Radar OReilly
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IN THE CHATROOM........ Your Presence is requested;)--> ror
Guest Spouse???????? ror
Groucho (my love :o-->), From 1989 thru his "de-thronement" LCM, et al, totally distanced themselves from ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING VPW. We were not allowed to listen to old vpw tapes, the pfal foundational materials were off limits as "old wineskins," and GOD FORBID anyone ever utterered that all time classic line..."Dr. Wierwille said........" ALL THINGS VPW were completely outlawed and if someone slipped even one time...they would be reported to the next higher level in the twi hierarchy. Only , Geerites and some other early off shoots quoted, used, or reprinted anything from VPW. I am not passing judgement on this......just explaining the facts as they were at the time. The "reach up into daddy's cookie jar" was hit extremely hard by LCM who taught that we should know EVERYTHING we could by the 5 senses....so revelation was hardly ever necessary. Was he right or wrong? Who knows.....but that is how he taught it. ror
Eagle, The story of your son and his wife brings tears to my ears. God will richly reward you for your care and love of him during this very special time in his life. The plight of the mentally challenged is so difficult, and so often they are not allowed (by their families and friends) to fulfill the very basic dreams that most of us aspire to. My heartfelt prayers and good thoughts go to Scott and Heather......and to you and Scott's mom.....the two of you did an unbelieveable job in raising and giving to your son....and his wife. ror
Buck, Actually.....if you follow the context....the HOWIE being discussed.....was HOWARD ALLEN. That particular poster would is NOT the type of poster that would slander someone....however, I do completely follow your reasoning. ror
Thelema, YOU ARE ONE KICK foot EXWAYFER!!! And you are Still one of my heros guy!!! ror
Reida.......14th corps. ror
This thread is awesome. Lord knows I am NOT into quoting scripture here at gspot......so how about I just paraphrase the Byrds instead?? To everything there is a season.......turn, turn, turn.......(see Ecclesiastes for the correct verbage.) Vickles......maybe the 50s and divorce thing, is just because, for some people, in their lives at that time........IT IS THE SEASON for reevaluation......they weigh their lives in the balances and then make their own decisions. Decisions that only THEY CAN MAKE based on the deep things of the heart that only they know? Now that I am approaching 50......the only thing I really know for sure is that I have finally decided I am worthy to be happy, I deserve to be happy.......and I am not going to stop before I AM HAPPY. Okay...that MAY BE easier for me to say than many of you, I am NOT married, and I have no children. There are as many valid and invalid opinions as there are people in the world. This thread sure did give us a glimpse into both sides of "this" universe. Thank you Vickles...it was worth the read ;)--> ror
BQzie:)--> Welcome to gspot. I got involved of my own choice when I was 14 (8th grade --> initially) and left when I was in my 40s. I never had my own children, but I spent most of my life watching (and babysitting ) my friends raise their kids in twi. I totally understand where Linda Z is coming from, most of my friends...would say the same thing. A number of the kids that I baby sat and hung out with and helped raise, are now out of twi (their parents still in) and they have contacted me and we have re-established long term wonderful relationships. There are A TON of exway kids that are adults that now post here....some, with families still in twi, some with families that still cling to twi teachings. CONTACT THESE FOLKS....they are a wealth of pain and tears and wisdom and joy. One thing I have noticed, for the most part....they have learned how to live with their situation. You can private topic these folks.....some dont check everyday...but most, would answer you truly and honestly. Look for TimTim, LindyHopper, P-Mosh, Thelema, Georgio Jessio...etc. Go back thru the friend finders and find the Jr corps threads. Vaya con dios ....... you can make some great strides here at g-spot. There is alot of healing to be had. ror
This lawsuit is strikingly similar to the allen suit. Right now...they are haggling over compensatory and punitive damages. I have watched most of this.......... ror
This trial has been covered on Court TV this week......SOUND FAMILIAR?????? I think I screwed that up.......just go to courttv.com --> ror
For those of you that don't know......you can come as you are.......not as you think you should be;)-->
....in the chatroom -->
For some wonderful insight into personal freedom..try THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz. ror
DAMN OAK!!! That is BRILLIANT. I am NOT married, and I am only 48 (????) but this entire thread rings really loudly for me. I personally believe that each and every living human has the God given right to follow the pursuit of happiness....male, female, married or single. Decisions we made in our 20s may no longer make as much sense to us (can anyone one here say WAY CORPS COMMITTMENT????) We have each and all.....grown as our lives have progressed. Why do women in their 50s divorce? Vickles....my guess is for the same reasons every other woman or man divorce. They are in a situation they do not want to be in......and realize that regardless of social stigma...they personally need to BE HAPPY. There comes a point in the life of every person that they must evaluate, or reevaluate their lives. Measure themselves up against the goals they had when they were graduating from High school or college......or the way corps. These are deeply soul searching days....not easy, but necessary. I have grown alot in the past few years.....for me as a woman....I prefer the people I know to be kind, NOT RIGHT in their own eyes. ROR
Unconventional Marriage-- at least according to The Way
Radar OReilly replied to Catcup's topic in About The Way
Raf, YOU ARE KIDDING, RIGHT? Six years later and you just figured that out? Okay, Raf....another news alert for you..... RADAR IS A GIRL!!!!!! ;)--> Hmmmmmmm, now you have me wondering about your investigative news nose. Radar -
No Mod.......you are not correct in your interpretation. I am not out to cause trouble here.....just to point out a flaw in reasoning and motivation. One of the parties spilling their guts does not equal gossip. Your personal reaction....THAT is gossip. Radar Another lesson to be learned here....if your intention is to minimize attention to a thread, and protect the parties involved...DON'T REMOVE THE THREAD and pretend like nothing happened. If you must, do some editing and then be prepared to take the flak. You remove a thread for any reason, for any length of time, all that is accomplished is to OBVIATE the entire issue. Go back about 25 pages to the DIVORCE thread started by x70sHouston. That situation was handled with more grace and concern for the individuals involved. NOW...that said, I don't have a horse in this race...just observations about the careless way this was handled. ror
Moddishwasher, For that line of reasoning to hold up you will need to go thru the forums and deleted endless threads.....as most threads pertain to PRIVATE MATTERS. For example, The Unconventional Marriage thread, the Exposing Weakness thread and the MoneyHands threads all are discussing private matters between marital partners. Those threads are discussing the point of view of ONE of the marital partners and there are things we can all learn from the posts on those threads. If you want to delete posts and moderate fine, that is your responsibility....my point here is that your reasoning is faulty in this case. Radar
Now THAT is an awesome description of the whole manic cult. ROR
Cindy, You know me, I think that the PUG is the perfect breed. Go to Petfinder.com.......it will change your life. Love, ror
Abi, I agree with you 100%. The American public needs to demand that we codify the sex offenders more clearly. It appears that child sex offenders and adults that assault adults are from different worlds. Currently, we are lumping them all together as registered sex offenders. With technology as it is today, it would not be that hard to classify them seperately. People that prey upon and abuse children as one type, people that prey upon and abuse adults as a different classification. I am an adult, if you have followed waydale and gspot, you may know that I am a rape victim... but I was an adult when I was victimized. As horrible for me as it was....I was an adult. I cannot imagine what it would be like as a child. Our minds, our lives, our ability to think and reason are different as we mature. The scars on child victims must be unbelievable. We as Americans need to really get tough.....demand things from our lawmakers. They need to outline legal perameters for offenders against children and adults......it is something that we as Americans have the right to expect. Radar
Bev eventually married Tom Be*nner, 6th corps. I think you can find a site for him somewhere. ror Oh yeah, her folks are in the Oakland CA telephone book...R & J Ander*on....good luck. That album brings back great memories of my high school years.
The mirror-what am I doing and offering people today?
Radar OReilly replied to WordWolf's topic in About The Way
Remember the line from twi...Our lives are not our own? We have been bought with a price????? Somewhere deep in my soul, I believe those two lines are true.....but NOT in the sense that twi taught or advocated them. I DO BELIEVE, that I have been bought with a price, and that Jesus Christ does "expect" things from me. What I DO NOT BELIEVE, is that my fellowship with the Father depends on my completing some wierd doctrine decided upon by a man here on earth. Nowadays, I truly FOLLOW MY HEART. If my neighbor needs groceries, I show up at their door with left overs. If they need cash for their kids at Christmas......last year I bought Walmart gift cards and left them in their mail box. My mom works for the United Way.....this Christmas a family moved to town right before the holidays without a cent. We *adopted* them. One of the things I hated most about twi was the judgmental "designer cause" line that lcm spouted. The Man in the Mirror? I just want to face her and know that I have been honest in my heart. ror -
He was not: 1. Concerned about the "average believer," he could have cared less. As long as whoever the person was in line with him, he was okay, if not.....he could care less. 2. He was NOT, compassionate towards any human that could not live up to his dictates. 3. He was NOT, respectful of other human beings lives. Married, single, it didnt matter to him whose lives he destroyed. 4. He IS NOT, worthy of the tears I have cried or the nightmares I have had. ror
Okay, I'll play...... WHOSE THERE? --> ror