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Everything posted by Stub1
Hey again TWINOT- perhaps I can be of assistance there. I'm no expert BUT I've made loads of cash by following a few disciplines- One is don't use all your own loot- or more than you can dispose of. Go to Excite.com. They have an excellent stock profiler I use there to check what's hot and what's not. Check the dailies. I look at the biggest losers- all companies occasionally have a bad day. When you find one that's lost, say, over 12% of it's stock value, READ all you can about that company in the news, the 'insider' section (to see what the execs are doing with THEIR stock in the company). Use your head. What do they do? HOw competitive is the market they serve? How strong is their leadership? Do they have loads of debt? Did they lose a bunch of money because they just paid off a debt, or retooled a line or added a line? I bought a sugar company a year ago and encouraged some aquaintences of mine who I knew had some disposable cash to do also. The company announced a 'special dividend" of $2.50/share payable on November 11 to shareholders on record as of 11/1. I unloaded my IRA into this company. The day I read the story the stock was at $13.40, and the next day it was over $14. On the third day of watching these stocks gain ground I bought in- at $15.47/share. Now, I wish I had used Scottrade or another group like that, as my "money man" at AG Edwards took a hefty fee for the transaction. My partner bought in the next day- at $16.20. I followed this stock everyday until the 11/1 deadline came, then I noticed a moderate decline, but I was still ahead- AND had the $2.50/ share to look forward to. After the holiday season (lots of sugar is bought during the holiday season) I noticed the stock gaining ground again. WHen it topped out at $23/share I sold it. That was as high as the stock had ever been recorded. Of course, it finally stopped gaining at around $36- I could have kicked my own butt- but I didn't know. I held fast to my personal discipline of selling when it appeared to top out at 23. I still made a good chunk, but my friends that bought in when I did held onto their sugar for longer than I could afford to, and now I have a liitle money to play with from them- if and when I need it. It isn't mine, but I helped them make a trunkful so some of the more influential of my associates have my back. The Motley Fool is a good source as well. Although there is an annual fee for their newsletter it is well worth it in my opinion if you wish to become a serious speculator. It's a guessing game, but a wise person who follows the trends and can use his brain can do so very profitably. My recommendations? By 2012 ETHANOL production will be over quadruple what it is now. E-85 fuel blends are being added to fueling stations all around the country and will continue to do so. This is good for Americans because it will wean us off of foreign oil. Good also for American farmers who can now chose feed stocks for ethanol production or maintain traditional agricultural farming. Hybrid vehicles and other alternative energy sources are well worth the research- I have reams of data in diskette on the subject, and as you can see with the big 3 US auto manufacturers, you have to be Chinese to get a good paying job in the auto market. The transportation trends point towards research in better Hydrogen fuel cells. Just a few ideas. I can recommend a book: Harper Business' "Techno Trends" by Daniel Burrus with Roger Gittines. It's a little dated but Daniel does a fine job in walking us through the most innovative and substantial technologies over the past 100 years or so, illustrating how long it took for these technologies to become main-stream. Today's technologies are being conceived one day and in production the next. I'd still recommend a read. Daniel was a keynote speaker in a meeting my former employer sponsored a few years back. I got an autographed copy and I still refer to it. Hope that help you man! Stub1
My step-father (who witnessed to my entire family before marrying my mother) has had all those books for many years. Funny how perspectives differ here, isn't it. I have no particular need to blame TWI or VPW for anything, as I was affected in a totally different way. So I have the luxury of being open minded on the 'rip-off' theme. Seems to me that VP gave credit where credit was due in all of his writings as I recall. I don't look at WAY books very often anymore, but I'm sure that in reading them over a 20+ year span that I've come across many footnotes and appendices giving credit to these workers of the Word. I suppose my ex is correct in her signature here on the board where she says something to the effect of "isn't it funny how God usually hates the same people YOU do?" I gotta admit- I love that phrase and could never discredit her for using it!
Dear Kit- Thanks for the reply, and please don't take my posts as criticisms- they are not. I also hope that no one here has taken anything I've ever posted as criticisms. I am not perfect in any way, and I too have experienced the sensation of the internal pressures building with no appropriate place to vent that pressure. I was a brand-new student of the first PFAL series in late '82 and after graduating that class in early August, went to my first ROA and then immediately to the WOW field. AS you can imagine, if you have any experience with either of those things, I was in a place where I had to grow up pretty darned fast. When I was first on the field I heard through the grapevine that there was gossip regarding TWI that involved paramilitary training in Gunnison, CO. I later was exposed to the actual root of that gossip and how the media perverted the truth of the matter. Since that time I listen intently to anyone with anything to say, but I have also learned to explore the OTHER side of the argument. Any court of law would allow a cross-examination, right? Yes, my friend, I have had what I consider to be WAY more than my fair share of heartache- either directly resulting from or in a tangenial way, my relationship with TWI- and most of that stemmed from the very topic I was just speaking of- people spouting off without really knowing what they are saying, NOR the consequences of those things. My assumption is that most of the participants of this board do NOT fellowship with TWI- myself included now. However there were accusations against TWI that were presented in a court of law HERE where I live, in an effort to prove that I myself was not worthy to be a parent to my own sons. Now can you imagine the hurt I have been made to suffer? Perhaps not. I cannot elaborate too much more nor name specific names as my post would not be allowed to remain here. I may well have already said too much- what an irony too- early in my browsing of this board I read post after post of people claiming to be afraid someone from TWI might be monitoring these posts to ascertain who, still being "innies" might be cohabitating with the enemy here! LOL I find that funny. I have little desire to read what others have said about TWI but a real desire to know IF any resolutions have ever been made, and if any plans are in the works to seek to heal some of the hearts of people who, otherwise were prospering and blessed, who left only because of the debauchery of TWI leadership and the "that's none of your business" policy that left so many in the dark. In other words, what is being done to make things right, if anything, and in contrast, what are THESE people doing to do THEIR part of a greater whole to be team players- not much that I can see. I'm again not being critical- I'm not doing much either toward that end. But I HAD until it was proven that some people just don't want the public humiliation that comes with admission of wrong doing. There lies my most current struggle in life. People who represent ONE thing as the root of a completely different cause and scenario. That's my story. I can be more specific if you wish to email me at: rws48910@yahoo.com. Maybe we can come up with a solution that is proactive, and not gossip based. I abhor gossip and always have. As a repair technician I don't remember a time when I cared who's fault it was the furnace was broke- only what was wrong and HOW I could restore proper function. SO it is in real life. If the organization one is in does not make that provision one should perhaps renegotiate their belonging and function there. Much love, Stub1
Dear Thomas Loy Bumgarner- Funny- I just gotta ask ya- have you ever been involved with TWI and if so, were you ever involved in building the organization or simply a participant? I don't necessarily need to know the details of why you no longer function with them of that's the case. I'm just curious if you know if the current participants circulate funnies in their publications using YOU as the example to roast, and if so, what you think about that. I personally have always found it in the poorest of taste to bite backs of people/organization not present to defend themselves. I WAS surprised to read the letter to JPW a while back from the then- vice pres- highlighted on the homepage here. HAve you also read the letter? I was a participant off and on for over 20 years and was minded to build with them when possible. Naturally the fallout of 2000 and shortly following shook a lot of folks up- me too- I would have never seen that coming. For the 6 months that followed the initial announcement in April I was of the mind that the focus should, for me, STILL be upon the Word of God and not the men and women in positions of leadership. During my painful separation from my family- due in part to the ability of certain people to capitolize on the confusion of the court case involving TWI and other things, I fought with all I had to keep my focus on building the Word as the foundation of thought and purpose FOR my participation with them. But what I observed was many people couldn't focus on anything BUT the leadership and their issues, and the purpose OF my participation became confused and confounded, having my personal focus lead in other directions because of my separation. I noticed in your posts that you used quite a few names- proper names and abbreviations- and I see that your post remains here to be read by all. Congrats on that I suppose. I have not been as fortunate in that, depending upon who I have MY beef with, my posts may or may not stay. I suppose that depends upon who's politics you subscribe to. I have little to say about TWI OR the unfortunate events that lead to the foundation of this site. I DO feel very sorry for all the families involved and further for the many, MANY people who now have no fellowship to call 'home' because they have left the fellowship of TWI coincident to these events. If I could actually DO something to correct those issues I'd like you to know that I would expend every ounce of strength to do so, as I believed at one time in the purpose of TWI for the sake of learning about God's heart for me alone, if for no other reason. Good luck in your future endeavors, Stub1
Yes our children say some of the darndest things, but their minds are pure and simply want to know the facts. Some of the questions my Aaron and Jacob come up with simply astound me by the depth of thought that gave rise to them. Sometimes, as in the case of myself with my boys, the questions are very difficult to answer- for a number of reasons. For starters I don't believe in ever telling half-truths or lies to my kids. I have their respect and tender affection. I wouldn't trade that for anything. But there are questions that come up that put me in my place- that place where the weight of parental integrity stares me in the face- one of those crossroads in life, eh? Kids ask questions many times because of the weight on their hearts and plain old need to know. For the most part I believe that if they are old enough to formulate the question I'll try to supply an answer they can understand. Unfortunately the brighter the kid is the deeper the questions tend to be. Unlike my precious Jacob's question to his mom about who the 100th person was- there are many other questions that deserve a right answer, and honest answer and one without excuse. I have been cornered about some things I have done that I'm not very proud of (thankfully they were mostly stupid things- things I would tell my mommy about without hesitation) but I explain how I learned that this is NOT how a grown-up should behave, and there were consequences for my choices. I have a difficult task before me in being THIS honest with my boys- even if their questions appear on the surface to be silly. I would rather take a moment to evaluate how my answer (or reaction to the question) might provoke my child to react- I would never wish my kid to think I think he's stupid or silly, and kids all too often pick up on that. I believe, in the teaching of Gerry Spence, to treat my children with respect, and they will in turn respect me immediately and ultimately. Sometimes my boys ask me questions about other people- people who aren't readily available for them to ask themselves. It is my belief that speaking evil about anyone behind their back is not only spoken against in the bible, but also will eventually come around full circle to reveal the back-biter who does the speaking. I've had occasion to walk in on a conversation where I was the uninvited guest of dishonor. To this day I have no real relationship with that person although I DID express myself to this person. Evidently it is more important for some people to talk about other people than the really important issues in life. Just look at how many people discuss politics without the faintest clue about what is really going on- JUST so their opinions can be cleverly worded and they have the spotlight for their obligatory 15 minutes...... That's my two cent's worth. Stub1
I am the proud wife of Oilfieldmedic!!! I am new here
Stub1 replied to medic's wife's topic in My Story
Dear Dana, Thank SO MUCH for your letter. I grew up (17 year's worth anyway) in Mississippi and also had a southern Baptist upbringing. I remember how good I occasionally felt after a moving sermon as a very young child, but I have to admit that I learned very little about God. My religeous upbringing was to me confusing and uncertain. I followed my mother's lead pertaining to these things. Also I am a veteran of the US Navy, having served in the Carribean, Med and the Artic Circle. Fortunately for me I served in relative peace with only a few occasional goose bumps. I don't remember ever being afraid for my life, as you husband must daily contemplate. The one thing that brought me the MOST answers that seemed trustworthy was the instruction I gained during my time with Dr. Wierwille's group in the Way. I fellowshipped with them for over 20 years and experience much deliverance as well as witnessed this deliverance in other's lives as well. Unfortunately for me recent events in my life have left me once again confused concerning the Way, but not about God. I won't go into much detail as there are few if any who would speak on behalf of TWI. My style includes speaking directly do the individual or group or not at all. I would encourage you to delve into those research works along with your bible, and practice what you learn. I would caution you against involving yourself in the politics however, as you are likely to be left either without any factual, authenticatible answers that you can with your whole heart trust, OR else in complete denial about negative ink you might encounter about them. I have never seen anything different. As a note I would add what I consider to be one of life's greatest observations, if I could, and that is never believe what you cannot prove. People everywhere tend to tear down other people in order to gain a greater respect for themselves, rather than in personal accomplishment. One cannot escape gossip but one can decide WHAT to believe and be fully convinced. This is the nature of science and true research, as we don't start with the answers but find them as we go, and then believe or chose not to. I am proud of your husband for doing his job. I cannot speak as to WHY he has to do it where he is, but as a former military man I had few if any options as to where I served. So it is with life. I might also say with all conviction that I am proud of YOU as well for being the kind of wife any man would be proud of- judging from what I have read. I'm sure that you and your husband have had your share of moments when you could not agree or were even angry with each other, but your promise to each other is the MOST important element to consider and be true to. After all, when life is over all you have left is your word and the legacy you leave behind. With love and respect, Stub -
Hey Cool- great to hear from you- got your post in my email a bit ago and felt compelled to respond. Cellphones, like rap music, arguing spouses in a quite neighborhood can be annoying for all of us. Late night visitors or telephone calls rank right up there with that. As a repair technician I deal in things that aren't quite right. In furnace diagnosis for instance, I trace thru what WORKS and find what doesn't. Once I've found the problem I can develop a course of action that will bring the results I desire. In my years of service as a repair technician I have NEVER once had a need to know who's fault it was that the unit was no longer working or working properly. Know what I mean? When people invade your privacy, what do YOU do? Do you politely wait until they are off the phone and then give THEM your opinion, or just pi$$ and moan about it where the offender cannot possibly hear you, even IF he/she were willing to consider their accidental selfishness? Just curious. That's the only thing I've found that truly works when people violate your boundaries so thoughtlessly. Well, there are plenty of people who have never been taught any better and haven't quite figured it out for themselves. Life is like a supermarket. There's usually a complaint department. In our case the civil authorities can handle most unlawful violations of our personal liberties, but I believe God gave us all the ability to simply walk away and pick more worthy battles to occupy our energies. What do you think? Hope you get your answer. Didn't mean to sound judgemental. I simply believe that the 'hands-on' approach will work much better in terms of your getting what YOU want. Much love, Uncle Stubby