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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. "(Ding, ding, ding) Keep your leaders from buying a house and you'll keep many of them in bondage." When people build equity and financial security.....more options, more freedom is in front of them. And, with each step forward the opportunities for success compound. New contacts, new ideas, new investments in the american free market can lead to a series of successes that leave debt and bondage in a world forgotten. Yeah.....I think twi instilled their "debt policy" to the detriment of followers. What a difference life is today....rather than trapped in the corps pit. They chose to push legalism to keep followers in bondage, and thus, from leaving. Is there any wonder why corps enrollment is at a pittance of 6 or 7 each year? Nope.....not from what I've observed and experienced. Wierwille set the trap that HE SO DESPERATELY FOUGHT TO GET OUT OF.
  2. Yep.....all of the above. Twi's top-tier are the DOUBTERS......they manipulate and oppress on every turn to twist things to their advantage. Sure, they mouth the scriptures, slogans, cliches, and all.....but their heart is far from the Lord. In 2000, when martindale was ousted.......6 or 7 region couples BOLTED FROM THE TWI TRAP!!!
  3. waysider......you had them at "con" :B)
  4. Yeah......"some people like this." Being told what to do -- what to think, what is acceptable. It's so easy going thru life like this....IF you want the institutionalized version of comformity. I just happen to think that twi's propaganda is jaded and self-serving.
  5. Twi was built on a lie......ie, a series of lies. When all twi's are packaged together, twi endeavors to state that YOU can manifest "the more abundant life" AS LONG AS YOU REMAIN FAITHFUL TO WIERWILLE ADULATION AND TWI'S POLICIES. When, or if, you leave twi.........splat! your life is roadkill. Incrementalism.....Indoctrination.....whatever you want to call it, it's crazy sh!t to believe that "God called you to live in twi's microcosm, micro-managed world to slug thru life." No lie lasts forever. The jig is up. Far too many who were once in the belly of the beast have exited their toxic world.....and now THRIVE. Besides home ownership, and careers, and successful kids, and growing grandkids, and community involvement........many are still involved in Christian work. Twi was/is a world of lies. Lies to attract the unsuspecting. Lies to salve the doubts. Lies to massage the concerns. Lies to manage the questioning. Lies to cover twi's sexual predation. Lies to hide the reasons for those exiting. Wierwille was manipulated by the FATHER OF LIES.
  6. skyrider


    Rosalie and Donna will live off twi-gravy train for the rest of their lives (imo). One way or another, they will adjust and/or morph with the "conditions on the ground" to keep investments/monies/property in proper order of operating costs. Downsizing to strategic levels, a skeleton crew of 40-60 will be kept on payroll.......finance personnel, paul blart security men (4), legal guy, bookstore and food services crews (8), maintenance and grounds crews (6), select individuals for all-purpose duties -- sanitation manager, receptionists, tour guides, word processing, etc. Sunday services will be moved to the field to "better move the word"....and the messaging will go out far and wide that this is "God's present truth." All the while, every decision will be to the betterment of Rosalie and co. as she manages the decline for her comfort and security. Twi will evolve into a VPW Memorial Museum and Bookstore Service Center. Books, tapes, Wierwille memorial items, class material, etc. will be processed and orders filled. Adulating followers will pilgrimage to the founders' homestead to pay homage to his life. Staff employees are disposable. Twi will give pink slips before the red ink flows. When Rosalie passes.....Donna will reign. Count it. Isn't Craig Martindale DFAC? And to think, he was the CORPS DIRECTOR for 25 years (1975-2000)......
  7. skyrider


    To understand this "insanity".....one needs to shed light on how wierwille built this "insanity." 1) Wierwille and co. stated that the way corps was a spiritual calling. 2) The corps program was sold as the elite spiritual leadership gateway to twi's approval. 3) Rewards (7 crowns) would be given at the bema for those who stood faithful to this calling. 4) If one abandoned their commitment.....all rewards will be LOST. Some were convinced that dying was more acceptable. 5) Many corps stay even though they see hypocrisy, manipulation and exploitation. 6) Some will abandon "the man of God" just like men abandoned the Apostle Paul. 7) The corps program is running on vapors. Even the old guard is falling away. 8) With internet access, even twi can no longer hide the absurdity. Of course, the newbie people don't hear about these rumblings behind closed doors. Every Sunday, the smiles come out and the "stepford wives club" sing from the stage. Besides, when another corps couple gets labeled DFAC.....it promotes fear of being next amongst corps brethren. And, fear oils twi's macherinery.
  8. skyrider


    Yeah......ain't that a kicker. You abandon your family, your career, your goals.....to a "higher purpose" aka a spiritual calling and go way corps. Fom there, your life, your all, your nights, your weekends are devoted to moving da verd (the wonder class). Still, no matter how much you give.....you are still a serf and disposable. The dirty little secret is twi really doesn't care much about you. That's how elitism views the "little people." In a caste system, the top tier get to rule over your life. Perhaps, they just need another example, like you, to wield their power over their subjects at this time. What? You thought twi was based on the love of God IN MANIFESTATION? Shocking ain't it......when it happens to YOU. Twi was a revolving door in the 70's. It's a revolving door today. In twi's view, DFAC = Defunct. No, it's not right.....or fair.....or loving. When it happens to YOU, perhaps the scales will fall from your eyes and you'll finally see what so many of us at GS have been saying for the past decade. Life is far BETTER away from the cult. :)
  9. Aww, yes......the PLAGAIRIST PLAYBOOK. Wierwille welcomed in speakers under the guise of "learning"......all the while, scheming to lift his stature among his flock. Then, years later, he pontificates that "the Lord taught him the Word like it had NOT been known since the first century." And, while he stole BG Leonard's class, setup, structure, research centre, class graduation and picture, maggie muggins, henry boloko and snowball pete..........wierwille was quick to point out where Leonard was "spiritually off." So, wierwille plagairizes the whole of Leonard's class-based structure and follow-up......yet, demeans Leonard in generic snark fashion. Wierwille the backstabber......and lowlife. <_<
  10. For every principle that twi teaches, they attempt to thwart IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR YOUR OWN BETTERMENT. What about the cost of loss opportunity (when we were slaving for twi)? What about loss of overtime pay....if one stayed working rather than rushing to pfal? What about missing out on promotions (cause others came in on weekends, or worked late)? Yeah, yeah.....I know that the Lord opens doors and all, but we've got to do our part too. Twi loved it when we worked 80 hours a week FOR THEM. May the Lord reward twi's bod accordingly -- for deception, manipulation and exploitation.
  11. Need to ADD.... WOWs spent year of canvassing neighborhoods for pfal registration. Fellow-Laborers and volunteers worked near Limb properties to upkeep grounds and help at ministry events. Corps worked 4-hour workday schedules -- 200 X 4 X 2(yr) = 1600 (hrs) Interim Corps worked for $75 a month (plus room/board) Adv Class grads and Set-up Crews helped to run pfal classes. Etc. Etc. Etc. Twi was built on deception, manipulation and exploitation. Twi does NOT assist food drives, homeless shelters, abuse programs, hospital visits. What "charitable" work does twi DO that qualifies them in non-profit sector? Classes, book sales, events, mag & tape subscriptions, Adv Class Specials = profits. To quote pfal back at them.....twi is SO DEAD because it has all inlets (abs/profits) and no outlets (charitable service).
  12. Yeah......WHEN and WHERE did twi ever "move it to others?" WOWs paid their own way. Corps and corps sponsors paid tuition dues. Book sales, mag subscriptions, tape sales, event registrations, roa tickets. Millions and millions of tithing pouring into twi......to buy motorcoaches, planes, harleys. And now......twi hoardes away some $54 Million in assets/investments/property. Oh, that's right.........some tithe money HELPED WITH ABORTIONS. <_<
  13. Yeah.....where compulsory walked hand-in-hand with hypocrisy. Where was the compassion? the giving? the fervent prayers of righteous leaders? hospital visits? leading by example? Twi trustees were the modern-day Pharisees lording over God's heritage. Jesus called out the Pharisees and elucidated their traditions, their wanting to be seen in the marketplaces, their oppression. Calling out twi's hypocrisy IS doing the Lord's work. I believe that we have every right to expose THEIR evil. Now, is this my driving passion, every day? Nope. Not at all. But....the scriptures give us plenty of examples of men and women who called out the evil amongst them. Different callings, different functions, different passions. Where you find a godly endeavor that you believe in.........GIVE CHEERFULLY. :)
  14. Every step along the way....the foundational class grad is monitored and herded forward. And, right out of the gate, twi is quick to highlight and repeat often the "benefits of faithful tithing." Sure, speaking in tongues is vitally important to spiritual maturity......BUT so is faithful tithing!! Yes, tithing is the minimum and a believing believer most certainly wants to do MORE than just the minimum....so abundant sharing is more along the lines of 15%. But then again, you are to give from a cheerful heart, a hilarious giver. So there....not just speaking in tongues, not just tithing, not just abundant sharing......BUT THE RIGHT ATTITUDE, THE RIGHT HEART, AND A CLEAR PICTURE TO GET RESULTS. Any misstep along the way.....and YOU must not be doing it right. Therefore, you NEED them in your life to counsel you toward THE MORE EXCELLENT WAY. And with that, you're now playing by their rules and any and all shortcomings will need further dependency on them. Supposedly, they've got the answers and you don't. Besides, if you don't faithful tithe (abs), then the browbeating starts and "advanced studies classes" are not readily available. Because you aren't ready. The one-two step dance......speaking in tongues and tithing.....is preliminary moves. The tango is much harder to achieve. Isn't THAT why so many exited after pfal? /sarc You see, folks......wierwille devised a monitoring/dependency program. Twi monitors THAT you speak in tongues at the end of session 12. Twi monitors THAT you faithfully speak in tongues in excellor sessions. Twi monitors THAT you faithfully tithe with those weekly blue forms. Twi monitors THAT you attend twig and take the int class in about 3 months. Twi monitors THAT you learn how to interpret tongues to uplift others. Twi monitors THAT you excel in tongues with interpretation on your way to adv class. Twi monitors THAT you faithfully tithe as a requirement for the adv class. Twi monitors THAT you give your life to the ministry as an advanced class grad. It's like wierwille devised a 12-step program of AA in reverse......to get you addicted to the twi-drug. Dose after dose, the supplier stays in close contact with you knowing that your addiction will grow. Weekly meetings become the norm and the "high" in life. The addict was drawn in as the supplier knew EXACTLY what he was doing. One's world of independence, goals, and family.....became THEIR world of dependence, meetings and pseudo-family. The compulsory tithe doth prosper twi. Oh, how it doth prosper THEM. .
  15. Yeah.....this means YOU, twi. I take issue with that phrase "the ministry owes you nothing." Sure, it all depends what we're talking about here....but, in my opinion, I see that as those who've been entrusted to lead God's people......LEAD with the fire of the Lord. If twi's bod just want to micro-manage the people, then they haven't got a clue what the scriptures really say. One section of the scriptures that always comes to mind when I think of TRUE spirit-filled leadership: Act 15:25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, Act 15:26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The pharisees in twi are deceiving themselves.
  16. Twi is NOT about individuals. Twi is ALL about groups. Classes, camps, programs, WOW, Fellow-Laborers, Corps.....that way, twi controls the label and the messaging. The corps label stays with twi.....the individual that exits doesn't. It's a cult thing. Where are pictures of the First Corps? Where are pictures of ANY INDIVIDUAL other than some trustee? No pictures of corps coordinators. No pictures of president's cabinet. No pictures to document individuals in perspective of twi's history. To personalize with individuals is NOT twi's m.o. Even books of past twi-clergy like John Lynn are removed from the bookstore. Heck, wierwille pushed to have GROUP marriage counseling, GROUP wedding ceremonies. The whole of twi reeks of GROUP nothingness. Twi is a MLM scheme aimed at GROUPS (classes). Twi was/is the antithesis of individual sovereignty, recognition and remembrance.
  17. My thoughts as well. And then....to have PRACTICE SESSIONS so that "you could get good at it." Well, that's contrived, rehearsed, repetitive, plastic. When the Lord is backing those manifestations......they come with BREATH-TAKING POWER!
  18. The obligatory thread....as a follow-up to the SIT thread. :) Seems to me, no other manifestation was given more explanation and practice than interpretation of tongues. It's gotta be consistent in length, to those present.....and a message of exhortation and/or comfort. Wierwille's pfal example showed us that it needs to succor and strengthen the body of believers with uplifting words. Yet, to be quite honest.....so often, this "message" seemed so contrived. And now, after all these years and connecting all the dots on wierwille's plethora of deceiving sins.......it comes as NO SURPRISE that, I believe, interpretation of tongues was wierwille's fabrication of "walking by the spirit." It missed the mark...by a mile. Maybe it added to vpw's formulaic conception and all, but it fell flat. Wasn't E@rl Burt0n assigned to teach the 2.0 version? Even that seemed odd since wierwille had updated the advanced class, right? Why did wierwille pass off the intermediate class to another? All of this has discussed before I'm sure. Often, I've thought that there's a whole parallel universe of these manifestations to those who truly live for Him. Not like twi and going thru the motions in formulaic fashion........but REVIVAL in fervent motion. Spiritual Life in 3-D.
  19. You mean.....when she's not sleeping over at Rosalie's?
  20. Yeah.......one of us seems to have those dates mixed up, but the reason why I remember it so vividly is because of my assignment change in 1987 and Terry was still working at her house. In fact, I stopped by Rosalie's house and helped Terry for a couple of hours. In 1984, Rosalie was living in that house about 3 miles west (??) of where she now lives. Her basement had flooded at one point...as the house was close to a little river gully. Maybe, Linda....you're thinking of this house?
  21. A match made in cornfield heaven
  22. "Attacks of the adversary" is twi's over-spiritualizing simple truths and facts. While Chris Geer is attacking and attempting a power-grab from twi's then-trustees -- Craig, Don, and Howard.....Rosalie is sliding in the back door and spending more time with Donna. The martindale marriage was under assault and breaking apart. Of course, some could easily say that wierwille's alleged counsel to craig to have abundant sexual encounters with other women didn't help matters. Interestingly, Rosalie made plans to begin building her new house in 1986. So, while the trustees are dealing with geer's "passing of a patriarch" attacks, and clergy are heading to Gartmore for spiritual correctness.......rosalie is tucked away into blueprint plans and fabrics and carpet samples. With some help from men like T3rry B@der, the Way Builder director.....Rosalie's new home will have the best as 2X6s upgrade the strength of this structure, rather than the usual 2X4s. Rosalie wants the best and has the money to pay for it. Fast-forward to 1993, 1994, 1995.......twi was in the process of "sanctify the household." The homo-purge, the debt-purge, the unproductive evil-purge, the take-no-bribes-purge, the corps-no-pet-purge........AND ROSALIE IS SWIMMING IN HER POOL, WITH TWO LESBIANS LIVING IN HER BASEMENT BEDROOM AND A CAT NEAR THE POOL. The hypocrisy and double-standard in twi....
  23. In my opinion.....those MOST committed to twi are those who have no where else to go or are distancing themselves from their past. Twi provides a whole new start.....and one can bathe in self-satisfaction of "serving God." Rosalie, obviously, was looking for a new life. Two failed marriages and teenage boys who were in trouble with the law (from what I heard). Rosalie was primed for picking. She saw her opportunity.....and she took it. The double-standard that exists in twi is NO WHERE NEAR COMPATIBLE with the scriptures........the adultery, sexual predation, plagairism, lies, deceit, arrogance, evil, idolatry, bewitching, etc. Sure, there are a few who will defend its "morality" to their graves, because that is what they've given their lives to. But, I believe, if the truth be known.....that many, in their heart of hearts KNOW twi is "clouds without rain." The legalism, the micro-management, the callousness, etc in twi just doesn't align with the scriptures. Kinda like when Jesus' words to the men standing around the woman caught in adultery......"He that is without sin let him cast the first stone." And, they started departing......THE ELDEST ONES FIRST. They knew the truth when it was spoken. I believe that Rosalie KNOWS twi is rife with hypocrisy. Yet, she doesn't care. With deliberate steps and calculation, she moved up the twi ranks and waited for martindale's stumble. And, if she knew about Craig.....what about Don? What about Howard? Rosalie saw the day when she would arise above these "men" (and past divorced-men).....and be twi's first woman president. Twi's hypocrisy be d@mned. Christian morality be snubbed. This woman would stand on top of the mountain!! Rosalie rules the day!
  24. But then again.......wierwille gave promotional consideration to those who followed "his stripes" and deceptions. Most notably on the list was psycho geer. They shared in dog training, reading material, motorcoach privacies, elusive driving techniques, bullying tactics, and paranoia. Wierwille cried when he ordained geer in a BRC private ceremony in 1982. What about Rosalie? Wierwille gave her fast-tracked promotions. Why? Could it be that they shared the "same stripes" of deception? Did wierwille recognize that Rosalie was strict, calculating, deceptive, impatient, assertive, non-empathetic.......just like him? Birds of a feather flock together. She didn't have to jump thru the regular hoops. Wierwille wanted her on "his team" and special perks were headed her way. Straight-up favortism.....or bribery. And, here's my point........martindale, geer, rosalie were all the product of wierwille's making and HOW DID THAT TURN OUT? The case study of wierwille reveals inner-circle favortism of NOT having to abide by the same rules. The "top tier" around wierwille got a free-pass to sidestep twi's legalism. The hand-picked favorites were "above the law" sorta speak. Wierwille gave them cover and no one dare ask any pointed questions. Manipulation, intimidation and exploitation were part and parcel of the little peoples' world. The top dogs didn't live in that world. Rosalie was hand-picked by wierwille. I sometimes think that she "had the goods on wierwille".....she found out something (sexual predation) that was so explosive that wierwille felt compelled to fast-track her to privileges TO SILENCE HER. Someone like rosalie, who'd been twice-divorced and had a background of some wealth AND 15 years older than many of us corps.......WAS NOT EASILY FOOLED. Rosalie was ordained August 5, 1981. Today's twi is a pittance of what twi was like back in 1981.
  25. Chockfull....with your assessment, I think we've come full circle with my original post.
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