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Everything posted by TheInvisibleDan

  1. Dear Sunny1- Aside from our handles and avatars - not really. Out of interest, what about me or my post looks "familiar"? (though my earlier post with the"Heel", which didn't sink in until last night, does bear a passing resemblance to lindy's signature).
  2. A VPW PRAYER FOR HEELING "Heel!......HEEEEEL!!!!! Sit...SIT!!! ...Roll over." ;)-->
  3. Billy D - I appreciate you bringing up the points which you did. The fact is, I hadn't really intended any ill will toward Jeff, though I can see in regard to your points where expressions in my post can be so construed. Having said that, I freely admit - as should be obvious - that I can put my foot in my mouth as well as any other poster here. SO I must ask - what's JAL's reasons for not posting here to express his own opinions? Is it possible that he still harbors that old, certain above-the-rest elitism that we've come to know so well through twi? JAL's a far better speaker than I am - so why doesn't he post his own thoughts here? interact with some old comrades? I'm well aware that I'm a fool - so why won't JAL descend from his mountain? What's he afraid of? actual public discourse and messy interaction with such mortal, lowlife beings as ourselves? Danny
  4. Whoa! A cold vortex into the "Phantom Zone"! Thanks!!!
  5. Someday I've got to pick up a decent dvd of the classic, original "Night of the Living Dead". Truly a creepy movie for its time (and low budget). I also liked "Return of the Living Dead" that came out in the eighties (by a different director, if I'm not mistaken). A very entertaining zombie flick.
  6. Thank you so much Wayfer Not for bringing this up! Your experiences are the second I've encountered so far against the seemingly common assumption that the area of Arizona/New Mexico is better for asthmatics. I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through -I pray you find a good doctor and some much-needed relief soon! Danny
  7. TheInvisibleDan


    Apparently some neighbor's dog or cat ran off with the meaty treat.
  8. Praised be our Goddess Crockett Betty whose Brownies hath taken us above the heavenly places...
  9. This is actually a very fascinating sounding work, Geo. From the descriptions in the linked reviews you provided, Samarin's book appears far more interesting and critically, exhaustively executed than anything I've seen coming from the Wierwillian/Lynnite camps to date. The reviewer of the article, Watson Mills, himself edited a compilation of articles done by different scholars in a large volume entitled "Speaking in Tongues" (circ. 1975?), which I read a few years ago. I would think that for anyone interested in a no-holds-barred investigation on the topic - believer/unbeliever/agnostic/whatever - Samarin's work might prove more beneficial in the long-run.
  10. Chas, My son has asthma. Autumn can be the worst time of the year in the northeast for Asthma, when the leaves start falling and piling up on the ground. A few years ago my son ended up in the hospital about the same time in October, two years in a row. But this year, so far so good. Justin's on a couple different medicines - Flonase and Pulmulcort, as well as having on hand Albuterol inhaler when needed. We also have a Nebulizer machine (for liquid Albuterol) if his breath readings get into the yellow zone. It might be worth your while asking your doctor about picking up a Nebulizer, as well as about Flonase, which is for a nasal spray geared toward building up a resistance to any allergies. Funky brought up a good point about mold and fungus - boxes of old books, even if packed away in closets, can be notorious. I haven't bothered to take the air conditioner out of my son's window yet. As soon as October is done. I oft wonder if we should just move to New Mexico or Arizona... Danny
  11. right...and to the left....right...and to the left... Actually, it will be interesting to see how Stone handles a sword and sandal flick. But will Val Kilmer be able to hold a candle up to the late Richard Burton? The special effects should be better anyways.
  12. I am delighted to see the topic of "Bible-Worship" or "Bibliolatry" being talked about more and more in view of our past twi teachings and experiences. In my opinion, it was the most formidable problem which led to a hardening of hearts in twi (as with other churches and ministries). The worship of an infallible superbook. When in fact, it is healthier IMOHO to approach the Bible as a field of wheat and tares, planted side by side, bearing a likeness to one another, with the wheat being good for one, but the tares being quite poisonous. Of course this raises questions among the minds of those of us who approached the Bible as inherently, wholly perfect - how does one distinguish between a wheat and a tare? Therein our approach becomes more paradoxial than black & white. In short - by using the character of Christ (or his attributes of kindness and goodness) that we glean through his sayings to "rightly-divide" the Bible, rather than the Bible or some Book theology to divide Christ. I doubt if it's the only way to approach the Bible, but so far I find it's far more fluid, interesting and even rewarding than the old Wierwillian theology which promoted a total adoration and even submission to a book. I can understand, though, the dilemma of preachers who hold onto the idea of a perfect book. On the surface, it may appear simpler and easier and less problematic to teach - such serves almost like the figurative "tutor" of Galatians - teach a perfect book to lead some unto Christ - but it is only a toddler toy to be outgrown. Danny
  13. There is a Key that unlocks the Door to a Wonderous Realm of Imagination (like, it's in your right pocket), into another Dimension of Dispensations, the Watery Abyss and the Renewed Mind... You have just stepped into... THE TWI-DARK ZONEĀ© do-do-do-doo-doo.... scarey!
  14. And I can't seem to get enough of "Law & Order" lately. Of course how could I avoid it - it's playing on TV almost all the time, in its various incarnations.
  15. "In Search of the Republican Jesus..." I imagine some dude with a goatee, thick plastic rimmed glasses, a buzzcut, wearing a red-tie with his blue pin-striped robe. Sort of like a cross between Barry Goldwater and "the Flintstones". The Democratic Jesus would naturally be on the rotundish side sporting a glorious Kenny-doo. Maybe Jesus would go with the Green party instead. Or most likely, start His own "Christ Party". :)-->
  16. (lol) -what did he do - provide for the finger a cup of ice? Good Lord...
  17. To paraphrase a quote from "Invader Zim" : I was like a fairy princess -I used to know the truth...and then everything went horribly wrong!!
  18. Oh George Bush, of course....AND John Kerry! Well, they're both "Skull 'n Bones" comrades, a nefarious secret little organization at Yale that wants to rule the world. That can't be good.
  19. What is "the equation"? What are "actual Christians" ? Wtf, you want an "exhausted translation according to fuselage"? oh, alright... "actual Christians" ? - from my puny perspective, anyone who takes to heart a few things from Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" and endeavors to treat other fellow human beings with kindness and respect. Shoot, I even regard my own agnostic brother a better and truer "Christian" than myself (and other self-proclaimed "Christians" I've seen over the years) from the manner in which he goes out his way to help others less fortunate than himself. But that's only my personal opinion... As to what "truth" is - my concerns tend to have more to do with choosing candidates at the moment than with religion or mythology. Who the heck knows what the "truth" is there... --> Danny
  20. I disagree. That phrase, within the Way context, tended to produce as many if not more Bible-worshippers and doctrine cops, than actual Christians. It's hardly a phrase which sheds any discernment or enlightenment concerning the heart of God. And like twi - it leaves Christ out of the equation. Salvation now becomes determined by a supposed perfect book - not a spiritual Saviour. Nope. I no longer even agree with twi on that. Danny
  21. SelahV - I'm so glad to see your post up again. Danny
  22. In recalling Matt Groening from one of his "Life in Hell" books - A "Fish-stick" is neither a "fish" nor a "stick" - it is a fungus. :P-->
  23. Perhaps in some manner the poster really does provoke a deep reverence in the heart of present-day Way dwellers. JustThinkin brought up the most profound point earlier - what is the significance of that darn "Gorton Fisherman"? Is the Gorton Fisherman actually symbolic of their "Jesus"? Jesus was indeed a fisherman. So when obeying the Gorton-Way-Fisher-Jesus, we are to "catch" people and roll them in "bread-of-life" crumbs and then bake them in an oven at 425 degrees for 20 minutes -- 450 degrees if baking tater tots on the bottom rack at the same time. Gorton-Fisher-Jesus indeed has the potential to become a successful mascot or symbol, akin to KFC's Colonel Sanders. That is, if they don't first get sued by Gorton products...
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