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Brother Speed

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Everything posted by Brother Speed

  1. Yes David you did PM me, thank you muchly. Twice even!
  2. OMG! I have an inbox! I know, I know it's always been, but I thot previously it was named something else. Anyway, somebody PM me! More specifically the proper etiquette (sp?) of PM.
  3. how 'bout Don't mind her. She's French-Canadian. Some days she's Canadian. Can be quite pleasant. Today she's obviously French.
  4. wingnut - that depends entirely on where your from. You say toe-may-toe, I say toe-maw-toe. lindy and shell - if you knew what went into sausage, you'd say eewwww, and never munch another hotdog.
  5. loy good something hrmmm, three words that I didn't think could be used in the same sentence.
  6. Agreed Mark, Your allusion to 'prepare for the worst, believe for the best'. also -- Politics to another thread.
  7. and ... THE ... won't ... stop ... following ... greasespots...! Mraahhh ha ha ha ha ha haaawww! all hail THE
  8. Brother Speed


    I like the looks of the this place guys. Thank you too muchly. Thats a waaayy cool pic there John...aka oilfieldmedic...aka Smokey.
  9. when I took piffle it was 40 bucks, now its 100 bucks? sounds like S.I.T. is also subject to inflation.
  10. Perhaps Kathy, But I'm okay with it. Have a great day!!
  11. a few of these mormons over here in Iraq have been called away from their two year mission to fulfill an urgent "mission" here. I spoke with one of these missionarys and he said that he was 9 months away from completing his two year mission. I asked him if he was going to have to start over and he said no but rather that he was going to be able to return to his mission at the point where he had left. I was just wondering if a twit were on a WOW year or 4 month mission, and a similar thing happened, would twi have extended the same 'courtesy'?
  12. originally posted in an AOS thread by GrouchoMarx Jr. critiquing LCM's dancing. "...and suddenly he would leap through the air, moving like a ruptured chimpanzee..." an humorously accurate description imo.
  13. Hey Y'all, 60 percent, over half of my battalion is Mormon. I don't throw stones here; if I hit someone chances are better than not that I'd hit a Mormon. Small world? I have yet to meet an ex-twi or current twi over here.
  14. Hi Kathy, Here's some super secret info from Iraq. Well, it's only super secret cuz CNN (et al) won't publish it. Here in Iraq... We're winning the hearts and minds of the local people. We're rebuilding war-torn buildings and infrastructure, schools, hospitals, water purification plants, police stations, gov't buildings. We're training Iraqis to be soldiers and policemen. And on some of our convoys we hand out stuffed animals to the wee ones as well as crayons, pencils, paper and coloring books to the student types as part of operation crayon. Most if not all of the items are sent to us from generous people from the US. Many soldiers share from their own care packages. Somebody should tell CNN, or other news media that the above things happen more frequently than soldiers getting hurt. Of course, CNN probably already knows that. They also know that good news doesn't sell.
  15. better n the dance production that is.
  16. ok rascal did you ever hear the music from AOS on tape? picture this, the music's wayyyy better.
  17. my wife watches a television program about the ASPCA in I believe Houston. These folks are death on animal cruelty. I believe that they are one of the driving forces behind 'let pets be evacuated as well.' An arguement that I have in support of saving pets is this: If I were caught unawares by a housefire, besides us humans, the fire department would also rescue my pets. Why then, if I'm given time to evacuate, can I not bring my cherished pets as well?
  18. Brother Speed

    Bravo Jet Blue!

    Just Incredible!! I caught a clip on msn.com. Awesome!! Yeah God. But I'll bet the pilot-in-command has a job for life.
  19. 150,000 sperm and YOU were the fastest?!!
  20. The principle I was taught was to believe for the money and if I couldn't to renew my mind. If I still argued or couldn't believe, more verses. You know, that control mind factor. All of this was just a "cover" so that they could line their purse with $$$.
  21. Can I get my money back if I'm not completely satisfied?
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