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Brother Speed

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Everything posted by Brother Speed

  1. Brother Speed

    Caption this

    Hey Mom! I'm all washed for dinner!
  2. Brother Speed

    Caption this

    Koolaid little TWIt? Sorry Belle, I couldn't resist. lol
  3. Thank you Mark, Cool, Zshot, Belle, Jardinero, David, THW and Mo. I appreciate your prayers and support. It is my honor to serve. But for y'all, here's a little humor: In Iraq, there are a couple of rules to follow. 1) If you think that you are headed in the right direction -- turn around. 2) If it tastes good -- spit it out. The Iraqis have an expression, I and my brother against you. We have an American expression -- Bring It On!! Brother Speed, soldiering on! Out!
  4. TWIts are also homophobic tirading sexual deviants and plagiarizing split-tongued belly crawlers and bottom-feeding scum suckers that give catfish a really bad name.
  5. ps. it's all i could remember. -->
  6. mamas don't let your babies grow up to be homos don't let em wear earings and carry a purse make em drink whiskey chase women and curse mamas don't let your babies grow up to be homos cuz they're never alone and they're always in men's rooms looking for someone to love homos love muscle bound dock workers when they can get em retired librarians will just have to do when they can't ok, i've started it off. but it's from memory that's 20 years old. i doubt vpw could have done this much.
  7. Well... as long as I don't have to drink koolaid.
  8. Mo, in all honesty I cannot. However, in the world that we live in with unlimited variables, I would believe that someone actually has. But, if I change a word of your question to 'discontinuation', I would say that there are very many, a few of them post here even. And may God richly bless each and every one of you. ;)-->
  9. Yes, I will stay safe, alive and I will come home in one piece. And thanks for the prayers, keep 'em coming, Lord knows I need 'em. All of you folks have a deep spot in my heart!
  10. and of course, there's this war in iraq.
  11. WordWolf, thank you and I'll endeavor.
  12. Abby, thanks for the help. Much appreciated. I'll bet wordwolf appreciates it as well. I have been on the receiving end of child protection services. Like MJ said in an earlier post or words to the effect of 'as soon as CPS sees no evidence of wrong doing, they immediately drop it.' That happened to my first wife and me. But, is this a 'flourishing family' ending? Oh, he|| no! Not by a long shot! But, it's neither a twi was out to ruin my life saga either. So I don't think that it fits here.
  13. Koolaid swillin' rat-faced, bible-twistin', filth infested, blasphemy spoutin', putrid hearted, crooked finger pointin' greedy money grubbin', freakish spawn of satan. WOW! and I didn't even drop the f-bomb.
  14. I still withdraw my 'shame' post. I wish to post an apology worthy of this forum to all rather than the feeble attempt above: It is with the most regretful feelings from the deepest recesses of my heart that I apologize to you one and all. I was wrong. I was confusing. I brought much shame upon myself. I snapped big time, when I should have walked away. I am truly sorry.
  15. I sorry I forgot. Prayers! I need prayers!
  16. Hey guys, It's great to 'see' ya. Thanks for posting. --> Situation report: We're doing great things. We're training/we've trained many thousands of Iraqi soldiers. We've rebuilt/we're rebuilding bunches of water purification plants, hospitals, schools. We've cleared/detonatad hundreds of insurgent munitions. My unit has suffered very few casualties. Please forgive the vagueness, operational security. We have a large and heavily supplied AAFES PX. We have anysoldier.com and our families to thank for the thousands of care packages. We still have a generous supply of phone cards free to the soldiers. NEEDS: I need a real beer, :D--> but regulations prohibit it. I need my wife's physical presence, but regulations and the fact that she aint here prohibit that. I need a one-way ticket home, but, you know. :(--> We're also on the downhill slide, almost home, "around Christmas." ;)--> :D--> :D--> :D--> Brother Speed, E-5, I'll be retiring too soon for another deployment. Hooray!!
  17. Oops, my bad. I withdraw my post.
  18. MJ Based upon all of what I have read on this forum I say: SHAME on you for using small words and not ‘legalese jargon’ to explain your point of view. SHAME on you for not changing your point of view to fit anyone on this forum. SHAME on you for standing up for what’s best for the families and children. SHAME on you for daring to pray for those who would protect the families and children. SHAME on you for working in an industry that’s not perfect but getting better. SHAME on you for trying to do what you can to make the world a better place. If it weren’t for this Grace Administration, you would be a Grease spot by Midnight. It is with all that is within me to tell you to go to the church of your choice and pray to God as you understand him. Pray for forgiveness for your SHAME and pray to Him to do His work and not your own. Only then can you ever expect the Lord in heaven above to rain blessings a plenty upon you. For SHAME MJ, tsk tsk. May the good Lord grant me the heart to forgive. This I pray for MJ.
  19. son: Dad? What's a label? dad: Oh that's just something people give to others so that they can hate them before they meet them. Name calling solves nothing!!! Prayer solves everything!
  20. I tried to be humorous twice now. It's just not working. But that koolaid reference--it's gonna take me years to top it!
  21. ...err, uhh. It won't be a 'whatever' color. It will be a color that is 'given as revelation.'
  22. I'm sorry Belle. I hadn't thought it through. I about died laughing as I posted it. I have also learned to swallow my coffee, then read some of this posts. :D--> Whatever color they choose, it will be the most nit-picked by leadershi+, then finally agreed upon because da verd says so.
  23. MJ answered my question and to my satisfaction. It was a fair question albeit as an A55 and it was a fair answer
  24. MJ Thank you for responding to my question. Thank you again for taking the time also to answer so thoroughly. I believe that my question has been answered in the affirmative by you and to that of my satisfaction. I do apologize for popping off like an A55. My action was unwarranted and inexcusable.
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