in this article. everyone has to pay back.. according to their income. moms who chose to stay should also have to pay. If they have enough money to stay home they have enough money to stay home . they got a paid education then why would they not consider that part of the lifes plan and pay it back? Moms who go to work everyday have to pay it back , why should a women be rewarded for having a rich husband or to live poorly because she wants to stay home with the kids? They could have declined the education .
  8. pond

    Thou Shalt Kill

    so this period of enlightenment didnt happen to their culture! geeez whiz how long have we insulted them? the idea that they are stuck in med evil thinking. I doubt that , I believe they have plenty of scholasticism in their own academic arena. the presumed downfall of the authority the "clergy, has NOT hit many many cultures... Hello the RC has a stronghold in many countries including America. the power and authority of the RC Church ranks very high . In peoples mind I understand they feel it is also politicaly linked so do I about the RC, in many cultures and countries. The more I read the more I get why they hate us so darn much. we have never respected their position. why do they want to kill with vengance? well like I said so does America if you look at it from their shoes for a minute. thanks
  9. pond

    Thou Shalt Kill

    Yang did your teacher say it was a biological issue? like they are not evolved like the Americans or any other culture? interesting
  10. I went tomy first rock of ages shortly after taking pfal. Maybe a few weeks. So standing in line the LOOONG food lines my kids where playing and singing ring around the rosy. And we all fall down! OK i know what the songs history is NOW! trust me you would have thought my children were giving out the death itself. I was "confronted" many times till I told the kids to stop singing. by singing a little song trying to be good in the heat . that to me is just fear. the children did not know what the song was talking about I didnt know .. they were under school age. but it was like I was holding a gun to the crowd and shooting radomly by allowing them to sing. come on. that whole devil spirit thing taught people to be paranoid and afraid . What good does it to be aware or know their names? I do not think god deals with our life in such a way.
  11. I think it should be legal . tax the crap out of it . find a way to give driving while on pot tickets. and weed out the strange ones (perfect!) .
  12. pond

    Cat farts

    since the kids have moved out. you should see the mess the cats have made!!!! mine do not mindbeing blamed they have no pride anyways .
  13. do we all think we are right when we are wrong? I mean till we find out different?> see that to me doesnt make any sense . way to much over my head.
  14. This is freaky to me. When I read about the "devil spirits" my mind starts thinking of people who have them. I do not like this. I have a relative and this is the truth anyone she gets involved with works for or has a relationship with. Dies . honestly in pretty short order . It has followed her all her life. alot of people when she gets to know them and likes them come up with some freak accident or deadly disease they never had before. I know I know this sounds sick but it is the truth. The fact is I quickly read the list and I saw a spirt of morbid. Well hey now ! What do you think Im thinking?? I believe it is spirtiual with her if you knew her history and some of the stuff she thinks well maybe you woud to. Im convinced she somehow attracts the death spirit or the morbid side of life in . I never have studied devil spirts I do believe they are real, I also have spoken to them, when I wanted and needed the truth and could handle the facts of the situation. But I do not think we need an education or certainly NAMES for this spiritul stuff in fact I think giving them names does far more harm than good. what good does it do to name them? for what purpose? to freak people out and then they start looking for them??? uh huh that is exactly what happened in twi.. totaly uneeded.
  15. I hung out with clergy. My children played with clergy kids. the folks who thought they were more than what they claimed to be , did not. they were people. As a group I can define clergy in the way.. many were very depressed. just sad. maybe it was vpw death but I doubt it .. it was being caught up in "the crap" as you so nicely put it. with really no way out. you can say it flowed down hill yeah it did but the heap of the crap was on them every minute of every day with an endless supply pouring in. I was raised in a small church we had many different pastors I was raised to think they were family ya know just folks who need some friends and to be a friend. so I took that thought process into twi.. I was never afriad or in the least intimindated by them . the title rev. to me means one who serves and loves those who love God. how could they be any worse or better than anyone eles. just folks. I will say my long time best friend was a LC ordained in the way. we rarely if ever spoke of doctrine. WE mostly cried for the mess life had brought us and our families. I still love him very much. He was the very one who marked me. I think clergy has a rough time, I do not think they had it easy.. every minute of their life was under constant critical assessment by everyone. apparently it still is. they are just people .
  16. It is a very safe place for many. No accoutability, just take me at my word cause I am on the internet it must all be right and true. You said you are an addict of the ex-way community cool waters are you sure it isnt the term co-dependent? sad when you think about it. 8 years to talk to people you will prbably never meet or have an intimate relationship with. oh you can say we are honest we are true really then why has this 8 year task never progressed to a real time relationships? with the truth be told everyday stuff of life? no questions asked is eaasier by far, just tell them what they need to hear and get what you want from the thing . because it is safer on the internet none of that nasty truth or accoutability day by day life reality to deal with. warm fuzzy indeed. and long term one night stand .
  17. pond

    Thou Shalt Kill

    You want to know why they do not out cry? against their own? Because these feelings love and hate are instilled deep and call me what you will they do not go away no matter how pc anyone pretends to be. the war was not about 911 , now.. but it worked back then as a emotinal cry . We claim to care about our country, and many do.. willing to kill and die for its name. yet all those who are silent who ride the tide of everyday life we also hear and think and feel.. but few very few speak . and less often heard.
  18. pond

    Thou Shalt Kill

    Hate has a reason, and they may very feel justified. America puffs itself up some with reason we understand. they do not anymore than we do them. You can substitute the word american for christian or any religous group really it works just as well. We kill in america , everyday, abortions , death penalty, our cities are a mess, murder on and on we can talk about how we do not really seek peace any more than them. america has deep issues.. I could pick apart and say it is not "Godly", but alas I am one of US. so Im justified. I am quite sure they run the same track. Do they have a right to have enemies worthy of death? hmmm? do we? It is not a let us all just get along world.. never has been. The solution for me is to seek a God that can call on the truth of what each man may need at the moment. religous has NEVER been a solution in fact has caused more problems for everyone through the ages. the other day my child wnated to punch somone for slashing her tires on the car.. she could go on and on about what a LOSER he was and why it was a just decision really .. I asked her so you want to turn into him? and that is what I think it will come down to each individual choice of what is right or wrong in any given second in time. it takes a fraction of a second to kill or to begin life... how many times IS it an impulse? WE ALL think we are right. I think the problem is no one wants to be wrong, and stop the insanity of what we do. Creative??? Satori says yes we can spend billions of plotting and planning the defeat of this horrible "enemy" but when the day is done are we not exactly the same as what they also have done? I think this is why I believ in a God. Because we are all hopeless and at the very mercy of one another without one.
  19. I do not see a standard of education for clergy. Most in the churches have at least a masters in theology or conseling , it is needed to help the people with life. anyone can be ordained . We have to have a license from the state to BE married, it is on file with the state as a legal contract, a licensed clergy or person must do the wedding , for it to be a legal contract and be filed., they must stamp the paper and file it . I believe in most states they can also file a death certificate although it is often done by the funeral director these days. These are some of the legal documents that the state allows them to organize. otherwise a person is not marriedor dead legaly. some hospitals reguire a clergy license for the clergy to vist intensive care etc. the clergy in the way was respected more and I think ex10 is right ministers and reverends and those who live for the congregation DO get more honor. The bible says to give them double honor.. does that mean they have to have a license from the state? Well it is the rules of our country and states.. so yes. Many folks can be good religous people , but to be ordained is a TITLE earned , and granted by the state to perform certain duties. Yes I think it makes a difference it shows the dedication of the person to what they belief much like being married or just living together maybe the love is the same but it certainly is regarded ,as more respected, etc.
  20. off topic the aliens do not vote. the amish do .
  21. craftsman is the word when it comes to the amish. You hire the amish to build you a house or a barn and they call in 400 to 500 guys and get it done in very little time , perfect work and very premium money. they have all types of business, everything you can think of , the ladies run resturants sell bake goods do the farm markets in the city etc.. they pay no taxes remember.. so a bur in my side is the fact they pay no tax yet they can now use public resources like school buses but I get why (a family of 7 was wiped out just recently in a bad buggy accident. ) WE pay to bus them to their own school . they use the public building and hospitals they tend to take over a small town , they come to all the political meetings regarding how decisions are made etc.. and they have power in money and land resources. they go to college and decide how to better their own sects. I am not of the belief they are quaint quiet religous people , they are in reality quite powerful and demanding of what they want, very good business men indeed. they are also a cult. nice peopel but still a cult ya know.
  22. I guess they are not sinning by paying big bucks to be driven , to where ever they need or want to go. I wonder if they think it is just the driving that is sin , many own cars and vans but will hire people to drive them . to me it seems very much a hyprocrit, but hey my sister does very well by it, for across country or to vacatins my sister gets all her travel expenses paid. she like the job.
  23. In my home town in NY the amish children take the public school bus.. the hills are to difficult to navigate safetly in the winter with a horse and buggy. Also my sister and her boyfriend own a very successful company with a fleet of over forty vans and cars.. in Penn. what do they do you aks? they drive Amish all over the nation and states to go where they want to go. shoping in NYC, the mental hospitals, vacations on the ocean they travel a great deal . My sister takes fifty of them everyday to job sites. taxi for the amish is a big business. Many think they live a queit secluded life NO they do not they are all over the place. and they go in vans and airplaines and aything eles they would like.
  24. pond

    Cat farts

    animals get stressed and react with fear dont they? a scratch or a bite. can Rons cat read? why would 1-800-ped- med stress anyone out? I didnt think the shed terminator would work but it did , worth a try to see what they have.
  25. coffe houses were popular in the 70's . teens and young adults would listen to music , talk and maybe a witness and a small teaching of some sort from the bible. we had them all over the place. I still go to the the christian coffee houses they are gaining in popularity again with rock or heavy rock bands of several sorts playing in the background in a relaxed large room that offers free coffee tea and pizza for 50 a slice. we have manyl here . the night I first went to twi it was a "coffe house," honestly thousand had atttended it was in a very large motel in the city.
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