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Everything posted by TheInvisibleDan

  1. I've had mostly good luck. Bought a vinyl record one time which arrived to me warped, in which case, it couldn't be proven whether it was sent out that way, or it occurred along the way. In any event, a $7 loss. So it goes. The sellers I also tend to avoid are the ones who charge an arm and a leg for shipping, who obviously have gotten greedy in their calculations.
  2. Providing no more "shuttle tiles" happen to flake off of it while sitting on the pad. Cripes, I wouldn't get on that thing...
  3. Yet how could all these searchers miss "the Singing Fat Ladies" playing at the International House of Blubber Auditorium? I'm confused --> too!
  4. Perhaps one day we can all chip in and purchase a small parcel of land somewhere in the vicinity of New Knoxville and erect a "Memorial for Lost Way Souls". Or something like that. Danny
  5. He must have "Dressed for Success" :)-->
  6. I'm imagining that this guy looked just like a baptist in a suit and nametag. And drove a monolithic, wood-sided station wagon.
  7. The company for which my wife works just switched at the beginning of this year from "Connecticare" (which was absolutely aweful) to "UnitedHealthCare". A couple years ago, I had started the process of trying to get a new foot/leg prosthesis, but "Connecticare" only covered 1,500 of the total estimated cost of $5,000- 7,000. Getting aid from the state proved fruitless. So the whole idea of getting a new leg was shelved... So when I resumed my efforts a month ago, I called up our new insurance company expecting the hear the same minimum coverage (1,000 -1500) as I've grown so accustomed to hearing from these companies over the years. I nearly fell off my chair - 100 % coverage (!) So I got a new primary doctor under the new plan, got a new script, and called up my prosthesis-maker, "Pull those damn parts off the shelf and slap that sucker together! I'm coming to pick it up..." Artificial limb technology has certainly come a long way in 27 years (my old limb is 1978 vintage). I highly recommend "UnitedHealthCare" if you can get or afford it. Of course, my wife belongs to a union where she works, and I'm sure that makes a huge difference. But coverage even under unions was nothing to get excited about, until this new plan... Danny
  8. Out of curiosity, have they considered looking into the possibility of having their son's remains removed and re-located to a different burial spot,- to a public cemetary of their choice ? I don't know about anyone else here, but I sure the hell wouldn't want the unholy grounds of twi (along with its hard-hearted "caretakers")as a final resting place, for either myself or a loved one. Danny
  9. I would think becoming (or seeking to become) "Christ-like" would be an immense "gift" in and of itself - and that perhaps all that other stuff (healing abilities, etc.) might naturally follow, and if so -would be authentic at that..."Though I speak in the tongues of men or angels, but have not love, I am nothing". Otherwise, we may just as well be mere sorcerers or magicians, rather than "Christians", if outward exhibitions of razzle-dazzle "power" is the expectation or assumed validation. How do we become more "Christ-like"? I think feeding on His sayings in the Gospels might be a great place to start...treat others with love and compassion and great patience, as He would have us do...put off the "old god" (with all his anger, wrath, judgment, condemnation and jealousy) - essentially the "old man" which is created in this god's image - and put on the new God, Who is Love. Such is my take on this, for what it's worth. Danny
  10. (lol) I must confess, I identify with Rascal's sentiments here - I'de rather think like the actual human being that I am, and not like some sheep or goat...or cat or dog (as with more recent updatings I've encountered here), or any other animal... and Christians knock the evolutionists (lol), because they dare to suggest we evolved from animals, while "believers" on the other hand don't hesitate to endue upon themselves qualities of four legged beasts as traits (or figurative illustrations) of discipleship? Stuff that makes one go, "hmmmm..." Perhaps such analogies worked fine in olden times and in that whacky camel culture, but they do appear awkward and even wholly out-of-place in our era and culture. Perhaps we require a more updating to such parables, along the lines of this "Onion" headline: "Ant Farms Teach Children about Toil, Death" :)--> Danny
  11. Sounds like Orson Wells would be offended as well. But we already know - even for those not having seen it - that this movie will not make even come close to striking the immense fear and panic caused by the 1930s Halloween radio broadcast - we already know that the more recent offering is merely a lame, overblown movie. I'll wait until it comes out on video... :)--> Danny
  12. Geo, When I consider my parents marriage, and that of my in-laws, which both lasted (and are lasting) over 50 years, it's quite a mind-boggling contrast to the fleeting duration of marriages today. It would be reckless for me to over-generalize the reasons why, but I can't shake the one impression, that our country has become such a self-absorbed, consumer-driven, wasteful and mindless "throw-it-away" society, to the point where even marriage just as well be regarded akin to acquiring or discarding a product... Not "happy"? something's not "perfect"? take this new fangled pill. Buy a new car. Get a new house. Get a sex-change operation. Dump the old spouse...and there are plenty of talking heads and so-called "experts" to validate every and any concievable whim. We've become a country of consumer-cattle, being prodded along on borrowed credit. One can sell us anything. We'll buy it. Danny
  13. Tom, I haven't done any of this, but I was hoping Zix would drop in on this thread to share some of his incredible insight in this subject, and perhaps recommend some addional programs... Danny
  14. I get this humorous imagery in my mind of the Great Deity looking out at humanity through a two-way mirror, with a few of us humanoids on the other side standing still amidst the hustle 'n bustle - gazing back at the mirror trying to "see God" on the other side...with God muttering to Himself, "Well don't just ****in' stand there in front of the mirror! Move around a little bit - Live Life!" It's a goofy scenario, I must confess...and I don't know if there's anything to this or not, but it's pretty damn funny just the same ... Danny
  15. Which strikes as being the same situation with the New Testament when mixed with the Old, as the past 2,000 years of Christian history attests. Excellent post, Oak. And Bob - your illustration of the 3 year old girl in the "stoning pit" was most profound. A savage, "bloodthirsty Yahweh" indeed. Danny
  16. An expression such as that certainly doesn't come across as a convincing testimony of one having attained a position any closer to "truth". Whatever doubts and pain Geo may have conveyed at least comes across here as "real". I would think the highest God would find the doubters and the naysayers far more stimulating and refreshing than the thought of being eternally surrounded about by a multitude of brown-nosing, self-righteous "yes men". Danny
  17. A couple months ago I recently encountered an old circle of high school friends at the funeral for one of their fathers. I marvel that they would still even talk to me following my arrogant, self-righteous Way daze. These were also stoner friends with whom I would gather for off-the-wall improvisational "jam sessions" (replete with artsy but hilarious, original "poetry" readings by one of us), which I would record using cheap, portable cassette recorders. Even the dark nights of "Uncle Harry" didn't have the sway to compel me to ditch those old cassette tapes. SO I've been blowing the dust and cobwebs off these old brittle tapes dating back to the late 70s- early 80s, transferring them to the hard-drive, editing them and remixing them, to put together something of a "hits" cd to spring on my old friends when the opportunity arises. THis stuff is pure gold to me (though they may sound absolutely insane to anyone else, if not meaningless); good friends are like a perfect band even if they can't play a note on any number of guitars, drums, 4-string banjos, and Magnus organs we happen to have at our disposal. But it was genuine, spontaneous fun and inspiration. It's what the so-called principle of "speaking in tongues" wanted to be. Can't wait to treat them to some old sounds from the past. Even if some are rather embarrassing (lol). Danny
  18. I'm not at all offended by anyone in particular here. I thought the tone of the posts (not exempting myself) appeared a bit on the punchy side today. Perhaps it's just my imagination. Danny
  19. Whoa, and I thought I was the only one in the world today experiencing a certain existential, on-the-edge grumpiness.Unless everyone else here also made the mistake of starting out their day with a cup of java polluted with Land-of-Lakes "Non-Dairy" coffee creamer. My God, that stuff tastes like sh!#, leaving the lingering aftertaste of a dried toad. I can't wait until Monday.
  20. God forbid that the flesh of any master race should have "tainted blood" coursing through its veins.
  21. I tend to think that any "hop" departed from the organization along with all the people who hopped away...twi ultimately underestimated its greatest asset and resource - its people. I'm all the more convinced of that when reading of the various accomplishments you cited. I agree that VPW seemingly functioned as a "restraining" force which kept the other "men of sin" at bay. Then when this "man of sin" was taken from their midst, all hell broke loose (lol). It's strange but true. Thank you for your fascinating post, HCW. Danny
  22. I like your "modern" version a lot. The first century may be a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. :)--> The Geek-in-me has recently become obsessed with watching (again) Hitchcock's "Vertigo". A dark-humored technicolor painting, and that score by Bernard Herrmann is freaky. Thank you Laleo. Danny
  23. It's an admirable gesture, but are you really in a position, Mike, to arrive at such a general judgment concerning each and every individual here? Do you actually know each person here well enough, outside of the sweeping "out-of-fellowship/backsliding" stereotypes which you superimpose upon us for your shadow boxing? Heck, I don't really know each person here well enough to assume that their handle comprises the sum total of their being, to adopt the general presumption that all are on a habitual path of self-destruction. Danny
  24. There you go again, waxing autobiographical (lol). I like a lot of the different things people are made of here. It blesses me to observe this diversity. I even find you interesting Mike, even admirable in your self-determination and persistance in advocating your views, even if I may not always agree with them. Danny
  25. "Unregistered Viewers Restricted" - wow, that didn't take long. Perhaps they'll even start charging a $200 "commitment fee" for looking at the site (lol).
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