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Everything posted by pond

  1. Are you saying this is Dan G. the man Mark G hired then fired? who is posting here as Joe? this is ugly and no way will the facts get straight, it will be spin from here on. and what a soap it is!!!! I thought Jesus comanded we love instead of this mess. why not just go with the Lord and allow life to be what it is? why why why? money and power. because it sure isnt LOVE.
  2. yeah im more of the drag me till i stop screaming type . crap i do not dream!!! does this mean God doesnt love me?
  3. it feels like a fight, ya know folks want answers and they have none to give other than what the bible says. a bit of a cop out really. that is what happens when you think you beyond being a person and into the realm of a prophet with a mission, that is special and "as He is" . such a high place in your mind to fall from.. ow
  4. It is frightening to think God isnt in control. I have heard many christians say things like "if the Lord will is... and if God wants me to be directed in the path of.. etc. My God made LIFE He created humans, but not for play things to have a relationship with... God wants people to worship HIM. so it is a choice if there was not an alternitive no choice would be "available". Life is so different for so many that worship God how can anyone think God is LOVE and say He decides whether the drama and tradegy that takes place everyday belong in His reign? no simple human undrstand that isnt a LOVE they would need or want to worship. Humans chose to worship or not and how and when and whom and life is full of choices and learning what it is. Jesus christ was murdered for a reason and the reason is for us to understand God because we have failed so miserably at it for so long God gave us His only only begotten son as a sacrafrice for our inabiity to make the choices He knows we should make to be safe and to worship HIM and love one another . it is a choice , life or death > Jesus christ was raised fropm death do we chose to believe it>?
  5. Iemailed Mark G early yesterday, and he replyed he did not know about it , they are not lovers of grease spot and shun this site, JL has asked the posters here to "get a life" . not that im a stellar member or trying to be, my point is they will not respond here. after metioning this thread Mark has now blocked my email address. I was not rude i just asked him to respond to the questioned raised here. I have no intention of posting what he wrote me, it was not anything really but more of I do not know what is going on and elizabeth should be discounted. I see alot of what Galen said as truth, and the problem with trying to control ther people is bottom line it just doesnt work, and that is a most difficult lesson in life, and when your own children as Galen said can not experience lifebecause of "love" of the parents, where does that leave the Lord in life other than the parents trying to be in that position? Jesus christ is real and I have learned that He is the Saviour of mankind so deeply it even implies to those I love the most. I no longer try to be God to my kids they are grown and have a Lord as much as I do. problem is parents are so accustom to being the one who has the say and control in children, and often build an idol within the family about control and they think should be in line for life for them and then.. it gets out of perspective BEcause the Lord doesnt like it. it isnt loving somone it is controling people and playing God . it erases His job.
  6. Why Jeff do you feel compelled to put this out for grease spot now? Is it because a friend got hurt and now you want revenge? or because after YEARS fo being silently if not happily involved in participating in the same stuff you now have guilt about being involved in the personal prophecy stuff?
  7. I think times and politcal correctness and laws has quelled alot of what the founding fathers aspired America to be.
  8. The way i understand this is some in the circle of prophecy have dreams and then KA interpert them and who they are about? dear dear... that is frightening . but this is a soap opera type thing with players and a long history of bad interaction .
  9. the founding fathers did not have mass media we have, now the population is educated and mixed. we are a new country compared to the others Krys. america has had an open door policy for so long and the world is very small now we interact with other nations on a political and commerce level easily now and have become dependant and such.. this will and has changed how we all think about how we can/will tolerant or not.
  10. America is a new nation, just a newborn baby . I would like America to hold to its founding fathers ideals , But we have allowed other nations to come into the fold to the point it will quickly decline into the melting pot of all religous crap. it is far to late to cry about the global world and how very small it is... we now incorporte the world at large not like in the day of horse and buggy without media and influence of all types.
  11. Elizabeth wrote this letter to John, it reads like it was written as a warning not so much to John ( it reads like she wants the marriage to continue) but also to the whole stfi Karen Ann and etc.. It reads as if she WANTS it public tho. she is angry and hurt. im not saying she doesnt have reason, in the same sense of what John Lynn felt he had to do when he was FIRED from the way my gosh I do believe they did indeed they married their own selfs! no doubt how it could get ugly.
  12. Elizabeth said John Lynn is "mousy". sounds like a divorcing couple to me alright. here is the thing .. for me, when they began the personal prophecy stuff i stop going to the fellowship. I really do not want to get involved in what that is or isnt. YET if God speaks to them so much how can stuff like this really be happening? ya know what I mean? why didnt God inform them of it as well? and my experience isnt hit or miss or guess with the Lord as their "stuff" often is. they may say it is another devil attackyeah ok. whatever. could be. but it reads with so much drama ... interesting really. thing is elizabeth is putting this out for all to read... that is I HAVE TO SAY THIS and now decades later not so funny anymore. but look for all that was around back in the day and time of when LYNN left twi IS HE NOT REAPING WHAT HE THEN SOWED? bam !!!
  13. vpw had little to do with the why I got involved or thought the bible truths of pfal were a good idea at the time. I have grown up to believe that I must "evaluate" my core truths on a minute by minute bases . I do not feel i was dooped by anyone but my own ignorance, and ignorance can be remedied.. so I really do not condem myself either. life is to short to waddle around in thinking what could of should of been as along as I am growing into who christ directs me to be in life I am happy. I think a certain level of maturity has to happen .. before we can realize life is what we as individual make it to be for our own self, and the past is a journy to be cherished with lessons learned but today and the future always looks like a beutiful ideal with God on our side and Jesus Christ fighting with us to be all we can be as His bride.
  14. pond


    "believe himself healthy" He just chose not to? Sooo he was suicidal? or depressed to the point he no longer wanted to live? that doesnt sound healthy.
  15. pond


    Like our own children, God isnt responisble or in charge of our lives. He has a will of His own that each person must seek HIm to fullfill. A relationship and the worship of God gives us the ability to have conversations with a LORD Jesus christ who has been tempted in ALL things yet remained in the will of the Father. It is always a choice with the heavenly creator of mankind He truly doesnt plot out each of his children life and then dictate to you as it will be done. That type of belief systme corrupts man and isnt loving or kind or holy. God is involved in our life as much as we seek and obey his direction and guidance. illness and healing is not garunteed in the bible, not until the return of the Saviour of mankind to heal all of us forever in eternity. we are mortal, and we chose to sin this is a fact that brings on illness and issues in life.. this is why we have a Saviour.
  16. pond


    Alcohol is sometimes used to "self medicate". With the advance of anti anxiety and more and more anti depressants available to help, one can hope other sources are available to help a person cope without having to use alcohol as a drug to seek relief. hippa laws have helped remove the stigma of seeking mental health therapy, and alcohol is less accepted in our culture as a solution to issues of the thought processes and mental health. The fact is tho it is accpeted in our society to drink alcohol during youth.. the stats of young drinkers (under age) abusing alcohol is very alarming . Many still believe it is a "stage" they will grow out of" everyone does it when they are in college or a young adult sadly many get past the "stage" and struggle untill they can no longer cope with what it has done to life for them. Oen I think your business in sales is a good one.. the fact some refuse to take responsibility for their behaviours or never learned how is not your responsibility. I firmly believe even if all alcohol was out lawed those inclined to abuse it would make it and sell it and do what they want with it. I get why you feel a sense of responsibility for the product to be used with common sense but can we really police the world in the sense of how a person behaves in their own life? addicts are master of blame and denial .
  17. why is it always New Yorkers?
  18. you know white dove I think life is kind of like that as well. the other day at work i had to disagree with the majority and state my piece on something that disagreed with the normal (and easier) manner of doing something. it made me unpopular. very unpopular. the boss agreed with me and things got changed. did I feel good? it made more work for everyone. But it was the right thing to do. um no but I remember why I am there it I always hope it isnt just to be a mindless smuck. I think God looks on His creation as something to have a relationship with as well and well relationship takes trust time and work.. to just say well "everyone does it this way" or" they will be angry at me now" (both of which i metioned to the boss yesterday with real concerns for the scene .) is an excuse, and just not good enough for me anymore. not when I care. and I claim to Love God and also worship HIM sooo it can and does get in the thick of things but He being as almighty as He is gave my life to Jesus who knows the truth beyond I will ever and I learned to trust him and me together through life. it is more peaceful this way
  19. ok ok so what did it look like? on ghost busters they a different types one I remember was like a little green slimy oo wait those are ghosts.. so really what does a devil spirit look like? does it look like a feeling or does it have red horns? always wondered.
  20. pond


    What exactly am I ignorant on ? You are struggling with staying sober. AA is a fine program or club or whatever to find support and others with the same goal. Alcohol is a drug and can be addictive if abused. bad things can happen when folks abuse drugs and alcohol. the only thing I see we could disagree on is I do not believe prohibition will ever happen or be a reality and even if alcohol is outlawed it will always be available to those who seek to drink it esp. if addicted. I also do not believe every person who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic. As far as the poster drama well now some live in this little cyber box just a tad to seriously for my taste but to each his own ya know?
  21. pond


    I get you struggle with addiction to alcohol cman. some do. i think we live in a soiciety that has many vices. I crave a smoke. that is as close to addiction as I want to be. it (smoking) is disgusting smelly expensive and will kill ya. I hate it , yet here I am smoking one with a cough no less. the thing with alcohol is it messes with your mind , NOw drinking is much more acceptable than smoking smoking is out lawed in all of New YOrk state except in your own home and then only if you pruchase that home. alcohol is still socialy acceptable and it is tough to find a new place and thing to do , my point is many of us do already and always have. so it is possible to live in an alcohol free world , i know I should quit smoking but i do not chose to. alcoholics have no choice because it messes with your mind and your functionalityand your health to a point you may have no choice now. no do not go back to having just one. why would you even tempt fate like that? it isnt worth it . life is good without booze . yet consider I do not desire alcohol Im not a drinker never have been. I know reformed smokers who have "just one" next day they buy a pack and then they are doing the whole a pack a day thing very quickly. but and you wont like this... Im not an anti drinker I think if people want to drink they should have the right to drink alcohol. if they want to smoke it is up to the individual . when it is time to stop each can and should make their own choice because i do not think anyone can make another stop a behaviour or an addiction, it just makes them go deep into the denial of the problem to people please.
  22. pond


    Alcohol is a part of our culture. deeply embedded. not everyone has issue with alcohol cman. AA is helpful for those who struggle with an addiction to a liquid in which they feel compelled to drink in excess. I highly doubt we will see alcohol as an illegal or prohibited in our culture because it doesnt need to be except for those who abuse it, and that is why they have their own club. and no I do not drink and no I do not think it should be illegal because some abuse it. sorry if that makes it more difficult for those struggling with addiction.
  23. YEP! and sometimes I do believe they knew it all along , and we didnt and that is the creepy part that is difficult to shake.
  24. pond


    as far as I know AA gives you support for living sober with folks who also struggle with that issue.
  25. Im a mother of more than two.. and ive had some hard calls in my life . many of the choices i made was for my kids and how it would be for them growing up. they are grown and NOTHING in life gives me more peace of mind and warm fuzzy for being alive than when they come to me and say "thank you mom for this" talking about a choice that was tough at the time. please for the love of all loving parents everywhere , tell him what you told us.
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