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Brother Speed

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Everything posted by Brother Speed

  1. I'm in the military, currently stationed in Iraq. Thank you for your prayers. All y'all are in my prayers daily. My wife has never been able to bear children. I know her heartbreak well. It was not due to twi, however. Praise God she doesn't even know what twi is/was. She only knows that at one time I was in a cult. And that's enough for her. I've been in the military since I was 17, through my twi years 85-87, and I have never been out of the service. I am 40y.o. now. I bring up my military experience for a couple of reasons. One, I know that der vey corpse was based upon the marine corps. Two, military leaders cannot use love nor gun to motivate soldiers. So how do these soldiers get motivated? How do these soldiers "get volunteered" to go to Iraq? FEAR. Loss of benefits/retirement. Loss of income. Possible jail time in Ft. Leavenworth. Extra duty. Pay back bonuses or 'college money'. Fines. Nope, no gun pointed to my head. Why did I "volunteer" to stick around for 23 yrs? Please refer to FEAR.
  2. The way I see it: There are only TWO motivators is this world. Love motivation, and Fear manipulation. Love is not what has transpired. So that leaves what Oldies.
  3. seeing as laughter is THE best medicine and seeing as THE coffee spray incident was "priceless" I'm starting to feel much better now. All Hail THE
  4. (sniveling) I know Mr. Ham, but...but THEn pawtuckets gonna come in later and give my hand another agonizing smack with THE stamp, and...and THEn I have to pay THE shaver of THE 50 pounds of chocolate. (boo hoos, more sniveling, three hyperventilating sighs, blows nose with a loud honk, finally wipes away THE remaining crocodile tears) ...anyway, I'll be alright. (sniff, sniff)
  5. Sooo, it was Belle that drew THE attention of RAF to strike my hand with THE stamp. Yesss, I seeee. Must be payback for THE coffee spray.
  6. So, would Willow or Tara be a better recruit as per this thread?
  7. Aww, so it was you Belle... now my hand cannot be used to type. All y'all would never b'lieve how MTM has permeated my house and my passwords. I have many one of a kinds. My best 'pose' will be here as soon as I'm outta Iraq. this is gonna be sooo much fun!
  8. Oooh, THE pain! THE pain! Agony, Aaagoooneeeeeee!
  9. chaos theory dictates that if a butterfly flaps its wings in peking then a hurricane... something like that --> damn butterfly
  10. Why would any organization want to recruit from the folks that the organization despises?
  11. I hear ya Belle, I'm getting tired holding my hand out.
  12. 1. I always leave the toilet seat up. 2. I break wind and blame the dog. 3. I mess with telemarketers at every opportunity. i.e. SIT, say 'hold on' and hang up, start a conversation in the room and ignore the phone call. 4. At night i always drive with my bright fog lights on. 5. My turn signals are annoyingly bright and I leave them on for annoyingly long times at every opportunity. 6. I drive 5-10 mph slower on two lane roads when no one's in front, oncoming traffic is heavy and I have a tailgater. 7. I honk and wave at groups of total strangers. 8. I say my wife's cooking is barely edible when it's awesome. 9. I despise people who answer 'no' like this: Do you have any strawberries? We sure don't! 10. I'm a litterbug.
  13. After much contemplation and deliberation in THE follicles of my brains cells, I agree to THE requirements. I THErefore await RAF to apply THE stamp to my hand.
  14. are you certain great Shaver of THE? 50 pounds of chocolate I can handle with ease, but hand stamping, are you sure that is necessary? I have read all twenty pages of THE chronicle and I have seen no hand stamping.
  15. Does this mean "I'm in?" Am I really, really in? Glowry!!!
  16. I've read this post, twenty pages of story I want to baske in THE glowry.
  17. I've a question to ask of THE congregation. What must I do to become a loyal follower of THE?
  18. I only attended two roa's, '85 + '86. In '85 I remember 'cheese blintzes', bagels, and wow burgers. I planned on going wow almost immediately after pfal. So I went wow. The day I received my 'don't open till you're told' special assignment envelope, this other wow to be and I started bouncing our envelopes up and down to the opening sequence of 'mission impossible.' Upon opening our envelopes, I found that I was going to Florida. He went elswhere. I was placed in a family of four, 2 gals, my wow bro and myself. One of my wow sisters, this was her interim corps year, worked behind the scenes in the AOS production with hair and makeup, and getting the dancers in and out of costume without shredding the 'danskin' material. She was also quite beautiful as a few years before this she had represented her state in a Miss USA pageant. I did a Google search on her name and her picture came up, so for her privacy, I'll not even share her initials. In '86, I was now a wow vet. Immediately after getting settled in I got recruited to work by one of the other Florida believers. But my beauty pageant wow sis stepped up to the plate and said, 'No! He's a returning wow, this celebration is for him and all the other wow vets. They do not get recruited to work.' 'Whew!' I said. Then, a couple evenings later, on stage in the big tent, was a beautiful girl singing. I got goosebumps. I know her! A few months ago in my advanced class, in Emporia Kansas, she was way corps. As such, she and other corps were given an assignment to pray specifically for other students. She made it her personal mission to locate the students on her list. I was the last student on her list. She was so blessed that she found me. We talked briefly, kissed and hugged. I liked that meeting. But that wasn't so important to me until she got up on stage and sang! To this day, I still cannot remember her name. But I do remember the song. "Proud to be the Apple of God's Eye."
  19. Brother Speed

    Caption this

    lcm continues to elude local authorities with this disguise.
  20. (((Belle))) That's totally awesome!!! --> about your home and family i mean 'cuz divorce bites
  21. Brother Speed

    Caption this

    Welcome to twi's super secret anniversary!
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