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Everything posted by bliss

  1. Come on now, everyone goes on vacation!! Everyone needs one too, especially the Corps who hardly got time "off". Rosie even goes sailing in the Carribean. She has a boat that she sails every weekend. I think it's docked in St. Mary's. When I found that out only 2 years ago or so, I couldn't believe it. Here I was "renting" a house, and trying to save for one, but always wanting a boat too! I was resolved to never have one! Glad that brain FART is OVER
  2. Ahhhhh, the Matrix, good movie. Not sure if I can handle it in real life....oh wait, what is real? Life? Is this snapping? I need time for this to digest. But, time is a luxery I rarely have.
  3. Amen brother! I do thank God for that Catholic! :P
  4. I was one of those broken hearted, walking around like in a zombie state, I left a good home, gave up a business............ but in the end, God honoured my heart. I married the man of my dreams................ahhhhhhhwwwwwwwww. :wub:
  5. ok ok I know that this was a big issue at one time, so they all were told to live in more modest homes. Most did move into less expensive homes, and a lot of leaders always had folks living with them. Besides, they were suppossed to "manifest the more abundant life", right? ;)
  6. Hey that is my quote!! To think I used to say that to my poor mother. Sorry MA! :(
  7. " I for one, hope that youth will again revolt and again demoralize the dead weight of conformity that now lies upon us." Howard Mumford Jones "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die." Herbert Hoover
  8. and..............................that babies need to FAST before they get dunked? :blink:
  9. Wayne Cl@pp did in , I think 99. He confronted LCM about his lewd acts.... Oldies, many quietly try. Why do you think I stayed for so long?.....my whole reason was "you cannot change it if you leave". Ask John R (igotout). He tried, wrote a letter with concerns, wanted to get answers, they booted him. So how do you propose they "make it better"? I have friends in high places at HQ, they know my beefs, and they honestly think they can make some changes. But it still has to be filtered through the BoD, and it doesn't seem to get far. Besides, if the foundation is false (many doctrinal and practical issues), then why stay and fight? I left, not because of the adultery, I left because of ALL the lies. What good is it if they "fix" the adultery issue by condeming it, etc.... but so much of their doctrine and practice in other areas is not addressed? Go back to Catcup's list of things they would REALLY need to do.................. I have a life to get back to.
  10. The more I tell people we have left, the more I hear this repeated........... "What else is there, if you find it let me know?" OR "Be the change, why won't you stay and fight?" Everyone still "IN" knows that it is a little bad for one reason or another, not bad enoughto their "way colored eyes" to risk "not finding anything EXACTLY LIKE IT", or not "giving it their best shot". It isn't until they put the whole TWI experience into the "microscope of truth" (past/present research) that they will begin to see that not all they "believe true" is, and that staying to fight for it , well, most likely is FUTILE! They won't GOOGLE -the way intnl' Heck,they google a five dollar trinket to see if it's a rip off or not, but NOT their SPIRITUAL LIFE uh uh no way hozay! Too afraid of what lurks there.................
  11. My child says last night, "they all just said I am very creative!" It takes all of my being to look at it in a positive/liguistic American way. "yes honey, you are!" So much better than correcting them and saying Only God Creates, you are artistic! Who cares? That's how deep imprinting is for me.....................but not so deep for me to wrench it from the pit with my brain cells and change what I WAS going to say!
  12. Oldies, victims go through enough finger pointin and guilt to last a lifetime......... This is where they can call a spade an ugly spade................ Everyone already knows "the positives" ....that is why they went WOW or Corps to begin with.... as well as many had some "good" experiences. But in hindsight, it was a bad program, and many people got hurt, and the ministry did NOT CARE!!! They need to show the negatives.....that is what this site is all about..... If people want the "sunny side of TWI" than they can go on their site, and sit and snore, I mean, read. :(
  13. I had heard about this subject of Eve the lezbo 5 years before LCM's class. A guy right off the WOW field was hanging around our fellowship a lot. So, we would talk about all kinds of stuff.......and this topic comes up , and he says "I figured out what the first sin is". He then proceeded to share all the "sexual terms" in Genesis and say that is was homosexuality. Forward 2 years, this same guy is kicked out for admitting he was gay! Forward another 2 years , sitting through WAP class, LCM teaches the exact thing this guy shared with me. Too weird. It must not been LCM's "revelation" at all. You mean WE were not the FIRST ONES or the ONLY ones that know this? I went so long thinking we had the "market" on EVERYTHING! Now this subject is suspect!!!!!!!
  14. Have any of you listened to www.unchainedradio.com? It is run by a pastor Gene Cook, and he has great Christian Music on Real Player, but he has a ton of trinity debates almost weekly......Very interesting. Actually John Schoenheit was on a few weeks ago debating him on trinitarian/unitarian beliefs. Last week, he debated a Jehovah's Witness......I gotta tell you the JC put him to shame. (he knew more of the ancient languages than Cook) He also has the "Atheist Hour", where they call in and share why they are Atheists and what they believe etc... I am gaining an understanding of what exactly people believe instead of just believing what the Way told me to believe. I would form opinions about everything only based on leadership opinion! I never really knew what a trinitarian believed until I listened to these debates.
  15. Interesting. That is all I can say because, just newly out of WAYBRAIN, "all beliefs in our repitoire are suspect!" It is not a good feeling to be back to "i don't know". I USED to KNOW (i thought) And there was some level of comfort to that. Now , I don't know, and it is very annoying. I listen to constant debates about this issue. Trying out new churches and seeing the trinity or at least another variation (some don't believe in the Trinity, they just believe Jesus is God the son, not the Father) is prevelant in all of them. So many in fact, I am more confused. Only ones outside of Way, J C and Mormon, would be Unitarian? I just ask God to lead me, and see if I can still worship God my way no matter what "church" I stay in.
  16. bliss

    It was 1975

    ((((((((((SEA)))))))))))) ((((((((((((VIX))))))))))))))))) We are still waiting my dear. Are you alright? B) If you are too busy, we totally understand, just checking......
  17. Whoa Goey, how clever you are! That was very eery. I had forgotten those words and how they sound on meek ears. It is disgusting to listen too now! I can't believe some of us put up with that! I wonder if he has ever "listened" to himself from the past? Tuck tail and run!
  18. So who would posts Gunnison as a time share?
  19. You had me worried there for a minute Oldies..................................lol You must have the collard black shirt with white tab in front for $20 too?! How cheesy to "buy" a degree, or credentials. Look how easy it is to fool............. :unsure:
  20. No, maybe they are just seeing an opportunity to make money! If I was on the board, knowing I had prime real estate right on the river, with empty cabins, why, it would be a sound business decision...... It can be looked at as postive or negative, depending on perspective.........
  21. Do you or will you perform same-sex marriages, Oldies?
  22. They still own it. Maybe they have such a small in residence corps that they need to fill up the place. Weird. How did you come across that?
  23. No, it was a guy from New Zealand, I watched them escort him...........................
  24. So, let see......... I see you , Oldies, brother in Christ, kill or molest or steal (example) So, I (the BOD) kick you out, ( because, no, I don't want you in )and not call the police..........hummmmmnn Then you go out an kill/molest/steal again. If a crime is committed, isn't is a moral obligation to notify authorities? I guess the criminal should thank God it wasn't the Old Testament, huh? I don't think kicking the perp out is a real consequence Oldies, they just need to find another place to hide.
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