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Everything posted by TheInvisibleDan

  1. It is a pretty sad approach, which teaches people to not trust themselves, to be afraid of themselves and worst yet to even be afraid to think for themselves. Such hardly leads to attaining that "positive" mindset of "believing" called "Confidence" when every human thought and emotion is assumed a foe. Danny
  2. Reform Judaism (100%) Yeah, that's pretty close to neo-Marcionism.
  3. Or worst yet, watching it while tripping on LSD, being barraged by a technicolor rainbow man, the flying Demon-Blob, and that scary giant forehead coming out at ya....
  4. Oh yeah, WW, I recall the marching striped candy canes of the "stately and powerful" group,which manifestation was blurted forth by lcm the dancing prophet as "patriotism" All the flags and magnet-yellow-ribbons on all those vehicles? Spawned by demons of course. :D--> The "reckless and hilarious" group did crack me up at the time, because the cackle of the head leader sounded an awful lot like "the Riddler" from the old Batman series. Looked a lot like the "Riddler" too.
  5. His Kindness is infinite, His Goodness knows no boundaries. His Love is unceasing, with His Friendship extended to all. Your absolutely right, Roy. The barrier of the fleshly walls which divide mankind are abolished in Him. Danny
  6. Mell, By and large the Way demonized human emotions and vices. Got a drinking problem? drinking demon.Got a smoking problem? smoking demon. Got a gambling problem? gamblin' demon. Like chocolate? Chocolate demon. Like chocolate on strawberries? Well you got a four-star general of a chocolate-on-strawberry demon. It's a wholly predictable, mundane, system of demons the Way has going there, for which one requires no "special revelation"and is about as profound as a wet cardboard box. "I don't want to go to twig" does not mean you have a "I-don't-want-to-that-damn-boring-twig" demon - that's no demon - that's you honestly just being you. And there's nothing wrong or demonic about being you. And don't let them tell you otherwise. Danny
  7. You're not "invisible" Sharon - I am. :D--> I appreciate your sense of humor, btw. Danny
  8. "Take that you hostile bastards!" - James Coburn,The President's Analyst :D--> Or in the words of the prophets Bill 'n Ted: "Be excellent to one another". Danny
  9. Which all brings to mind Monty Python's Always Look on the Bright Side of Life :)-->
  10. How many churches are there now in Charlotte, Pirate? Seems I recall hearing a number of approx. 350 (!) when I was a WOW there back in 82-83. Quite an extraordinary number if that's correct. Danny
  11. (Gasp) The singing fat ladies weren't "by revelation"? That one must most surely be divine! God has a wicked sense of humor.
  12. "Ronald Ray-gun"! (lol) all those years gone by and I hadn't heard that one. But my gosh, he did resemble a comic book super-hero, a dead-ringer for "Superman" short of his hair being inked dark-blue. After Jimmy Carter and that frustrating, drawn out Iran hostage crisis played out on the airwaves day after day, I think I still would have voted for Reagan even had I not been involved with the Way. I wanted a war-hawk in there! After all that international humiliation, I wanted my country to kick some foot! (lol) No, I wasn't a very peaceful Christian back then...mine was the "Rambo-Christ", descending from heaven with both barrels ablazing....issuing forth such new precepts as "Yo to ye I say: the Poor you will always have hangin' around anyways (Get a job you lazy maggots!)" and "Wars are always happening anyways (It's not the end so let's rumble!)" :)--> Danny
  13. johniam, Thanks for the info on Pressed Down's first album now being on cd. That's my favorite, being so mellow and spacey 'n all. I tried that email address but haven't received any reply. Does Joe have a website? Thanks. Danny
  14. What the- what's so "bitter" about "Apocalypse Land"? That, my friend, is wholesome family entertainment. -->
  15. "Hello Dad? Jesus here. I'm hung up at the moment, and may be running a little late..."
  16. Apparently there were one or two gang murders there after it closed. Featuring violence just like the real "Holy Land". Now they can add to the apocalyptic-looking display fiery lasers and propane flame-throwers positioned around the minature buildings,and re-open as "Apocalypse USA"- and sell lots of marshmellows. Danny
  17. Geo, "Bibleland USA" sounds an aweful lot like Holy Land USA which is indeed near my neck of the woods in Waterbury (I would spot the large cross and the sign on I-84 whenever passing through), though I've never been particularly motivated to visit that place, and by the looks of things, am even less so inclined (lol).The guy who put it all together passed away a few years ago, and the place has gone to pot. Danny
  18. Gee, maybe I can get a job at that museum building up the "Gnostic" wing. Then again in "northern Kentucky" - maybe not... So what kind of rides do they have at "Bibleland USA", Geo? A "Rollercoaster to Hell", perhaps? A "Pharis(ee) Wheel"?
  19. From "The Life of Christ" by Rev.John Fleetwood, (1869), p.605: Then the writer goes on to reason that "so holy a man" as Timothy, the leader of this church, must not be to blame for its downturn, but "members" of his church, apparently for their lack of believing or something (lol). Sounds rather familiar. Danny
  20. Judaism (especially those forms which led in the direction and development of Christianity) was greatly influenced by contact with the Persian religions while in exile; particularly ideas pertaining to Zoroastrianism (angels and demons, world saviors, apocalyptic end time scenarios, general resurrections). I bet these ideas greatly shaped "the Messiah" notion that came about in Judaism, of a powerful, heavenly super-hero. I might add, it's fascinating to consider that the two writers/artists behind our classic "Superman" comic icon - an otherworldly savior or messiah if there ever was one - were Jewish, and contemplate how much this character owes to Biblical ideas. "Jor-El"..."Kal-El"..."Dani-El"(lol). Danny
  21. I also find this a very interesting question. In an earlier meaning "Messiah" may have been understood more in a corporate sense. The people would ultimately "save" themselves, rather than awaiting a single, superhuman "Messiah" to crashland from Krypton to save the day, which meaning it ultimately took on. Danny
  22. There are some interesting articles on the subject of "Peter vs. Paul" at The Journal of Higher Criticism as well as questions concerning the Pastoral epistles (i.e., "Schleiermacher’s Dormant Discovery" by R. Price). Detering's "The Dutch Radical Approach to the Pauline Epistles" is also well worth checking out. Danny
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