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bliss last won the day on August 7 2020

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    Interested in blowing the whistle on TWI 's ungodly practices. oh, and decorating.♥

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  1. https://youtube.com/@remnantadventure3251?si=9nzWGoOL0LyU_Vyl Somebody explain to me how anyone would give him a platform let alone feel qualified to use the “reverend” title! All he’s doing is regurgitating his books teachings and using Weirwille stories. He turned 75 in Nov. Remnant Grace. He needs grace for sure to get more than 500 youtube subs. It looks like he’s using (duped)a group from another country - most watched views come from the French translation. Listening at your own risk- it gave me some bad memories.
  2. saw it. I’m flabbergasted and disappointed that he thinks he’s relevant and allowed to put “reverend” in hi name.
  3. Charlene I will take a look. She says that numbers post covid are growing in The Way. I disagree. They have been getting lower and yes with folks locked down and needing a life raft may have up-ticked the numbers a bit, but I see stagnation and repetition. Information online easily obtained to discourage new recruits. Have you seen or heard any verifiable numbers? Thanks!
  4. Ok anyone listen? thoughts?
  5. Awesome thanks!! I was going to go on same pod 2 yrs ago and couldn’t bring myself to answer and think about the past!! Glad she is since it’s been quiet on the Way front for awhile.
  6. My fam from Michigan and also was on staff at Gunnison for awhile. messege me if you want to connect!
  7. Check out The Cult Vault. 3 parts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cult-vault/id1514656568?i=1000628086505
  8. Donna is CEO. Someone can clarify. But she hasn’t left nor giving up any power. She’s large and in charge.
  9. Welcome!! Keep browsing here. That’s how I got my family out. He was brought up from birth in TWI so old habits die hard. Just realize that you escaped the cult and now you can find what you like / love/ want without the pressure of having to put “the Ministry first”! Oh I know they say Gawd First but the ministry = God =ministry and all that. take it one day at a time. You’re in the right place - keep searching for peace!
  10. So let me get this straight.... my mother in law (who is still IN) gave her life the The Way as Corps. When her husband left because he was going to rat out Craig- she gets kicked off staff - without a retirement. But Donna stays for 20 years and is now CEO? How is this not seen as blatant disgusting double standard behavior? Oh I know... it’s par for the Way course! Ugh!!
  11. Hey all! Haven't hopped on in a while! wow!! Any updates on what the response to this letter was? or are birds still chirping? I still know/talk sort of to some in that letter!
  12. @johniam in NO WAY do I find any value in AOS except some sweat equity on the part of the cast. and @DontWorryBeHappy Billy was in a P0rn0?????? Do tell.
  13. y’all are totally entertaining. LoL
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