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Everything posted by TheInvisibleDan

  1. Steve, It always fascinates me to no end when people imitate "My Favorite Mar-cion" without knowing much (if anything) about who he even was. Also missing from Marcion's text: Romans chapter 9:1 -9:33 chapters 10:18-21 11:1-11:32 Was this material originally missing, or added? Either is possible. Marcion could have removed it because it didn't agree with his theology -or his opponents could have added it to refute Marcion's antithesis between the "severity and the goodness of God" (Romans 11:22f). Anyways, very interesting post Steve. Danny
  2. I had a gravy of whole mushrooms and peppercorn served over a mouth-watering prime rib earlier this evening, with garlic-cheddar mashed potatoes, at an all-you-can-eat buffet at the nearby Indian reservation. Oh my God, that was good...
  3. I'm curious: did "Momentus" offer a certain, "theraputic" appeal particularly to ex-corpse and leadership people? Perhaps ex-corpse folks required an emotional whipping or "shock" of some kind to help undo or counter-balance 4 years of the high intensity Way garbage? I dunno. Just wondering. When I received some Momentus stuff in the mail years ago (no less, from someone in NY I didn't even know), the "look-what-the-class-did-for-us-and-it-can-do-for-you" promos and the "don't-blame-us-and sue-us-if-we-screw-you-up" form was enough to compel me to keep my distance. "Hey, if our class screws you up, you can't sue us, okay?" Riiiight.... Danny
  4. Yum. Mushroom and sausage and cheese omelets. Think I'll take a run to the grocery store.
  5. The actress Hunter Tylo, of "The Bold and Beautiful"? Those soap operas can certainly turn into "cults," though excrutiatingly slow ones. Watch out for those soap cults - they lead to bad poetry: "As the World Turns through The Days of our Lives, All our Children are seeking for a Guiding Light; And the Beautiful and Bold live Another World, While the Restless see only One Life to live For." -->
  6. Now he goes by "Mo Weird" (heh-heh), as in Mo Weird's "Disorientalisms". -->
  7. Tomorrow night's out of the question... taking the kids to the Indian reservation to see "Weird Al" in concert...
  8. I guess he's been working on the same letter for the past 20 years. Does anyone recall his prophecies and interpretations being all the same as well?
  9. Doug - Welcome. I was wondering earlier if one of the things that may be getting overlooked (from whatever former religious background we each went through) - given the situation of the emotional suppression we may have undergone through our "borg-like" past experiences, along with a consideration of the nature of these sort of forums - is the need for folks to simply and openly blow off some steam - of such expression some may have been deprived in their old religious sub-cultures. It's always preferable that we can be cordial and polite to one another through our discussions, but why should anyone be surprised if people fly off the handle every so often? Whether justly or unjustly, rationally or irrationally. We ought not muzzle the former cult members who were groundeth in the dirt. I'm glad, and hope this forum can continue to be just as much a place for people to get things off their chest as it may be for civil discourse, whether some choose their words with great inductive logic, or like a bull in a china shop. That's another element which I think contributes to a forum being truly open. Anyways, this was something that was on my mind a bit earlier. Again welcome, and I hope you enjoy our illustrious cyber-community here. Danny
  10. I attempted to catch a matinee of it the other day - it was sold out, along with "Spiderman II". Hopefully I'll catch it tomorrow...
  11. I have two tvs in my living room. It wouldn't surprise me if Red's a long lost relative....
  12. Searcher - Get yer arse back here! We haven't finished "love-bombing" you yet. Danny
  13. No prayers for me necessary. Nothing a little duct tape won't fix. Danny
  14. MC, ROFLOL! I was slapping my knee so hard while laughing that I thought I might have cracked my wooden leg. Danny
  15. This form of JW ostracization rings remarkably like the Way's policy of "Mark and Avoid". I leave it to other, more recent ex-ways to fill you in ( I left prior to the intensification of this M&A thing). Danny
  16. I don't recall vpw specifically promoting the British Israel theory, but rather, Koestler's theory ("The Thirteenth Tribe") along with a couple volumes of holocaust revisionism. Danny
  17. In twi, the work promoted to justify a certain degree of anti-semiticism was "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler. A different way around the barn, but the same result: the Jews of today were said not be to be descendants of those in the Bible, but descendants of a (10th century?) Russian tribe known as the Kazars. Add to that "Myth of the Six Million" which was also apparently sold in their bookstore at one time. Danny
  18. Refiner - Yes, I read that book quite a few years ago - "The United States and Britain in Prophecy". It seems quite common in the used bookstores I visited. There were a couple of other books by Raymond Capt setting forth the same theory, which titles escape me at the moment. Danny
  19. I thought it interesting, after leaving the twi back in '87, encountering quite a number of former Worldwide Church of God members (formerly headed by Herbert Armstrong) during a phase when I was requesting literature from different groups. Apparently that group had also undergone a splintering. Perhaps some ex-members from that group will drop in here as well. Danny
  20. Now I'm wondering how much of Uncle Harry's influence might have contributed to that weird "commitment-charge" for the class. What a bizarre selling scheme used for PFAL (at least in '78): the charge for the class was said not to have been a charge for the class per se -the class was supposedly "free"(!) -but the hundred bucks you were required to fork over was supposedly representative of your "commitment" to sit through the class (!) -well shoot, why didn't we get that hundred dollars back when the class was over? So in short -I paid somebody else for something I already possessed or exercised ...damn, what a helluva slick scheme! And I got suckered into it.
  21. Riding in the same convertible as JFK? Where will we seat Jackie O?
  22. I absolutely hated Earl Burton's "Intermediate" class. I thought it was completely needless, boring and long-winded. What he take -15 to 20 hours or so - to drag on about what vp presented in 3? (when the old intermediate class was appended to the end of PFAL, at least when I took it back in '78) What a waste. Danny
  23. Exy and TS - (lol)I already have a few old "Uncle Burl" albums. All I need do now is drive to KFC and pick up a greasy bucket of fried chicken... Belle - Until last night I also had never seriously considered UH day and how selfish it actually seems now. The stuff about tithing starting up when UH got on board certainly does give one pause to wonder. Danny
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