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Zorro Macabee

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  1. Back down memory lane...a bit rusty perhaps.... Does anyone recall the first year in res where about a hundred or so of us (under the leadership of Fast Buck Fury) lined up in the local Sirloin Stockade for the free soft ice cream cones? I wish I had a video camera back then.....the manager of the place was absolutely in shock as "Way Corps" we were putting on our best witness by trying to out do one another in the building of the tallest and most outrageous cones; with nuts, sprinkles, cherries and even whipped cream. Why these were simply works of art that went unappreciated. Especially by the owner and manager of the establishment of the Stockade. Remember Craig blowing his top about it at lunch after the manager called him and complained. Yeah Well! A lot of things kids.... Oh "buy the way" this was pre ICE CREAM BOWL!
  2. P.S. If you wondering? The Bul****ta Text is prounounced Bulsheeta Text! Maybe that will make it on the post without editing...
  3. Dear Ninth CORPSE brethern and sistern ; Although I have been absent from this Forum in the flesh I have not been absent in the spirit..... I have recently been working on putting the finishing touches on a class I have developed using a new Aramaic Text I call the BULl****TA TEXT. I have been woking evryday day 16 to 18 hours for the past 20 years to complete this important work which will revolutionize the Biblical Research Field as we know it. Recently while on a trip to France to discuss this discovery with a well know Bible Scholor I was told by him that if this is true it would revolutionize the Biblical Research Feild as we know it. Later on across the English Channel I found a note attached to my door stating that if I would give the little preacher a few minutes of my time he could talk me out of the whole thing. Why I could'nt waste my time on that little fella. I forgotten more than he will ever know.... The BULL****TA TEXT dates back to the earliest of civilizations where our ancient ancestors used to BS one another on a daily basis .... BS is the abbreviation for the BULL****TA TEXT, which by the way many Bilical Scholors do not accept. Well any way enough of that BS, Did I truly read that my old buddy and companion in travel Dana King has appeared to someone in an 18 wheeler? If this is true then he may showup at my place someday......I better keep well stocked up in groceries just in case he does. DANA AND i USED TO TRAVEL IN HIS GREEN kARMANGIA (SP?) AND HE INSISTED ON DOING ALL THE DRIVING...THAT IS UNTIL HE FELL ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL... One time while traveling from Emporia to New Knoxville we stopped at many a trckstop so that Dana could relenish his food supply, as his metabolisim was very fast. This meant that he would always have some kind of nourishment on hand. I remember his favorite stand by food was a five pound bag of apples and a hugh jar of peanut butter. Don't recall if it was cruchy or creamy.... He would carfully cut each apple in half then slather as much peanut butter on each half that the apple could hold. You may gather that with a consistent comsumption of apples and peanut butter the boy could produce enough methane gas that probably could have heated Ubcle Harry Dorm for at least one cold winter day. My wife could attest to this as she sat next to him during Corps Night and you know well figure it out... I recall that during our trip east on I70 we stopped at a Truck Stop in Effingham Illinois where he ordered a double cheesburger with bacon, a large order of fries, a large bowl of chilli and a large vanilla milkshake along with a large coke....when he had completed his order he looked at the waittress in the eye and said, "Now Double it!". At first she thought he was joking but quickly learned that he was not kidding at all. After we had finished eatibg it looked as if 4 hungry men had been sitting at our table. Ohh! and let me add he did have desert on top of it all. When we left to get back on I70 he first pulled through a Kentucky Fried Chicken Drive through and ordered a Bucket o' Chicken for the road. I wish I had some of his metabolism for if I did Mrs. W could never have spoken those words of edification and com,fort "YOU TOO FAT" to me. Oh well I'm still too fat.... If any of you Corpse know how I can get a hold of Dane please email me. Well you guys and gals still make me cry.....
  4. Nope...never cheated on those aerobic points..,. In fact we "The Hilarious Givers" were most likely the most comical group of out of shape people in the entire Ways Corps. Milagros Flores was our Twig Leader er Coordinator along with Ruth and Dave Thomas, Dee Dikranian (she was an in shape "puppy"),Phoebe Chidester(sweet gal but not athletic),Llyod Bishop (he ran like a deer and used to run like 10 miles a day during the week and probably more over the weekend). The key to our success was not the most points per week but we always managed to all get the minimum required. SOOOOOOOO! We always won the Ways Corps Trophy!!! Phil Drake (7th) used to come by our table and swear his twig would win the next week....Never did....Why? Because some one in his group (9th Corps)failed to get the minimum required...therefore all his efforts were nullified..... The whole Trophy thing finally got way out of hand so Chuck M and Bill Fury cancelled the whole thing. How the heck did Bill Fury even get assigned to the Fitness Job anyways? With all the donuts, ice cream, sugar and pop corn he would consume daily its a wonder he did'nt croak....Although I did have to cast out the Pillsbury Doughboy a few times along with the spirit of Dolly Madison... Enough of this aerobic stuff.....I'm really out of shape now. I must leave now to check on all the usages of pneuma hagion in the Bible....
  5. Tom Strange... Yes this actually did occur....along with many other zany antics like Russell Coleman lifting Cyndi Edwards... Does anyone recall "the College Bowl" where we all torn up the stage when Frank M and Don Brunell creamed Yvette De Roen with two whipped cream pies and the stuff flew all over the place. JAL and Pat Lynn were a big part of the insanity that night....I remember Helen Suddeth was beside herself because of the mess that was made on the stage... I've got to go now and get my Aerobics Points in so that our twig "The Hilarious Givers" can win the Corps Trophy again for the umpteeth time....
  6. OH NIKA how long has it been? Much too long... Do you remember when we first met? Witchita Falls Texas 77-78...Hot summer night....Public Ex at the Way Home...Marshall Mitchell....Bob Vignola... Ah Yes! I'll never forget it..... You know me and my wife...why you and her went Lightbears together with Mr Kiplinger to West (Bye Gawd) Virginia. Love to you and yours, ZM
  7. Greetings Everone! Last week I received a call from FELLOWSHIPPER and he told that you Ninth Corpse er I mean Corps were still reminiscing about all those good/bad/ugly times we had in residence. How about George H and Black Monday? This is where the GQ men of the Ninth Corps were acting as personal Ambassadors for David Wilson who had come up with this idea for his B'Day where these dudes would help him kiss all those foxy Ninth Corps women in the Sunlight Room. George immediately exploded and put the Kabash on that boomps quick! The Ice Cream Bowl confrontation where Darlene H was in tears and quivering and lecturing us about how we disgraced the MOG of the World. Don Brunell was never the same after that little incident. Were you there when the little girl from the College Div asked George H if she could address the Corps on her birthday and when he gave her the Microphone she boldly and loudy spoke in tongues and interpreted..... "Lowshatamahlakaseeka oohshantimalaka...I the Lord thy God have called you......" What a look of SURPRISE and SHOCK on George's face...Yeah Boy! Those were the days....eh? His response was to confront her in front of us all and tell her she was "out of order"....(I think the Lord Jesus busted a gut over that one...) How about that Bachelor Party Bill "Fast Buck" Fury and I hosted at Emporia disguised as the Blues Brothers? If so I'm sure you remember the RIOT that was caused when we introduced (to at least 300 guys who had been drinking beer) four extreme babes from the 11th Corps dressed in nothing but high heels and bikinis, while Charlie LeCount cooling played his trumpet and did his best rendition of BOOM BOOM BA BOOM TA TA TA TA TA!!Pure "stripper music" backed up by the 11th Corps Band as the four girls jumped up on the tables and blew all of our minds. Of course Fury and I joined right in dancing along with them. The look of fear and confusion that raced across the faces of JAL--> and his little skinny side kick DB--> was priceless. Man they were in true shock and awe....Earl Burton loved it. Afterwards when everyone left, a bunch of us finished off the rest of the beer that was left over in the keg....Oh yes and a few of the "cougars" --> from the Ninth Corps came down to the Snack Shop and joined us after their TEA Bridal Shower that was simultaneously held above us in the Ambassador Room. These ninth Corps gals could'nt wait to get down where the real party was happening.:P--> Well enough for now you Ninth Corps Bretheren and Sistren, I've got to go and see who it is that wants to see me in ma train. I am returning from the annual Jane Covention which is held in New Delhi. The the Ashadi Ashree Tulsa gave me the keys to the City and invited me toi be the only white man to speak to them since the First Century. OH! LAWD!!I just looked out the window and its snowing all over those gas pumps.... Until next time...... Be Blessed!!
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