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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. OMG............. No thanks. I'm done with cults, splinters, fakers, takers, and pontificators.
  2. Yeah.........exactly. Who would "buy in" to this new little vpw-worship splinter group.......from kiss-azz leadership that stayed WAY TOO LONG? How long will the group-hug last.....before egos get involved, and it splinters again. Meet your new boss......same as the old boss.
  3. OMG..........I haven't heard that guy's name in 30 years. Seriously? Everyone has a psalm, a doctrine......a class. New name, tweak the sessions/scriptures, plagiarize the pfal-plagiarist and..........viola. The wierwille sacred shrine is deeply veiled in the inner-sanctum corner...............in the barn.
  4. Yep.......looks like this RnR group is done taking orders from pontificating figureheads in ohio. Gee, HOW OFTEN have we been addressing this issue here at GSC over the last 17 years? Well......finally, as many near retirement.....they're "taking a stand." BIG FRIKKEN WHOOP. They've got their domain name in place........rallied a group that stayed WAY TOO LONG......that has grown tired of Rosalie's leadership......and if the BOD doesn't buckle to their concerns, ALL WILL BE MARK/AVOID. BUT........the interesting thing is ALL the other people it will affect. Family connections? Siblings/children? Someone like Brian Moneyhands........doesn't he work at hq? Michael Fort & Jon Ryan......former limb guys in Indiana. Will others hit the exit doors? Bob & Dottie / Ed & Jackie....former corps coordinators. Will other corps listen and follow? How many exoduses were there?
  5. Correction: Rosalie was 76 as of that letter being written in August. Now, she's 77. Well, Jesus was a carpenter too.
  6. Snippets from the seven-page letter to BOD August 2016: For those in their retirement years........imo, they were disturbingly irked by the cult lording over them. Damn.......who are these people [bod] to stand over us and try to plug us into ANOTHER PROGRAM during this "emeritus way corps status" time of life? That's what a cult does..........drive you to compliance, or drive you out. That's why years ago, I started this thread.......TWI's Corporate Secret The cult is relentless in its demands. There is NO COMPASSION from the puppeteers......just because you're 70 yrs old. C'mon man, get to cracking. Look at Rosalie at 76 years old......and she's still serving (cough, cough).
  7. Lots of good points there, DWBH..............thanks. Phase 5, Identity Formation, average age 21-32..............yep. Imo........this R'n'R group is in the second stage of grief/loss [.... 1)denial, 2)anger, 3)bargaining, 4)depression, and 5)acceptance....] .....but their "anger" is misplaced and, for now, directed at Rosalie/Rupp/De Lisle. They still hold to wierwille/pfal nostalgia..........and have NOT processed the deep, destructive cult underpinnings that is hiding below the surface. Someday, down the road..... perhaps, many of them might begin the critical thinking process to unravel how they got duped and suckered into a cult, but for now their minds just can't grasp it. One of the last acknowledgements for many to see is that wierwille was a scheming, plagiarist fraud who built his minus-try on a plagiarist patchwork of other preachers.....and his doctorate was from a bogus, degree mill in Colorado. I seriously doubt that many on this list would want to rev-up a splinter group and start leading songs again. But maybe a couple diehards in the group will do home fellowships for a few years.............keeping the motion going. Wouldn't it be a hoot......if some actually found their way to GSC.......and posted.
  8. Well.......for what its worth, here is how it comes across to me: Many of these folks are near retirement or retired......and it galls them to "jump thru the hoops any longer." To them, wierwille was "the man of God" and their father in The Word.......they are still deceived. They seek their spirituality thru the prism of wierwille's pfal. This group of individuals had finally drawn a line in the sand.......and wanted the BOD to answer their questions. Not just Rosalie, but Jean-Yves being assigned as newly president seemed to irk them. Besides........who wants to witness, undershepherd, go to classes/fellowships to stand approved by a dead organization? Yet......they STILL are indoctrinated into wayspeak and waydoctrine having lived 3-4 decades in a cult. Some will probably go to their graves, like John Lynn........hoping that wierwille would be proud of their "stand." Pathetically sad.........to see the destructive nature of cults.
  9. Fired? Demoted? Retired?
  10. Can anyone answer this? Are Gary and Patricia Frederick still working on staff at hq? Gary worked in the Legal Department......IIRC. That 7-page letter noted some specific demotions and run-ins with Rosalie.....with implication that Gary was demoted or something. What a life-changer if the whole bunch is black-listed m/a............
  11. Yeah.......it's obvious to you and me. But..........it STILL alludes so many who have the cult's tentacles wrapped around their brain cells.
  12. Yeah..........and how many intimidating threats went out from the REGION GUYS? Like ALWAYS..........it's the region guys who are hardened sycophants in the cult; the intimidators. Lots of folks who would otherwise have listened to this presentation and open forum of Q&A.......will choose to avoid the confrontation. A ruthless cult..........seeks submission as its goal.
  13. More than likely........as this R&R group grapples with their new surroundings, the VPW-MOG scales will fall from their eyes. Slowly, but surely........many of them too will come to grips with the deception, manipulation and exploitation. Clearly, there is hardly room for ANOTHER splinter group that holds allegiance to wierwille..............is there?
  14. Thanks Rocky..... Yeah, anyone who knows ANYTHING about resolving conflicts in a biblical manner.........notably thinks of this resolution in Acts 15. Apparently, Randy Ginn was sleeping during that session of class.
  15. And another thing............Ginn states, "I do not believe God operates in the methods they employ." Perhaps, Randy Ginn has never read Acts 15........where no small dissension had arisen in the church and Paul and Barnabus take these issues up with the elders in Jerusalem. Read the chapter, Randy. Verse 7 says "when there had been much disputing......" In other words, major disagreement erupted on both sides. Sheesh, Randy.........who made you God on a stick? This kind of crap by a region coordinator, no less........is disgusting and repulsive. First of all, this group sent a cordial 7-page letter to Rivenbark, Rupp, & De Lisle.......in August 2016. They requested a private audience with BOD to discuss these issues. And, to be sure that this letter was NOT snubbed.......they requested a response date of August 15th. Obviously, BOD rallied the troops and attempts made to strong-arm them into submission NOW.......it's May 7th........and "this R&R group" held a Facebook Q&A. It is the Board of Directors that are acting "unbiblical" in all of this. Randy Ginn is a deceiver and a fraud.
  16. So........if Randy Ginn/ region guy says "this group has nothing to do with The Way International"........does that mean: Everyone in "that group" is mark/avoid? Twi has circled the wagons and will NOT address any of their concerns? Unless they grovel......none of them are welcome at The Way? That's the blunt nature of being associated with a cult? Other? ~~~~~~~~~~ This group has nothing to do with twi............Slapped down by the cult?
  17. Randy Ginn..............bwaaaaaahaaaaaa Howard Allen put Randy & Diane in charge of Canada after our visas ran out in April 1987. The Canadian government would NOT extend our work-visas.......and insisted that our time was over. Since Diane had Canadian citizenship, Randy and her were given the responsibility. Then, he ran rough-shod over plenty of peoples' lives and many exited after that. Years later, Randy/Diane were in the Cleveland area where Larry Panar3llo and Mark Wall-ace built a reputation of legalism. Those guys carried their briefcases around corps week with files on everyone in their areas and extensive teaching notes. GSC poster Catcup had lots to say about all this years ago. So, yeah.........Randy Ginn, not surprised at all that he brown-nosed his way into this.
  18. Well.......if they can't reconcile their differences with the mothership..... .....at least they've got a head start on a new splinter group...........R&R .
  19. Keep peeling that onion........ Remove the Rivenbark-era....... Then, the Martindale-era........ Then, peel off the Wierwille-era......... When you get beyond the "ministry resources" mumbo-jumbo.......that's your starting point.
  20. This letter from "Way Corps ministers" is so lame that it borders on pathetic. "The future of our ministry is in peril." ...................really? just now you guys figured this out? "Way Corps ministers" that have been indoctrinated for 40 years have little chance of "revival and restoration"........unless outside sources point the way out of the woods. This whole letter is generic mumbo-jumbo........like a Geer-redux (1986). Numbers and symptoms are pointed out, but the root of these problems escape them. Why are corps dropping away? Why are class numbers so anemic? Why is the whole thing so dead? Greasespot Café has been addressing these issues for 17 years........deception, intimidation, indoctrination, exploitation, pharisaic-rule, no accountability, cult behavior, double-standards, arrogant hypocrisy at top levels, liars, abusers, enablers, etc. And, we didn't just spotlight rivenbark's leadership and micromanagement.......here at GSC, we pulled back the curtains to expose wierwille and his pyramid-scheme, in all its treachery. The systematizing of error has taken root for decades. To simply confront rivenbark's tenure, character, and age is abysmal in its approach. Yeah......unless Bob Moynihan, Gary Frederick, Michael Fort, Paul Brooks and others just want to "move the deck chairs around on the titanic"......they need to get serious and roll up their sleeves. The place is a MESS. They need OUTSIDE CONSULTATION AND SUPPORT to even begin the process. NONE of them, it appears, have the wherewithal to break the institutionalization of twi's cult and get back to solid ground of Christian living and revival. Unless their little Q&A accommodates input from GSC-posters, the blind will continue to fall in the ditch.
  21. Yeah.......that's the ticket, threaten them to stay away from a different/dissenting perspective. Same-old, same-old........just like when JS wrote the "adultery research paper" in 1986. Anyone who reads it gets thrown out! The twit-cult will NOT allow questions/dissent in a public forum. They will NOT allow others to mount an opposition to the status quo.........an exploitive cult. M0nyihans, magn3lli and h0rney.........former corps coordinators, department coordinator, public relations, teachers at sunday services......represent heavy-hitters and have inroads to sway LOTS OF FOLKS. Rosalie can sniff out this danger with her eyes closed........she is rallying the charge to shut their voices down! Heck.....with regards to a "Facebook Q&A on Sunday"......there's enough threads here at GSC to answer those questions during a whole day event.
  22. More than likely, headquarters leadership has already had an "emergency meeting" with the whole staff to circle the wagons. Certainly, the presidents cabinet has been meeting regularly on this issue alone. At the staff meeting, add some snarky comments about these field corps being "out of fellowship verging on possession" stirring in some cherry-picked verses and the hq-staffers nod their agreement. The "code red" has gone out.......the moyn!hans, magn3llis, horn3ys, and anyone else who sides with them are anathema, mark-n-avoid. Same scenario, different day..........always the same. It is ALWAYS the field leadership that see the need to confront the archaic, abusive system at its source, hq. The deadness of the sunday teachings, the "man-of-gawd" adulation at the top, the drumbeat of classes that need to run, and any new people sniff out the abuse and quickly leave. Nothing is getting built. Activity but no accomplishment. The cycle never ends.........and then, who wants to send in 15% of their income to support THAT? Happens every time the new guy takes the wheel..........that is why rosa-lie stayed ensconced as vice-prez.. When the system is jolted with new guy installed.......questions arise and loyalty is upended. Maybe a good time to jump off that train..............
  23. Of course she did..... So did wierwille........ So did martindale..... ..........blame the way corps. ALWAYS the "emperor with no clothes" wants to shift the focus AWAY to someone else. Just like Saul.....(in OT) when the Lord was NOT with him. Rosalie is a lousy micromanager masquerading as a spiritual heavy-weight. Besides, she knew all about martindale and his predatory proclivities. She's a lying hypocrite. If MORE and MORE people keep speaking up........both within, and here at GSC.......the whole thing just might bust wide open.
  24. Twi is modern-day Pharisaic. It's DNA is idolatry.
  25. Been there, done that.......early 90s. The way corps are NOT going to change twi. Those who control the levers of power WANT THINGS TO STAY THE SAME......a pyramid structure, with all power consolidated at the top. At best, twi is a pseudo-Christian org who spouts some scripture. At worse, it's a cult that lays in wait to deceive, indoctrinate and exploit. Hell.......even the splinter groups don't want to change. What does THAT tell you?
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